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hàoyóuliàng fuel consumption

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        hàozi, (dialect) mouse/rat
        hào, to waste/to spend/to consume/to squander/news/(coll.) to delay/to dilly-dally
        xiāohào, to use up/to consume
        hàojìn, [耗盡], to exhaust/to use up/to deplete/to drain
        hàofèi, [耗費], to waste/to spend/to consume/to squander
        èhào, news of sb's death/grievous news
        sǔnhào, [損耗], wear and tear
        hàoshí, [耗時], time-consuming/to take a period of (x amount of time)
        hàozī, [耗資], to spend/expenditure/to cost
        hàoyóuliàng, fuel consumption
        hàosǔn, [耗損], to waste
        hàocái, consumables/to consume raw materials
        yóuhào, fuel consumption
        xiāohàoliàng, rate of consumption
        xiāohàozhàn, [消耗戰], war of attrition

        jiāyóu, to add oil/to top up with gas/to refuel/to accelerate/to step on the gas/(fig.) ...
        yóu, oil/fat/grease/petroleum/to apply tung oil, paint or varnish/oily/greasy/glib/cu...
        shíyóu, oil/petroleum
        nǎiyóu, cream/butter
        qìyóu, gasoline
        huángyóu, [黃油], butter/CL:盒[hé]
        jiāyóuzhàn, gas station
        yóuqī, oil paints/lacquer/to paint/CL:層|层[céng]
        yóumén, [油門], accelerator (pedal)/gas pedal/throttle
        yóuhuà, [油畫], oil painting
        yóuxiāng, oil tank
        yóujǐng, oil well
        zhǐjiayóu, nail polish
        gānyóu, glycerine/glycerol
        rùnhuáyóu, [潤滑油], lubricating oil
        yóuzhī, grease/oil/fat
        yóutián, oil field
        jīyóu, [機油], engine oil
        jiàngyóu, [醬油], soy sauce
        yóulún, [油輪], tanker (ship)/CL:艘[sōu]
        rányóu, fuel oil
        gǎnlǎnyóu, [橄欖油], olive oil
        cháiyóu, diesel fuel
        yóubù, tarpaulin
        huǒshàngjiāoyóu, [火上澆油], to pour oil on the fire (idiom); fig. to aggravate a situation/to enrage people ...
        liànyóuchǎng, [煉油廠], oil refinery
        zhūyóu, [豬油], lard
        niúyóu, butter
        yóujià, [油價], oil (petroleum) price
        yóushuǐ, grease/profit/ill-gotten gains
        shūyóuguǎn, [輸油管], petroleum pipeline
        yóunì, [油膩], grease/greasy food/oily/rich (of food)/fatty/greasy and dirty/a slippery charact...
        bǎiyóu, asphalt/tar/pitch
        yuányóu, crude oil
        yóuzuǐ, eloquent and cunning/silver tongued
        yóumò, printing ink
        jiāoyóu, tar
        méiyóu, kerosene
        zhíwùyóu, vegetable oil
        yóubèng, oil pump
        kāiyóu, to take advantage of sb/to freeload
        sōngjiéyóu, [松節油], turpentine
        xiéyóu, shoe polish
        tiānyóujiācù, lit. to add oil and vinegar/fig. adding details while telling a story (to make i...
        yóutiáo, [油條], youtiao (deep-fried breadstick)/CL:根[gēn]/slick and sly person
        bǎiyóulù, tarred road/asphalt road
        yóuwū, greasy and dirty/oil pollution
        yóugāo, balm
        huàyóuqì, carburetor
        yóuliào, oilseed/oil/fuel
        yóuguāng, glossy/gleaming/shiny (due to greasiness)/slick/greasy/oily
        yóudēng, [油燈], oil lamp
        yóuhūhū, greasy/oily
        yóuránérshēng, arising involuntarily (idiom); spontaneous/to spring up unbidden (of emotion)
        cǎiyóu, [採油], oil extraction/oil recovery
        yóuchuán, (oil) tanker/tank ship
        dǎyóushī, [打油詩], humorous poem/limerick
        wànjīnyóu, [萬金油], Tiger Balm (medicine)/jack of all trades (and master of none)(slang)
        bòheyóu, peppermint oil
        xiāngyóu, sesame oil/perfumed oil
        xiāosuāngānyóu, nitroglycerine
        yóuhuá, oily/greasy/unctuous/slippery (character)
        huǒshàngjiāyóu, to add oil to the fire (idiom); fig. to aggravate a situation/to enrage people a...
        yóukù, [油庫], fuel depot/fuel farm
        làjiàngyóu, [辣醬油], Worcestershire sauce
        máyóu, sesame oil
        dòuyóu, soy bean oil/(dialect) soy sauce
        yóuliàng, glossy/shiny
        yóuqì, [油氣], oil and gas
        yóuyān, [油煙], soot/lampblack
        yúgānyóu, [魚肝油], cod liver oil
        zhīmayóu, sesame oil
        yóuyánjiàngcù, [油鹽醬醋], (lit.) oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar/(fig.) the trivia of everyday life
        hàoyóuliàng, fuel consumption
        yóuyìn, to mimeograph
        yóubǐng, [油餅], deep-fried doughcake/oilcake (animal fodder)
        dòngwùyóu, [動物油], animal fat
        ránliàoyóu, fuel oil
        cháiyóujī, [柴油機], diesel engine
        dàyóu, lard
        qīngliángyóu, [清涼油], soothing ointment/balm
        yóucài, oilseed rape (Brassica napus)/flowering edible rape (Brassica chinensis var. ole...
绿         lǜyóuyóu, [綠油油], lush green/verdant
        sèlāyóu, salad oil
        méijiāoyóu, coal tar
        sūyóuchá, butter tea (Tibetan, Mongolian etc drink derived from milk)
        yēyóu, palm oil
        tóngyóu, tung oil, from the Japanese wood-oil tree Aleurites cordata, used in making lacq...
        càiyóu, rapeseed oil/canola oil
        yóuhào, fuel consumption
        zōnglǘyóu, [棕櫚油], palm oil
        lāoyóushuǐ, [撈油水], (coll.) to gain profit (usu. by underhand means)
        jiéyóu, [節油], to economize on gasoline/fuel-efficient
        sūyóu, butter
        yóuwāngwāng, dripping with oil
        liànyóu, [煉油], oil refinery
        qìyóujī, [汽油機], gasoline engine
        bǎnyóu, leaf fat/leaf lard
        yóuguāngguāng, glossy/gleaming/shiny (due to greasiness)/slick/greasy/oily
        hányóu, containing oil/oil-bearing
        zhàyóu, to extract oil from vegetables/to press

        lìliang, power/force/strength
        jǐnliàng/jìnliàng, [儘量]/[盡量], as much as possible/to the greatest extent, as much as possible/to the greatest ...
        néngliàng, energy/capabilities
        dàliàng, great amount/large quantity/bulk/numerous/generous/magnanimous
        shāngliang, to consult/to talk over/to discuss
        liáng/liàng, to measure, capacity/quantity/amount/to estimate/abbr. for 量詞|量词[liàng cí], clas...
        shùliàng, [數量], amount/quantity/CL:個|个[gè]/quantitative
        zhìliàng, [質量], quality/(physics) mass/CL:個|个[gè]
        guòliàng, [過量], excess/overdose
        zhòngliàng, weight/CL:個|个[gè]
        jìliàng, [劑量], dosage/prescribed dose of medicine
        dǎnliàng, [膽量], courage/boldness/guts
        hánliàng, content/quantity contained
        cèliáng, [測量], survey/to measure/to gauge/to determine
        zhòngliàngjí, [重量級], heavyweight (boxing etc)
        rèliàng, [熱量], heat/quantity of heat/calorific value
        héngliáng, to weigh/to examine/to consider
        xiāoliàng, [銷量], sales volume
        jiàoliàng, [較量], to pit oneself against sb/to compete with sb/contest/battle/to haggle/to quibble
        liàngzǐ, quantum
        yīnliàng, sound volume
        shǎoliàng, a smidgen/a little bit/a few
        fēnliàng/fènliang, (vector) component, quantity/weight/measure
        wēiliàng, a smidgen/minute/micro-/trace (element)
        biànliàng, [變量], variable (math.)
        dǎliang, to size sb up/to look sb up and down/to take the measure of/to suppose/to reckon
        qiántúwúliàng, [前途無量], to have boundless prospects
        gōngzuòliàng, workload/volume of work
        jiǔliàng, capacity for liquor/how much one can drink
        fènliang, see 分量[fèn liang]
        yòngliàng, quantity used/usage/consumption/dose
        róngliàng, capacity/volume/quantitative (science)
        liúliàng, flow rate/rate/throughput/site traffic (Internet)
        kǎoliáng, to consider/to give serious consideration to sth/consideration
        diànliàng, [電量], quantity of electric charge or current
        chǎnliàng, [產量], output
        wēiliàngyuánsù, trace element (chemistry)
        sīliang, to reckon/to consider/to turn over in one's mind
        gūliang, to estimate/to assess
        chōngqíliàng, at most/at best
        jìliàng, [計量], measurement/to calculate
        qīngliàngjí, [輕量級], lightweight (boxing etc)
        liàngzǐlìxué, [量子力學], quantum mechanics
        wǔzhuānglìliàng, [武裝力量], armed force
        liàngxíng, to assess punishment/to determine the sentence (on a criminal)
        pīliàng, batch/lot
        diānliang, to weigh in the hand/to consider/to ponder
        dùliàng, measure/tolerance/breadth/magnanimity/(math.) metric
        liángqì, measuring vessel/measuring apparatus
        fèihuóliàng, (medicine) vital capacity
        shǐliàng, vector (spatial)
        liànghuà, to quantize/quantization/quantitative
        xiàngliàng, vector
        qìliàng, [氣量], (lit. quantity of spirit)/moral character/degree of forbearance/broad-mindedness...
        chǔliàng, [儲量], remaining quantity/reserves (of natural resources, oil etc)
        zǒngliàng, [總量], total/overall amount
        dāngliàng, [當量], equivalent/yield
        bùzìliàng, not take a proper measure of oneself/to overrate one's own abilities
        xiǎoliàng, a small quantity
        shìliàng, [適量], appropriate amount
        dìngliàng, quantity/fixed amount/ration
        shíliàng, quantity of food
        hǎiliàng, huge volume
        dòngliàng, [動量], momentum
        yǔliàng, rainfall
        cúnliàng, reserves
        shuǐliàng, volume of water/quantity of flow
        jiàngyǔliàng, precipitation/quantity of rainfall
        bùkěgūliàng, inestimable/incalculable/beyond measure
        zēngliàng, increment
        wúliàng, [無量], measureless/immeasurable
        liàngzǐlùn, [量子論], quantum theory (physics)
使         shǐyòngliàng, volume of use/usage amount
        chángliàng, a constant (physics, math.)
        yǎliàng, magnanimity/tolerance/high capacity for drinking
        zìbùliànglì, to overestimate one's capabilities (idiom)
        hàoyóuliàng, fuel consumption
        liànglìérxíng, to assess one's capabilities and act accordingly (idiom); to act within one's co...
        shēnliang, height (of a person)/stature/fig. reputation/standing
        guànliàng, [慣量], inertia (mechanics)
        zhàngliáng, to measure/measurement
        liángtǒng, graduated measuring cylinder/volumetric cylinder
        shùliàngjí, [數量級], order of magnitude
        yuánzǐliàng, atomic weight/atomic mass
        yùnshūliàng, [運輸量], volume of freight
        liángjiǎoqì, protractor/angle gauge
        gōngdéwúliàng, [功德無量], no end of virtuous achievements (idiom); boundless beneficence
        biāoliàng, [標量], scalar quantity
        páishuǐliàng, displacement
        fēnzǐliàng, molecular mass
        fādiànliàng, [發電量], (generated) electrical energy
        liàngbiàn, [量變], quantitative change
        xiāohàoliàng, rate of consumption
        hánshāliàng, sand content/quantity of sediment (carried by a river)
        yùncángliàng, [蘊藏量], reserves/amount still in store
        zàidànliàng, [載彈量], payload
        liànglì, to estimate one's strength
        liángjù, measuring device
        liángdù, to measure/measurement
        liángbēi, measuring cup/graduated measuring cylinder
        zàizhòngliàng, [載重量], dead weight/weight capacity of a vehicle
        liàngzǐchǎnglùn, [量子場論], quantum field theory
        liángchéng, range (of scales or measuring equipment)
        dùliànghéng, measurement
        cítōngliàng, magnetic flux
        liàngcí, [量詞], classifier (in Chinese grammar)/measure word
        jiàngshuǐliàng, precipitation (meteorology)/measured quantity of rain
        liángtǐcáiyī, [量體裁衣], lit. measure the body then tailor the suit (idiom); fig. to act according to act...
        bǐliang, to measure roughly (with the hand, a stick, string etc)

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