质 ⇒
人质 rénzhì, [人質], hostage
物质 wùzhì, [物質], matter/substance/material/materialistic/CL:個|个[gè]
质疑 zhìyí, [質疑], to call into question/to question (truth or validity)
质量 zhìliàng, [質量], quality/(physics) mass/CL:個|个[gè]
质 zhì, [質], character/nature/quality/plain/to pawn/pledge/hostage/to question/Taiwan pr. [zh...
本质 běnzhì, [本質], essence/nature/innate character/intrinsic quality
气质 qìzhì, [氣質], temperament/personality traits/manners
品质 pǐnzhì, [品質], character/intrinsic quality (of a person)/quality (of a product or service, or a...
特质 tèzhì, [特質], characteristic/special quality
神经质 shénjīngzhì, [神經質], nervous/on edge/excitable/neurotic
蛋白质 dànbáizhì, [蛋白質], protein
性质 xìngzhì, [性質], nature/characteristic/CL:個|个[gè]
潜质 qiánzhì, [潛質], potential
质问 zhìwèn, [質問], to question/to ask questions/to inquire/to bring to account/to interrogate
实质 shízhì, [實質], substance/essence
素质 sùzhì, [素質], inner quality/basic essence
变质 biànzhì, [變質], to degenerate/to deteriorate/(of food) to go bad/to go off/(geology) metamorphis...
劣质 lièzhì, [劣質], shoddy/of poor quality
对质 duìzhì, [對質], to confront (in court etc)/confrontation
优质 yōuzhì, [優質], excellent quality
地质 dìzhì, [地質], geology
质询 zhìxún, [質詢], to question/to enquire/interrogatory
材质 cáizhì, [材質], texture of timber/quality of material/material (that sth is made of)
皮质 pízhì, [皮質], cortex/cerebral cortex
资质 zīzhì, [資質], aptitude/natural endowments
电解质 diànjiězhì, [電解質], electrolyte
地质学家 dìzhìxuéjiā, [地質學家], geologist
矿物质 kuàngwùzhì, [礦物質], mineral, esp. dietary mineral
实质性 shízhìxìng, [實質性], substantive/substantial/material/considerable
体质 tǐzhì, [體質], constitution
质感 zhìgǎn, [質感], realism (in art)/sense of reality/texture/tactile quality
质地 zhìdì, [質地], texture/background (texture)/grain/quality/character/disposition
骨质 音质 yīnzhì, [音質], tone/sound quality/timbre
质谱仪 zhìpǔyí, [質譜儀], mass spectrometer
木质 mùzhì, [木質], wooden
质数 zhìshù, [質數], prime number
天生丽质 保质期 bǎozhìqī, [保質期], date of use (on foodstuffs)/best before date
水质 shuǐzhì, [水質], water quality
胶质 jiāozhì, [膠質], colloid/gelatinous matter
质子 zhìzǐ, [質子], proton (positively charged nuclear particle)/a prince sent to be held as a hosta...
杂质 zázhì, [雜質], impurity
地质学 dìzhìxué, [地質學], geology
角质 jiǎozhì, [角質], cutin/keratin
纸质 zhǐzhì, [紙質], paper/hard copy/printed (as opposed to electronically displayed)
画质 质朴 zhìpǔ, [質樸], simple/plain/unadorned/unaffected/unsophisticated/rustic/earthy
流质 遗传物质 yíchuánwùzhì, [遺傳物質], genetic material
白质 土质 骨质疏松症 gǔzhìshūsōngzhèng, [骨質疏鬆症], osteoporosis
介质 jièzhì, [介質], medium/media
肉质 ròuzhì, [肉質], quality of meat/succulent (botany)
质变 zhìbiàn, [質變], qualitative change/fundamental change
质证 zhìzhèng, [質證], examination of the evidence of the opposing party in a court of law
灰质炎 质量上乘 钢质 铁质 文质彬彬 wénzhìbīnbīn, [文質彬彬], refined in manner/gentle
高质 珐琅质 fàlángzhì, [琺瑯質], tooth enamel
木质部 mùzhìbù, [木質部], xylem
质检 zhìjiǎn, [質檢], quarantine/quality inspection
原生质 yuánshēngzhì, [原生質], protoplasm
铜质 质检员 保质 金质 质料 zhìliào, [質料], material/matter
质点 zhìdiǎn, [質點], point mass/particle
细胞质 xìbāozhì, [細胞質], cytoplasm
反质子 灰质 骨质增生 岩质土 电介质 蜡质 làzhì, [蠟質], waxiness
弱质 沙质来 银质奖 yínzhìjiǎng, [銀質獎], silver medal
媒质 méizhì, [媒質], medium
石质 shízhì, [石質], stony
劣质品 牙质 变质岩 biànzhìyán, [變質岩], metamorphic rock (geology)
点 ⇒
点 diǎn, [點], point/dot/drop/speck/o'clock/point (in space or time)/to draw a dot/to check on ...
一点 yīdiǎn, [一點], a bit/a little/one dot/one point
有点 yǒudiǎn, [有點], a little
点儿 diǎnr, [點兒], erhua variant of 點|点[diǎn]
差点 chàdiǎn, [差點], almost/nearly
地点 dìdiǎn, [地點], place/site/location/venue/CL:個|个[gè]
重点 chóngdiǎn/zhòngdiǎn, [重點], to recount (e.g. results of election)/to re-evaluate, important point/main point...
观点 guāndiǎn, [觀點], point of view/viewpoint/standpoint/CL:個|个[gè]
一点儿 yīdiǎnr, [一點兒], erhua variant of 一點|一点[yī diǎn]
晚点 wǎndiǎn, [晚點], (of trains etc) late/delayed/behind schedule/light dinner
点子 diǎnzi, [點子], spot/point/dot/speck/drop (of liquid)/droplet/point (of argument)/idea/crux/indi...
早点 zǎodiǎn, [早點], breakfast
弱点 ruòdiǎn, [弱點], weak point/failing
终点 zhōngdiǎn, [終點], the end/end point/finishing line (in a race)/destination/terminus/CL:個|个[gè]
点心 diǎnxin, [點心], light refreshments/pastry/dimsum (in Cantonese cooking)/dessert
共同点 gòngtóngdiǎn, [共同點], common ground
三点 八点 点燃 diǎnrán, [點燃], to ignite/to set on fire/aflame
焦点 jiāodiǎn, [焦點], focus/focal point
缺点 quēdiǎn, [缺點], weak point/fault/shortcoming/disadvantage/CL:個|个[gè]
六点 优点 yōudiǎn, [優點], merit/benefit/strong point/advantage/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
九点 四点 点火 diǎnhuǒ, [點火], to ignite/to light a fire/to agitate/to start an engine/ignition/fig. to stir up...
五点 特点 tèdiǎn, [特點], characteristic (feature)/trait/feature/CL:個|个[gè]
七点 十点 支点 zhīdiǎn, [支點], fulcrum (for a lever)
起点 qǐdiǎn, [起點], starting point
差点儿 chàdiǎnr, [差點兒], erhua variant of 差點|差点[chà diǎn]
点头 diǎntóu, [點頭], to nod
污点 wūdiǎn, [污點], stain/taint
正点 zhèngdiǎn, [正點], on time/punctual (of train etc)/awesome (slang)
要点 yàodiǎn, [要點], main point/essential
点点 Diǎndiǎn/diǎndiǎn, [點點], Diandian (Chinese microblogging and social networking website), point/speck
斑点 bāndiǎn, [斑點], spot/stain/speckle
指点 zhǐdiǎn, [指點], to point out/to indicate/to give directions/to show how (to do sth)/to censure/t...
亮点 liàngdiǎn, [亮點], highlight/bright spot
疑点 yídiǎn, [疑點], a doubtful point
点菜 diǎncài, [點菜], to order dishes (in a restaurant)
点评 diǎnpíng, [點評], to comment/a point by point commentary
半点 bàndiǎn, [半點], the least bit
点名 diǎnmíng, [點名], roll call/to mention sb by name/(to call or praise or criticize sb) by name
糕点 gāodiǎn, [糕點], cakes/pastries
极点 jídiǎn, [極點], extreme point/pole/the origin (in polar coordinates)
站点 zhàndiǎn, [站點], website
指指点点 zhǐzhǐdiǎndiǎn, [指指點點], to gesticulate/to point out/to point the finger of blame
论点 lùndiǎn, [論點], argument/line of reasoning/thesis/point (of discussion)
转折点 zhuǎnzhédiǎn, [轉折點], turning point/breaking point
清点 qīngdiǎn, [清點], to check/to make inventory
点滴 diǎndī, [點滴], a drip/a little bit/intravenous drip (used to administer drugs)
十一点 据点 jùdiǎn, [據點], stronghold/defended military base/base for operations/strategic point/foothold/(...
终点站 zhōngdiǎnzhàn, [終點站], terminus/final stop on rail or bus line
闪光点 shǎnguāngdiǎn, [閃光點], lit. flash point/crucial point/essential point
一点一 百分点 bǎifēndiǎn, [百分點], percentage point
定点 dìngdiǎn, [定點], to determine a location/designated/appointed/specific/fixed (time)/fixed point (...
盲点 mángdiǎn, [盲點], blind spot
原点 yuándiǎn, [原點], origin (math.)/origin of coordinates
热点 rèdiǎn, [熱點], hot spot/point of special interest
一丁点儿 点缀 diǎnzhuì, [點綴], to decorate/to adorn/sprinkled/studded/only for show
十二点 点烟 西点 Xīdiǎn/xīdiǎn, [西點], West Point, US military academy in New York, Western-style pastry
装点 zhuāngdiǎn, [裝點], to decorate/to dress up/to deck
点数 diǎnshù, [點數], to count and check/to tally/points (collected in some bonus scheme etc)
一点点 yīdiǎndiǎn, [一點點], a little bit
零点 língdiǎn, [零點], midnight/to order à la carte/(math.) zero of a function
节点 jiédiǎn, [節點], node
出发点 chūfādiǎn, [出發點], starting point/(fig.) basis/motive
景点 jǐngdiǎn, [景點], scenic spot/place of interest (tourism)
点点滴滴 diǎndiǎndīdī, [點點滴滴], bit by bit/dribs and drabs/the little details/every aspect
顶点 dǐngdiǎn, [頂點], summit/peak/(math.) vertex
检点 jiǎndiǎn, [檢點], to examine/to check/to keep a lookout/cautious/restrained (in speech or manneris...
点播 diǎnbō, [點播], webcast/to request item for broadcast on radio program/dibble seeding/spot seedi...
打点 dǎdian, [打點], to bribe/to get (luggage) ready/to put in order/to organize things/(baseball) RB...
差一点儿 chàyīdiǎnr, [差一點兒], erhua variant of 差一點|差一点[chà yī diǎn]
露点 lùdiǎn, [露點], dew point/(coll.) (of a woman) to expose one of the three areas (nipples and gen...
端点 duāndiǎn, [端點], starting point or ending point (in stories etc)/end point (math)
蹲点 dūndiǎn, [蹲點], (of a cadre etc) to work for a period of time with a grassroots unit to gain fir...
差一点 chàyīdiǎn, [差一點], see 差點|差点[chà diǎn]
最高点 圆点 yuándiǎn, [圓點], dot
茶点 chádiǎn, [茶點], tea and cake/refreshments/tea and dimsun 點心|点心, traditional Hong Kong lunch
点球 diǎnqiú, [點球], penalty kick
到点 dàodiǎn, [到點], it's time (to do sth)/the time has come
钟点 zhōngdiǎn, [鐘點], hour/specified time
点火器 雨点 yǔdiǎn, [雨點], raindrop
交叉点 jiāochādiǎn, [交叉點], junction/crossroads/intersection point
兴奋点 鼓点 gǔdiǎn, [鼓點], drum beat/rhythm
切入点 点石成金 diǎnshíchéngjīn, [點石成金], to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing int...
试点 shìdiǎn, [試點], test point/to carry out trial/pilot scheme
点灯 这么点儿 小不点儿 力点 立足点 lìzúdiǎn, [立足點], foothold
最低点 zuìdīdiǎn, [最低點], lowest point/minimum (point)
白点 突破点 tūpòdiǎn, [突破點], point of penetration (military)/breakthrough
定居点 dìngjūdiǎn, [定居點], settlement
钟点工 zhōngdiǎngōng, [鐘點工], hourly worker/hourly job
落脚点 查点 chádiǎn, [查點], to check/to tally/to inventory
点破 diǎnpò, [點破], to lay bare in a few words/to expose with a word/to point out bluntly
那么点儿 临界点 línjièdiǎn, [臨界點], critical point/boundary point
点货 diǎnhuò, [點貨], to do an inventory count
陆点 一点一滴 yīdiǎnyīdī, [一點一滴], bit by bit/every little bit
低点 加班加点 难点 nándiǎn, [難點], difficulty
二十一点 èrshíyīdiǎn, [二十一點], blackjack (card game)
制高点 交点 jiāodiǎn, [交點], meeting point/point of intersection
点歌 盘点 pándiǎn, [盤點], to make an inventory/to take stock
鬼点子 一点零 误点 wùdiǎn, [誤點], not on time/late (public transport, airlines)/overdue/behind schedule/delayed
标点 biāodiǎn, [標點], punctuation/a punctuation mark/to punctuate/CL:個|个[gè]
点射 diǎnshè, [點射], to fire in bursts/shooting intermittently
四点十五 冰点 bīngdiǎn, [冰點], freezing point
小数点 xiǎoshùdiǎn, [小數點], decimal point
点到为止 一星半点 yīxīngbàndiǎn, [一星半點], just the tiniest bit/a hint of
两点一 标点符号 biāodiǎnfúhào, [標點符號], punctuation/a punctuation mark
优缺点 会合点 三点一 一一点 燃点 rándiǎn, [燃點], ignition point (temperature)/combustion point
八点零五 六点一 七点一 销售点 xiāoshòudiǎn, [銷售點], point of sale (POS)/checkout/retail outlet
二点 面点 miàndiǎn, [麵點], pastry
联络点 九点一 蜻蜓点水 qīngtíngdiǎnshuǐ, [蜻蜓點水], lit. the dragonfly touches the water lightly/superficial contact (idiom)
抢点 发射点 点拨 diǎnbō, [點撥], to give instructions/to give advice
九八点六 五六点 交汇点 沸点 fèidiǎn, [沸點], boiling point
十二点一 三点十五 火力点 点头哈腰 diǎntóuhāyāo, [點頭哈腰], to nod one's head and bow (idiom); bowing and scraping/unctuous fawning
视点 四点十 九点五 三点三十 画龙点睛 huàlóngdiǎnjīng, [畫龍點睛], to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes (idiom); fig. to add the vital finishing t...
点点头 接点 jiēdiǎn, [接點], (electrical) contact
六点十 点眼药 两点 数点 shǔdiǎn, [數點], to count/to itemize
售票点 联系点 断点 网点 wǎngdiǎn, [網點], node in a network/branch/website
点金术 diǎnjīnshù, [點金術], Midas touch/golden touch
三点十七 切点 qiēdiǎn, [切點], contact (math.)
基点 jīdiǎn, [基點], main point/crux/central point
北极点 八点一 着眼点 zhuóyǎndiǎn, [著眼點], place of interest/a place one has one's eye on
一点三 关小点 十点一 三四点 六点三 八点五 一点一百万 侧重点 cèzhòngdiǎn, [側重點], main point/emphasis
三点十 一七点 点阵 diǎnzhèn, [點陣], lattice/dot matrix/bitmap
零点四五 五点十五 十点十八 点明 diǎnmíng, [點明], to point out
四四点 来点 供应点 旅游点 质点 zhìdiǎn, [質點], point mass/particle
四点一 二点五 两点四十五 五点零一 七点四十 五点七 监控点 九点四十五 十四点 冷点 廿六点二 四九点 四点四十五 两点二十 转捩点 zhuǎnlièdiǎn, [轉捩點], turning point
支撑点 布点 熔点 róngdiǎn, [熔點], melting point
细点 维修点 中点 zhōngdiǎn, [中點], midpoint/half-way point
一点五 四点零七 四五点 摊点 tāndiǎn, [攤點], place for a vendor's stall
九点十 八点五十 弹着点 九点四十 点将 diǎnjiàng, [點將], to appoint a general (in theater)/fig. to appoint sb for a task
十点十 六点十五 两点五亿 五九点 九点十五 十一点一 基本点 jīběndiǎn, [基本點], basis point (finance), abbr. to 基點|基点[jī diǎn]
二六点 三八点 十一点十五 十一点十九 星星点点 我点 三点三 一点三十八 两点零一 十二点零六 七点三 十二点零一 点名册 diǎnmíngcè, [點名冊], register of names/attendance roll book
五四点 三点七三 百分之九十九点九 设点 八点三十 零点五 língdiǎnwǔ, [零點五], zero point five, 0.5/one half
七点零五 叁点 七点零一 五八点 九点三十 十点十三 十点十一 居民点 jūmíndiǎn, [居民點], residential area
两点十六 点题 diǎntí, [點題], to bring out the main theme/to make the point/to bring out the substance concise...
两点三十 百分之三点七 点穴 diǎnxué, [點穴], to hit a pressure point (martial arts)/dim mak/see also 點脈|点脉[diǎn mài]
解松点 十一二点 加点 jiādiǎn, [加點], to work extra hours/to do overtime
一五点 六点四十五 六十三点五 三点四十五 一九点 点击数 diǎnjīshù, [點擊數], number of clicks/number of hits (on a website)
九点零一 十点零三 十点零一 六点五十五 零售点 三点零五 六七点 九点零六 一点一点 yīdiǎnyīdiǎn, [一點一點], little by little/bit by bit/gradually
四点二 一点点点 一点一千 三八点四十五 控制点 三点零七 四点三十八 一点两点 一点一点一点一点一点一 十一点四十五 十一点五十 五点三 五点十 咨询点 六零点 一丁点 yīdīngdiǎn, [一丁點], a tiny bit/a wee bit
二一零点五 十点四十五 六八点 二七点 三点十九 十一点四十 八点十五 四三点 八点二十五 张大点 争论点 zhēnglùndiǎn, [爭論點], contention
评点 píngdiǎn, [評點], to comment/a point by point commentary
八点九 九点三 一点百 七点十 一点四 七点四十五 六四点 十二点五十 八点七 零点零三 零点零九 九点二 一点零五 十二点四十八 六点零七 十点零二 一千三百零三点五 起点站 十三点 shísāndiǎn, [十三點], half-witted/nitwit
十点十五 七点三十 两点十五 六点五 七点二十 七点二十二 七点十五 二点二十五 六六点 九点十七 十一点三 十点二十四 七点三十一 六点七 十点二十一 十点二十五 十点二十二 出点子 chūdiǎnzi, [出點子], to express an opinion/to offer advice
远点 点染 diǎnrǎn, [點染], to touch up (a piece of writing)/to add details (to a painting)
六点四 五点五十 零点十七