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[進價] jìnjià opening price

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        jìn, [進], to go forward/to advance/to go in/to enter/to put in/to submit/to take in/to adm...
        jìnlái, [進來], to come in
        jìnqù, [進去], to go in
        jìnxíng, [進行], to advance/to conduct/underway/in progress/to do/to carry out/to carry on/to exe...
        jìnrù, [進入], to enter/to join/to go into
        jìnzhǎn, [進展], to make headway/to make progress
        qiánjìn, [前進], to go forward/to forge ahead/to advance/onward
        jìngōng, [進攻], to attack/to assault/to go on the offensive/attack/assault/offense (sports)
        jìnbù, [進步], progress/improvement/to improve/to progress/CL:個|个[gè]
        chuǎngjìn, [闖進], to burst in
        jìnyībù, [進一步], one step further/to move forward a step/further onwards
        xiānjìn, [先進], advanced (technology)/to advance
        jìnhuà, [進化], evolution/CL:個|个[gè]
        gǎijìn, [改進], to improve/to make better/CL:個|个[gè]
        tuījìn, [推進], to impel/to carry forward/to push on/to advance/to drive forward
        jìnchū, [進出], to enter or exit/to go through
        jījìn, [激進], radical/extreme/extremist
        jìndù, [進度], pace/tempo/degree of progress (on project)/work schedule
        gēnjìn, [跟進], to follow/to follow up
        jìnchéng, [進程], process/course
        jìnchéng, [進城], to go to town/to enter a big city (to live or work)
        hùnjìn, [混進], to infiltrate/to sneak into
        jìnshí, [進食], to take a meal/to eat
        jìnkǒu, [進口], to import/imported/entrance/inlet (for the intake of air, water etc)
        xíngjìn, [行進], to advance/forward motion
        jìnjūn, [進軍], to march/to advance
        jìnchǎng, [進場], to enter the venue/to enter the arena/(aviation) to approach the airfield/(inves...
        tuījìnqì, [推進器], propeller/propulsion unit/thruster
        cùjìn, [促進], to promote (an idea or cause)/to advance/boost
        jìnfā, [進發], to set out/to start
退         jìntuìliǎngnán, [進退兩難], no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma/trapp...
        yǐnjìn, [引進], to recommend/to introduce (from outside)
        zuānjìn, [鑽進], to get into/to dig into (studies, job etc)/to squeeze into
        jìnqiú, [進球], to score a goal/goal (sport)
        jìncān, [進餐], to have a meal
        décùnjìnchǐ, [得寸進尺], lit. win an inch, want a foot (idiom); fig. not satisfied with small gains/give ...
        màijìn, [邁進], to step in/to stride forward/to forge ahead
        zǒujìn, [走進], to enter
        tǐngjìn, [挺進], progress/to advance
        mǎijìn, [買進], to purchase/to buy in (goods)
        zēngjìn, [增進], to promote/to enhance/to further/to advance (a cause etc)
        jìnhuò, [進貨], to acquire stock/to replenish stock
        jìnchūkǒu, [進出口], import and export
        jìnér, [進而], and then (what follows next)
退         jìntuì, [進退], to advance or retreat/knowing when to come and when to leave/a sense of propriet...
        jìnzhù, [進駐], to enter and garrison/(fig.) to establish a presence in
        jìnxiū, [進修], to undertake advanced studies/to take a refresher course
        jiājìn, [加進], to add/to mix in/to incorporate
        shàngjìn, [上進], to make progress/to do better/fig. ambitious to improve oneself/to move forwards
        jìnxíngqǔ, [進行曲], march (musical)
        jìnqǔ, [進取], to show initiative/to be a go-getter/to push forward with one's agenda
        jìnhuàlùn, [進化論], Darwin's theory of evolution
        zhǎngjìn, [長進], to make progress/progress
        tàjìn, [踏進], to set foot in/to tread (in or on)/to walk into
        èrjìnzhì, [二進制], binary system (math.)
        fènjìn, [奮進], to advance bravely/to endeavor
        jìnqǔxīn, [進取心], enterprising spirit/initiative
        qítóubìngjìn, [齊頭並進], to go forward together (idiom); to undertake simultaneous tasks/going hand in ha...
        diējìn, [跌進], to fall into/to dip below a certain level
        tūfēiměngjìn, [突飛猛進], to advance by leaps and bounds
        jìnzhàng, [進賬], income/receipts
        xúnxùjiànjìn, [循序漸進], in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make steady progress incrementally
        shàngjìnxīn, [上進心], motivation/ambition
        jìnkǒushāng, [進口商], importer/import business
退         jìntuìwéigǔ, [進退維谷], no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma/trapp...
        jìngòng, [進貢], to offer tribute/to pay tribute that a vassal owes to his suzerain
        jìndùbiǎo, [進度表], timeline/work schedule
        jìnshì, [進士], successful candidate in the highest imperial civil service examination/palace gr...
        jiànjìn, [漸進], progress step by step/gradual progress/to move forward (slowly)
        yuèjìn, [躍進], to leap forward/to make rapid progress/a leap forward
        màojìn, [冒進], to advance prematurely
        èrjìngōng, [二進宮], name of a famous opera/(slang) to go to jail for a second offense
        jìnyán, [進言], to put forward a suggestion (to sb in a senior position)/to offer a word of advi...
        shíjìnzhì, [十進制], decimal
        hòujìn, [後進], less advanced/underdeveloped/lagging behind/the younger generation/the less expe...
        kàngjìn, [亢進], hyperfunction (medical)
        jìnguān, [進關], inbound customs (international trade)
        bìngjìn, [並進], to advance together
        jìnfàn, [進犯], to invade
        jìnjià, [進價], opening price
        Dàyuèjìn, [大躍進], Great Leap Forward (1958-1960), Mao's attempt to modernize China's economy, whic...
        jìnxiang, [進項], income/receipts/earnings/revenue
        gāogēměngjìn, [高歌猛進], to advance singing loudly (idiom); triumphant progress
        tuījìnjì, [推進劑], propellant/rocket fuel
        lěijìn, [累進], progressive (taxation etc)
        shíliùjìnzhì, [十六進制], hexadecimal
        jìnshuǐkǒu, [進水口], water inlet

        jiàzhí, [價值], value/worth/fig. values (ethical, cultural etc)/CL:個|个[gè]
        dàijià, [代價], price/cost/consideration (in share dealing)
        píngjià, [評價], to evaluate/to assess
        jiàgé, [價格], price/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiàqian, [價錢], price
        jià/jie, [價], price/value/(chemistry) valence, great/good/middleman/servant
        chūjià, [出價], to bid
        liánjià, [廉價], cheaply-priced/low-cost
        tǎojiàhuánjià, [討價還價], to haggle over price/to bargain
        kāijià, [開價], to quote a price/seller's first offer
        jiàzhíguān, [價值觀], system of values
        huòzhēnjiàshí, [貨真價實], genuine goods at fair prices/(fig.) genuine/real/true
        bàojià, [報價], to quote a price/quoted price/quote
        jiǎnjià, [減價], to cut prices/to discount/to mark down/price cutting
        shēnjià, [身價], social status/price of a slave/price of a person (a sportsman etc)/worth/value (...
        wújià, [無價], invaluable/priceless
        tèjià, [特價], special price
        yàojià, [要價], asking price/to ask a price/to demand terms (in negotiations)
        dījià, [低價], low price
        gūjià, [估價], to value/to appraise/to be valued at/estimate/valuation
        gāojià, [高價], high price
        jiàmǎ, [價碼], price tag
        bànjià, [半價], half price
        wújiàzhībǎo, [無價之寶], priceless treasure
        biāojià, [標價], to mark the price/marked price
        jiàzhíliánchéng, [價值連城], invaluable/priceless
        jìngjià, [競價], price competition/bid (in an auction)/to compete on price/to bid against sb
        gǔjià, [股價], stock price/share price
        piàojià, [票價], ticket price/fare/admission fee
        yóujià, [油價], oil (petroleum) price
        qǐjià, [起價], initial price (e.g. for the first kilometer)/prices starting from
        zhǎngjià, [漲價], to appreciate (in value)/to increase in price
        dìngjià, [定價], to set a price/to fix a price
        jiàngjià, [降價], to cut the price/to drive down the price/to get cheaper
        jiàwèi, [價位], price level
        shìjià, [市價], market value
        tiānjià, [天價], extremely expensive/sky-high price
        fángjià, [房價], house price/cost of housing
        huánjià, [還價], to make a counteroffer when haggling/to bargain
        wùjià, [物價], (commodity) prices/CL:個|个[gè]
        tíjià, [提價], to raise the price
        jiājià, [加價], to increase price
        kǎnjià, [砍價], to bargain/to cut or beat down a price
        jiǎngjià, [講價], to bargain (over price)/to haggle
        shìchǎngjià, [市場價], market price
        wùměijiàlián, [物美價廉], good quality and cheap/a bargain
        shòujià, [售價], selling price
        màntiānyàojià, [漫天要價], to ask for sky-high prices
        diàojià, [掉價], drop in price/devalued/to have one's status lowered
        zǒngjià, [總價], total price
        zàojià, [造價], construction cost
        shājià, [殺價], to beat down the price/to haggle/to slash one's prices
        jiàliánwùměi, [價廉物美], inexpensive and of good quality (idiom)
        dàijiàérgū, [待價而沽], to sell only for a good price (idiom)/to wait for a good offer
        chājià, [差價], difference in price
        děngjià, [等價], equal/equal in value/equivalent
        pīfājià, [批發價], wholesale price
        píngjià, [平價], reasonably priced/inexpensive/to keep prices down/(currency exchange) parity
        shíjià, [時價], current price
        diànjià, [電價], price of electricity
        dānjià, [單價], unit price
        yājià, [壓價], to depress prices
        màijià, [賣價], selling price
        diējià, [跌價], to fall in price
        jìjiàqì, [計價器], fare meter/taximeter
        yìjià, [議價], to bargain/to negotiate a price
        jìnjià, [進價], opening price
        jìjià, [計價], to valuate/valuation
        shèngyújiàzhí, [剩餘價值], surplus value
        yùnjià, [運價], fare/transport cost
        mǎijià, [買價], buying price
        xuējià, [削價], to cut down the price
        yǒujiàzhèngquàn, [有價證券], securities/collateral (for loan)
        gòngjiàjiàn, [共價鍵], covalent bond (chemistry)
        páijià, [牌價], list price
        zūjià, [租價], rent price
        huàhéjià, [化合價], valence (chemistry)
        chéngjiāojià, [成交價], sale price/negotiated price/price reached in an auction
        jiàkuǎn, [價款], cost
        jiàmù, [價目], (marked) price/tariff (in a restaurant etc)
        bàojiàdān, [報價單], quotation/price list/written estimate of price

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