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[陳冠希] ChénGuānxī Edison Chen (1980-), Hong Kong singer and actor

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        Chén/chén, [陳], surname Chen/Chen (c. 1045 - 479 BC), a Zhou dynasty state/Chen (557-589), one o...
        chénshù, [陳述], an assertion/to declare/to state
        chénnián, [陳年], old/stored for many years
        chéncílàndiào, [陳詞濫調], cliché/commonplace/truism/stereotype
        chénjiù, [陳舊], old-fashioned
        xīnchéndàixiè, [新陳代謝], metabolism (biology)/the new replaces the old (idiom)
        chénliè, [陳列], to display/to exhibit
        chénlièshì, [陳列室], display room
        chénguī, [陳規], outmoded conventions/old-fashioned ways
        chénfǔ, [陳腐], trite/clichéd/empty and trite/banality/platitude
        chénpí, [陳皮], orange peel/tangerine peel/dried orange peel used in Chinese medicine
        chénsù, [陳訴], to state/to assert
        chénshùjù, [陳述句], declarative sentence
        àndùChéncāng, [暗渡陳倉], lit. secretly crossing the Wei River 渭河[Wèi Hé] at Chencang (idiom, refers to a ...
        tuīchénchūxīn, [推陳出新], to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); to innovate
        chénjiǔ, [陳酒], old wine
        chénhuò, [陳貨], shop-worn goods/remnants
        chénshè, [陳設], to display/to set out/furnishings
        chénguīlòuxí, [陳規陋習], outmoded conventions/old-fashioned ways
        tǎnchén, [坦陳], to reveal/to confess
        chénbīng, [陳兵], to deploy troops/to mass troops
        ChénGuānxī, [陳冠希], Edison Chen (1980-), Hong Kong singer and actor
        pūchén, [鋪陳], to arrange/to spread out/to narrate in detail/to describe at great length/to ela...
        ChénChōng, [陳沖], Joan Chen (1961-), Chinese born American actress
        ChénRénxī, [陳仁錫], Chen Renxi (1581-1636), late Ming scholar and prolific author
        chénjì, [陳跡], past events/relics from a former age/ruins
        ChénShuǐbiǎn, [陳水扁], Chen Shui-Bian (1950-), Taiwanese DPP 民進黨|民进党 politician, president of the Repub...

        guànjūn, [冠軍], champion/CL:個|个[gè]
        huángguān, crown (headgear)
        Guàn/guān/guàn, surname Guan, hat/crown/crest/cap, to put on a hat/to be first/to dub
        wángguān, crown
        duóguàn, [奪冠], to seize the crown/fig. to win a championship/to win gold medal
        guìguān, laurel/victory garland (in Greek and Western culture)
        guànjūnsài, [冠軍賽], championship
        yīguānchǔchǔ, immaculately dressed/well-groomed/dapper
        guānzhuàngdòngmài, [冠狀動脈], coronary artery
        yīguān, hat and clothes/attire
        guānmiǎntánghuáng, high-sounding/dignified/pompous (idiom)
        guānxīnbìng, coronary heart disease
        guānmiǎn, royal crown/official hat/official/leader/chief/elegant and stately
        huāguān, corolla
        nùfàchōngguān, [怒髮衝冠], lit. hair stands up in anger and tips off one's hat (idiom)/fig. seething in ang...
        shùguān, [樹冠], treetop
齿         chǐguān, [齒冠], crown of tooth
        Jīguān/jīguān, [雞冠], Jiguan district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Jī xī], Heilongjiang, crest/cockscomb
        ChénGuānxī, [陳冠希], Edison Chen (1980-), Hong Kong singer and actor
        bùdìngguàncí, [不定冠詞], indefinite article (e.g. English a, an)
        yáguān, crown of a tooth/(dental) crown
        tánguānxiāngqìng, [彈冠相慶], lit. to flick dust off sb's cap (idiom); to celebrate an official appointment/to...

        xīwàng, to wish for/to desire/hope/CL:個|个[gè]
        Xīlà, [希臘], Greece
        Xītèlè, Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
        xī, to hope/to admire/variant of 稀[xī]
        Xīěr, [希爾], Hill (name)/Christopher Hill, US undersecretary of state of East Asian affairs
        Xīlālǐ, Hillary (name)/Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-), US Democratic politician
        Xībólái, [希伯來], Hebrew
        Nánxī, Nancy
        Qiáoxī, [喬希], Josh or Joshi (name)
        Bōxīmǐyà, [波希米亞], Bohemia, historical country of central Europe
        Xīěrdùn, [希爾頓], Hilton (hotel chain)
        xīqí, rare/strange
        Xīsīluō, [希思羅], Heathrow (a London airport)
        Xīlǜwáng, Herod the Great (73 BC - 4 BC), Roman-appointed king of Judea (37-4 BC)
·         Pàlìsī·Xīěrdùn, [帕麗斯·希爾頓], Paris Hilton
        Lùdéwéixī, [路德維希], Ludwig (name)
        xīhan, variant of 稀罕[xī han]
        Xībólái, [希伯萊], Hebrew
        Xīěrbótè, [希爾伯特], David Hilbert (1862-1943), German mathematician
·         Xīlālǐ·Kèlíndùn, [希拉里·克林頓], Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-), US Democratic politician
        Tǎxītí, Tahiti, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia
        Fúlǐdélǐxī, Friedrich (name)
        Xīsī, Heath (name)
        Bùxī, Taiwan equivalent of 布什[Bù shí]
        Pǔxījīn, Alexandr Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837), great Russian romantic poet
        hāxī, hash (computing)/see also 散列[sǎn liè]
        Sīwǎxīlǐ, Swahili
        Xībōkèlādǐ, Hippocrates (c. 460 BC - c. 370 BC), Greek physician, father of Western medicine
        Xīlākè, [希拉剋], Jacques René Chirac (1932-), president of France 1995-2007
        Xībóláiwén, [希伯萊文], Hebrew language
        Xīsīlún, [希斯崙], Hezron (son of Perez)
        ChénGuānxī, [陳冠希], Edison Chen (1980-), Hong Kong singer and actor

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