碰 ⇒
碰 pèng, [掽]/[踫], variant of 碰[pèng], to touch/to meet with/to bump, old variant of 碰[pèng]
碰到 pèngdào, to come across/to run into/to meet/to hit
碰巧 pèngqiǎo, by chance/by coincidence/to happen to
碰上 pèngshàng, to run into/to come upon/to meet
碰头 pèngtóu, [碰頭], to meet/to hold a meeting
碰面 pèngmiàn, to meet/to run into (sb)/to get together (with sb)
碰见 pèngjiàn, [碰見], to run into/to meet (unexpectedly)/to bump into
碰碰 碰撞 pèngzhuàng, to collide/collision
碰壁 pèngbì, to hit a wall/(fig.) to hit a brick wall/to hit a snag/to have the door slammed ...
碰碰车 pèngpèngchē, [碰碰車], bumper car
硬碰硬 yìngpèngyìng, to meet force with force/painstaking
碰头会 碰杯 相碰 碰钉子 pèngdīngzi, [碰釘子], to meet with a rebuff
磕磕碰碰 磕碰 kēpèng, to knock against/to bump into/to have a disagreement/to clash
击 ⇒
攻击 gōngjī, [攻擊], to attack/to accuse/to charge/an attack (terrorist or military)
袭击 xíjī, [襲擊], attack (esp. surprise attack)/raid/to attack
击 jī, [擊], to hit/to strike/to break/Taiwan pr. [jí]
打击 dǎjī, [打擊], to hit/to strike/to attack/to crack down on sth/blow/(psychological) shock/percu...
射击 shèjī, [射擊], to shoot/to fire (a gun)
枪击 qiāngjī, [槍擊], to shoot with a gun/shooting incident
击中 jīzhòng, [擊中], to hit (a target etc)/to strike
目击 mùjī, [目擊], to see with one's own eyes/to witness
目击者 mùjīzhě, [目擊者], eyewitness
拳击 quánjī, [拳擊], boxing
击败 jībài, [擊敗], to defeat/to beat
反击 fǎnjī, [反擊], to strike back/to beat back/to counterattack
狙击手 jūjīshǒu, [狙擊手], sniper/marksman
击球 jīqiú, [擊球], to bat/to hit a ball (sport)
撞击 zhuàngjī, [撞擊], to strike/to hit/to ram
电击 diànjī, [電擊], electric shock
击倒 jīdǎo, [擊倒], to knock down/knocked down
突击 tūjī, [突擊], sudden and violent attack/assault/fig. rushed job/concentrated effort to finish ...
出击 chūjī, [出擊], to sally/to attack
冲击 chōngjī, [沖擊]/[衝擊], variant of 衝擊|冲击[chōng jī], to attack/to batter/(of waves) to pound against/shoc...
拳击手 quánjīshǒu, [拳擊手], boxer
还击 huánjī, [還擊], to hit back/to return fire
突击队 tūjīduì, [突擊隊], commando unit
击打 jīdǎ, [擊打], to beat/to lash
伏击 fújī, [伏擊], ambush/to ambush
狙击 jūjī, [狙擊], to snipe (shoot from hiding)
击落 jīluò, [擊落], to shoot down (a plane)
攻击性 搏击 bójī, [搏擊], to fight, esp. with hands/wrestling (as a sport)/to wrestle/to wrestle (against ...
击掌 jīzhǎng, [擊掌], to clap one's hands/to clap each other's hands/high five
击毙 jībì, [擊斃], to kill/to shoot dead
追击 zhuījī, [追擊], to pursue and attack
无懈可击 wúxièkějī, [無懈可擊], invulnerable
迫击炮 pǎijīpào, [迫擊炮], mortar (weapon)
游击队 yóujīduì, [遊擊隊], guerrilla band
抨击 pēngjī, [抨擊], to attack (verbally or in writing)
冲击波 chōngjībō, [衝擊波], shock wave/blast wave
击退 jītuì, [擊退], to beat back/to repel
回击 huíjī, [回擊], to fight back/to return fire/to counterattack
敲击 qiāojī, [敲擊], to pound/to rap
冲击力 chōngjīlì, [衝擊力], force of impact or thrust
击溃 jīkuì, [擊潰], to defeat/to smash/to rout
游击 yóujī, [游擊], guerrilla warfare
猛击 měngjī, [猛擊], to slap/to smack/to punch
阻击 zǔjī, [阻擊], to check/to stop
射击场 击破 不堪一击 bùkānyījī, [不堪一擊], to be unable to withstand a single blow/to collapse at the first blow
击沉 jīchén, [擊沉], to attack and sink (a ship)
痛击 tòngjī, [痛擊], to deliver a punishing attack/to deal a heavy blow
击毁 jīhuǐ, [擊毀], to attack and destroy
雷击 léijī, [雷擊], lightning strike/thunderbolt
击剑 jījiàn, [擊劍], fencing (sport)
炮击 pàojī, [炮擊]/[砲擊], to shell/to bombard/bombardment, to shell/to bombard/bombardment
击伤 夹击 jiājī, [夾擊], pincer attack/attack from two or more sides/converging attack/attack on a flank/...
打击乐 侧击 抗击 kàngjī, [抗擊], to resist (an aggressor)/to oppose (a menace)
击鼓 游击战 yóujīzhàn, [遊擊戰], guerrilla warfare
击穿 攻击力 gōngjīlì, [攻擊力], potential for attack/firepower
攻击机 gōngjījī, [攻擊機], ground attack aircraft
各个击破 截击 jiéjī, [截擊], to intercept (military)
轰击 hōngjī, [轟擊], bombard
迎击 yíngjī, [迎擊], to face an attack/to repulse the enemy
叩击 拍击 pāijī, [拍擊], to smack/to beat
迎头痛击 yíngtóutòngjī, [迎頭痛擊], to deliver a frontal assault/to meet head-on (idiom)
追击战 击中要害 歼击机 jiānjījī, [殲擊機], fighter plane
打游击 dǎyóujī, [打游擊], to fight as a guerilla/(fig.) to live or eat at no fixed place
单击 dānjī, [單擊], to click (using a mouse or other pointing device)
打击面 突击手 点击数 diǎnjīshù, [點擊數], number of clicks/number of hits (on a website)
伏击圈 伏击战 闪击战 shǎnjīzhàn, [閃擊戰], lightning war/Blitzkrieg