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[劫獄] jiéyù to break into jail
to forcibly release prisoners

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        qiǎngjié, [搶劫], to rob/looting
        jié, [刦]/[刧]/[刼], variant of 劫[jié], variant of 劫[jié], variant of 劫[jié], to rob/to plunder/to se...
        jiéchí, to kidnap/to hijack/to abduct/to hold under duress
        jiéfěi, bandit/robber
        dǎjié, to loot/to rob/to plunder/to ransack
        xǐjié, to loot/to rob/to ransack/to pillage
        jiéjī, [劫機], hijacking/air piracy
        hàojié, calamity/catastrophe/apocalypse
        xǐjiéyīkōng, to steal everything
        jiélüè, to loot/to plunder
        wànjiébùfù, [萬劫不復], consigned to eternal damnation/with no hope of reprieve
        jiénàn, [劫難], calamity
        chènhuǒdǎjié, to loot a burning house/to profit from sb's misfortune (idiom)
        jiéfùjìpín, [劫富濟貧], to rob the rich to help the poor
        jiéyù, [劫獄], to break into jail/to forcibly release prisoners
        jiéshù, [劫數], predestined fate (Buddhism)
        lánjié, [攔劫], to mug/to intercept and rob

        jiānyù, [監獄], prison
        dìyù, [地獄], hell/infernal/underworld
        yù, [獄], prison
        chūyù, [出獄], to be released from prison
        yuèyù, [越獄], to break out of prison/to jailbreak (an iOS device etc)
        rùyù, [入獄], to go to jail/to be sent to prison
        láoyù, [牢獄], prison
        liànyù, [煉獄], purgatory
        rénjiāndìyù, [人間地獄], hell on earth (idiom); suffering the torments of Buddhist hell while still alive...
        yùzú, [獄卒], jailer (old)
        lángdāngrùyù, [鋃鐺入獄], lit. to get shackled and thrown in jail (idiom)/fig. to be put behind bars/to ge...
        yuèyùfàn, [越獄犯], escaped prisoner
        jiéyù, [劫獄], to break into jail/to forcibly release prisoners
        yuānyù, [冤獄], unjust charge or verdict/miscarriage of justice/frame-up
        xiàyù, [下獄], to imprison

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