拍 ⇒
拍 pāi, to pat/to clap/to slap/to swat/to take (a photo)/to shoot (a film)/racket (sport...
拍摄 pāishè, [拍攝], to film/to shoot (a picture)
拍照 pāizhào, to take a picture
拍卖 pāimài, [拍賣], to auction/auction sale/to sell at a reduced price
开拍 kāipāi, [開拍], to begin shooting (a movie, a scene of a movie etc)/to start the bidding (auctio...
拍卖会 pāimàihuì, [拍賣會], auction/CL:場|场[chǎng]
拍拍 偷拍 tōupāi, to take a picture of a person without permission or without their knowledge
合拍 hépāi, in time with (i.e. same rhythm)/to keep in step with/fig. to cooperate
节拍 jiépāi, [節拍], beat (music)/meter
拍马屁 pāimǎpì, [拍馬屁], to flatter/to fawn on/to butter sb up/toadying/boot-licking
拍子 pāizi, beat (music)/paddle-shaped object (flyswatter etc)/racket (sports)
拍手 pāishǒu, to clap one's hands
拍打 pāida, to pat/to slap/(of a bird) to flap (one's wings)
拍卖品 拍品 拍戏 pāixì, [拍戲], to shoot a movie
球拍 qiúpāi, racket
拍卖行 抓拍 zhuāpāi, to capture (an image)/to snap (a photo)
打拍子 dǎpāizi, to beat time
网球拍 拍板 pāibǎn, clapper-board/auctioneer's hammer/to beat time with clappers
拍掌 拍片子 一拍即合 yīpāijíhé, lit. to be together from the first beat (idiom)/to hit it off/to click together/...
苍蝇拍 cāngyingpāi, [蒼蠅拍], flyswatter
拍卖师 拍外景 拍卖场 拍击 pāijī, [拍擊], to smack/to beat
节拍器 jiépāiqì, [節拍器], metronome
直拍 拍合 乒乓球拍 pīngpāngqiúpāi, ping-pong paddle
拍手叫好 拍案叫绝 pāiànjiàojué, [拍案叫絕], lit. slap the table and shout with praise (idiom); fig. wonderful!/amazing!/grea...
拍马 pāimǎ, [拍馬], to urge on a horse by patting its bottom/fig. to encourage/same as 拍馬屁|拍马屁, to f...
拍手称快 拍卖商 pāimàishāng, [拍賣商], auctioneer/auction house
拍巴掌 溜须拍马 liūxūpāimǎ, [溜鬚拍馬], to smooth whiskers and pat a horse's bottom (idiom); to use flatter to get what ...
蝇拍 拍片人 拍桌子 拍案而起 pāiànérqǐ, lit. to slap the table and stand up (idiom); fig. at the end of one's tether/una...
戏 ⇒
游戏 yóuxì, [遊戲], game/CL:場|场[chǎng]/to play
戏 xì, [戯]/[戲], variant of 戲|戏[xì], trick/drama/play/show/CL:齣|出[chū],場|场[chǎng],臺|台[tái]
戏剧 xìjù, [戲劇], drama/play/theater
演戏 yǎnxì, [演戲], to put on a play/to perform/fig. to pretend/to feign
马戏团 mǎxìtuán, [馬戲團], circus
把戏 bǎxì, [把戲], acrobatics/jugglery/cheap trick/game
好戏 没戏 méixì, [沒戲], (coll.) not a chance/no way/hopeless
戏剧性 xìjùxìng, [戲劇性], dramatic
游戏机 yóuxìjī, [遊戲機], video game/game machine
戏院 xìyuàn, [戲院], theater
戏弄 xìnòng, [戲弄], to play tricks on/to make fun of/to tease
电子游戏 diànzǐyóuxì, [電子遊戲], computer and video games
调戏 tiáoxì, [調戲], to take liberties with a woman/to dally/to assail a woman with obscenities
戏法 xìfǎ, [戲法], magic trick
儿戏 érxì, [兒戲], child's play/trifling matter
嬉戏 xīxì, [嬉戲], to frolic/to romp
马戏 mǎxì, [馬戲], circus
拍戏 pāixì, [拍戲], to shoot a movie
拿手好戏 老把戏 独角戏 dújiǎoxì, [獨角戲], monodrama/one-man show/comic talk
变戏法 biànxìfǎ, [變戲法], to perform conjuring tricks/to conjure/to juggle
戏码 xìmǎ, [戲碼], item (on a program)
重头戏 zhòngtóuxì, [重頭戲], opera (or role) involving much singing and action/(fig.) highlight/main feature/...
鬼把戏 guǐbǎxì, [鬼把戲], sinister plot/dirty trick/cheap trick
戏票 xìpiào, [戲票], (theater etc) ticket
戏谑 xìxuè, [戲謔], to banter/to crack jokes/to ridicule
戏装 木偶戏 戏迷 戏耍 xìshuǎ, [戲耍], to amuse oneself/to play with/to tease
游戏厅 大戏 假戏真做 戏子 xìzi, [戲子], (derog.) opera singer/actor
压轴戏 yāzhòuxì, [壓軸戲], next-to-last item on a program (theater)/climax
滑稽戏 戏称 xìchēng, [戲稱], to jokingly call/jocular appellation
唱对台戏 chàngduìtáixì, [唱對臺戲], to put on a rival show (idiom); to set oneself up against sb/to get into confron...
电子游戏机 排戏 拿手戏 戏言 xìyán, [戲言], joking matter/to go back on one's words
戏剧界 猴戏 hóuxì, [猴戲], monkey show
游戏卡 好戏连台 傀儡戏 kuǐlěixì, [傀儡戲], puppet show
唱戏 chàngxì, [唱戲], to perform in opera
小戏 配戏 戏班 戏文 戏台 xìtái, [戲臺], stage
戏曲 xìqǔ, [戲曲], Chinese opera
开场戏 皮影戏 píyǐngxì, [皮影戲], shadow play
古装戏 戏剧家 xìjùjiā, [戲劇家], dramatist/playwright