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[撒賴] sālài to make a scene
to raise hell

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Word Compounds

        sāhuǎng, [撒謊], to tell lies
        sā/sǎ, to let go/to cast/to let loose/to discharge/to give expression to, to scatter/to...
        Sādàn, Satan or Shaitan
尿         sāniào, to pass water/to piss/to urinate/to wee wee
        Kǎisā, [凱撒], Caesar or Kaiser (name)
        Kǎisǎ, [愷撒], Caesar (name)/Gaius Julius Caesar 100-42 BC/by extension, emperor, Kaiser, Tsar
        Yēlùsālěng, Jerusalem
        mísa, [彌撒], (Catholic) Mass
        sāyě, to display shockingly bad behavior/to behave atrociously
        Násǎlè, Nazareth (in Biblical Palestine)
        sāshǒubùguǎn, to stand aside and do nothing (idiom)/to take no part in
        sāshǒu, to let go of sth/to give up
        sāqì, [撒氣], to leak (of air)/to go flat (of a tire)/to vent one's anger
        Sāhālā, Sahara
        Sāqiēěr, [撒切爾], Thatcher (name)/Baroness Thatcher or Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), British cons...
        sājiāo, [撒嬌], to act like a spoiled child/to throw a tantrum/to act coquettishly
        sāpō, [撒潑], to make an unreasonable scene
        sāwǎng, [撒網], to throw a net
        sǎbō, to sow (seeds by scattering)/scatter sowing
        sātuǐ, to take to one's heels/to scram
        bōsǎ, to sow (seeds)/to scatter
        sǎzhǒng, [撒種], to sow seeds
        sālài, [撒賴], to make a scene/to raise hell

        bùlài, [不賴], (coll.) not bad/good/fine
        Lài/lài, [賴]/[頼], surname Lai, to depend on/to hang on in a place/bad/to renege (on promise)/to di...
        yīlài, [依賴], to depend on/to be dependent on
        xìnlài, [信賴], to trust/to have confidence in/to have faith in/to rely on
        wúlài, [無賴], hoodlum/rascal/rogue/rascally/scoundrelly
        Làiān, [賴安], Ryan (name)
        làiyǐ, [賴以], to rely on/to depend on
        dǐlài, [抵賴], to refuse to admit (what one has done)/to disavow/to renege
        DálàiLǎma, [達賴喇嘛], Dalai Lama
        shuǎlài, [耍賴], to act shamelessly/to refuse to acknowledge that one has lost the game, or made ...
        làizhàng, [賴賬], to renege on a debt
        làipí, [賴皮], shameless/(slang) rascal
        bǎiwúliáolài, [百無聊賴], bored to death (idiom)/bored stiff/overcome with boredom
        Làisī, [賴斯], Rice (name)/Condoleezza Rice (1954-) US Secretary of State 2005-2009
        yǒulàiyú, [有賴於], to rely on/to depend on
        yǎnglài, [仰賴], to rely on
        Làitè, [賴特], Wright (name)
        wūlài, [誣賴], to accuse falsely
        Dálài, [達賴], the Dalai Lama/abbr. of 達賴喇嘛|达赖喇嘛[Dá lài Lǎ ma]
        Kèlàisītèchèqí, [克賴斯特徹奇], Christchurch (New Zealand city)
        yǐlài, [倚賴], to rely on/to be dependent on
        sālài, [撒賴], to make a scene/to raise hell
        Àoěrbùlàitè, [奧爾布賴特], Madeleine Albright (1937-), former US Secretary of State
        lǎolài, [老賴], (coll.) debt dodger

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