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耀 Word: freq index 31285
[耀武揚威] yàowǔyángwēi to show off one's military strength (idiom); to strut around
to bluff
to bluster

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Word Compounds

耀         róngyào, [榮耀], honor/glory
耀         xuànyào, dazzling/to show off/to flaunt
耀         shǎnyào, [閃耀], to glint/to glitter/to sparkle/to radiate
耀         yàoyǎn, to dazzle/dazzling
耀         zhàoyào, to shine/to illuminate
耀         yàobān, solar flare
耀         kuāyào, [誇耀], to brag about/to flaunt
耀         yào, brilliant/glorious
耀         guāngyào, dazzling/brilliant
耀         yàowǔyángwēi, [耀武揚威], to show off one's military strength (idiom); to strut around/to bluff/to bluster
耀         guāngzōngyàozǔ, to bring honor to one's ancestors
耀         xiǎnyào, [顯耀], to show off

        wǔqì, weapon/arms/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
        wǔzhuāng, [武裝], arms/equipment/to arm/military/armed (forces)
        wǔshì, warrior/samurai
        Wǔ/wǔ, surname Wu, martial/military
        héwǔqì, nuclear weapon
        wǔlì, military force
        wǔshù, [武術], military skill or technique (in former times)/all kinds of martial art sports (s...
        bǐwǔ, martial arts competition/tournament/to compete in a contest
        wǔlín, martial arts (social) circles
        Xiūwǔ, Xiuwu county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiāo zuò], Henan
        huàxuéwǔqì, [化學武器], chemical weapon
        wǔduàn, [武斷], arbitrary/subjective/dogmatic
        shēngwùwǔqì, biological weapon
        Wǔtián, Takeda (Japanese surname)
        Wǔgōng/wǔgōng, Wugong County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xián yáng], Shaanxi, martial art/military accomp...
        yòngwǔzhīdì, ample scope for abilities/favorable position for the use of one's skills (idiom)
        héwǔ, nuclear weapon
        wǔshìdào, bushidō or way of the warrior, samurai code of chivalry
        wǔzhuānglìliàng, [武裝力量], armed force
        wǔyì, [武藝], martial art/military skill
        zhòngwǔqì, heavy weapon
        dòngwǔ, [動武], to use force/to come to blows
耀         yàowǔyángwēi, [耀武揚威], to show off one's military strength (idiom); to strut around/to bluff/to bluster
        qīngwǔqì, [輕武器], light weapon
        wǔzhuāngbùduì, [武裝部隊], armed forces
        wēiwǔ, might/formidable
        Wǔhàn, [武漢], Wuhan city on Changjiang, subprovincial city and capital of Hubei province
        xuánwǔyán, basalt (geology)/lava
        Tàiwǔ, Taiwu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Píng dōng Xiàn], Taiwan
        Wǔchāng, Wuchang district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wǔ hàn shì], Hubei
        wǔdǎ, acrobatic fighting in Chinese opera or dance
        chángguīwǔqì, [常規武器], conventional weapon
        yīngxióngwúyòngwǔzhīdì, [英雄無用武之地], a hero with no chance of using his might/to have no opportunity to display one's...
        Hóngwǔ, Hongwu Emperor, also written Hung-wu Ti, reign name of first Ming emperor Zhu Yu...
        shàngwǔ, to promote a martial spirit/to revere military skills/warlike
        yīngwǔ, soldierly/martial (appearance)
        wǔjiàng, [武將], general/military leader/fierce man
        wǔguān, military official/military attaché
        yǒngwǔ, brave
        Dàwǔ, Dawu or Tawu township in Taitung County 臺東縣|台东县[Tái dōng Xiàn], southeast Taiwan
        wénwǔ, civil and military
        héwǔkù, [核武庫], nuclear arsenal
        LúWǔxuàn, [盧武鉉], Roh Moo-hyun (1946-2009), South Korean lawyer and politician, president 2003-200...
        Hánwǔjì, [寒武紀], Cambrian geological period (541-485.4 million years ago)
        huàwǔ, chemical weapon/abbr. for 化學武器|化学武器[huà xué wǔ qì]
        wǔxiá, [武俠], martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary, theatrical and cinema genre)/knight-err...
        dúwǔ, [黷武], militaristic/to use military force indiscriminately

        Yáng/yáng, [揚]/[敭], abbr. for 揚州|扬州[Yáng zhōu]/surname Yang, to raise/to hoist/the action of tossing...
        zànyáng, [讚揚], to praise/to approve of/to show approval
        xuānyáng, [宣揚], to proclaim/to make public or well known
        biǎoyáng, [表揚], to praise/to commend
        ZhāngYáng/zhāngyáng, [張揚], Zhang Yang (1967-), PRC film director and screenwriter, to display ostentatiousl...
        fēndàoyángbiāo, [分道揚鑣], lit. to take different roads and urge the horses on (idiom)/fig. to part ways
        yángshēngqì, [揚聲器], speaker
        fēiyáng, [飛揚], to rise/to fly upward
        yángfān, [揚帆], to set sail
        fāyáng, [發揚], to develop/to make full use of
        zhǐgāoqìyáng, [趾高氣揚], high and mighty (idiom); arrogant
        piāoyáng, [飄揚], to wave/to flutter/to fly
        yángmíng, [揚名], to become famous/to become notorious
        fèifèiyángyáng, [沸沸揚揚], bubbling and gurgling/hubbubing/abuzz
        yángyán, [揚言], to put about (a story, plan, threat etc)/to let it be known (esp. of threat or m...
        sòngyáng, [頌揚], to eulogize/to praise
        yángqǐ, [揚起], to raise one's head/to perk up
        yángchángérqù, [揚長而去], to swagger off/to walk off (or drive off etc) without a second thought for those...
        fāyángguāngdà, [發揚光大], to develop and promote/to carry forward/to bring to great height of development
耀         yàowǔyángwēi, [耀武揚威], to show off one's military strength (idiom); to strut around/to bluff/to bluster
        shàngyáng, [上揚], to rise (i.e. number increases)/a price rise/to raise
        chòumíngyuǎnyáng, [臭名遠揚], stinking reputation/notorious far and wide
        dòuzhìángyáng, [鬥志昂揚], having high fighting spirit
        yōuyáng, [悠揚], melodious/mellifluous
        bāoyáng, [褒揚], to praise
        shéncǎifēiyáng, [神采飛揚], in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor
        chuányáng, [傳揚], to spread (by word of mouth)
        yángchángbìduǎn, [揚長避短], to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses (idiom)/to play to one's strengths
        yìyángdùncuò, [抑揚頓挫], see 頓挫抑揚|顿挫抑扬[dùn cuò yì yáng]
        ángyáng, [昂揚], elated/high-spirited/uplifting (music)
        gāoyáng, [高揚], held high/elevated/uplift/soaring
        yángbiān, [揚鞭], to whip on/to raise a whip/by ext. to swagger
        hóngyáng, [弘揚], to enhance/to promote/to enrich
        qímàobùyáng, [其貌不揚], (idiom) nothing special to look at/unprepossessing
        yìyáng, [抑揚], modulation (rising and falling pitch)/intonation/a cadence/to rise and fall (of ...
        fēnfēnyángyáng, [紛紛揚揚], fluttering about (of leaves etc)
        Sàiyáng, [賽揚], Celeron (an Intel chip)
        míngyángsìhǎi, [名揚四海], to become known far and wide (idiom)/famous
        yángqín, [揚琴], yangqin/dulcimer (hammered string musical instrument)
        yángméi, [揚眉], to raise eyebrows

        wēixié, [威脅], to threaten/to menace
        wēishìjì, whiskey (loanword)
        Wēilián, William or Wilhelm (name)
        Xiàwēiyí, Hawaii, US state
        wēi, power/might/prestige
        Wēilì, Wylie (name)/Turrell Wylie, originator of the Wylie transcription of Tibetan scr...
        DùWēi, Du Wei (1982-), Shanghai soccer star/Dewey (name)
        quánwēi, [權威], authority/authoritative/power and prestige
        wēilì, might/formidable power
        Wēinísī, Venice/Venezia
        Nuówēi, Norway
        Wēiěrxùn, [威爾遜], Wilson (name)
        shìwēi, to demonstrate (as a protest)/a demonstration/a military show of force
        Wēiěrshì, [威爾士], Wales, constituent nation of UK
        wēifēng, [威風], might/awe-inspiring authority/impressive
        Gélínwēizhì, Greenwich
        Kēwēitè, Kuwait
        Wēixìn/wēixìn, Weixin county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhāo tōng], Yunnan, prestige/reputation/trust/credi...
        Hǎimíngwēi, Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), American novelist and journalist
        shìwēizhě, demonstrator/protester
        Wēilìsī, Willis (name)
        Àosīwēixīn, [奧斯威辛], Auschwitz (concentration camp)
        wēishìjìjiǔ, whiskey (loanword)
        wēiyán, [威嚴], dignified/imposing/august/awe-inspiring/awe/prestige/dignity
        Àisēnháowēiěr, [艾森豪威爾], Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), US army general and politician, Supreme Allied...
        Wēisīkāngxīngzhōu, Wisconsin, US state
        Bǎiwēi, Budweiser (beer)
        Wēisīkāngxīng, Wisconsin, US state
        wēiwàng, prestige
        zhùwēi, to cheer for/to encourage/to boost the morale of
        wēihè, [威嚇], to threaten/to intimidate/to cow
        wēiměng, bold and powerful
        wēilíng, [威靈], authority/prestige/supernatural spirit
        wēibī, to threaten/to coerce/to intimidate
        xiàmǎwēi, [下馬威], display of severity immediately on taking office/(fig.) initial show of strength
耀         yàowǔyángwēi, [耀武揚威], to show off one's military strength (idiom); to strut around/to bluff/to bluster
        wēishè, [威懾], to cower by military force/deterrence
        zuòwēizuòfú, tyrannical abuse (idiom); riding roughshod over people
        Bàowēiěr, [鮑威爾], Powell (name)
        wēiwǔ, might/formidable
        Wēiliánsībǎo, Williamsburg, Virginia
        wēimíng, fame for fighting prowess/military glory
        LùyìWēidēng, Louis Vuitton (brand)
        hújiǎhǔwēi, lit. the fox exploits the tiger's might (idiom); fig. to use powerful connection...
·         Wēilián·Shāshìbǐyà, [威廉·莎士比亞], William Shakespeare (1564-1616), poet and playwright
        quánwēixìng, [權威性], authoritative/(having) authority
        Wēisīkāngxīn, Wisconsin
        Shǐdíwēi, Joseph Stilwell (1883-1946), commander of US forces in China, Burma and India in...
        shēngwēi, [聲威], prestige/renown/influence
        yínwēi, abuse of authority/tyrannical abuse
        wēiyí, [威儀], majestic presence/awe-inspiring manner
        Sīwēishìlán, [斯威士蘭], Swaziland
        XīnNánWēiěrshì, [新南威爾士], New South Wales, southeast Australian state
        Àowēiěr, [奧威爾], Orwell (name)/George Orwell (1903-1950), British novelist, author of Animal Farm...
        wēifēnglǐnlǐn, [威風凜凜], majestic/awe-inspiring presence/impressive power
        Wēishì, Visa (credit card)
        héwēishè, [核威懾], nuclear deterrence
·         Qiáozhì·Àowēiěr, [喬治·奧威爾], George Orwell (1903-1950), British novelist, author of Animal Farm 動物農場|动物农场 and...
        Huáwēi, [華威], Warwick (name)/University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
        wēishì, [威勢], might/power and influence
        Wēimǎ, [威瑪], Weimar (German city)
        wēiquán, [威權], authority/power
        Xīnbāwēi, Zimbabwe (Tw)
        Hànnuòwēi, [漢諾威], Hanover
        Wēiqítuō, Wichita (city in Kansas)

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