就 ⇒
就 jiù, at once/right away/only/just (emphasis)/as early as/already/as soon as/then/in t...
就是 jiùshì, (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)/precisely/exactly/even/i...
就要 jiùyào, will/shall/to be going to
早就 zǎojiù, already at an earlier time
也就是说 yějiùshìshuō, [也就是說], in other words/that is to say/so/thus
成就 chéngjiù, accomplishment/success/achievement/CL:個|个[gè]/to achieve (a result)/to create/to...
就算 jiùsuàn, granted that/even if
就绪 jiùxù, [就緒], to be ready/to be in order
就此 jiùcǐ, at this point/thus/from then on
各就各位 gèjiùgèwèi, (of the people in a group) to get into position (idiom)/(athletics) On your mark...
就位 就是了 造就 zàojiù, to bring up/to train/to contribute to/achievements (usually of young people)
就是说 jiùshìshuō, [就是說], in other words/that is
就职 jiùzhí, [就職], to take office/to assume a post
就座 就业 jiùyè, [就業], to get a job/employment
就读 jiùdú, [就讀], to go to school
就坐 按部就班 ànbùjiùbān, to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the working routine (idiom)
迁就 qiānjiù, [遷就], to yield/to adapt to/to accommodate to (sth)
就任 jiùrèn, to take office/to assume a post
成就感 就范 jiùfàn, [就範], to submit/to give in
这就是说 就诊 jiùzhěn, [就診], to see a doctor/to seek medical advice
就地 jiùdì, locally/on the spot
驾轻就熟 jiàqīngjiùshú, [駕輕就熟], lit. an easy drive on a familiar path (idiom); fig. experience makes progress ea...
就医 jiùyī, [就醫], to receive medical treatment
束手就擒 shùshǒujiùqín, hands tied and waiting to be captured
功成名就 gōngchéngmíngjiù, to win success and recognition (idiom)
就餐 jiùcān, to dine
就寝 jiùqǐn, [就寢], to go to sleep/to go to bed (literary)
就事论事 jiùshìlùnshì, [就事論事], to discuss sth on its own merits/to judge the matter as it stands
生就 shēngjiù, to be born with/to be gifted with
就近 jiùjìn, nearby/in a close neighborhood
就教 铸就 铺就 练就 屈就 就义 jiùyì, [就義], to be killed for a righteous cause/to die a martyr
避重就轻 bìzhòngjiùqīng, [避重就輕], to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial/to keep silent about major charg...
再就是 就里 jiùlǐ, [就裡], inside story
一蹴而就 yīcùérjiù, to get there in one step (idiom); easily done/success at a stroke/to get results...
就学 jiùxué, [就學], to attend school
就地取材 jiùdìqǔcái, to draw on local resources/using materials at hand
就手 牵就 qiānjiù, [牽就], to concede/to give up
织就 就势 因陋就简 yīnlòujiùjiǎn, [因陋就簡], crude but simple methods (idiom); use whatever methods you can/to do things simp...
将就 jiāngjiu, [將就], to accept (a bit reluctantly)/to put up with
半推半就 bàntuībànjiù, half willing and half unwilling (idiom); to yield after making a show of resista...
义 ⇒
意义 yìyì, [意義], sense/meaning/significance/importance/CL:個|个[gè]
正义 zhèngyì, [正義], justice/righteousness/just/righteous
主义 zhǔyì, [主義], -ism/ideology
义务 yìwù, [義務], duty/obligation/CL:項|项[xiàng]/volunteer (work etc)
名义 míngyì, [名義], name/titular/nominal/in name/ostensible purpose
定义 dìngyì, [定義], definition/to define
含义 hányì, [含義], meaning (implicit in a phrase)/implied meaning/hidden meaning/hint/connotation
义 Yì/yì, [義], surname Yi/(Tw) abbr. for 義大利|义大利[Yì dà lì], Italy, justice/righteousness/meanin...
种族主义 zhǒngzúzhǔyì, [種族主義], racism
共产主义 gòngchǎnzhǔyì, [共產主義], communism
恐怖主义 kǒngbùzhǔyì, [恐怖主義], terrorism
教义 jiàoyì, [教義], creed/doctrine/teachings
起义 qǐyì, [起義], uprising/insurrection/revolt
人道主义 réndàozhǔyì, [人道主義], humanism/humanitarian (aid)
忘恩负义 wàngēnfùyì, [忘恩負義], to forget favors and violate justice (idiom); ingratitude to a friend/to kick a ...
社会主义 shèhuìzhǔyì, [社會主義], socialism
资本主义 zīběnzhǔyì, [資本主義], capitalism
义卖 yìmài, [義賣], jumble sale (for good cause)/charity bazaar
道义 dàoyì, [道義], morality/righteousness and justice
自由主义 zìyóuzhǔyì, [自由主義], liberalism
官僚主义 guānliáozhǔyì, [官僚主義], bureaucracy
义气 yìqì, [義氣], spirit of loyalty and self-sacrifice/code of brotherhood/also pr. [yì qi]
背信弃义 bèixìnqìyì, [背信棄義], breaking faith and abandoning right (idiom); to betray/treachery/perfidy
帝国主义 dìguózhǔyì, [帝國主義], imperialism
无政府主义 wúzhèngfǔzhǔyì, [無政府主義], anarchism
波义耳 Bōyìěr, [波義耳], Boyle (name)/Robert Boyle (1627-91), British and Irish scientist and pioneer che...
浪漫主义 làngmànzhǔyì, [浪漫主義], romanticism
共产主义者 正义感 涵义 hányì, [涵義], content/meaning/connotation/implication
爱国主义 àiguózhǔyì, [愛國主義], patriotism
义无反顾 yìwúfǎngù, [義無反顧], honor does not allow one to glance back (idiom); duty-bound not to turn back/no ...
义演 yìyǎn, [義演], benefit performance/charity show
乐观主义 lèguānzhǔyì, [樂觀主義], optimism
浪漫主义者 社会主义者 shèhuìzhǔyìzhě, [社會主義者], socialist
贬义 biǎnyì, [貶義], derogatory sense/negative connotation
同义词 tóngyìcí, [同義詞], synonym
现实主义者 起义军 个人主义 gèrénzhǔyì, [個人主義], individualism
英雄主义 义不容辞 yìbùróngcí, [義不容辭], not to be shirked without dishonor (idiom)/incumbent/bounden (duty)
见义勇为 jiànyìyǒngwéi, [見義勇為], to see what is right and act courageously (idiom, from Analects); to stand up br...
现实主义 xiànshízhǔyì, [現實主義], realism
仁至义尽 rénzhìyìjìn, [仁至義盡], extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulous virtue and attention to dut...
断章取义 duànzhāngqǔyì, [斷章取義], to quote out of context (idiom)
机会主义 jīhuìzhǔyì, [機會主義], opportunism/pragmatism
仗义 zhàngyì, [仗義], to uphold justice/to be loyal (to one's friends)/to stick by
释义 shìyì, [釋義], the meaning of sth/an explanation of the meaning of words or phrases/definition/...
超现实主义 chāoxiànshízhǔyì, [超現實主義], surrealism
天经地义 tiānjīngdìyì, [天經地義], lit. heaven's law and earth's principle (idiom); fig. right and proper/right and...
褒义 bāoyì, [褒義], commendatory sense/positive connotation
民主主义 mínzhǔzhǔyì, [民主主義], democracy
马克思主义 Mǎkèsīzhǔyì, [馬克思主義], Marxism
义工 yìgōng, [義工], volunteer worker/volunteer work
实用主义 shíyòngzhǔyì, [實用主義], pragmatism
不义之财 bùyìzhīcái, [不義之財], ill-gotten wealth or gains
讲义 jiǎngyì, [講義], teaching materials
歧义 qíyì, [歧義], ambiguity/several possible meanings
保护主义者 毫无疑义 要义 yàoyì, [要義], the essentials
情义 qíngyì, [情義], affection/comradeship
民族主义 mínzúzhǔyì, [民族主義], nationalism/national self-determination/principle of nationalism, the first of D...
反义词 fǎnyìcí, [反義詞], antonym
虚无主义 xūwúzhǔyì, [虛無主義], nihilism
柳义泰 顺义 Shùnyì, [順義], Shunyi district of Beijing, formerly Shunyi county
仁义 rényì/rényi, [仁義], benevolence and righteousness, affable and even-tempered
无情无义 wúqíngwúyì, [無情無義], completely lacking any feeling or sense of justice (idiom); cold and ruthless
原教旨主义 信义 Xìnyì/xìnyì, [信義], Xinyi or Hsinyi district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tái běi shì], Taiwan/Xinyi or Hs...
公义 gōngyì, [公義], righteousness
词义 cíyì, [詞義], meaning of a word
广义 guǎngyì, [廣義], broad sense/general sense
贬义词 马克思主义者 奥玛尔·萨义德·谢赫 同义 tóngyì, [同義], synonymous
就义 jiùyì, [就義], to be killed for a righteous cause/to die a martyr
分裂主义 fēnlièzhǔyì, [分裂主義], separatism
自然主义 zìránzhǔyì, [自然主義], naturalism (philosophy)
极权主义 jíquánzhǔyì, [極權主義], totalitarianism
义大利 Yìdàlì, [義大利], Italy/Italian (Tw)
形式主义 xíngshìzhǔyì, [形式主義], Formalism (art)
真义 沙文主义 shāwénzhǔyì, [沙文主義], chauvinism
语义 yǔyì, [語義], meaning of words/semantic
义裔 义父 yìfù, [義父], adoptive father
义正词严 金顺义 语义学 yǔyìxué, [語義學], semantics
利己主义 lìjǐzhǔyì, [利己主義], egoism
古典主义 修正主义 xiūzhèngzhǔyì, [修正主義], revisionism
疑义 yíyì, [疑義], a doubtful point
大义凛然 dàyìlǐnrán, [大義凜然], devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence (idiom)
侠义 xiáyì, [俠義], chivalrous/chivalry/knight-errantry
经验主义 jīngyànzhǔyì, [經驗主義], empiricism
禁欲主义 jìnyùzhǔyì, [禁慾主義], asceticism
尽义务 jìnyìwù, [盡義務], to fulfill one's duty/to work without asking for reward
义军 yìjūn, [義軍], volunteer army
现代主义 义愤 yìfèn, [義憤], righteous indignation/moral indignation
赛义德·穆查西 功利主义 gōnglìzhǔyì, [功利主義], utilitarianism
顾名思义 gùmíngsīyì, [顧名思義], as the name implies
殖民主义 zhímínzhǔyì, [殖民主義], colonialism
教条主义 jiàotiáozhǔyì, [教條主義], dogmatism
义愤填膺 yìfèntiányīng, [義憤填膺], righteous indignation fills one's breast (idiom); to feel indignant at injustice
大义灭亲 dàyìmièqīn, [大義滅親], to place righteousness before family (idiom); ready to punish one's own family i...
享乐主义 xiǎnglèzhǔyì, [享樂主義], hedonism
忠义 zhōngyì, [忠義], loyal and righteous/fealty/loyalty
义女 yìnǚ, [義女], adopted daughter
申张正义 深明大义 shēnmíngdàyì, [深明大義], to have a high notion of one's duty/to be highly principled
义勇军 yìyǒngjūn, [義勇軍], volunteer army
义士 yìshì, [義士], high-minded and righteous person/patriot/loyalist
言不及义 yánbùjíyì, [言不及義], to talk nonsense (idiom)/frivolous talk
保守主义 bǎoshǒuzhǔyì, [保守主義], conservatism
演义 yǎnyì, [演義], to dramatize historical events/novel or play on historical theme
本义 běnyì, [本義], original meaning/literal sense
大义 dàyì, [大義], righteousness/virtuous cause/a woman's marriage/main points of a piece of writin...
唯物主义 wéiwùzhǔyì, [唯物主義], materialism, philosophical doctrine that physical matter is the whole of reality
军国主义 jūnguózhǔyì, [軍國主義], militarism
义语 义举 义弟 拜金主义 bàijīnzhǔyì, [拜金主義], money worship
义齿 yìchǐ, [義齒], artificial tooth
义肢 yìzhī, [義肢], artificial limb/prosthesis
义项 yìxiàng, [義項], sense (of a word)
引申义 yǐnshēnyì, [引申義], extended meaning (of an expression)/derived sense
取义 保护主义 bǎohùzhǔyì, [保護主義], protectionism
仗义执言 zhàngyìzhíyán, [仗義執言], to speak out for justice (idiom); to take a stand on a matter of principle
实证主义 shízhèngzhǔyì, [實證主義], positivism/empiricism
新义 义和团 Yìhétuán, [義和團], the Righteous and Harmonious Fists/the Boxers (history)
冒险主义 màoxiǎnzhǔyì, [冒險主義], adventurism (a left-wing error against Mao's line during the 1930s)
人文主义 rénwénzhǔyì, [人文主義], humanism
赛义德 义战 义元 本本主义 běnběnzhǔyì, [本本主義], book worship/bookishness
义政 农民起义 nóngmínqǐyì, [農民起義], peasant revolt
人本主义 召义 集体主义 jítǐzhǔyì, [集體主義], collectivism
义无返顾 朴义 国际主义 guójìzhǔyì, [國際主義], internationalism
唯心主义者 义井 戴夫波义耳 义子 yìzǐ, [義子], adopted son
义妹 字义 zìyì, [字義], meaning of a character
义清 义海 义文 洪顺义 义赛 舍身取义 殖民主义者 三国演义 SānguóYǎnyì, [三國演義], Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中|罗贯中[Luó Guàn zhōng], one of t...
多义词 duōyìcí, [多義詞], polyseme/polysemous word
列宁主义 Lièníngzhǔyì, [列寧主義], Leninism
萨义德科拉比 唯物主义者 思义 三民主义 Sānmínzhǔyì, [三民主義], Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three Principles of the People (late 1890s)
郎义光 申义财 丹·波义耳 见义勇为者 宗派主义 zōngpàizhǔyì, [宗派主義], sectarianism
原义 yuányì, [原義], original meaning
褒义词 建义 朴重义 狭义 xiáyì, [狹義], narrow sense/restricted sense
阿莫沙义姆 转义 zhuǎnyì, [轉義], transferred meaning