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yǎnjì acting
performing skills

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        biǎoyǎn, play/show/performance/exhibition/to perform/to act/to demonstrate/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        yǎnyuán, [演員], actor or actress/performer/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        yǎn, to develop/to evolve/to practice/to perform/to play/to act
        yǎnchū, to act (in a play)/to perform/to put on (a performance)/performance/concert/show...
        bànyǎn, to play the role of/to act
        yǎnchàng, sung performance/to sing for an audience
        yǎnjiǎng, [演講], lecture/to make a speech
        yǎnzòu, to perform on a musical instrument
        yǎnchànghuì, [演唱會], vocal recital or concert
        yǎnxì, [演戲], to put on a play/to perform/fig. to pretend/to feign
        shàngyǎn, to screen (a movie)/to stage (a play)/a screening/a staging
        yǎnyì, [演繹], (of a story etc) to unfold/to play out/to develop (a technique etc)/to enact/(lo...
        yǎnshì, to demonstrate/to show/presentation/demonstration
        yǎnshuō, [演說], speech/to deliver a speech
        yǎnxí, [演習], maneuver/exercise/practice/to maneuver
        yǎnbōshì, broadcasting studio
        xúnyǎn, (theater etc) to tour/to be on tour/to give itinerant performances/abbr. for 巡迴演...
        chóngyǎn, to recur (of events, esp. adverse ones)/to repeat (a performance)
        shìyǎn, [試演], audition/dress rehearsal/preview (of a theatrical performance)/dummy run
        yǎnjì, acting/performing skills
        xúnhuíyǎnchū, [巡迴演出], (theater etc) to tour/to be on tour/to give itinerant performances
        chūyǎn, to appear (in a show etc)/an appearance (on stage etc)
        shìyǎn, [飾演], to act/to play a part
        yǎnbiàn, [演變], to develop/to evolve/development/evolution
        yǎnyì, [演藝], performing arts
        páiyǎn, to rehearse (a performance)
        yùyǎn, [預演], dummy run/to run through sth/to rehearse
        shǒuyǎn, maiden stage role/first performance/first public showing
        yǎnyìquān, [演藝圈], show business
        kāiyǎn, [開演], (of a play, movie etc) to begin
        yǎnliàn, [演練], drill/practice
        gōngyǎn, to perform (e.g. on the stage)/to lecture
        jiǎngyǎn, [講演], to lecture/to speak publicly
        biǎoyǎnsài, [表演賽], exhibition match
        yùyǎnyùliè, ever more critical/problems get more and more intense
        yìyǎn, [義演], benefit performance/charity show
        yǎnyìjiè, [演藝界], performing arts circles/show business
        yǎnhuà, to evolve/evolution
        yǎnbō, broadcast performance/televised or podcast lecture
        yǎnsuàn, to calculate/to perform calculations
        héyǎn, to act together/to put on a joint performance
        tuīyǎn, to deduce/to infer/to derive/an implication
        jiāyǎn, encore/to give an extra performance
        gùjìchóngyǎn, to repeat an old stratagem/up to one's old tricks
        yǎnjù, [演劇], to perform a play
        yǎnyì, [演義], to dramatize historical events/novel or play on historical theme
        huìyǎn, [匯演], joint performance
        SānguóYǎnyì, [三國演義], Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中|罗贯中[Luó Guàn zhōng], one of t...

        jìshù, [技術], technology/technique/skill/CL:門|门[mén],種|种[zhǒng],項|项[xiàng]
        jìqiǎo, skill/technique
        kējì, science and technology
        jìnéng, technical ability/skill
        tèjì, special effect/stunt
        yǎnjì, acting/performing skills
        jì, skill
        jìngjì, [競技], competition of skill (e.g. sports)/athletics tournament
        jìshī, [技師], technician/technical expert
        zájì, [雜技], acrobatics/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        jìngjìchǎng, [競技場], arena
        jìyì, [技藝], skill/art
        kǒujì, beat boxing/vocal mimicry/ventriloquism
        jìshùyuán, [技術員], technician/CL:個|个[gè]
        jìgōng, skilled worker
        wǔjì, dancing skill
        juéjì, [絕技], consummate skill/supreme feat/tour-de-force/stunt
        Qiánlǘjìqióng, [黔驢技窮], to exhaust one's limited abilities (idiom)
        jìshùxìng, [技術性], technical/technological
        diāochóngxiǎojì, [雕蟲小技], insignificant talent/skill of no high order/minor accomplishment
        kēxuéjìshù, [科學技術], science and technology
        jìfǎ, technique/method
        yījìzhīcháng, [一技之長], proficiency in a particular field (idiom)/skill in a specialized area (idiom)
        gāokējì, high tech/high technology
        héjìshù, [核技術], nuclear technology
        jìxiào, vocational high school/abbr. for 技工學校|技工学校[jì gōng xué xiào]/abbr. for 技術學校|技术学校...
        jìshùxuéxiào, [技術學校], vocational high school/abbr. to 技校[jì xiào]

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