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Word: freq index 1286
HSK 6 character: radical , 5 strokes, freq index 541
[聖] shèng holy

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Word Compounds

        shèng, [聖], holy/sacred/saint/sage
        Shèngdàn, [聖誕], Christmas/birthday of reigning Emperor/Confucius' birthday
        Shèngdànjié, [聖誕節], Christmas time/Christmas season/Christmas
        ShèngdànLǎorén, [聖誕老人], Father Christmas/Santa Claus
        Shèngjīng, [聖經], Holy Bible/the Confucian classics/CL:本[běn],部[bù]
        shénshèng, [神聖], divine/hallow/holy/sacred
        Shèngdìyàgē, [聖地亞哥], Santiago, capital of Chile/San Diego, California
        Shèngmǔ/shèngmǔ, [聖母], the Virgin Mary, goddess
        shèngrén, [聖人], saint/sage/refers to Confucius 孔子[Kǒng zǐ]/the current reigning Emperor
        Shèngdànshù, [聖誕樹], Christmas tree
        shèngdì, [聖地], holy land (of a religion)/sacred place/shrine/holy city (such as Jerusalem, Mecc...
        Shènglíng, [聖靈], Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
        shèngtú, [聖徒], saint
        shèngjié, [聖潔], pure and holy
殿         shèngdiàn, [聖殿], temple
        ShèngFù, [聖父], Holy Father/God the Father (in the Christian Trinity)
        cháoshèng, [朝聖], to make a pilgrimage
        shèngshuǐ, [聖水], holy water
        Shèngzǐ, [聖子], Holy Son/Jesus Christ/God the Son (in the Christian Trinity)
        Shènglùyìsī, [聖路易斯], St Louis, large city in eastern Missouri
        Shèngdànkǎ, [聖誕卡], Christmas card
        shèngcān, [聖餐], Holy communion (of the Christian mass)/sacrament
        Shèngbǎoluó, [聖保羅], St Paul/São Paulo, city in Brazil
        ShèngHúān, [聖胡安], San Juan, capital of Puerto Rico
        shèngchéng, [聖城], Holy City
        shèngQiáozhì, [聖喬治], St George
        ShèngBǐdébǎo, [聖彼得堡], Saint Petersburg (city in Russia)
        shèngxián, [聖賢], a sage/wise and holy man/virtuous ruler/Buddhist lama/wine
        shèngtǐ, [聖體], the Emperor's body/Jesus' body/communion wafer (in Christian mass)
        ShèngBǐdé, [聖彼得], Saint Peter
        ShèngYuēhàn, [聖約翰], Saint John
        ShèngĀndōngníào, [聖安東尼奧], San Antonio, Texas
        shènghuǒ, [聖火], sacred fire/Olympic flame
        shènggē, [聖歌], hymn
        shèngzhǐ, [聖旨], imperial edict
        shèngshǒu, [聖手], divine physician/sage doctor/highly skilled practitioner
        shèngdài, [聖代], sundae (loanword)
        shèngzhàn, [聖戰], Holy war/jihad
        shèngxiàng, [聖像], icon/iconic/religious image/figure (of Confucius, Buddha, Jesus Christ, the Virg...
        Shèngmǎlìnuò, [聖馬力諾], San Marino
        ShèngPàtèlǐkè, [聖帕特里克], Saint Patrick
        shèngshàng, [聖上], courtier's or minister's form of address for the current Emperor
        ShèngFēi, [聖菲], Santa Fe
        ShèngSàěrwǎduō, [聖薩爾瓦多], San Salvador, capital of El Salvador
        ShèngYīng, [聖嬰], El Niño (meteorology)/Holy Infant (cf biblical nativity story)
        ShèngÀogǔsīdīng, [聖奧古斯丁], St Augustine/Aurelius Augustinus (354-430), theologian and Christian philosopher...
        shèngyào, [聖藥], panacea
        ShèngYuēsèfū, [聖約瑟夫], Saint Joseph
        shèngyuē, [聖約], covenant
        shènglǐ, [聖禮], Holy sacrament/Christian rite (esp. Protestant)/also called 聖事|圣事 by Catholics
        shèngxīn, [聖心], Sacred Heart (Christian)
西         ShèngLúxīyà, [聖盧西亞], Saint Lucia
        Sūndàshèng, [孫大聖], Great-Sage Sun/Sun Wukong 孫悟空|孙悟空[Sūn Wù kōng]
        shèngshī, [聖詩], hymn
        ShèngKǎisèlín, [聖凱瑟琳], Saint Catherine
        shèngjūn, [聖君], sage
        shèngmiào, [聖廟], shrine to a sage (esp. Confucius)
        ShèngDuōmínggè, [聖多明各], Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic

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