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HSK 6 word: freq index 16023
suǒqǔ to ask
to demand

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线         xiànsuǒ, [線索], trail/clues/thread (of a story)
        sōusuǒ, to search (a place)/to search (a database etc)
        lèsuǒ, to blackmail/to extort
        Suǒ/suǒ, surname Suo/abbr. for 索馬里|索马里[Suǒ mǎ lǐ], Somalia, to search/to demand/to ask/to...
        tànsuǒ, to explore/to probe
        shéngsuǒ, [繩索], rope
        Bìjiāsuǒ, [畢加索], Picasso
        Suǒěr, [索爾], Thor (Norse god of thunder)
        lìsuo, nimble
        suǒpéi, [索賠], to ask for compensation/to claim damages/claim for damages
        sīsuǒ, to think deeply/to ponder
        Suǒní, Sony
        suǒqǔ, to ask/to demand
        suǒyào, to ask for/to request/to demand
        mōsuo, to feel about/to grope about/to fumble/to do things slowly
        Bǐsuǒ/bǐsuǒ, Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau (Tw), peso (currency in Latin America) (loanwor...
        Suǒmǎlǐ, [索馬裡]/[索馬里], variant of 索馬里|索马里[Suǒ mǎ lǐ]/Somalia, Somalia
        dǎohuǒsuǒ, [導火索], fuse (for explosive)
        jiǎnsuǒ, [檢索], to retrieve (data)/to look up/retrieval/search
        suǒyǐn, index
        qiāozhàlèsuǒ, [敲詐勒索], extortion and blackmail (idiom)
        Suǒfēiyà, [索菲亞], Sofia (capital of Bulgaria)
        tàosuǒ, a lasso/noose
        Gāojiāsuǒ, Caucasus/Caucasian
        Suǒpǔ, Thorpe (name)
        suǒxìng, you might as well (do it)/simply/just
        Kēsuǒwò, Kosovo
        Mòsuǒlǐní, Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), Italian fascist dictator, "Il Duce", president 192...
        sōusuǒyǐnqíng, search engine
        suǒrán, dull/dry
        bùjiǎsīsuǒ, to act without taking time to think (idiom); to react instantly/to fire from the...
        diàosuǒ, rope tackle hanging from a mast/crow foot (system of ropes through tackle to hol...
        jiǎosuǒ, [絞索], a noose for hanging criminals
        Luósuǒ, [羅索], Roseau, capital of Dominica
        Měisuǒbùdámǐyà, [美索不達米亞], Mesopotamia
        zhuīsuǒ, to demand payment/to extort/to trace/to seek/to pursue/to explore
        Āiěrpàsuǒ, [埃爾帕索], El Paso (Texas)
        lǎnsuǒ, [纜索], cable/hawser/mooring rope
        Suǒfēiyà, [索非亞], Sofia, capital of Bulgaria
        Yīsuǒ, Aesop (trad. 620-560 BC), Greek slave and storyteller, supposed author of Aesop'...
        tànsuǒxìng, exploratory
        Suǒduōmǎ, [索多瑪], Sodom
        suǒdào, ropeway
        Lúkèsuǒ, [盧克索], Luxor, city in Egypt
        qiúsuǒ, to search for sth/to seek/to quest/to explore
        àntúsuǒjì, [按圖索驥], lit. looking for a fine horse using only a picture (idiom)/fig. to do things alo...
        Suǒluómén, [索羅門], Solomon (name)/Solomon (Islands)
        BùjīnàFǎsuǒ, [布基納法索], Burkina Faso
        jǐsuǒdòngwù, [脊索動物], chordata
        Suǒmǎlìyà, [索馬利亞], Somalia (Tw)
贿         suǒhuì, [索賄], to exact bribes/to solicit bribes/to demand bribes/to extort
        GāojiāsuǒShānmài, [高加索山脈], Caucasus Mountains
        Luóméngnuòsuǒfū, [羅蒙諾索夫], Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765), Russian polymath and writer

        qǔ, to take/to get/to choose/to fetch
        qǔxiāo, to cancel/cancellation
        zhēngqǔ, [爭取], to fight for/to strive for/to win over
        qǔdé, to acquire/to get/to obtain
        cǎiqǔ, [採取], to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action)/to take
        qǔxiào, to tease/to make fun of
        qǔdài, to replace/to supersede/to supplant/(chemistry) substitution
        tíqǔ, to withdraw (money)/to collect (left luggage)/to extract/to refine
        huòqǔ, [獲取], to gain/to get/to acquire
        lùqǔ, [錄取], to accept an applicant (prospective student, employee etc) who passes an entranc...
        qǔchū, to take out/to extract/to draw out
        xīqǔ, to absorb/to draw (a lesson, insight etc)/to assimilate
        qǔyuè, [取悅], to try to please
        tīngqǔ, [聽取], to hear (news)/to listen to
        qǔhuí, to retrieve
        huànqǔ, [換取], to obtain (sth) in exchange/to exchange (sth) for (sth else)
        qǔmíng, to name/to be named/to christen/to seek fame
        duóqǔ, [奪取], to seize/to capture/to wrest control of
        qǔshèng, [取勝], to score a victory/to prevail over one's opponents
        qǔxiàng, orientation/direction
        qièqǔ, [竊取], to steal/to seize
        qǔzhèng, [取證], to collect evidence
        shōuqǔ, to receive/to collect
        qǔnuǎn, to warm oneself (by a fire etc)
        wúlǐqǔnào, [無理取鬧], to make trouble without reason (idiom); to be deliberately provocative
        dúqǔ, [讀取], (of a computer etc) to read (data)
        qǔérdàizhī, to substitute for sb/to remove and replace
        qǔkuǎn, to withdraw money from a bank
        suǒqǔ, to ask/to demand
        qǔyàng, [取樣], to take a sample
        lǐngqǔ, [領取], to receive/to draw/to get
        qǔlè, [取樂], to find amusement/to amuse oneself
        jiéqǔ, to cut off a section of sth
        dàoqǔ, [盜取], to steal (including identity theft, credit card fraud or theft of computer accou...
        chōuqǔ, to extract/to remove/to draw (a sales commission, venom from a snake etc)
        jiùyóuzìqǔ, to have only oneself to blame (idiom)/to bring trouble through one's own actions
        piànqǔ, [騙取], to gain by cheating
        jíqǔ, to draw/to derive/to absorb
        jìnqǔ, [進取], to show initiative/to be a go-getter/to push forward with one's agenda
        shèqǔ, [攝取], to absorb (nutrients etc)/to assimilate/intake/to take a photograph of (a scene)
        huázhòngqǔchǒng, [嘩眾取寵], sensationalism/vulgar claptrap to please the crowds/playing to the gallery/demag...
        bóqǔ, to win (favors, confidence etc)
        zhuànqǔ, [賺取], to make a profit/to earn a packet
        kěqǔ, acceptable/desirable/worth having
        juéqǔ, to plunder/to loot/robbery/pillage
        qǔshuǐ, water intake/to obtain water (from a well etc)
        zhàqǔ, to extract/to squeeze out (juice etc)/(fig.) to exploit
        lièqǔ, [獵取], to hunt/(fig.) to seek (fame etc)
        jìnqǔxīn, [進取心], enterprising spirit/initiative
        tóujīqǔqiǎo, [投機取巧], to seize every opportunity/to be full of tricks
        xuǎnqǔ, [選取], to choose
        qǔdì, [取締], to suppress/to crack down on/to prohibit
        duànzhāngqǔyì, [斷章取義], to quote out of context (idiom)
        qǔxìn, to win the trust of
        qǔshě, [取捨], to choose/to accept or reject
        móuqǔ, [謀取], to seek/to strive for/to obtain/see also 牟取[móu qǔ]
        qǔcái, to collect material
        qǔjīng, [取經], to journey to India on a quest for the Buddhist scriptures/to learn by studying ...
        qǔjué, [取決], to depend upon/to hinge upon
        qǔdào, via/by way of/en route to
        zhìqǔ, to take by ruse/to outwit/to outsmart
        zhāiqǔ, to pluck/to take
        gèqǔsuǒxū, each takes what he needs (idiom)
        móuqǔbàolì, to profiteer/profiteering
        tànnángqǔwù, to feel in one's pocket and take sth (idiom); as easy as pie/in the bag
        tàoqǔ, to acquire fraudulently/an illegal exchange
        qǔchángbǔduǎn, [取長補短], lit. use others' strengths to make up for one's weak points (idiom from Mencius)...
        zhàqǔ, [詐取], to swindle/to defraud
        cúnqǔ, to store and retrieve (money, belongings etc)/(computing) to access (data)
        xiéqǔ, [擷取], to pick/to select/to take/to capture (data)/to acquire/to pick up (a signal)
        diàoqǔ, [調取], to obtain (information from an archive etc)
        jiùdìqǔcái, to draw on local resources/using materials at hand
        qīngqǔ, [輕取], to beat easily/to gain an easy victory
        zhuāqǔ, to seize
        shíqǔ, to pick up/to collect
        móuqǔ, to gain profit (by underhand means)/to exploit/see also 謀取|谋取[móu qǔ]
        qǔqiǎo, quick fix/opportune short cut (around a difficulty)/cheap trick (to get what one...
        fēnwénbùqǔ, to give for free
        qǔjǐngkuàng, rectangular frame used to view a scene (made out of cardboard etc, or formed by ...
        lāoqǔ, [撈取], to fish for/to seek profit (by improper means)
        kǎoqǔ, to pass an entrance exam/to be admitted to

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