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[就範] jiùfàn to submit
to give in

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Word Compounds

        jiù, at once/right away/only/just (emphasis)/as early as/already/as soon as/then/in t...
        jiùshì, (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)/precisely/exactly/even/i...
        jiùyào, will/shall/to be going to
        zǎojiù, already at an earlier time
        yějiùshìshuō, [也就是說], in other words/that is to say/so/thus
        chéngjiù, accomplishment/success/achievement/CL:個|个[gè]/to achieve (a result)/to create/to...
        jiùsuàn, granted that/even if
        jiùxù, [就緒], to be ready/to be in order
        jiùcǐ, at this point/thus/from then on
        gèjiùgèwèi, (of the people in a group) to get into position (idiom)/(athletics) On your mark...
        zàojiù, to bring up/to train/to contribute to/achievements (usually of young people)
        jiùshìshuō, [就是說], in other words/that is
        jiùzhí, [就職], to take office/to assume a post
        jiùyè, [就業], to get a job/employment
        jiùdú, [就讀], to go to school
        ànbùjiùbān, to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the working routine (idiom)
        qiānjiù, [遷就], to yield/to adapt to/to accommodate to (sth)
        jiùrèn, to take office/to assume a post
        jiùfàn, [就範], to submit/to give in
        jiùzhěn, [就診], to see a doctor/to seek medical advice
        jiùdì, locally/on the spot
        jiàqīngjiùshú, [駕輕就熟], lit. an easy drive on a familiar path (idiom); fig. experience makes progress ea...
        jiùyī, [就醫], to receive medical treatment
        shùshǒujiùqín, hands tied and waiting to be captured
        gōngchéngmíngjiù, to win success and recognition (idiom)
        jiùcān, to dine
        jiùqǐn, [就寢], to go to sleep/to go to bed (literary)
        jiùshìlùnshì, [就事論事], to discuss sth on its own merits/to judge the matter as it stands
        shēngjiù, to be born with/to be gifted with
        jiùjìn, nearby/in a close neighborhood
        jiùyì, [就義], to be killed for a righteous cause/to die a martyr
        bìzhòngjiùqīng, [避重就輕], to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial/to keep silent about major charg...
        jiùlǐ, [就裡], inside story
        yīcùérjiù, to get there in one step (idiom); easily done/success at a stroke/to get results...
        jiùxué, [就學], to attend school
        jiùdìqǔcái, to draw on local resources/using materials at hand
        qiānjiù, [牽就], to concede/to give up
        yīnlòujiùjiǎn, [因陋就簡], crude but simple methods (idiom); use whatever methods you can/to do things simp...
        jiāngjiu, [將就], to accept (a bit reluctantly)/to put up with
        bàntuībànjiù, half willing and half unwilling (idiom); to yield after making a show of resista...

        fànwéi, [範圍], range/scope/limit/extent/CL:個|个[gè]
        fàn/Fàn, [範], pattern/model/example, surname Fan
        shìfàn, [示範], to demonstrate/to show how to do sth/demonstration/a model example
        mófàn, [模範], model/fine example
        fángfàn, [防範], to be on guard/wariness/to guard against/preventive
        guīfàn, [規範], norm/standard/specification/regulation/rule/within the rules/to fix rules/to reg...
        diǎnfàn, [典範], model/example/paragon
        fēngfàn, [風範], air/manner/model/paragon/demeanor
        fànchóu, [範疇], category
        jiùfàn, [就範], to submit/to give in
        Fànsīzhé, Versace (fashion designer)
        fànlì, [範例], example/model case
        fànshì, [範式], paradigm
        fànběn, [範本], model (example worthy of being imitated)/template
        guīfànhuà, [規範化], to standardize/standardization
        láodòngmófàn, [勞動模範], model worker

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