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bìngyīn cause of disease

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Word Compounds

        bìng, illness/CL:場|场[cháng]/disease/to fall ill/defect
        bìngrén, sick person/patient/invalid/CL:個|个[gè]
        bìngdú, virus
        máobìng, fault/defect/shortcomings/ailment/CL:個|个[gè]
        shēngbìng, to fall ill
        jíbìng, disease/sickness/ailment
        xīnzàngbìng, [心臟病], heart disease
        jīngshénbìng, mental disorder/psychosis
        shénjīngbìng, [神經病], mental disorder/neuropathy/(derog.) mental case
        bìngqíng, state of an illness/patient's condition
        bìngfáng, ward (of a hospital)/sickroom/CL:間|间[jiān]
        bìnglì, (medical) case/occurrence of illness
尿         tángniàobìng, diabetes/diabetes mellitus
        bìnglì, [病歷], medical record/case history
        àizībìng, AIDS (loanword)
        kànbìng, to visit a doctor/to see a patient
        bìngtài, [病態], morbid or abnormal state
        bìngjià, sick leave
        xìngbìng, sexually transmitted disease/venereal disease
        bìngzhèng, disease/illness
        bìngjūn, harmful bacteria/pathogenic bacteria/germs
        bìngshǐ, medical history
        chuánrǎnbìng, [傳染病], infectious disease/contagious disease/pestilence
        báixuèbìng, leukemia
        débìng, to fall ill/to contract a disease
        fēngniúbìng, [瘋牛病], mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
        zhìbìng, to treat an illness
        kuángquǎnbìng, rabies
        bìngchuáng, hospital bed/sickbed
        bìngyīn, cause of disease/pathogen
        bìngyuántǐ, [病原體], (med.) pathogen
        fābìng, [發病], onset/outbreak (of a disease)
        lìnbìng, gonorrhea/Taiwan pr. [lín bìng]
        àizībìng, [愛滋病], variant of 艾滋病[ài zī bìng]
        zhòngbìng, serious illness
        bìngtòng, slight illness/indisposition/ailment
        bìngdǎo, to fall ill/to be stricken with an illness
        chūmáobìng, a problem appears/to break down
        huànbìng, to fall ill
        bìngmó, serious illness
        àizībìngdú, human immune deficiency virus (HIV)/the AIDS virus
        bìngbiàn, [病變], pathological changes/lesion/diseased (kidney, cornea etc)
        bìnglǐxué, [病理學], pathology
        hóngyǎnbìng, [紅眼病], pinkeye/envy/jealousy
        máfēngbìng, [麻風病], leprosy/Hansen's disease
        bìngrùgāohuāng, lit. the disease has attacked the vitals (idiom); fig. beyond cure/the situation...
        zhíyèbìng, [職業病], occupational disease
        rèbìng, [熱病], fever/pyrexia
        bìnglǐ, pathology
        bìnghào, [病號], sick personnel/person on the sick list/patient
        fèibìng, lung disease
        lǎomáobìng, chronic illness/old weakness/chronic problem
        liúxíngbìng, epidemic disease
        sàngxīnbìngkuáng, [喪心病狂], deranged/demented/berserk (idiom)
        tóngbìngxiānglián, [同病相憐], fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company
        pífūbìng, [皮膚病], dermatosis
        fànbìng, to fall ill
        tànbìng, to visit a sick person or patient
        xuèyǒubìng, hemophilia
        bìngwēi, to be critically ill/to be terminally ill
        shēnglǎobìngsǐ, lit. to be born, to grow old, to get sick and to die/fig. the fate of humankind ...
        xīnbìng, anxiety/sore point/secret worry/mental disorder/heart disease (medicine)
        láimǔbìng, [萊姆病], Lyme disease
        báihuàbìng, albinism
        huángrèbìng, [黃熱病], yellow fever
        yǎngbìng, [養病], to recuperate/to convalesce/to take care of one's health after illness
        bìngzào, focus of infection/lesion/nidus
        bìngyǒu, a friend made in hospital or people who become friends in hospital/wardmate
        rǎnbìng, to catch an illness/to get infected with a disease
        jiùbìng, [舊病], old illness/former affliction
        guānxīnbìng, coronary heart disease
        xiàochuǎnbìng, asthma
        tōngbìng, common problem/common failing
        bìngyuán, cause of disease
        yìbìng, hysteria
        zhìbìng, pathogenic/to cause disease
        wèibìng, stomach trouble/stomach illness
        xiāngsībìng, lovesickness
        huàixuèbìng, [壞血病], scurvy
        bìngzhēng, [病徵], symptom (of a disease)
        dàibìng, [帶病], to carry a disease/carrier/vector
        bìngyuàn, specialized hospital
        fābìnglǜ, [發病率], incidence of a disease/disease rate
        bìngyuánjūn, a pathogen/a bacterial pathogen
        mànxìngbìng, chronic disease
        wòbìng, [臥病], ill in bed/bed-ridden
        zhìbìngjiùrén, to treat the disease to save the patient/to criticize a person in order to help ...
        bìngfū, sick man
        bìngzhuàng, [病狀], symptom (of a disease)
        bìngyānyān, [病懨懨], looking or feeling sickly/weak and dispirited through illness
        bìbìng, malady/evil/malpractice/drawback/disadvantage
        yìbìng, plague/a blight
        ruǎngǔbìng, [軟骨病], chondropathy (medicine)
        bìngjiàtiáo, [病假條], sick note/medical certificate for sick leave
        bìngdúxué, [病毒學], virology (study of viruses)
        bìngyāngzi, (coll.) invalid/sickly person
        gōulóubìng, [佝僂病], rickets (medicine)
        bìngàn, medical record
        bìngtà, sickbed
        bìngkuàng, [病況], state of an illness/patient's condition
        bìngyuán, [病員], sick personnel/person on the sick list/patient
        yùndòngbìng, [運動病], car sickness/motion sickness
        gòubìng, [詬病], to denounce/to castigate
        bìngyuán, cause of disease/pathogen
        shāngbìngyuán, [傷病員], the sick and the wounded
        bìnghài, plant disease
        qìchuǎnbìng, [氣喘病], asthma
        gānbìng, liver disease
        gǔbìng, osteopathy
        tiāomáobìng, to nitpick/petty criticism/to nag
        yǎnbìng, eye disease
        bìngyù, [病癒], to recover (from an illness)
        bìnggēn, an incompletely cured illness/an old complaint/the root cause of trouble
        bìngróng, sickly look
        yībìngbùqǐ, to fall gravely ill, never to recover (idiom)
        jiéhébìng, [結核病], tuberculosis
        yàodàobìngchú, [藥到病除], lit. the disease is cured the moment the medicine is taken (idiom)/fig. (of a me...
        bìngjù, defective sentence/error (of grammar or logic)
        bàobìng, to be ill/to be in bad health
        hàibìng, to fall sick/to contract an illness
        zhìbìngjūn, pathogenic bacteria
        bìngchéng, course of disease
        kàngbìng, disease resistant
        bìngxiū, to be on sick leave
        yázhōubìng, periodontitis (gum disorder)
        láobìng, [癆病], tuberculosis (TCM)
        shòubìng, to fall ill
        shuǐyǔbìng, [水俁病], Minamata disease (mercury poisoning found in Southern Japan in 1956)
        huāliǔbìng, sexually transmitted disease/venereal disease
        fùguìbìng, [富貴病], rich person's ailment (needing expensive treatment and long recuperation)
        bìngshì, to die of illness
        bìnggù, to die of an illness
        báibānbìng, vitiligo
        fèixīnbìng, pulmonary heart disease (medicine)

        yīnwèi, [因為], because/owing to/on account of
        yuányīn, cause/origin/root cause/reason/CL:個|个[gè]
        yīn, [囙], old variant of 因[yīn], cause/reason/because
        yīncǐ, thus/consequently/as a result
        jīyīn, gene (loanword)
        kěkǎyīn, cocaine (loanword)
        sǐyīn, cause of death
        yīnsù, element/factor/CL:個|个[gè]
        hǎiluòyīn, heroin (loanword)
        yīnguǒ, karma/cause and effect
        Àiyīnsītǎn, [愛因斯坦], Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German-born theoretical physicist
        kāfēiyīn, caffeine (loanword)
        Miǎnyīnzhōu, [緬因州], Maine, US state
        bìngyīn, cause of disease/pathogen
        qǐyīn, cause/a factor (leading to an effect)
        Yīntèwǎng, [因特網], Internet
        yīnér, therefore/as a result/thus/and as a result, ...
        yīnzǐ, factor/(genetic) trait/(math.) factor/divisor
        yòuyīn, [誘因], cause/triggering factor/incentive/inducement
        DéMéiyīn, Des Moines, capital of Iowa
        Miǎnyīn, [緬因], Maine, US state
        chéngyīn, cause/factor/cause of formation
        jīyīnzǔ, [基因組], genome
        yīnyuán, [因緣], chance/opportunity/predestined relationship/(Buddhist) principal and secondary c...
·         Sàdámǔ·Hóusàiyīn, [薩達姆·侯賽因], Saddam Hussein
        qiányīnhòuguǒ, [前因後果], cause and effects (idiom); entire process of development
        yīnrénéryì, [因人而異], varying from person to person (idiom); different for each individual
        Hóusàiyīn, [侯賽因], Husain or Hussein (name)/Hussein (c. 626-680), Muslim leader whose martyrdom is ...
        zhuǎnjīyīn, [轉基因], genetic modification
        yīnxúnshǒujiù, [因循守舊], (idiom) to continue in the same old rut/diehard conservative attitudes
        yīnshù, [因數], factor (of an integer)/divisor
        zhǔyīn, main reason
        yīngù, for some reason
        lìduōkǎyīn, lidocaine (loanword)
        yīndìzhìyí, (idiom) to use methods in line with local circumstances
        yīnxiǎoshīdà, to save a little only to lose a lot (idiom)
        dòngyīn, [動因], motivation/moving force/underlying force/agent
        yīnshìfēnjiě, factorization
        yīnyēfèishí, [因噎廢食], lit. not eating for fear of choking (idiom); fig. to cut off one's nose to spite...
        yīnlòujiùjiǎn, [因陋就簡], crude but simple methods (idiom); use whatever methods you can/to do things simp...
        yīnshìlìdǎo, [因勢利導], to take advantage of the new situation (idiom)/to make the best of new opportuni...
        Yīnsībùlǔkè, [因斯布魯克], Innsbruck, city in Austria

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