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chuánmín people who live and make a living on boats

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Word Compounds

        chuán, [舩], variant of 船[chuán], boat/vessel/ship/CL:條|条[tiáo],艘[sōu],隻|只[zhī]
        chuánzhǎng, [船長], captain (of a boat)/skipper
        fēichuán, [飛船], airship/spaceship
        chuányuán, [船員], sailor/crew member
        tàikōngchuán, spaceship
        huáchuán, to row a boat/rowing boat/rowing (sport)
        chuánzhī, [船隻], ship/boat/vessel
        fānchuán, sailboat
        xiǎochuán, boat
        chénchuán, shipwreck/sunken boat/sinking ship
        yǔzhòufēichuán, [宇宙飛船], spacecraft
        chuánwù, [船塢], (maritime) dock
        chuánwěi, back end of a ship/aft
        kāichuán, [開船], to set sail
        huòchuán, [貨船], cargo ship/freighter
        chuáncāng, [船艙], hold of ship
        chuántóu, [船頭], the bow or prow of a ship
        yúchuán, [漁船], fishing boat/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        dùchuán, ferry
        chuántǐ, [船體], hull/body of a ship
        lúnchuán, [輪船], steamship/steamer/ocean liner/ship/CL:艘[sōu]
        yùnchuán, [暈船], to become seasick
        chéngchuán, to embark/to travel by ship/to ferry
        jiànchuán, [艦船], warship
        chuánshēn, hull/body of a ship
        chuányùn, [船運], sea freight/shipping
        zàochuán, shipbuilding
        chuánduì, [船隊], fleet (of ships)
        chuánpiào, ship ticket
        zhuāngchuán, [裝船], shipment
        fānchuán, to capsize/(fig.) to suffer a setback or defeat
        shāngchuán, merchant ship
        chuánzhǔ, ship's captain/owner of ship
        zàochuánchǎng, [造船廠], dockyard/shipyard
        chuánfū, boatman
        chuánfān, sail
        bóchuán, [駁船], barge/lighter
        jiùshēngchuán, lifeboat
        qìchuán, steamboat/steamship
        zéichuán, [賊船], pirate ship/fig. venture of dubious merit/criminal gang/reactionary faction
        yóuchuán, (oil) tanker/tank ship
        zhànchuán, [戰船], warship
        yùnshūchuán, [運輸船], transport ship
        chuánxián, sides of a ship/ship's railing/fig. the dividing line between shipboard expenses...
        chuánmín, people who live and make a living on boats
        qìdiànchuán, [氣墊船], hovercraft/air cushion vehicle
        yóuchuán, [郵船], mailboat/ocean liner
        chuánbó, shipping/boats
        chuánwèi, ship's position
        chuánchǎng, [船廠], shipyard/shipbuilder's yard
        tuōchuán, tugboat/boat towed by a tugboat/to tow a boat
        kèchuán, passenger ship
        mùchuán, wooden boat
        pòbīngchuán, ice breaker
        hángchuán, ship (e.g. providing regular passenger service)
        hǎichuán, seagoing ship
        shuǐyìchuán, hydrofoil
        shuǐzhǎngchuángāo, [水漲船高], the tide rises, the boat floats (idiom); fig. to change with the overall trend/t...
        yáochuán, [搖船], to scull/to row a boat
        chuángōng, boatman/boat builder
        bīngchuán, man-of-war/naval vessel/warship
        chuánzhá, [船閘], a canal lock
        xíngchuán, to sail a boat/to navigate
        chuándōng, [船東], ship owner
        chuánbù, wharf/quay
        chuánlǎodà, coxswain/steersman/boatswain (bo'sun)

        rénmín, the people/CL:個|个[gè]
        gōngmín, citizen
        Mín/mín, surname Min, the people/nationality/citizen
        yímín, to immigrate/to migrate/emigrant/immigrant
        jūmín, resident/inhabitant
        píngmín, ordinary people/commoner/civilian
        shìmín, city resident
        mínzhǔ, democracy
        mínzhòng, [民眾], populace/masses/the people
        mínzú, nationality/ethnic group/CL:個|个[gè]
        nóngmín, [農民], peasant/farmer/CL:個|个[gè]
        guómín, [國民], nationals/citizens/people of a nation
        Mínzhǔdǎng, [民主黨], Democratic Party
        nànmín, [難民], refugee
        xuǎnmín, [選民], voter/constituency/electorate
        mínshì, civil case/agricultural affairs/civil
        cūnmín, villager
        yímínjú, immigration office
        zhímíndì, colony
        mínyáo, [民謠], ballad/folk song
        pínmínkū, [貧民窟], slum housing
        pínmínqū, [貧民區], slum area/ghetto
        mínjiān, [民間], among the people/popular/folk/non-governmental/involving people rather than gove...
        zǐmín, people
        mínbīng, people's militia/militia/militiaman
        zhímín, colony/colonial
        mínzhái, house/people's homes
        Mínquán/mínquán, [民權], Minquan county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shāng qiū], Henan, civil liberties
        quánmín, entire population (of a country)
        nànmínyíng, [難民營], refugee camp
        pínmín, [貧民], poor people
        yóumín, [遊民], vagrant/vagabond
        mínyì, public opinion/popular will/public will
        mínyòng, (for) civilian use
        gōngmínquán, [公民權], civil rights/citizenship rights
        chénmín, subject (of a kingdom, ruler etc)
        shǎoshùmínzú, [少數民族], national minority/ethnic group
        míngē, folk song/CL:支[zhī],首[shǒu]
        jūmínqū, [居民區], residential area/neighborhood
        yúmín, [漁民], fisherman/fisher folk
        Mínguó, [民國], Republic of China (1912-1949)/used in Taiwan as the name of the calendar era (e....
        jiànmín, [賤民], social stratum below the level of ordinary people/untouchable/dalit (India caste...
        mínyìcèyàn, [民意測驗], opinion poll
        mínxuǎn, [民選], democratically elected
        mínshēng, people's livelihood/people's welfare
        míngōng, migrant worker/temporary worker enlisted on a public project
        guótàimínān, [國泰民安], the country prospers, the people at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
        mínjiānwǔ, [民間舞], folk dance
        mínzhǔzhǔyì, [民主主義], democracy
        mínháng, civil aviation
        liángmín, good people/ordinary people (i.e. not the lowest class)
        yānmín, [煙民], smokers
        bàomín, a mob of people
        mínxīn, popular sentiment
        mínzúzhǔyì, [民族主義], nationalism/national self-determination/principle of nationalism, the first of D...
        mínsú, popular custom
        mùmín, herdsman
        wànmín, [萬民], all the people
        chuánmín, people who live and make a living on boats
        mínjū, houses/homes
        rénmínbì, [人民幣], Renminbi (RMB)/Chinese Yuan (CNY)
        mínfǎ, civil law
        mínqíng, circumstances of the people/popular sentiment/the mood of the people/popular cus...
        ZhōnghuáRénmínGònghéguó, [中華人民共和國], People's Republic of China
        mínzúyīngxióng, national hero
        jǐngmín, the police and the community
        cǎimín, lottery player
        mínfáng, private house
        qiáomín, [僑民], expatriates
        ZìyóuMínzhǔdǎng, [自由民主黨], Liberal Democratic Party
        gǔmín, stock investor/share trader
        zhímínzhǔyì, [殖民主義], colonialism
        zāimín, [災民], victim (of a disaster)
        Guómíndǎng, [國民黨], Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT)/Nationalist Party
        shùmín, the multitude of common people (in highbrow literature)/plebeian
        mínjǐng, civil police/PRC police/abbr. for 人民警察
        mínbùliáoshēng, The people have no way to make a living (idiom, from Record of the Grand Histori...
        jūnmín, [軍民], army-civilian/military-masses/military-civilian
        Mínyuè/mínyuè, [民樂], Minyue county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhāng yè], Gansu, folk music, esp. for traditiona...
        mínzhǔhuà, to convert to democracy/democratic transformation
        mínfēng, [民風], popular customs/folkways
        mínyǐshíwéitiān, [民以食為天], Food is the God of the people. (idiom); People view food as the primary need./Fo...
        xiǎomín, ordinary people/commoner/civilian
        liúmín, refugee
        mínyíng, [民營], privately run (i.e. by a company, not the state)
        xiāngmín, [鄉民], villager/(Tw) (Internet slang) person who likes to follow online discussions and...
        mínzhèng, civil administration
        mínyínghuà, [民營化], privatization
        yúmín, ignorant masses/to keep the people in ignorance
        rénmíndǎng, [人民黨], People's party (of various countries)
        mínzhīmíngāo, lit. the fat and wealth of the people (idiom); the nation's hard-won wealth (esp...
        ZhōnghuáMínguó, [中華民國], Republic of China
        mínyàn, [民諺], folk saying/proverb
        ZhōngguóRénmínJiěfàngjūn, [中國人民解放軍], Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
        nóngmínqǐyì, [農民起義], peasant revolt
        jūmíndiǎn, [居民點], residential area
        rénmíngōngshè, people's commune
        mínjiānyìshù, [民間藝術], folk art
        límín, the common people/the great unwashed
        wǎngmín, [網民], web user/netizen
        nóngmíngōng, [農民工], migrant workers
        àimínrúzǐ, [愛民如子], to love the common people as one's own children (praise for a virtuous ruler)
        mínnǚ, woman from an ordinary family
        rénmínfǎyuàn, people's court (of law)/people's tribunal
        MínMéng, China Democratic League (political party)/abbr. for 中國民主同盟|中国民主同盟
        Mínzhèngjú, Bureau of Civil Affairs
        Sānmínzhǔyì, [三民主義], Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three Principles of the People (late 1890s)
        GāngguǒMínzhǔGònghéguó, [剛果民主共和國], Democratic Republic of Congo
        mínzhǔgémìng, democratic revolution/bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude t...
        mínsúxué, [民俗學], folklore
        rénmínjǐngchá, civil police/PRC police
        guómínjīngjì, [國民經濟], national economy
        míntíng, civil court
        mínyuàn, popular grievance/complaints of the people
        mínkē, pseudoscientist/crank/crackpot (abbr. for 民間科學家|民间科学家)
        shùnmín, [順民], docile subject (of new dynasty)/toady

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