练 ⇒
训练 xùnliàn, [訓練], to train/to drill/training/CL:個|个[gè]
教练 jiàoliàn, [教練], instructor/sports coach/trainer/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
练习 liànxí, [練習], to practice/exercise/drill/practice/CL:個|个[gè]
练 liàn, [練], to practice/to train/to drill/to perfect (one's skill)/exercise
排练 páiliàn, [排練], to rehearse/rehearsal
训练有素 熟练 shúliàn, [熟練], practiced/proficient/skilled/skillful
老练 lǎoliàn, [老練], seasoned/experienced
磨练 móliàn, [磨練], to temper oneself/to steel oneself/self-discipline/endurance
演练 yǎnliàn, [演練], drill/practice
训练场 练习场 liànxíchǎng, [練習場], driving range (golf)/practice court/practice ground
陪练 péiliàn, [陪練], training partner/sparring partner
苦练 kǔliàn, [苦練], to train hard/to practice diligently/hard work/blood, sweat, and tears
操练 cāoliàn, [操練], drill/practice
主教练 训练班 训练课 练出 练拳 练武 干练 gànliàn, [幹練], capable and experienced
练就 晨练 chénliàn, [晨練], morning exercise
练功房 训练馆 教练员 jiàoliànyuán, [教練員], sports coach/training personnel
简练 jiǎnliàn, [簡練], terse/succinct
练功 liàngōng, [練功], to practice work skill
精练 jīngliàn, [精練], (textiles) to scour/to degum (silk)/variant of 精煉|精炼[jīng liàn]
教练席 练习簿 勤学苦练 qínxuékǔliàn, [勤學苦練], to study diligently/to train assiduously
拉练 练习曲 练习生 教练机 jiàoliànjī, [教練機], trainer (aircraft)
剑练 团练 tuánliàn, [團練], local militia formed to suppress peasant rebellion (old)
练兵 liànbīng, [練兵], to drill troops/army training
练笔 稳练 wěnliàn, [穩練], steady and proficient/skilled and reliable
练字 liànzì, [練字], to practice writing characters
练习本 liànxíběn, [練習本], exercise book/workbook/CL:本[běn]
兵 ⇒
士兵 shìbīng, soldier/CL:個|个[gè]
兵 bīng, soldiers/a force/an army/weapons/arms/military/warlike/CL:個|个[gè]
老兵 lǎobīng, veteran
骑兵 qíbīng, [騎兵], cavalry
大兵 当兵 dāngbīng, [當兵], to serve in the army/to be a soldier
新兵 xīnbīng, new (army) recruit
卫兵 wèibīng, [衛兵], guard/bodyguard
步兵 bùbīng, infantry/foot/infantryman/foot soldier
逃兵 táobīng, army deserter
民兵 mínbīng, people's militia/militia/militiaman
兵团 bīngtuán, [兵團], large military unit/formation/corps/army
尖兵 兵力 bīnglì, military strength/armed forces/troops
兵营 bīngyíng, [兵營], military camp/barracks
征兵 zhēngbīng, [徵兵], to levy troops/recruitment
兵役 bīngyì, military service
宪兵 xiànbīng, [憲兵], military police
水兵 shuǐbīng, enlisted sailor in navy
侦察兵 zhēnchábīng, [偵察兵], a scout/spy
兵器 bīngqì, weaponry/weapons/arms
服兵役 fúbīngyì, to serve in the army
伞兵 sǎnbīng, [傘兵], paratrooper
特种兵 tèzhǒngbīng, [特種兵], commando/special forces soldier
炮兵 pàobīng, artillery soldier/gunner
哨兵 shàobīng, sentinel
奇兵 qíbīng, troops appearing suddenly (in a raid or ambush)
援兵 yuánbīng, reinforcement
列兵 lièbīng, private (army)
护兵 救兵 按兵不动 ànbīngbùdòng, [按兵不動], to hold back one's troops without moving (idiom); to bide one's time
女兵 兵马俑 bīngmǎyǒng, [兵馬俑], figurines of warriors and horses buried with the dead/Terracotta Army (historic ...
兵变 bīngbiàn, [兵變], mutiny/(Tw) to be dumped by one's girlfriend while serving in the army
兵法 bīngfǎ, art of war/military strategy and tactics
佐兵卫 伤兵 纸上谈兵 zhǐshàngtánbīng, [紙上談兵], lit. military tactics on paper (idiom)/fig. theoretical discussion that is worse...
官兵 guānbīng, officers and men
志愿兵 zhìyuànbīng, [志願兵], volunteer soldier/CL:名[míng]
阅兵 yuèbīng, [閱兵], to review troops/military parade
小兵 追兵 工兵 gōngbīng, military engineer
七兵卫 散兵 sǎnbīng, loose and disorganized soldiers/stragglers/fig. a loner
派兵 pàibīng, to dispatch troops
出兵 chūbīng, to send troops
兵工厂 bīnggōngchǎng, [兵工廠], munitions factory
工程兵 精兵 jīngbīng, elite troops
重兵 zhòngbīng, massive military force
伏兵 fúbīng, hidden troops/ambush
宪兵队 Xiànbīngduì, [憲兵隊], the Kempeitai or Japanese Military Police 1881-1945 (Japanese counterpart of the...
带兵 dàibīng, [帶兵], to lead troops
招兵买马 zhāobīngmǎimǎ, [招兵買馬], to recruit soldiers and buy horses (idiom); to raise a large army/fig. to expand...
空降兵 kōngjiàngbīng, paratroopers
退兵 短兵相接 duǎnbīngxiāngjiē, lit. short-weaponed soldiery fight one another (idiom); fierce hand-to-hand infa...
步兵师 勤务兵 qínwùbīng, [勤務兵], army orderly
阅兵式 yuèbīngshì, [閱兵式], military parade
退伍兵 散兵游勇 sǎnbīngyóuyǒng, [散兵遊勇], lit. straggling and disbanded soldiers (idiom); fig. disorganized uncoordinated ...
标兵 biāobīng, [標兵], parade guards (usually spaced out along parade routes)/example/model/pacesetter
郎兵卫 兵马 bīngmǎ, [兵馬], troops and horses/military forces
兵丁 增兵 zēngbīng, to reinforce/to increase troop numbers/reinforcements/extra troops
撤兵 chèbīng, to withdraw troops/to retreat
残兵败将 cánbīngbàijiàng, [殘兵敗將], ruined army, defeated general (idiom); scattered remnants
兵戎相见 bīngróngxiāngjiàn, [兵戎相見], to meet on the battlefield (idiom)
招兵 zhāobīng, to recruit soldiers
吴方兵 兵员 bīngyuán, [兵員], soldiers/troops
起兵 上等兵 shàngděngbīng, private first class (army rank)
通讯兵 天兵 tiānbīng, celestial soldier/(old) imperial troops/(Tw, jocular) clumsy army recruit/(more ...
兵卫 轻骑兵 先礼后兵 xiānlǐhòubīng, [先禮後兵], peaceful measures before using force (idiom); diplomacy before violence/jaw-jaw ...
清兵 Qīngbīng, Qing troops/Manchu soldiers
兵荒马乱 bīnghuāngmǎluàn, [兵荒馬亂], soldiers munity and troops rebel (idiom); turmoil and chaos of war
兵权 bīngquán, [兵權], military leadership/military power
叛兵 通信兵 兵兵 兵士 bīngshì, ordinary soldier
骄兵必败 jiāobīngbìbài, [驕兵必敗], lit. an arrogant army is bound to lose (idiom)/fig. pride goes before a fall
原十兵 用兵 迪兵 调兵遣将 diàobīngqiǎnjiàng, [調兵遣將], to move an army and send a general (idiom); to deploy an army/to send a team on ...
雄兵 陈兵 chénbīng, [陳兵], to deploy troops/to mass troops
兵船 bīngchuán, man-of-war/naval vessel/warship
航空兵 兵家 Bīngjiā/bīngjiā, the School of the Military, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhū ...
兵源 bīngyuán, manpower resources (for military service)/sources of troops
征兵法 红卫兵 Hóngwèibīng, [紅衛兵], Red Guards (Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976)
养兵千日 兵临城下 bīnglínchéngxià, [兵臨城下], soldiers at the city walls (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture
收兵 shōubīng, to retreat/to withdraw troops/to recall troops/fig. to finish work/to wind up/to...
装甲兵 子弟兵 武田军兵 兵强马壮 bīngqiángmǎzhuàng, [兵強馬壯], lit. strong soldiers and sturdy horses (idiom)/fig. a well-trained and powerful ...
阅兵场 轻兵 鬼灵兵 屯兵 散兵线 和卫兵 搬兵 bānbīng, to call for reinforcements/to bring in troops
征兵制 精兵强将 一天兵 排头兵 páitóubīng, [排頭兵], lit. frontline troops/leader/trailblazer/pacesetter
刀兵 僧兵 残兵 练兵 liànbīng, [練兵], to drill troops/army training
兵卒 bīngzú, soldiers/troops
兵戎 bīngróng, arms/weapons
兵种 bīngzhǒng, [兵種], (military) branch of the armed forces
儿玉兵 兵库县 Bīngkùxiàn, [兵庫縣], Hyōgo prefecture in the midwest of Japan's main island Honshū 本州[Běn zhōu]
和小兵 锡兵 苏兵 用兵一时 坦克兵 官兵们