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[關係] guānxi relation
to concern
to affect
to have to do with
[關系] guānxi variant of 關係
>关系[guān xi]

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        guānxi, [關係]/[關系], relation/relationship/to concern/to affect/to have to do with/guanxi/CL:個|个[gè],...
        guānyú, [關於], pertaining to/concerning/with regard to/about/a matter of
        Guān/guān, [關], surname Guan, mountain pass/to close/to shut/to turn off/to concern/to involve
        méiguānxi, [沒關係], it doesn't matter
        yǒuguān, [有關], to have sth to do with/to relate to/related to/to concern/concerning
        guānxīn, [關心], to be concerned about/to care about
        guānjiàn, [關鍵], crucial point/crux/CL:個|个[gè]/key/crucial/pivotal
        wúguān, [無關], unrelated/having nothing to do (with sth else)
        guānzhù, [關注], to pay attention to/to follow sth closely/to follow (on social media)/concern/in...
        guāndiào, [關掉], to switch off/to shut off
        guānbì, [關閉], to close/to shut
        guānmén, [關門], to close a door/to lock a door/(of a shop etc) to close (for the night, or perma...
        xiāngguān, [相關], related/relevant/pertinent/to be interrelated/(statistics) correlation
        guānshàng, [關上], to close (a door)/to turn off (light, electrical equipment etc)
        guānlián, [關聯], related/linked/affiliated
        wúguānjǐnyào, [無關緊要], indifferent/insignificant
        guānzhào, [關照], to take care/to keep an eye on/to look after/to tell/to remind
        xìngguānxi, [性關係], sexual relations/sexual contact/intercourse
        nánguān, [難關], difficulty/crisis
        jīguān, [機關], mechanism/gear/machine-operated/office/agency/organ/organization/establishment/i...
        guānyā, [關押], to imprison/to lock up (in jail)
        zhìguānzhòngyào, [至關重要], extremely important/vital/crucial/essential
        gōngguān, [公關], public relations
        kāiguān, [開關], power switch/gas valve/to open the city (or frontier) gate/to open and close/to ...
        guānjié, [關節], joint (physiology)/key point/critical phase
        guānjī, [關機], to turn off (a machine or device)/to finish shooting a film
        hǎiguān, [海關], customs (i.e. border crossing inspection)/CL:個|个[gè]
        guānhū, [關乎], to relate to/concerning/about
        guāntóu, [關頭], juncture/moment
        guānài, [關愛], to show concern and care for
        shuāngguān, [雙關], pun/play on words
怀         guānhuái, [關懷], care/solicitude/to show care for/concerned about/attentive to
        guānjìnbì, [關禁閉], to put in detention (a soldier, a pupil)
        guānjiéyán, [關節炎], arthritis
        rénjìguānxì, [人際關系], interpersonal relationship
        guòguān, [過關], to cross a barrier/to get through (an ordeal)/to pass (a test)/to reach (a stand...
        jīguānqiāng, [機關槍], also written 機槍|机枪/machine gun
        shuāngguānyǔ, [雙關語], pun/play on words/a phrase with a double meaning
        mòbùguānxīn, [漠不關心], not the least bit concerned/completely indifferent
        guānjiàncí, [關鍵詞], keyword
        shēngsǐyōuguān, [生死攸關], matter of life and death
        shìguān, [事關], to concern/on (some topic)/about/concerning/to have importance for
        jǐnyàoguāntóu, [緊要關頭], urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture
        guānméndàjí, [關門大吉], to close down a business for good and put the best face on it (idiom)
        guǐménguān, [鬼門關], the gates of hell
        guānkǒu, [關口], pass/gateway/(fig.) juncture
        GuānDǎo, [關島], Guam
        tōngguān, [通關], to clear customs/(gaming) to finish (a game, a level, a stage, etc)
        ménghùnguòguān, [矇混過關], to get away with it/to slip through/to bluff one's way out/Taiwan pr. [mēng hùn ...
        xīxīxiāngguān, [息息相關], closely bound up (idiom); intimately related
        guānqiǎ, [關卡], checkpoint (for taxation, security etc)/barrier/hurdle/red tape/CL:個|个[gè],道[dào...
        yǎojǐnyáguān, [咬緊牙關], lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pa...
        wúguāntòngyǎng, [無關痛癢], not to affect sb/irrelevant/of no importance/insignificant
        Guāndōng, [關東], Northeast China/Manchuria/lit. east of Shanhai Pass 山海關|山海关[Shān hǎi guān]/Kantō...
        rénmìngguāntiān, [人命關天], human life is beyond value (idiom)
        guānzi, [關子], climax (in a story)
        àimèiguānxì, [曖昧關係], shady relationship/affair/adulterous relationship
        guānqiè, [關切], to be deeply concerned/to be troubled (by)
        shèhuìguānxì, [社會關係], social relation
        GuāntǎnàmóWān, [關塔那摩灣], Guantanamo Bay (in Cuba)
        bìguān, [閉關], to close the passes/to seal off the country/seclusion (monastic practice, e.g. o...
        guānshuì, [關稅], customs duty/tariff
        shìbùguānjǐ, [事不關己], a matter of no concern to oneself (idiom)
        kuānguānjié, [髖關節], pelvis/hip joint
        YángguānDào, [陽關道], same as 陽關大道|阳关大道[Yáng guān Dà dào]
        guòguānzhǎnjiàng, [過關斬將], to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom)/abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五...
        bǎguān, [把關], to guard a pass/to check on sth
        guānlián, [關連], variant of 關聯|关联[guān lián]
        xiāngguānxìng, [相關性], correlation
        GuānYǐngshān, [關穎珊], Michelle Kwan (1980-), former American figure skater, Olympic medalist
        yáguān, [牙關], jaw/mandibular joint
        guānjiànzì, [關鍵字], keyword
        qúndàiguānxi, [裙帶關係], favoritism shown to sb because of the influence of the person's wife or other fe...
西         Guānxī, [關西], Kansai region, Japan/Guanxi or Kuanhsi town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xīn zhú Xi...
        Yángguān, [陽關], Yangguan or Southern Pass on the south Silk Road in Gansu, 70 km south of Dunhua...
        jìnguān, [進關], inbound customs (international trade)
        Xiàguān, [下關], Xiaguan district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏
        biānguān, [邊關], border station/strategic defensive position on frontier
怀         guānhuáibèizhì, [關懷備至], the utmost care (idiom); to look after sb in every possible way
        guāntíng, [關停], (of a power plant, refinery etc) to shut down
        Guāngōng, [關公], Lord Guan (i.e. 關羽|关羽[Guān Yǔ])
        bàoguān, [報關], to declare at customs
        xiūqīxiāngguān, [休戚相關], to share the same interests (idiom)/to be closely related/to be in the same boat
        guòwǔguānzhǎnliùjiàng, [過五關斬六將], lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom)/fig. to surmount all dif...
        dàguān, [大關], strategic pass/barrier or mark (i.e. a level considered impressive, usually a ro...
        guānài, [關隘], mountain pass
        bìguānzìshǒu, [閉關自守], close the country to international intercourse
        gōngguān, [攻關], to storm a strategic pass/fig. to tackle a key problem
        niánguān, [年關], end of the year
        bìguānsuǒguó, [閉關鎖國], to close the passes and seal off the country/to close a country to exclude forei...
        Mǎguān, [馬關], Maguan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自...
        hǎiguānzǒngshǔ, [海關總署], General Administration of Customs (GAC)

        guānxi, [關係]/[關系], relation/relationship/to concern/to affect/to have to do with/guanxi/CL:個|个[gè],...
        liánxì, [聯係]/[聯繫], variant of 聯繫|联系[lián xì], connection/contact/relation/to get in touch with/to i...
        méiguānxi, [沒關係], it doesn't matter
        xìtǒng, [系統], system/CL:個|个[gè]
        xì/jì, [係]/[繫], to connect/to relate to/to tie up/to bind/to be (literary), system/department/fa...
        xìliè, series/set
        xīngxì, see 恆星系|恒星系[héng xīng xì]
        xìngguānxi, [性關係], sexual relations/sexual contact/intercourse
        tǐxì, [體系], system/setup/CL:個|个[gè]
        tàiyángxì, [太陽系], solar system
        Yínhéxì, [銀河系], Milky Way Galaxy/the galaxy (our galaxy)
        gānxì, [干係], responsibility
        rénjìguānxì, [人際關系], interpersonal relationship
        wéixì, [維繫], to maintain/to keep up/to hold together
        liánxìrén, [聯繫人], contact (person)
        xìzhǔrèn, chairman of department/dean/CL:位[wèi],個|个[gè]
        shénjīngxìtǒng, [神經系統], nervous system
        xìshù, [係數], coefficient/factor/modulus/ratio
        zhíxìqīnshǔ, [直系親屬], next of kin/immediate dependant
        cāozuòxìtǒng, [操作系統], operating system
        xúnhuánxìtǒng, [循環系統], circulatory system
        xiāohuàxìtǒng, [消化系統], digestive system/gastrointestinal tract
        àimèiguānxì, [曖昧關係], shady relationship/affair/adulterous relationship
        shèhuìguānxì, [社會關係], social relation
        xìtǒngxìng, [系統性], systematic
        zhíxì, directly related
        pàixì, sect/faction
        hūxīxìtǒng, [呼吸系統], respiratory system
        díxì, direct line of descent/under one's personal command/school or faction passing on...
        huàxuéxì, [化學系], department of chemistry
        zǐxìtǒng, [子系統], subsystem
        yǔxì, [語系], language family
        qúndàiguānxi, [裙帶關係], favoritism shown to sb because of the influence of the person's wife or other fe...
        xìlièpiàn, film series
        shuǐxì, drainage system
        yīxìliè, a series of/a string of
        mǔxì, maternal/matriarchal
        fùxì, paternal line/patrilineal
        shìxì, lineage/genealogy/family tree
        cānzhàoxì, [參照系], frame of reference/coordinate frame (math.)
        gēnxì, root system
        pǔxì, [譜係]/[譜系], variant of 譜系|谱系[pǔ xì], pedigree
        cānkǎoxì, [參考系], frame of reference
        zhīxì, branch or subdivision of a family
        pǐnxì, [品繫], strain (of a species)
        zuòbiāoxì, [座標系], coordinate system (geometry)

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