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[總稱] zǒngchēng generic term

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        zǒng, [總], always/to assemble/gather/total/overall/head/chief/general/in every case
        zǒngshì, [總是], always
        zǒngtǒng, [總統], president (of a country)/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng],屆|届[jiè]
        zǒngzhī, [總之], in a word/in short/in brief
        zǒngbù, [總部], general headquarters
        zǒngsuàn, [總算], at long last/finally/on the whole
        yèzǒnghuì, [夜總會], nightclub/nightspot
        zǒngcái, [總裁], chairman/director-general (of a company etc)
        zǒnggòng, [總共], altogether/in sum/in all/in total
        zǒngjié, [總結], to sum up/to conclude/summary/résumé/CL:個|个[gè]
        zǒngjiān, [總監], head/director (of an organizational unit)/(police) commissioner/inspector-genera...
        zǒnglǐ, [總理], premier/prime minister/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        zǒngdeláishuō, [總的來說], generally speaking/to sum up/in summary/in short
        zǒngdū, [總督], governor-general/viceroy/governor
        zǒngtǐ, [總體], completely/totally/total/entire/overall/population (statistics)
        zǒngéryánzhī, [總而言之], in short/in a word/in brief
        zǒngjīnglǐ, [總經理], general manager/CEO
        zǒngshù, [總數], total/sum/aggregate
        zǒngguī, [總歸], eventually/after all/anyhow
        zǒngshǔ, [總署], general office
        zǒnghé, [總和], sum
        zǒngjú, [總局], head office/general office/central office
        zǒngjī, [總機], central exchange/telephone exchange/switchboard
        zǒngsīlìng, [總司令], commander-in-chief/top military commander for a country or theater of operations
        zǒngbiān, [總編], chief editor (of newspaper)/abbr. for 總編輯|总编辑
        zǒngdòngyuán, [總動員], general mobilization (for war etc)
        zǒngé, [總額], total (amount or value)
        zǒngcháng/zǒngzhǎng, [總長], total length, name used for cabinet ministers between 1912-1927, superseded by 部...
        zǒnggōngsī, [總公司], parent company/head office
        zǒngděi, [總得], must/have to/be bound to
        zǒngtǒngfǔ, [總統府], presidential palace
        huìzǒng, [匯總]/[彙總], summary/to summarize/to collect (data, receipts etc)/to gather and report, summa...
        zǒngjì, [總計], (grand) total
        lǎozǒng, [老總], boss/executive
        zǒngcānmóuzhǎng, [總參謀長], (military) Chief of Staff
        zǒngshōurù, [總收入], gross income
        zǒngzhàn, [總站], terminus
        zǒngliàng, [總量], total/overall amount
线         zǒngxiàn, [總線], computer bus
        zǒngjià, [總價], total price
        shēngchǎnzǒngzhí, [生產總值], gross domestic production (GDP)/total output value
        zǒngwù, [總務], general matters/division of general affairs/person in overall charge
        zǒngzhí, [總值], total value
        zǒnglǐngshì, [總領事], consul general
        zǒngbiānjí, [總編輯], chief editor (of newspaper)
        Zǒngcānmóubù, [總參謀部], (military) General Staff Headquarters
        zǒnglǐngshìguǎn, [總領事館], consulate general
        zǒngshūji, [總書記], general secretary (of the Communist Party)
        zǒngfēn, [總分], overall score/total points
        zǒngrénkǒu, [總人口], total population
        zǒngchēng, [總稱], generic term
        zǒnghé, [總合], to collect together/to add up/altogether
        dàzǒngtǒng, [大總統], president (of a country)/same as 總統|总统
        línlínzǒngzǒng, [林林總總], in great abundance/numerous
        zǒnglǎn, [總攬], to assume full responsibility/to be in full control/to monopolize
        zǒngshè, [總社], cooperative (organisation)/cooperation (e.g. between companies)
        hǎiguānzǒngshǔ, [海關總署], General Administration of Customs (GAC)

        chèn/chēng/chèng, [稱], to fit/balanced/suitable, to weigh/to state/to name/name/appellation/to praise, ...
        chēnghu, [稱呼], to call/to address as/appellation
        chēngwéi, [稱為], called/to call sth (by a name)/to name
        shēngchēng, [聲稱], to claim/to state/to proclaim/to assert
        chēngzhīwéi, [稱之為], to call it.../known as...
        chēngzuò, [稱作], to be called/to be known as
        zìchēng, [自稱], to call oneself/to claim to be/to profess/to claim a title
        xuānchēng, [宣稱], to assert/to claim
        chènzhí, [稱職], well qualified/competent/to be equal to the task/able to do sth very well
        chēngzàn, [稱讚], to praise/to acclaim/to commend/to compliment
        míngchēng, [名稱], name (of a thing)/name (of an organization)
        chēnghào, [稱號], name/term of address/title
        jiǎnchēng, [簡稱], to be abbreviated to/abbreviation/short form
        duìchèn, [對稱], symmetry/symmetrical
        chēngdeshàng, [稱得上], can be counted as
        zhùchēng, [著稱], to be widely known as
        hàochēng, [號稱], to be known as/to be nicknamed/to be purportedly/to claim (often exaggeratedly o...
        chēngbà, [稱霸], lit. to proclaim oneself hegemon/to take a leading role/to build a personal fief...
        kānchēng, [堪稱], can be rated as/can be said to be
        xiāngchèn, [相稱], to match/to suit/mutually compatible
        rénchēng, [人稱], person (first person, second person etc in grammar)/called/known as
        biànchēng, [辯稱], to argue (that)/to allege/to dispute/to plead (e.g. not guilty)
        jùchēng, [據稱], it is said/allegedly/according to reports/or so they say
        súchēng, [俗稱], commonly referred to as/common term
        yúnchèn, [勻稱], well proportioned/well shaped
        biéchēng, [別稱], another name/alternative name
        huǎngchēng, [謊稱], to claim/to pretend
        jiānchēng, [堅稱], to claim/to insist
        chēngdào, [稱道], to commend/to praise
        chēngwèi, [稱謂], title/appellation/form of address
        zūnchēng, [尊稱], to address sb deferentially/title/honorific
        chènxīnrúyì, [稱心如意], after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and satisfactory/everything one could wish
        fǔshǒuchēngchén, [俯首稱臣], to bow before (idiom)/to capitulate
        xìchēng, [戲稱], to jokingly call/jocular appellation
        chènxīn, [稱心], satisfactory/agreeable
        chēngzuò, [稱做], to be called/to be known as
        àichēng, [愛稱], term of endearment/pet name/diminutive
        chēngsòng, [稱頌], to praise
        dàichēng, [代稱], alternative name/to refer to sth by another name/antonomasia
        quánchēng, [全稱], full name
        duìchènxìng, [對稱性], symmetry
        wàngchēng, [妄稱], to make a false and unwarranted declaration
        gǎichēng, [改稱], to change a name/to rename
        tǒngchēng, [統稱], to be collectively called/collective term/general designation
        tōngchēng, [通稱], to be generally referred to (as)/generic term
        zhíchēng, [職稱], one's professional position/title/job title
        bìngchēng, [並稱], joint name/combined name
        měichēng, [美稱], to dub with a nice-sounding appellation/fanciful moniker
        zǒngchēng, [總稱], generic term
        chēngxiè, [稱謝], to express thanks
        chēngxǔ, [稱許], to praise/to commend

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