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[肉質] ròuzhì quality of meat
succulent (botany)

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        ròu, meat/flesh/pulp (of a fruit)/(coll.) (of a fruit) squashy/(of a person) flabby/i...
        jīròu, muscle/flesh
        niúròu, beef
        jīròu, [雞肉], chicken meat
        ròutǐ, [肉體], physical body
        kǎoròu, barbecue (lit. roast meat)
        zhūròu, [豬肉], pork
        xūnròu, [燻肉], bacon
        xuèròu, flesh
        ròuwán, meatball
        ròubǐng, [肉餅], meat patty
        ròuguì, Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia)
        féiròu, fat (e.g. pork fat)/fatty meat/(fig.) a gold mine/cash cow
        yángròu, mutton/goat meat
        ròujiàng, [肉醬], minced meat sauce/(fig.) mincemeat/a person cut to pieces
        ròuzhī, meat stock
        gǔròu, blood relation/kin/one's flesh and blood
        ròuyǎn, naked eye/layman's eyes
        ròulèi, [肉類], meat
        píròu, skin and flesh/superficial/physical (suffering)/bodily
        ròutāng, [肉湯], meat soup/broth
        ròuxiàn, [肉餡], ground meat/mincemeat
        ròumá, sickening/corny/sappy/maudlin/fulsome (of praise)
        ròushí, carnivorous
        ròushēn, corporeal body
        xièròu, crab meat
        dàròu, pork
        shēngròu, raw meat
        xiánròu, [鹹肉], bacon/salt-cured meat
        ròuyù, [肉慾], carnal desire
        gǒuròu, dog meat
        ròupiàn, meat slice
        ròudòukòu, nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt)/mace/Myristicaceae (family of plants producing...
        ruòròuqiángshí, [弱肉強食], lit. the weak are prey to the strong (idiom); fig. predatory behavior/the law of...
        fǔròu, rotting flesh/carrion
        ròuzhōngcì, a thorn in one's flesh
鹿         lùròu, venison
        guǒròu, pulp
        xīnjīngròutiào, [心驚肉跳], lit. heart alarmed, body leaping (idiom); fear and trepidation in the face of di...
        ròuliú, wart/sarcoma/superfluous/useless
        xīròu, (medicine) polyp
        kǔròujì, [苦肉計], the trick of injuring oneself to gain the enemy's confidence/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        yángròuchuàn, lamb kebab
        wǔhuāròu, pork belly/streaky pork
        ròumò, ground meat
        shòuròu, lean meat
        báiròu, plain boiled pork
        ròugǎn, sexiness/sexy/sensuality/sensual/voluptuous
        ròubózhàn, [肉搏戰], hand-to-hand combat
        ròuzhì, [肉質], quality of meat/succulent (botany)
        jiǎoròujī, [絞肉機], meat grinder
        xuèròuxiānglián, [血肉相連], one's own flesh and blood (idiom); closely related
        ròusōng, [肉鬆], meat floss/shredded dried pork
        dòngròu, [凍肉], cold or frozen meat
        píkāiròuzhàn, [皮開肉綻], flesh lacerated from corporal punishment (idiom)
        ròujī, [肉雞], chicken raised for meat/broiler/(computing) zombie/infected computer in a botnet
        ròupí, pork skin
        ròudīng, diced meat
        ròupiào, hostage
        hóngshāoròu, [紅燒肉], red braised pork
        niúròumiàn, [牛肉麵], beef noodle soup
        gǔròuxiānglián, [骨肉相連], lit. interrelated as bones and flesh (idiom); inseparably related/closely intert...
        héngròu, [橫肉], fierce-looking
        guàyángtóumàigǒuròu, [掛羊頭賣狗肉], lit. to hang a sheep's head while selling dog meat (idiom)/fig. to cheat/dishone...

        rénzhì, [人質], hostage
        wùzhì, [物質], matter/substance/material/materialistic/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhìyí, [質疑], to call into question/to question (truth or validity)
        zhìliàng, [質量], quality/(physics) mass/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhì, [質], character/nature/quality/plain/to pawn/pledge/hostage/to question/Taiwan pr. [zh...
        běnzhì, [本質], essence/nature/innate character/intrinsic quality
        qìzhì, [氣質], temperament/personality traits/manners
        pǐnzhì, [品質], character/intrinsic quality (of a person)/quality (of a product or service, or a...
        tèzhì, [特質], characteristic/special quality
        shénjīngzhì, [神經質], nervous/on edge/excitable/neurotic
        dànbáizhì, [蛋白質], protein
        xìngzhì, [性質], nature/characteristic/CL:個|个[gè]
        qiánzhì, [潛質], potential
        zhìwèn, [質問], to question/to ask questions/to inquire/to bring to account/to interrogate
        shízhì, [實質], substance/essence
        sùzhì, [素質], inner quality/basic essence
        biànzhì, [變質], to degenerate/to deteriorate/(of food) to go bad/to go off/(geology) metamorphis...
        lièzhì, [劣質], shoddy/of poor quality
        duìzhì, [對質], to confront (in court etc)/confrontation
        yōuzhì, [優質], excellent quality
        dìzhì, [地質], geology
        zhìxún, [質詢], to question/to enquire/interrogatory
        cáizhì, [材質], texture of timber/quality of material/material (that sth is made of)
        pízhì, [皮質], cortex/cerebral cortex
        zīzhì, [資質], aptitude/natural endowments
        diànjiězhì, [電解質], electrolyte
        dìzhìxuéjiā, [地質學家], geologist
        kuàngwùzhì, [礦物質], mineral, esp. dietary mineral
        shízhìxìng, [實質性], substantive/substantial/material/considerable
        tǐzhì, [體質], constitution
        zhìgǎn, [質感], realism (in art)/sense of reality/texture/tactile quality
        zhìdì, [質地], texture/background (texture)/grain/quality/character/disposition
        yīnzhì, [音質], tone/sound quality/timbre
        zhìpǔyí, [質譜儀], mass spectrometer
        mùzhì, [木質], wooden
        zhìshù, [質數], prime number
        bǎozhìqī, [保質期], date of use (on foodstuffs)/best before date
        shuǐzhì, [水質], water quality
        jiāozhì, [膠質], colloid/gelatinous matter
        zhìzǐ, [質子], proton (positively charged nuclear particle)/a prince sent to be held as a hosta...
        zázhì, [雜質], impurity
        dìzhìxué, [地質學], geology
        jiǎozhì, [角質], cutin/keratin
        zhǐzhì, [紙質], paper/hard copy/printed (as opposed to electronically displayed)
        zhìpǔ, [質樸], simple/plain/unadorned/unaffected/unsophisticated/rustic/earthy
        yíchuánwùzhì, [遺傳物質], genetic material
        gǔzhìshūsōngzhèng, [骨質疏鬆症], osteoporosis
        jièzhì, [介質], medium/media
        ròuzhì, [肉質], quality of meat/succulent (botany)
        zhìbiàn, [質變], qualitative change/fundamental change
        zhìzhèng, [質證], examination of the evidence of the opposing party in a court of law
        wénzhìbīnbīn, [文質彬彬], refined in manner/gentle
        fàlángzhì, [琺瑯質], tooth enamel
        mùzhìbù, [木質部], xylem
        zhìjiǎn, [質檢], quarantine/quality inspection
        yuánshēngzhì, [原生質], protoplasm
        zhìliào, [質料], material/matter
        zhìdiǎn, [質點], point mass/particle
        xìbāozhì, [細胞質], cytoplasm
        làzhì, [蠟質], waxiness
        yínzhìjiǎng, [銀質獎], silver medal
        méizhì, [媒質], medium
        shízhì, [石質], stony
        biànzhìyán, [變質岩], metamorphic rock (geology)

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