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Word: freq index 13985
chénchuán shipwreck
sunken boat
sinking ship

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Word Compounds

        chénmò, taciturn/uncommunicative/silent
        chēn/chén, see 黑沉沉[hēi chēn chēn], to submerge/to immerse/to sink/to keep down/to lower/to ...
        chénzhòng, heavy/hard/serious/critical
        chénmí, to be engrossed/to be absorbed with/to lose oneself in/to be addicted to
        chénjìn, to soak/to permeate/to immerse
        xiāochén, depressed/bad mood/low spirit
        chénshuì, to be fast asleep/(fig.) to lie dormant/to lie undiscovered
        chénmò, [沉沒], to sink
        chénnì, to indulge in/to wallow/absorbed in/deeply engrossed/addicted
        chénzuì, to become intoxicated
        chénmèn, [沉悶], oppressive (of weather)/heavy/depressed/not happy/(of sound) dull/muffled
        chénsī, to contemplate/to ponder/contemplation/meditation
        xiàchén, to sink down
        chénchuán, shipwreck/sunken boat/sinking ship
        chénzhuó, [沉著], steady/calm and collected/not nervous
        chénlún, [沉淪], to sink into (vice, depravity etc)/to pass into oblivion/downfall/passing
        shēnchén, deep/profound/(of a person) reserved/undemonstrative/(of a voice, sound etc) dee...
        yīnchén, [陰沉], gloomy
        dīchén, overcast/gloomy/downcast/deep and low (of sound)/muffled
        sǐqìchénchén, [死氣沉沉], dead atmosphere/lifeless/spiritless
        chénjì, silence/stillness
        chénmòguǎyán, habitually silent (idiom)/reticent/uncommunicative
        jīchén, [擊沉], to attack and sink (a ship)
        chéntòng, grief/remorse/deep in sorrow/bitter (anguish)/profound (condolences)
        chénjìng, [沉靜], peaceful/quiet/calm/gentle
        chénwěn, [沉穩], steady/calm/unflustered
        chénjī, [沉積], sediment/deposit/sedimentation (geology)
        chénzhùqì, [沉住氣], to keep cool/to stay calm
        hūnhūnchénchén, dizzy
        chénfú, lit. sinking and floating/to bob up and down on water/ebb and flow/fig. rise and...
        chéndiàn, [沉澱], to settle/to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution)
        yīnchénchén, [陰沉沉], dark (weather, mood)
        chénjīwù, [沉積物], sediment
        chénjiàng, to subside/to cave in/subsidence
        chénchén, deeply/heavily
        chénmiǎn, deeply immersed/fig. wallowing in/deeply engrossed in
        pòfǔchénzhōu, lit. to break the cauldrons and sink the boats (idiom); fig. to cut off one's me...
        chéndiànwù, [沉澱物], precipitate/solid sediment
        hūnchén, murky/dazed/befuddled/dizzy
        chéndiàndiàn, heavy
        chénjīyán, [沉積岩], sedimentary rock (geology)
        fúchén, ups and downs (of life etc)/to drift along/to sink and emerge
        xuèchén, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
        chényín, to mutter to oneself irresolutely
        hēichēnchēn, pitch-black
        chényúluòyàn, [沉魚落雁], lit. fish sink, goose alights (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); fig. female beauty c...
        chénxiàn, subsidence/caving in/fig. stranded/lost (in contemplation, daydreams etc)
        chénxiāng, Chinese eaglewood/agarwood tree (Aquilaria agallocha)/lignum aloes
        shíchéndàhǎi, lit. to throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea (idiom)/fig. to e...

        chuán, [舩], variant of 船[chuán], boat/vessel/ship/CL:條|条[tiáo],艘[sōu],隻|只[zhī]
        chuánzhǎng, [船長], captain (of a boat)/skipper
        fēichuán, [飛船], airship/spaceship
        chuányuán, [船員], sailor/crew member
        tàikōngchuán, spaceship
        huáchuán, to row a boat/rowing boat/rowing (sport)
        chuánzhī, [船隻], ship/boat/vessel
        fānchuán, sailboat
        xiǎochuán, boat
        chénchuán, shipwreck/sunken boat/sinking ship
        yǔzhòufēichuán, [宇宙飛船], spacecraft
        chuánwù, [船塢], (maritime) dock
        chuánwěi, back end of a ship/aft
        kāichuán, [開船], to set sail
        huòchuán, [貨船], cargo ship/freighter
        chuáncāng, [船艙], hold of ship
        chuántóu, [船頭], the bow or prow of a ship
        yúchuán, [漁船], fishing boat/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        dùchuán, ferry
        chuántǐ, [船體], hull/body of a ship
        lúnchuán, [輪船], steamship/steamer/ocean liner/ship/CL:艘[sōu]
        yùnchuán, [暈船], to become seasick
        chéngchuán, to embark/to travel by ship/to ferry
        jiànchuán, [艦船], warship
        chuánshēn, hull/body of a ship
        chuányùn, [船運], sea freight/shipping
        zàochuán, shipbuilding
        chuánduì, [船隊], fleet (of ships)
        chuánpiào, ship ticket
        zhuāngchuán, [裝船], shipment
        fānchuán, to capsize/(fig.) to suffer a setback or defeat
        shāngchuán, merchant ship
        chuánzhǔ, ship's captain/owner of ship
        zàochuánchǎng, [造船廠], dockyard/shipyard
        chuánfū, boatman
        chuánfān, sail
        bóchuán, [駁船], barge/lighter
        jiùshēngchuán, lifeboat
        qìchuán, steamboat/steamship
        zéichuán, [賊船], pirate ship/fig. venture of dubious merit/criminal gang/reactionary faction
        yóuchuán, (oil) tanker/tank ship
        zhànchuán, [戰船], warship
        yùnshūchuán, [運輸船], transport ship
        chuánxián, sides of a ship/ship's railing/fig. the dividing line between shipboard expenses...
        chuánmín, people who live and make a living on boats
        qìdiànchuán, [氣墊船], hovercraft/air cushion vehicle
        yóuchuán, [郵船], mailboat/ocean liner
        chuánbó, shipping/boats
        chuánwèi, ship's position
        chuánchǎng, [船廠], shipyard/shipbuilder's yard
        tuōchuán, tugboat/boat towed by a tugboat/to tow a boat
        kèchuán, passenger ship
        mùchuán, wooden boat
        pòbīngchuán, ice breaker
        hángchuán, ship (e.g. providing regular passenger service)
        hǎichuán, seagoing ship
        shuǐyìchuán, hydrofoil
        shuǐzhǎngchuángāo, [水漲船高], the tide rises, the boat floats (idiom); fig. to change with the overall trend/t...
        yáochuán, [搖船], to scull/to row a boat
        chuángōng, boatman/boat builder
        bīngchuán, man-of-war/naval vessel/warship
        chuánzhá, [船閘], a canal lock
        xíngchuán, to sail a boat/to navigate
        chuándōng, [船東], ship owner
        chuánbù, wharf/quay
        chuánlǎodà, coxswain/steersman/boatswain (bo'sun)

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