游 ⇒
游戏 yóuxì, [遊戲], game/CL:場|场[chǎng]/to play
游 Yóu/yóu, [遊], surname You, to swim/variant of 遊|游[yóu], to walk/to tour/to roam/to travel
游泳 yóuyǒng, swimming/to swim
游泳池 yóuyǒngchí, swimming pool/CL:場|场[chǎng]
游行 yóuxíng, [遊行], march/parade/demonstration
旅游 lǚyóu, [旅遊], trip/journey/tourism/travel/tour/to travel
游艇 yóutǐng, [遊艇], barge/yacht/CL:隻|只[zhī]
游客 yóukè, [遊客], traveler/tourist/(online gaming) guest player
游荡 yóudàng, [遊蕩], to wander/to roam about/to loaf about/to be idle
环游 huányóu, [環遊], to travel around (the world, a country etc)
游戏机 yóuxìjī, [遊戲機], video game/game machine
梦游 mèngyóu, [夢遊], to sleepwalk/to journey in a dream
导游 dǎoyóu, [導遊], tour guide/guidebook/to conduct a tour
周游 zhōuyóu, [周遊]/[週游]/[週遊], to travel around/to tour/to cross, variant of 周遊|周游, to tour/to travel around, v...
电子游戏 diànzǐyóuxì, [電子遊戲], computer and video games
游乐园 yóulèyuán, [遊樂園], theme park
游手好闲 yóushǒuhàoxián, [遊手好閑], to idle about
游侠 yóuxiá, [遊俠], knight-errant
巡游 xúnyóu, [巡遊], to cruise/to patrol
游说 yóushuì, [遊說], to lobby/to campaign/to promote (an idea, a product)/(old) to visit various rule...
游乐场 yóulèchǎng, [遊樂場], playground
漫游 mànyóu, [漫遊], to travel around/to roam/(mobile telephony) roaming
游击队 yóujīduì, [遊擊隊], guerrilla band
上游 shàngyóu, upper reaches (of a river)/upper level/upper echelon/upstream
游览 yóulǎn, [遊覽], to go sightseeing/to tour/to visit/CL:次[cì]
出游 chūyóu, [出遊], to go on a tour/to have an outing
游轮 yóulún, [遊輪], cruise ship
游击 yóujī, [游擊], guerrilla warfare
游民 yóumín, [遊民], vagrant/vagabond
游船 下游 xiàyóu, lower reaches (of a river)/lower level/lower echelon/downstream
游泳衣 yóuyǒngyī, swimsuit/bathing costume
游泳队 游玩 yóuwán, [遊玩], to amuse oneself/to have fun/to go sightseeing/to take a stroll
游乐 yóulè, [遊樂], to amuse oneself/recreation
游历 yóulì, [遊歷], to tour/to travel
游刃有余 yóurènyǒuyú, [遊刃有餘], handling a butcher's cleaver with ease (idiom); to do sth skillfully and easily
遨游 áoyóu, [遨遊], to travel/to go on a tour/to roam
郊游 jiāoyóu, [郊遊], to go for an outing/to go on an excursion
畅游 游牧 yóumù, [遊牧], nomadic/to move about in search of pasture/to rove around as a nomad
游离 yóulí, [遊離], to disassociate/to drift away/to leave (a collective)/free (component)
夜游 yèyóu, [夜遊], to go to some place at night/to take a night trip to (a place)/to sleepwalk
伴游 浮游生物 fúyóushēngwù, plankton
游街 yóujiē, [遊街], to parade sb through the streets/to march or parade in the streets
游动 yóudòng, [游動], to move about/to go from place to place/roving/mobile
旅游团 lǚyóutuán, [旅遊團], tour group
游艺 yóuyì, [遊藝], entertainment
游记 yóujì, [遊記], travel notes
旅游者 lǚyóuzhě, [旅遊者], tourist/traveler/visitor
游击战 yóujīzhàn, [遊擊戰], guerrilla warfare
游戏厅 中游 zhōngyóu, the middle stretches of a river/middle level/middle echelon/midstream
梦游症 mèngyóuzhèng, [夢遊症], somnambulism/sleepwalking
云游 yúnyóu, [雲遊], to wander (typically of an errant priest)
游逛 yóuguàng, [遊逛], to go sightseeing/to spend one's leisure time wandering around
游泳馆 yóuyǒngguǎn, [游泳館], swimming pool
交游 jiāoyóu, [交遊], to have friendly relationships/circle of friends
旅游车 旅游业 lǚyóuyè, [旅遊業], tourism industry
故地重游 gùdìchóngyóu, [故地重遊], to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane
春游 chūnyóu, [春遊], spring outing/spring excursion
回游 huíyóu, variant of 洄游[huí yóu]
游人 yóurén, [遊人], a tourist
散兵游勇 sǎnbīngyóuyǒng, [散兵遊勇], lit. straggling and disbanded soldiers (idiom); fig. disorganized uncoordinated ...
电子游戏机 旧地重游 jiùdìchóngyóu, [舊地重遊], to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane
旅游鞋 花样游泳 huāyàngyóuyǒng, [花樣游泳], synchronized swimming
游园会 游水 yóushuǐ, to swim
游移 yóuyí, to wander/to shift around/to waver/to vacillate
浮游 fúyóu, to float/to drift/to wander/variant of 蜉蝣[fú yóu]
漫游费 游园 游弋 yóuyì, [遊弋], to cruise
游鱼 远游 yuǎnyóu, [遠遊], to travel far/distant wanderings
游斯基 游泳赛 游戏卡 旅游区 旅游点 游程 游览车 打游击 dǎyóujī, [打游擊], to fight as a guerilla/(fig.) to live or eat at no fixed place
西游 游星正 休闲游 游龙 旅游线 西游记 XīyóuJì, [西遊記], Journey to the West, Ming dynasty novel by Wu Cheng'en 吳承恩|吴承恩, one of the Four ...
转游 zhuànyou, [轉遊], variant of 轉悠|转悠[zhuàn you]
游子 yóuzǐ, [遊子], person living or traveling far from home
游乐区 游思福 游莲美 旅游局 优哉游哉 yōuzāiyóuzāi, [優哉遊哉], see 悠哉悠哉[yōu zāi yōu zāi]
游艺会 yóuyìhuì, [遊藝會], folk festival/fair/carnival
游艺室 游牧民
泳 ⇒
游泳 yóuyǒng, swimming/to swim
游泳池 yóuyǒngchí, swimming pool/CL:場|场[chǎng]
泳池 yǒngchí, swimming pond
泳装 yǒngzhuāng, [泳裝], swimsuit
泳 yǒng, swimming/to swim
泳衣 yǒngyī, swimsuit/bathing suit
游泳衣 yóuyǒngyī, swimsuit/bathing costume
游泳队 自由泳 zìyóuyǒng, freestyle swimming
游泳馆 yóuyǒngguǎn, [游泳館], swimming pool
蛙泳 wāyǒng, breaststroke (swimming)
仰泳 yǎngyǒng, backstroke
蝶泳 diéyǒng, butterfly stroke (swimming)
花样游泳 huāyàngyóuyǒng, [花樣游泳], synchronized swimming
电泳 diànyǒng, [電泳], electrophoresis
潜泳 qiányǒng, [潛泳], diving/esp. skin diving
游泳赛 晨泳 泳联 泳镜 yǒngjìng, [泳鏡], swimming goggles
泳道 泳港 欧金泳 泳坛 泳帽 yǒngmào, swimming cap
金泳三 JīnYǒngsān, Kim Young-sam (1927-), South Korean politician, president 1993-1998
金泳 冬泳 混合泳 hùnhéyǒng, medley (swimming)
衣 ⇒
衣服 yīfu, clothes/CL:件[jiàn],套[tào]
衣 yī/yì, clothes/CL:件[jiàn]/Kangxi radical 145, to dress/to wear/to put on (clothes)
内衣 nèiyī, [內衣], undergarment/underwear/CL:件[jiàn]
脱衣舞 tuōyīwǔ, [脫衣舞], striptease
上衣 shàngyī, jacket/upper outer garment/CL:件[jiàn]
睡衣 shuìyī, night clothes/pajamas
毛衣 máoyī, (wool) sweater/CL:件[jiàn]
大衣 dàyī, overcoat/topcoat/cloak/CL:件[jiàn]
衬衣 chènyī, [襯衣], shirt/CL:件[jiàn]
衣柜 yīguì, [衣櫃], wardrobe/armoire/CL:個|个[gè]
衣橱 yīchú, [衣櫥], wardrobe
更衣室 gēngyīshì, change room/dressing room/locker room/toilet
外衣 wàiyī, outer clothing/semblance/appearance
紧身衣 洗衣机 xǐyījī, [洗衣機], washer/washing machine/CL:臺|台[tái]
泳衣 yǒngyī, swimsuit/bathing suit
洗衣 xǐyī, laundry
衣着 yīzhuó, [衣著], clothes
衣物 yīwù, clothing/clothing and other personal items
洗衣店 xǐyīdiàn, laundry (commercial establishment)
洗衣房 xǐyīfáng, laundry room
防弹衣 fángdànyī, [防彈衣], bulletproof vest
天衣无缝 tiānyīwúfèng, [天衣無縫], lit. seamless heavenly clothes (idiom)/fig. flawless
便衣 biànyī, civilian clothes/plain clothes/plainclothesman
球衣 穿衣 chuānyī, to wear clothes/clothing
衣帽间 yīmàojiān, [衣帽間], cloakroom
皮衣 雨衣 yǔyī, raincoat/CL:件[jiàn]
衣架 yījià, clothes hanger/clothes rack
衣领 yīlǐng, [衣領], collar/neck
救生衣 jiùshēngyī, life jacket/life vest
白衣 衣裤 连衣裙 liányīqún, [連衣裙], woman's dress/frock/gown
红衣主教 hóngyīzhǔjiào, [紅衣主教], Catholic Cardinal
游泳衣 yóuyǒngyī, swimsuit/bathing costume
浴衣 yùyī, bathrobe
黑衣 红衣 衣冠楚楚 yīguānchǔchǔ, immaculately dressed/well-groomed/dapper
更衣 gēngyī, to change clothes/to go to the toilet (euphemism)
糖衣 tángyī, frosting or icing (on cakes etc)/sugarcoating
宽衣 kuānyī, [寬衣], please take off your coat (honorific)/loose-fitting garment
衣冠 yīguān, hat and clothes/attire
衣食 yīshí, clothes and food
衣衫 yīshān, clothing/unlined garment
成衣 chéngyī, ready-made clothes
洗衣粉 xǐyīfěn, laundry detergent/washing powder
衣原 衣料 yīliào, material for clothing
衣裳 yīshang, clothes
衣装 yīzhuāng, [衣裝], garment
风衣 fēngyī, [風衣], windbreaker/wind cheater/wind jacket/CL:件[jiàn]
试衣间 shìyījiān, [試衣間], fitting room
衣袖 yīxiù, the sleeve of a garment
潜水衣 qiánshuǐyī, [潛水衣], diving suit
绿衣 衣袋 yīdài, pocket
衣食父母 yīshífùmǔ, the people one depends upon for one's livelihood/one's bread and butter
新衣 丰衣足食 fēngyīzúshí, [豐衣足食], having ample food and clothing (idiom); well fed and clothed
囚衣 qiúyī, prison uniform
运动衣 衣钵 yībō, [衣缽], the cassock and alms bowl of a Buddhist master passed on to the favorite discipl...
锦衣 衣饰 yīshì, [衣飾], clothes and ornaments
寿衣 shòuyī, [壽衣], burial clothes
法衣 fǎyī, robe of a Buddhist priest/ceremonial garment of a Daoist priest/robe of a judge,...
衣食住行 yīshízhùxíng, clothing, food, housing and transport (idiom); people's basic needs
衣帽 布衣 bùyī, plain cotton clothing/(literary) the common people
防护衣 衣锦还乡 yìjǐnhuánxiāng, [衣錦還鄉], to come back to one's hometown in silken robes (idiom); to return in glory
衣阿华 血衣 xuèyī, bloody garment
伞衣 白衣天使 báiyītiānshǐ, "angel in white" (laudatory term for a nurse)
衣兜 yīdōu, pocket
衣被 肠衣 chángyī, [腸衣], sausage casing
冬衣 dōngyī, winter clothes
衣箱 缝衣针 féngyīzhēn, [縫衣針], sewing needle
短衣 duǎnyī, short garment/short jacket
线衣 短大衣 衣扣 yīkòu, button
衣阿华州 制衣厂 丝衣 穿衣镜 嫁衣 羽绒衣 衣夹 yījiā, [衣夾], clothespin/clothes peg
军大衣 衣襟 yījīn, the front piece(s) of a Chinese jacket/lapel
节衣缩食 jiéyīsuōshí, [節衣縮食], to save on food and clothing (idiom); to live frugally
棉衣 miányī, cotton-padded clothes/CL:件[jiàn]
衣角 yījiǎo, corner of the lower hem of a jacket etc
缺衣少食 quēyīshǎoshí, short of food and clothing/destitute
锦衣卫 糖衣炮弹 tángyīpàodàn, [糖衣炮彈], sugar-coated bullets, term used by Mao (originally in 1949) to refer to corrupti...
衣不蔽体 yībùbìtǐ, [衣不蔽體], lit. clothes not covering the body (idiom)/fig. poverty-stricken
蓑衣 suōyī, woven rush raincoat
衣钩 yīgōu, [衣鉤], clothes hook
衣帽架 洗衣板 xǐyībǎn, washboard/(jocularly) flat chest
衣裙 yīqún, female clothing
绒衣 长衣 罩衣 zhàoyī, overalls/CL:件[jiàn]
包衣 bāoyī, capsule (containing medicine)/husk (of corn)
量体裁衣 liángtǐcáiyī, [量體裁衣], lit. measure the body then tailor the suit (idiom); fig. to act according to act...