关 ⇒
关系 guānxi, [關係]/[關系], relation/relationship/to concern/to affect/to have to do with/guanxi/CL:個|个[gè],...
关于 guānyú, [關於], pertaining to/concerning/with regard to/about/a matter of
关 Guān/guān, [關], surname Guan, mountain pass/to close/to shut/to turn off/to concern/to involve
没关系 méiguānxi, [沒關係], it doesn't matter
有关 yǒuguān, [有關], to have sth to do with/to relate to/related to/to concern/concerning
关心 guānxīn, [關心], to be concerned about/to care about
关键 guānjiàn, [關鍵], crucial point/crux/CL:個|个[gè]/key/crucial/pivotal
无关 wúguān, [無關], unrelated/having nothing to do (with sth else)
关注 guānzhù, [關注], to pay attention to/to follow sth closely/to follow (on social media)/concern/in...
关掉 guāndiào, [關掉], to switch off/to shut off
关闭 guānbì, [關閉], to close/to shut
关门 guānmén, [關門], to close a door/to lock a door/(of a shop etc) to close (for the night, or perma...
相关 xiāngguān, [相關], related/relevant/pertinent/to be interrelated/(statistics) correlation
关上 guānshàng, [關上], to close (a door)/to turn off (light, electrical equipment etc)
关联 guānlián, [關聯], related/linked/affiliated
无关紧要 wúguānjǐnyào, [無關緊要], indifferent/insignificant
关照 guānzhào, [關照], to take care/to keep an eye on/to look after/to tell/to remind
性关系 xìngguānxi, [性關係], sexual relations/sexual contact/intercourse
难关 nánguān, [難關], difficulty/crisis
机关 jīguān, [機關], mechanism/gear/machine-operated/office/agency/organ/organization/establishment/i...
关押 guānyā, [關押], to imprison/to lock up (in jail)
至关重要 zhìguānzhòngyào, [至關重要], extremely important/vital/crucial/essential
公关 gōngguān, [公關], public relations
开关 kāiguān, [開關], power switch/gas valve/to open the city (or frontier) gate/to open and close/to ...
关节 guānjié, [關節], joint (physiology)/key point/critical phase
关机 guānjī, [關機], to turn off (a machine or device)/to finish shooting a film
海关 hǎiguān, [海關], customs (i.e. border crossing inspection)/CL:個|个[gè]
关乎 guānhū, [關乎], to relate to/concerning/about
关灯 关头 guāntóu, [關頭], juncture/moment
关爱 guānài, [關愛], to show concern and care for
双关 shuāngguān, [雙關], pun/play on words
关怀 guānhuái, [關懷], care/solicitude/to show care for/concerned about/attentive to
关禁闭 guānjìnbì, [關禁閉], to put in detention (a soldier, a pupil)
关节炎 guānjiéyán, [關節炎], arthritis
人际关系 rénjìguānxì, [人際關系], interpersonal relationship
过关 guòguān, [過關], to cross a barrier/to get through (an ordeal)/to pass (a test)/to reach (a stand...
机关枪 jīguānqiāng, [機關槍], also written 機槍|机枪/machine gun
双关语 shuāngguānyǔ, [雙關語], pun/play on words/a phrase with a double meaning
漠不关心 mòbùguānxīn, [漠不關心], not the least bit concerned/completely indifferent
关键词 guānjiàncí, [關鍵詞], keyword
生死攸关 shēngsǐyōuguān, [生死攸關], matter of life and death
事关 shìguān, [事關], to concern/on (some topic)/about/concerning/to have importance for
紧要关头 jǐnyàoguāntóu, [緊要關頭], urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture
关门大吉 guānméndàjí, [關門大吉], to close down a business for good and put the best face on it (idiom)
鬼门关 guǐménguān, [鬼門關], the gates of hell
关口 guānkǒu, [關口], pass/gateway/(fig.) juncture
关岛 GuānDǎo, [關島], Guam
通关 tōngguān, [通關], to clear customs/(gaming) to finish (a game, a level, a stage, etc)
蒙混过关 ménghùnguòguān, [矇混過關], to get away with it/to slip through/to bluff one's way out/Taiwan pr. [mēng hùn ...
息息相关 xīxīxiāngguān, [息息相關], closely bound up (idiom); intimately related
关系网 关卡 guānqiǎ, [關卡], checkpoint (for taxation, security etc)/barrier/hurdle/red tape/CL:個|个[gè],道[dào...
咬紧牙关 yǎojǐnyáguān, [咬緊牙關], lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pa...
无关痛痒 wúguāntòngyǎng, [無關痛癢], not to affect sb/irrelevant/of no importance/insignificant
关东 Guāndōng, [關東], Northeast China/Manchuria/lit. east of Shanhai Pass 山海關|山海关[Shān hǎi guān]/Kantō...
人命关天 rénmìngguāntiān, [人命關天], human life is beyond value (idiom)
关子 guānzi, [關子], climax (in a story)
暧昧关系 àimèiguānxì, [曖昧關係], shady relationship/affair/adulterous relationship
关切 guānqiè, [關切], to be deeply concerned/to be troubled (by)
社会关系 shèhuìguānxì, [社會關係], social relation
关塔那摩湾 GuāntǎnàmóWān, [關塔那摩灣], Guantanamo Bay (in Cuba)
关张 关键性 闭关 bìguān, [閉關], to close the passes/to seal off the country/seclusion (monastic practice, e.g. o...
关税 guānshuì, [關稅], customs duty/tariff
事不关己 shìbùguānjǐ, [事不關己], a matter of no concern to oneself (idiom)
髋关节 kuānguānjié, [髖關節], pelvis/hip joint
阳关道 YángguānDào, [陽關道], same as 陽關大道|阳关大道[Yáng guān Dà dào]
过关斩将 guòguānzhǎnjiàng, [過關斬將], to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom)/abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五...
把关 bǎguān, [把關], to guard a pass/to check on sth
关连 guānlián, [關連], variant of 關聯|关联[guān lián]
相关性 xiāngguānxìng, [相關性], correlation
关颖珊 GuānYǐngshān, [關穎珊], Michelle Kwan (1980-), former American figure skater, Olympic medalist
牙关 yáguān, [牙關], jaw/mandibular joint
关键字 guānjiànzì, [關鍵字], keyword
裙带关系 qúndàiguānxi, [裙帶關係], favoritism shown to sb because of the influence of the person's wife or other fe...
关西 Guānxī, [關西], Kansai region, Japan/Guanxi or Kuanhsi town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xīn zhú Xi...
关硕勇 阳关 Yángguān, [陽關], Yangguan or Southern Pass on the south Silk Road in Gansu, 70 km south of Dunhua...
进关 jìnguān, [進關], inbound customs (international trade)
下关 Xiàguān, [下關], Xiaguan district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏
边关 biānguān, [邊關], border station/strategic defensive position on frontier
膝关节 肘关节 至关紧要 关进 关怀备至 guānhuáibèizhì, [關懷備至], the utmost care (idiom); to look after sb in every possible way
国家机关 玄关前 关进来 关小点 关停 guāntíng, [關停], (of a power plant, refinery etc) to shut down
关公 Guāngōng, [關公], Lord Guan (i.e. 關羽|关羽[Guān Yǔ])
出关 关原 报关 bàoguān, [報關], to declare at customs
关起来 关才行 休戚相关 xiūqīxiāngguān, [休戚相關], to share the same interests (idiom)/to be closely related/to be in the same boat
过五关斩六将 guòwǔguānzhǎnliùjiàng, [過五關斬六將], lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom)/fig. to surmount all dif...
组织关系 大关 dàguān, [大關], strategic pass/barrier or mark (i.e. a level considered impressive, usually a ro...
关隘 guānài, [關隘], mountain pass
关凯 无关宏旨 关奇普 头关 闭关自守 bìguānzìshǒu, [閉關自守], close the country to international intercourse
关键球 关进藩 关临 关系史 攻关 gōngguān, [攻關], to storm a strategic pass/fig. to tackle a key problem
关系户 年关 niánguān, [年關], end of the year
乔关进 转换开关 闭关锁国 bìguānsuǒguó, [閉關鎖國], to close the passes and seal off the country/to close a country to exclude forei...
彭妮关在 搞关系 东关 何关 关心材 关心我 关德琳 关伯兰 关小杰 马关 Mǎguān, [馬關], Maguan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自...
海关总署 hǎiguānzǒngshǔ, [海關總署], General Administration of Customs (GAC)
关暴民 关居来
字 ⇒
名字 míngzi, name (of a person or thing)/CL:個|个[gè]
字 zì, letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[gè]/courtesy or style name traditionally giv...
数字 shùzì, [數字], numeral/digit/number/figure/amount/digital (electronics etc)/CL:個|个[gè]
字母 zìmǔ, letter (of the alphabet)/CL:個|个[gè]
签字 qiānzì, [簽字], to sign (one's name)/signature
十字架 shízìjià, cross/crucifix/yoke one has to endure
文字 wénzì, character/script/writing/written language/writing style/phraseology/CL:個|个[gè]
字条 zìtiáo, [字條], brief note
十字 shízì, cross road/cross-shaped/crucifix/the character ten
字典 zìdiǎn, Chinese character dictionary (containing entries for single characters, contrast...
写字 xiězì, [寫字], to write characters
金字塔 jīnzìtǎ, pyramid (building or structure)
字眼 zìyǎn, wording
字面 zìmiàn, literal/typeface
识字 shízì, [識字], to learn to read
十字路口 shízìlùkǒu, crossroads/intersection
字幕 zìmù, caption/subtitle
打字 dǎzì, to type
字谜 zìmí, [字謎], letter puzzle
字体 zìtǐ, [字體], calligraphic style/typeface/font
字迹 zìjì, [字跡], handwriting
打字机 dǎzìjī, [打字機], typewriter
十字军 shízìjūn, [十字軍], crusaders/army of crusaders/the Crusades
字母表 zìmǔbiǎo, alphabet
白纸黑字 báizhǐhēizì, [白紙黑字], (written) in black and white
红十字会 赤字 chìzì, (financial) deficit/red letter
认字 rènzì, [認字], literate/knowing how to read
象形文字 xiàngxíngwénzì, pictogram/hieroglyph
字样 zìyàng, [字樣], model or template character/written slogan or phrase/mention (e.g. "air mail" 航空...
只字 只字不提 zhīzìbùtí, [隻字不提], not to mention (idiom); to say not one word/fig. to omit mention (of a non-perso...
数字化 shùzìhuà, [數字化], to digitalize/digital
字形 zìxíng, form of a Chinese character/variant of 字型[zì xíng]
刻字 打字员 dǎzìyuán, [打字員], typist
字符 zìfú, character (computing)
字字 红十字 Hóngshízì, [紅十字], Red Cross
八字 bāzì, the character 8 or 八/birthdate characters used in fortune-telling
大写字母 dàxiězìmǔ, [大寫字母], capital letters/uppercase letters
汉字 hànzì, [漢字], Chinese character/CL:個|个[gè]/Japanese: kanji/Korean: hanja/Vietnamese: hán tự
字儿 字型 zìxíng, font/typeface
写字台 xiězìtái, [寫字檯], writing desk
字句 zìjù, words/expressions/writing
天文数字 字据 zìjù, [字據], written pledge/contract/IOU
大字 错字 cuòzì, [錯字], incorrect character/typo (in Chinese text)
字里行间 zìlǐhángjiān, [字裡行間], between the words and the lines (idiom); implied meaning/connotations
脏字 zāngzì, [髒字], obscenity
写字楼 xiězìlóu, [寫字樓], office building
关键字 guānjiànzì, [關鍵字], keyword
字头 zìtóu, [字頭], first letter of a word or serial number/first character of a Chinese word/first ...
字数 zìshù, [字數], number of written characters/number of words/word count
吐字 tǔzì, diction/enunciation/to pronounce the words correctly (in opera)
逐字逐句 zhúzìzhújù, literal/word by word and phrase by phrase
错别字 cuòbiézì, [錯別字], incorrectly written or mispronounced characters
小字 大字报 dàzìbào, [大字報], big-character poster
字节 zìjié, [字節], byte
老字号 lǎozìhào, [老字號], shop, firm, or brand of merchandise with a long-established reputation
单字 dānzì, [單字], single Chinese character/word (in a foreign language)
题字 tízì, [題字], inscription/autograph
铅字 qiānzì, [鉛字], type/movable letters (printing)
签字笔 qiānzìbǐ, [簽字筆], felt-tip pen/roller ball pen/gel ink pen
字斟句酌 zìzhēnjùzhuó, weighing every word
排字 待字闺中 字画 zìhuà, [字畫], the strokes of a character/calligraphy and painting
连字号 liánzìhào, [連字號], hyphen (punct.)
抠字眼 kōuzìyǎn, [摳字眼], to be fastidious about phrasing, diction, or choice of words
拉丁字母 Lādīngzìmǔ, Latin alphabet
象形字 xiàngxíngzì, pictogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/Chinese c...
挑字眼 字符串 zìfúchuàn, string (computer science)
打字纸 草字头 别字 biézì, [別字], mispronounced or wrongly written character
字字句句 罗马字 luómǎzì, [羅馬字], the Latin alphabet
本字 běnzì, original form of a Chinese character
米字旗 Mǐzìqí, Union Jack (flag of the United Kingdom)
金字招牌 用字 yòngzì, to use letters/to use words/diction
字书 zìshū, [字書], character book (i.e. school primer)
缺字 识字班 字正腔圆 zìzhèngqiāngyuán, [字正腔圓], (of singing or speaking) very articulate pronunciation and vocalizing
字号 zìhào/zìhao, [字號], characters and numbers (as used in a code)/alphanumeric code/serial number, char...
数字串 字库 数字式 字义 zìyì, [字義], meaning of a character
草字 字纸 字汇 Zìhuì/zìhuì, [字彙], Zihui, Chinese character dictionary with 33,179 entries, released in 17th centur...
字贴 十字线 同音字 tóngyīnzì, homophonic characters
斜体字 xiétǐzì, [斜體字], italic letter/slanting typeface
丁字镐 dīngzìgǎo, [丁字鎬], hammer pick
丁字尺 dīngzìchǐ, T-square/set square (carpenter's tool)
丁字梁 dīngzìliáng, T-girder
签字权 练字 liànzì, [練字], to practice writing characters