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[出發點] chūfādiǎn starting point
(fig.) basis

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Word Compounds

        chū, [齣], to go out/to come out/to occur/to produce/to go beyond/to rise/to put forth/to h...
        chūlái/chulai, [出來], to come out/to appear/to arise, (after a verb, indicates coming out, completion ...
        chūqù, to go out
        chūxiàn, [出現], to appear/to arise/to emerge/to show up
        chūsè, remarkable/outstanding
        chūfā, [出發], to set off/to start (on a journey)
        yǎnchū, to act (in a play)/to perform/to put on (a performance)/performance/concert/show...
        zuòchū, to put out/to issue
        chūshēng, to be born
        fùchū, to pay/to invest (energy or time in a friendship etc)
        chūzūchē, [出租車], taxi/(Tw) rental car
        tíchū, to raise (an issue)/to propose/to put forward/to suggest/to post (on a website)/...
退         tuìchū, to withdraw/to abort/to quit/to log out (computing)
        chūkǒu, an exit/CL:個|个[gè]/to speak/to export/(of a ship) to leave port
        fāchū, [發出], to issue (an order, decree etc)/to send out/to dispatch/to produce (a sound)/to ...
        chūjú, to send off (player for a foul)/to knock out (i.e. to beat in a knock-out tourna...
        rènchū, [認出], recognition/to recognize
        cháchū, to find out/to discover
        chūyú, [出於], due to/to stem from
        chūshì, to have an accident/to meet with a mishap
        chūmài, [出賣], to offer for sale/to sell/to sell out or betray
        zuòchū, to put out/to come up with/to make (a choice, decision, proposal, response, comm...
        chūxí, to attend/to participate/present
        chūmén, [出門], to go out/to leave home/to go on a journey/away from home/(of a woman) to get ma...
        chūbǎn, to publish
        chūtíng, to appear in court
        chūmíng, well-known for sth/to become well known/to make one's mark
        chūchǎng, [出場], (of a performer) to come onto the stage to perform/(of an athlete) to enter the ...
        chūjià, [出價], to bid
        chūshòu, to sell/to offer for sale/to put on the market
        zhǐchū, to indicate/to point out
        bōchū, to broadcast/to air (a TV program etc)
        kànchū, to make out/to see
        lùchū, to expose/to show/also pr. [lòu chū]
        jiéchū, [傑出], outstanding/distinguished/remarkable/prominent/illustrious
        chūyù, [出獄], to be released from prison
        chūzǒu, to leave home/to go off/to run away
        chūlù, a way out (lit. and fig.)/opportunity for advancement/a way forward/outlet (for ...
        chūzì, to come from
        chāochū, to exceed/to overstep/to go too far/to encroach
        chūcuò, [出錯], to make a mistake/error
        chūzū, to rent
        jiāochū, to hand over
        chūxuè, to bleed/bleeding/(fig.) to spend money in large amounts
        qǔchū, to take out/to extract/to draw out
        chūchāi, to go on an official or business trip
        tūchū, prominent/outstanding/to give prominence to/to protrude/to project
        chūshì, to show/to take out and show to others/to display
        jìnchū, [進出], to enter or exit/to go through
        chūshǒu, to dispose of/to spend (money)/to undertake a task
        xuǎnchū, [選出], to pick out/to select/to elect
        wàichū, to go out/to go away (on a trip etc)
        déchū, to obtain (results)/to arrive at (a conclusion)
        shēnchū, to extend
        chūzhòng, [出眾], to stand out/outstanding
        chūrù, to go out and come in/entrance and exit/expenditure and income/discrepancy/incon...
        chuánchū, [傳出], to transmit outwards/to disseminate/efferent (nerve)
        chūdòng, [出動], to start out on a trip/to dispatch troops
        chūyuàn, to leave hospital/to be discharged from hospital
        pàichū, to send/to dispatch
        fàngchū, to let off/to give out
        tuīchū, to push out/to release/to launch/to publish/to recommend
        chūshēn, to be born of/to come from/family background/class origin
        chūguó, [出國], to go abroad/to leave the country/emigration
        chūguǐ, [出軌], derailment (railway accident)/to leave the rails/fig. to overstep bounds/fig. to...
        chōuchū, to take out/to extract
        chūjī, [出擊], to sally/to attack
        chūtóu, [出頭], to get out of a predicament/to stick out/to take the initiative/remaining odd fr...
        chūmò, [出沒], to come and go/to roam about (mostly unseen)/(of a ghost) to haunt (a place)/(of...
        chūhǎi, to go out to sea/(neologism) to expand into overseas markets
        lièchū, to list/to make a list
        xúnhuíyǎnchū, [巡迴演出], (theater etc) to tour/to be on tour/to give itinerant performances
        chūchǒu, [出醜], shameful/scandalous/to be humiliated/to make a fool of sb or oneself/to make sb ...
        chūhūyìliào, beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected
        rìchū, sunrise
        chūyǎn, to appear (in a show etc)/an appearance (on stage etc)
        tuōyǐngérchū, [脫穎而出], to reveal one's talent (idiom)/to rise above others/to distinguish oneself
        chūrényìliào, unexpected (idiom)/surprising
        chūjìng, to leave a country or region/outbound (tourism)
        jǐchū, [擠出], to squeeze out/to extrude/to drain/to find the time/to burst out
        chūmiàn, to appear personally/to step in/to step forth/to show up
        tiàochū, to jump out/fig. to appear suddenly
        chūgé, to overstep the bounds of what is proper/to take sth too far/(of a measuring dev...
        chūbǎnshè, publishing house
        yǐnchū, to extract/to draw out
        chèchū, to withdraw/to leave/to retreat/to pull out
        chūlú, [出爐], to take out of the furnace/fresh out of the oven/fig. newly announced/recently m...
        téngchū, [騰出], to make (some time or space) available (for sb)
        màichū, [邁出], to step out/to take a (first) step
        chūqí, extraordinary/exceptional/unusual
        tǐngshēnérchū, to step forward bravely
        chūxíng, to go out somewhere (relatively short trip)/to set off on a journey (longer trip...
        chūmǎ, [出馬], to set out (on a campaign)/to stand for election/to throw one's cap in the ring
        chūshì, to be born/to come into being/to withdraw from worldly affairs
        chūhū, due to/to stem from/to go beyond (also fig. beyond reason, expectations etc)/to ...
        nèichūxuè, [內出血], internal bleeding/internal hemorrhage
        zhīchū, to spend/to pay out/expense
        chūréntóudì, [出人頭地], to stand out among one's peers (idiom)/to excel
        zhǎnchū, to put on display/to be on show/to exhibit
        shuǐluòshíchū, as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom)/the truth comes to light
        chūlèibácuì, [出類拔萃], to excel the common (idiom); surpassing/preeminent/outstanding
        zhúchū, to expel/to evict/to drive out
        liúchū, to flow out/to disgorge/to effuse
        chūqì, [出氣], to give vent to anger
        fùchū, [復出], to come back out of retirement/to get involved again after having withdrawn
        chūfēngtou, [出風頭], to push oneself forward/to seek fame/to be in the limelight/same as 出鋒頭|出锋头[chū ...
        xiǎnchū, [顯出], to express/to exhibit
        chūqíbùyì, to do sth when least expected (idiom); to catch sb off guard
        tuōkǒuérchū, [脫口而出], to blurt out/to let slip (an indiscreet remark)
        shūchū, [輸出], to export/to output
        chūyóu, [出遊], to go on a tour/to have an outing
        chūmáobìng, a problem appears/to break down
        chūxī/chūxi, to yield interest, profit etc/to exhale (Buddhism), future prospects/profit/to m...
        chūqín, to go to work/to be present (at work, school etc)/to be away on business
        huōchuqu, to throw caution to the wind/to press one's luck/to go for broke
        chūjiè, to cross a border/to go out of bounds (sport)
        chūnà, [出納], cashier/to receive and hand over payment/to lend and borrow books
        dúchū, [讀出], to read out loud/(computing) to read (data)/readout (of a scientific instrument)
        chūchǎn, [出產], to produce (by natural growth, or by manufacture, mining etc)/to yield/to turn o...
        chūshēngrùsǐ, from the cradle to the grave (idiom); to go through fire and water/brave/willing...
        chūtáo, to run away/to flee (the country)
        chūshēngdì, birthplace
        chūchù, [出處], source (esp. of quotation or literary allusion)/origin/where sth comes from
        jìnchūkǒu, [進出口], import and export
        bàochū, to burst out/to appear unexpectedly/to break (media story)
        chūchàzi, to go wrong/to take a wrong turning
        chūzhēng, to go into battle/to campaign (military)
        chūliè, (military) to leave one's place in the ranks/to fall out/(fig.) to emerge/to bec...
        chūrénmìng, fatal/resulting in sb's death
        chūfādiǎn, [出發點], starting point/(fig.) basis/motive
        yìchū, to overflow/to spill over/(computing) overflow
        chūluànzi, [出亂子], to go wrong/to get into trouble
        chūzhěn, [出診], to visit a patient at home (of a doctor)/house call
        chūnàyuán, [出納員], cashier/teller/treasurer
        rúchūyīzhé, [如出一轍], to be precisely the same/to be no different
        chūjǐng, to dispatch police to the scene of crime, accident etc
        shénchūguǐmò, [神出鬼沒], lit. to appear and disappear unpredictably like a spirit or a ghost (idiom)/fig....
        chūháng, to set out (on a trip)
        chūzī, [出資], to fund/to put money into sth/to invest
        chūjià, to get married (of woman)
        chūdào, to make one's first public performance (of an entertainer etc)/to start one's ca...
        chūrèn, to take up a post/to start in a new job
        yǒngchū, [湧出], to gush/to gush out/to pour out
        shènchū, [滲出], to seep out/to exude
        hépántuōchū, [和盤托出], lit. to put everything out including the tray/to reveal everything/to make a cle...
        chūyángxiàng, to make a fool of oneself
        bùchūsuǒliào, as expected
        chūwài, to go out/to leave for another place
        jièchū, to lend
        náchū, to take out/to put out/to provide/to put forward (a proposal)/to come up with (e...
        lòudòngbǎichū, lit. one hundred loopholes (idiom); full of mistakes (of speech or article)
        chūlì, to exert oneself
        chūshī, [出師], to finish apprenticeship/to graduate/to send out troops (under a commander)
        chūbǎnwù, publications
        chūtái, [出臺], to officially launch (a policy, program etc)/to appear on stage/to appear public...
        chūmóuhuàcè, [出謀劃策], to put forward plans and ideas (also derogatory)/to give advice (idiom)
        chūshēngzhèng, [出生證], birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        chūchǎng, [出廠], to leave the factory (of finished goods)
        zúbùchūhù, [足不出戶], lit. not putting a foot outside/to stay at home
        chūyánbùxùn, [出言不遜], to speak rudely
        dànchū, to fade out (cinema)/to withdraw from (politics, acting etc)/to fade from (memor...
        xǐchūwàngwài, to be pleased beyond one's expectations (idiom)/overjoyed at the turn of events
        rùbùfūchū, income does not cover expenditure/unable to make ends meet
        tūchū, to protrude/to stick out
        chūěrfǎněr, [出爾反爾], old: to reap the consequences of one's words (idiom, from Mencius); modern: to g...
        dàochū, to speak/to tell/to voice
        céngchūbùqióng, [層出不窮], more and more emerge/innumerable succession/breeding like flies (idiom)
        chūchāo, trade surplus/favorable balance of trade
        pàichūsuǒ, local police station
        chūshénrùhuà, to reach perfection (idiom); a superb artistic achievement
        chūqìtǒng, [出氣筒], (metaphorical) punching bag/undeserving target of sb's wrath
线         chūxiàn, [出線], (sports) to go out of bounds/to go over the line/to qualify for the next round o...
        chūchē, [出車], to dispatch a vehicle/(of a vehicle or its driver) to set off
        chūzūqìchē, [出租汽車], taxi/cab (PRC)/hire car (Tw)/CL:輛|辆[liàng]
        tuōchū, [脫出], to break away/to extricate/to escape/to leave the confines of
        dǎochū, [導出], to derive/derived/derivation/to entail/to induce/to export (data)
        chūnántí, [出難題], to raise a tough question
        chūchūmáolú, [初出茅廬], venturing from one's thatched hut for the first time (idiom)/young and inexperie...
        chūbìn, [出殯], funeral/funeral procession
        chūbīng, to send troops
        chūluò, to grow (prettier etc)/to mature into/to blossom
        chūqízhìshèng, [出奇制勝], to win by a surprise move
        chūjù, to issue (document, certificate etc)/to provide
        chūràng, [出讓], to transfer (one's property or rights to sb else)
        yǐnshéchūdòng, lit. to pull a snake from its hole/to expose a malefactor (idiom)
        shǐchū, [駛出], to leave port/to put off
        chūshén, spellbound/entranced/lost in thought
        chūgǎng, to leave harbor/departure (at airport)
        chūshān, to leave the mountain (of a hermit)/to come out of obscurity to a government job...
        chūjiā, to leave home (to become a Buddhist monk or nun)
        chūtí, [出題], to draw up the theme (for discussion)
        màichū, [賣出], to sell/to reach (a price in an auction)
        chūyán, to speak/words
访         chūfǎng, [出訪], to go and visit in an official capacity or for investigation
        shēngchū, to give birth/to grow (whiskers etc)/to generate/to produce
        chūxuèrè, [出血熱], hemorrhage fever
        chūlóng, [出籠], just out of the steamer basket 蒸籠|蒸笼/to appear (of products, publications, somet...
        chūtǔ, to dig up/to appear in an excavation/unearthed/to come up out of the ground
        chūhūyùliào, [出乎預料], beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected
        hūzhīyùchū, lit. ready to appear at the call (idiom)/fig. on the verge of coming out into th...
        tèchū, outstanding/prominent
        biéchūxīncái, [別出心裁], to hit on sth new (idiom); to display originality/to adopt an original approach
        bèichū, [輩出], to come forth in large numbers
        chūxún, to go on an inspection tour
        tuīchénchūxīn, [推陳出新], to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); to innovate
        kǒuchūkuángyán, to speak conceited nonsense/to come out with arrogant claptrap
        chūkǒushāng, exporter/export business
        zǎochūwǎnguī, [早出晚歸], to leave early and return late (idiom)
        bànlùchūjiā, switch to a job one was not trained for
        chūkǒué, [出口額], export amount
        chūcāo, to drill/to exercise/to go outdoors for physical exercise
        chūqìkǒu, [出氣口], gas or air outlet/emotional outlet
        chūyíng, to greet/to go out to meet
        jìchū, to mail/to send by post
        chūshēnglǜ, birthrate
        shāchūchóngwéi, [殺出重圍], to force one's way out of encirclement/to break through
        chūbǎnzhě, publisher
        chūhuó, to finish a job on time/to produce the goods
        qīngchūyúlánérshèngyúlán, [青出於藍而勝於藍], lit. the color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo (idiom)/...
使         chūshǐ, to go abroad as ambassador/to be sent on a diplomatic mission
        chūlòuzi, to take a wrong turn/to go wrong
        jiēchū, [結出], to bear (fruit)
        xīchū, to separate out
        chūjiè, to lend/to put out a loan
        chūxīn, to make new advances/to move forwards
        chūdiǎnzi, [出點子], to express an opinion/to offer advice

        fāshēng, [發生], to happen/to occur/to take place/to break out
        fāxiàn, [發現], to find/to discover
        fā/fà, [發]/[髮], to send out/to show (one's feeling)/to issue/to develop/to make a bundle of mone...
        tóufa, [頭髮], hair (on the head)
        fāshì, [發誓], to vow/to pledge/to swear
        chūfā, [出發], to set off/to start (on a journey)
        fāzhǎn, [發展], development/growth/to develop/to grow/to expand
        fāshè, [發射], to shoot (a projectile)/to fire (a rocket)/to launch/to emit (a particle)/to dis...
        fāchū, [發出], to issue (an order, decree etc)/to send out/to dispatch/to produce (a sound)/to ...
        fāmíng, [發明], to invent/an invention/CL:個|个[gè]
        fàxíng, [髮型], hairstyle/coiffure/hairdo
        shāfā, [沙發], sofa (loanword)/CL:條|条[tiáo],張|张[zhāng]/(Internet slang) the first reply or repl...
        fābiǎo, [發表], to issue/to publish
        jīnfà, [金髮], blond/blonde/fair-haired
        fāfēng, [發瘋], to go mad/to go crazy/to lose one's mind
        fāhuī, [發揮], to display/to exhibit/to bring out implicit or innate qualities/to express (a th...
        fādòng, [發動], to start/to launch/to unleash/to mobilize/to arouse
        bàofā, [爆發], to break out/to erupt/to explode/to burst out
        fāsòng, [發送], to transmit/to dispatch/to issue (an official document or credential)
        fāzuò, [發作], to flare up/to break out
        fābù, [發佈]/[發布], to release/to issue/to announce/to distribute/also written 發布|发布[fā bù], to rele...
        yǐnfā, [引發], to lead to/to trigger/to initiate/to cause/to evoke (emotions)
        fāhuǒ, [發火], to catch fire/to ignite/to detonate/to get angry
        fāgěi, [發給], to issue/to grant/to distribute
        fāxiè, [發洩], to give vent to (one's feelings)
        jiǎfà, [假髮], wig
        fāyán, [發言], to make a speech/statement/utterance/CL:個|个[gè]
        fāguāng, [發光], to shine
        fājué, [發覺], to become aware/to detect/to realize/to perceive
        kāifā, [開發], to exploit (a resource)/to open up (for development)/to develop
        fādǒu, [發抖], to tremble/to shake/to shiver
        fāshāo, [發燒], to have a high temperature (from illness)/to have a fever
        fāxíng, [發行], to publish/to issue (stocks, currency etc)/to release/to distribute (a film)
        fāpíqì, [發脾氣], to get angry
        dǎfa, [打發], to dispatch sb to do sth/to make sb leave/to pass (the time)/(old) to make arran...
        fāyīn, [發音], to pronounce/pronunciation/to emit sound
        fājué, [發掘], to excavate/to explore/(fig.) to unearth/to tap into
        fākuáng, [發狂], crazy/mad/madly
        gàofā, [告發], to lodge an accusation/accusation (law)
        fābùhuì, [發佈會]/[發布會], news conference/briefing, news conference/briefing
        fāqǐ, [發起], to originate/to initiate/to launch (an attack, an initiative etc)/to start/to pr...
        fādòngjī, [發動機], engine/motor/CL:臺|台[tái]
        qǐfā, [啟發], to enlighten/to explain (a text etc)/to stimulate (a mental attitude)/enlightenm...
        tūfā, [突發], to burst out suddenly/sudden outburst
        jīfā, [激發], to arouse/to excite
        fācái, [發財], to get rich
        sànfā, [散發], to distribute/to emit/to issue
        fādiànjī, [發電機], electricity generator/dynamo
        jiēfā, [揭發], to expose/to bring to light/to disclose/revelation
        máofà, [毛髮], hair
        zhēngfā, [蒸發], to evaporate/evaporation
        fāzì, [發自], to evolve from
        fāshèqì, [發射器], radio transmitter
        fādá, [發達], developed (country etc)/flourishing/to develop
        chùfā, [觸發], to trigger/to spark
        fāyù, [發育], to develop/to mature/growth/development/(sexually) mature
        lǐfà, [理髮], a barber/hairdressing
        chángfà, [長髮], long hair
        ànfā, [案發], to investigate a crime on the spot/to occur (of a crime)/to be discovered (of a ...
        bānfā, [頒發], to issue/to promulgate/to award
        fēnfā, [分發], to distribute/distribution/to assign (sb) to a job
        yánfā, [研發], research and development/to develop
        fārè, [發熱], to have a high temperature/feverish/unable to think calmly/to emit heat
        fāhàoshīlìng, [發號施令], to boss people around (idiom)
        fāliàng, [發亮], to shine/shiny
        fāyánrén, [發言人], spokesperson
        fāqiú, [發球], to serve the ball/to tee off
        fāfàng, [發放], to provide/to give/to grant
        fāláosāo, [發牢騷], to whine/to be grouchy
        lǐfàdiàn, [理髮店], barbershop/hairdresser's/CL:家[jiā]
        lǐfàshī, [理髮師], barber
        bìngfāzhèng, [併發症], complications (undesired side-effect of medical procedure)
        fānù, [發怒], to get angry
        juǎnfà, [捲髮], to curl hair
        jìnfā, [進發], to set out/to start
        qiānfā, [簽發], to issue (a document)/to sign and issue officially
        fāchòu, [發臭], smelly/to smell bad
        háofà, [毫髮], a hair/the slightest
        fùfā, [復發], to recur (of a disease)/to reappear/to relapse (into a former bad state)
        fāyánquán, [發言權], the right of speech
        fāpiào, [發票], invoice/receipt or bill for purchase
        fādiàn, [發電], to generate electricity/to send a telegram
        fāmíngjiā, [發明家], inventor
        fāxìn, [發信], to post a letter
        fābìng, [發病], onset/outbreak (of a disease)
        róngguānghuànfā, [容光煥發], face glowing (idiom); looking radiant/all smiles
        xiùfà, [秀髮], beautiful hair
        dàfāléitíng, [大發雷霆], to be furious/to fly into a terrible rage
        měifà, [美髮], hairdressing/beautiful hair
        hēifà, [黑髮], black hair
        kāifāshāng, [開發商], developer (of real estate, a commercial product etc)
        yīyánbùfā, [一言不發], to not say a word (idiom)
        fāyán, [發炎], to become inflamed/inflammation
        yīchùjífā, [一觸即發], could happen at any moment/on the verge
        fàláng, [髮廊], hair salon/hairdresser's shop/CL:家[jiā],間|间[jiān]
        fāméi, [發霉], to become moldy
        fāshēng, [發聲], vocal/sound/sound production/to utter/to give voice
        shǒufā, [首發], first issue/first public showing
        fàjiā, [髮夾], hair clip
        yuèfā, [越發], increasingly/more and more/ever more/all the more
        shōufā, [收發], to receive and send/to receive and transmit
        fāwèn, [發問], to question/to ask/to raise a question
        fāxiào, [發笑], to burst out laughing/to laugh
        fātiáo, [發條], spring/coil spring (spiral spring used to power clockwork)
        fāchóu, [發愁], to worry/to fret/to be anxious/to become sad
        fādiànchǎng, [發電廠], power plant
        fādāi, [發呆], to stare blankly/to be stunned/to be lost in thought
        bèngfā, [迸發], to burst forth
        pēnfā, [噴發], to erupt/an eruption
        zhěngzhuāngdàifā, [整裝待發], to get ready (for a journey)/ready and waiting
        rǎnfà, [染髮], to dye one's hair/rinse/tint
        fāshòu, [發售], to sell
        fāqíng, [發情], oestrus (sexual receptivity in female mammals)
        zìfā, [自發], spontaneous
        fāpàng, [發胖], to put on weight/to get fat
        fāyuándì, [發源地], place of origin/birthplace/source
        xiānfāzhìrén, [先發制人], to gain the initiative by striking first (idiom); to preempt/to anticipate/preem...
        pīfāshāng, [批發商], a wholesale business/distributor
        shōufāshì, [收發室], mail room/radio room (i.e. reception and transmission)
        lìngrénfàzhǐ, [令人髮指], to make one's hair stand up in anger (idiom); to raise people's hackles
        fāyá, [發芽], to germinate
        yùfā, [愈發], all the more/increasingly
        zhuǎnfā, [轉發], to transmit/to forward (mail, SMS, packets of data)/to pass on/to republish (an ...
        chūfādiǎn, [出發點], starting point/(fig.) basis/motive
        fāyáng, [發揚], to develop/to make full use of
        fāfú, [發福], to put on weight/to get fat (a sign of prosperity, so a compliment)
        yòufā, [誘發], to induce/to cause/to elicit/to trigger
        fāsàn, [發散], to disperse/to diverge
        tuōfà, [脫髮], baldness/to lose hair or feathers/to molt/depilation
        fāhuò, [發貨], to dispatch/to send out goods
        fāchē, [發車], departure (of a coach or train)/to dispatch a vehicle
        bàofāhù, [暴發戶], newly rich/parvenu/upstart
        fāmáo, [發毛], to rant and rave/to be scared, upset (Beijing dialect)
        fājì, [發跡], to make one's mark/to go up in the world/to make one's fortune
        fādiànzhàn, [發電站], electricity generating station/power station
        fāluò, [發落], to deal with (an offender)
        fāhūn, [發昏], to faint
        fājiào, [發酵], to ferment/fermentation
        fāqǐrén, [發起人], proposer/initiator/founding member
        tàngfà, [燙髮], perm (hairstyle)
        chùfāqì, [觸發器], flip-flop (electronics)
        fājiā, [發家], to lay down a family fortune/to get rich/to become prosperous
        fāyūn, [發暈], to feel dizzy
        fāpèi, [發配], to send away to serve a penal sentence
        báifà, [白髮], white or gray hair/CL:根[gēn]
        pīfā, [批發], wholesale/bulk trade/distribution
        fālěng, [發冷], to feel a chill (as an emotional response)/to feel cold (as a clinical symptom)
        fāyǎng, [發癢], to tickle/to itch
        xiàfā, [下發], to issue (a memorandum etc) to lower levels/to distribute (e.g. disaster relief ...
        qiānjūnyīfà, [千鈞一髮], a thousand pounds hangs by a thread (idiom)/imminent peril/a matter of life or d...
        fāmá, [發麻], to feel numb
        jīngshénhuànfā, [精神煥發], in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor
        fākǎ/fàqiǎ, [發卡]/[髮卡], to issue a card/(slang) to reject a guy or a girl/to chuck, hair grip/hair clip
        fālìng, [發令], to issue an order
        huànfā, [煥發], to shine/to glow/to irradiate/to flash
        fābào, [發報], to send a message
        fānàn, [發難], to rise in revolt/to raise difficult questions
        fājiǔfēng, [發酒瘋], to get wildly drunk
        shēngfā, [生發], to emerge and grow/to develop
        fāsòngqì, [發送器], transmitter
        bǎifābǎizhòng, [百發百中], lit. one hundred shots, one hundred hits/to carry out a task with great precisio...
        fāzhǎnzhōngguójiā, [發展中國家], developing country
        fāhóng, [發紅], to turn red/to blush/to flush
        yìqìfēngfā, [意氣風發], high-spirited/full of mettle
        shūfā, [抒發], to express (an emotion)/to give vent
        fāyángguāngdà, [發揚光大], to develop and promote/to carry forward/to bring to great height of development
        fāqíngqī, [發情期], the breeding season (zool.)/oestrus (period of sexual receptivity of female mamm...
        fāmíngzhě, [發明者], inventor
        fārénshēnxǐng, [發人深省], to provide food for thought (idiom)/thought-provoking
        fāshèjī, [發射機], transmitter
        bìngfā, [併發], to be complicated by/to erupt simultaneously
        fāxíngrén, [發行人], publisher/issuer
        huīfā, [揮發], volatile/volatility
        fāzān, [發簪], hairpin
        fàsī, [髮絲], hair (on the head)
        fàwǎng, [髮網], hairnet
        bófā, [勃發], to sprout up/to flourish/(of war etc) to break out/rapid growth
        huīfāxìng, [揮發性], volatility
        fādáguójiā, [發達國家], developed nation
        yínfà, [銀髮], silver hair/gray hair
        fāhèngcái, [發橫財], to make easy money/to make a fortune/to line one's pockets
        fàshì, [髮式], hairstyle/coiffure/hairdo
        fābìnglǜ, [發病率], incidence of a disease/disease rate
        fàjì, [髮髻], hair worn in a bun or coil
        rǎnfàjì, [染髮劑], hair dye/rinse/tint
        dōngchuāngshìfā, [東窗事發], (of a plot etc) to be exposed (idiom)/to come to light
        fāmíngrén, [發明人], inventor
        shāfāchuáng, [沙發床], sofa bed/sleeper sofa
        fāyuán, [發源], to rise/to originate/source/derivation
        kāifāqū, [開發區], development zone
        fāzhǎnshāng, [發展商], (real estate etc) developer
        gāofā, [高發], (of diseases, accidents) to occur with a high incidence/(old) to score highly in...
        xǐfàjīng, [洗髮精], shampoo
        nùfàchōngguān, [怒髮衝冠], lit. hair stands up in anger and tips off one's hat (idiom)/fig. seething in ang...
        bàofā, [暴發], to break out (of disease etc)/to suddenly get rich (or prominent)
        fāhuāng, [發慌], to become agitated/to feel nervous
        ZhōuRùnfā, [周潤發], Chow Yun-Fat (1955-), Hong Kong TV and film star
        fàshāo, [髮梢], hair ends
稿         fāgǎo, [發稿], (of a publisher) to send a manuscript off to the printer/(of a journalist) to se...
        fāàn, [發案], occurrence (refers to time and place esp. of a criminal act)/to take place/to oc...
        yìnfā, [印發], to publish/to print and distribute
        méngfā, [萌發], to sprout/to shoot/to bud
        Bùlādísīlāfā, [布拉迪斯拉發], Bratislava
        fājiǎng, [發獎], to award a prize
        pīfājià, [批發價], wholesale price
        YòufālādǐHé, [幼發拉底河], Euphrates River
        fènfā, [奮發], to rouse to vigorous action/energetic mood
        fāshèchǎng, [發射場], launchpad/launching site
        fāfèn, [發奮], to make an effort/to push for sth/to work hard
        fāchūn, [發春], in heat
        fāhàn, [發汗], to sweat
        fàlà, [髮蠟], pomade
        xīngwàngfādá, [興旺發達], prosperous and developing/flourishing
        fāshēnglǜ, [發生率], rate of occurrence
        shǐfā, [始發], (of trains etc) to set off (on a journey)/to start (being issued or circulated)/...
        fènfātúqiáng, [奮發圖強], to work energetically for prosperity (of the country)
        fàqī, [髮妻], first wife
        fālèng, [發愣], to daydream/in a daze
        fàbiàn, [髮辮], braid
        fāxiángdì, [發祥地], the birthplace (of sth good)/the cradle (e.g. of art)
        shuǐlìfādiàn, [水力發電], hydroelectricity
        fāyùqī, [發育期], puberty/period of development
        báifàcāngcāng, [白髮蒼蒼], old and gray-haired
        jiètífāhuī, [借題發揮], to use the current topic to put over one's own ideas/to use sth as a pretext to ...
        fārénshēnsī, [發人深思], (idiom) thought-provoking/to give one food for thought
        zhènlóngfākuì, [振聾發聵], lit. so loud that even the deaf can hear (idiom); rousing even the apathetic
        zhàofā, [照發], approved for distribution/to provide (wages etc) as usual (e.g. while an employe...
        fāmiàn, [發麵], to leaven dough/to make bread
        fālìngqiāng, [發令槍], starting pistol
        gōngxǐfācái, [恭喜發財], May you have a prosperous New Year! (New Year's greeting)
        fādiànliàng, [發電量], (generated) electrical energy
        fābāo/fàbāo, [發包]/[髮包], to put out to contract, bun hair extension
        fàwū, [髮屋], barbershop
        fājiǒng, [發窘], to feel embarrassment/disconcerted/embarrassed
        fāduān, [發端], beginning/origin/to originate/to initiate
        fājí, [發急], to fret/to get impatient/to become anxious
        fāyùn, [發運], (of goods) to dispatch/shipment/shipping
        pèifā, [配發], to issue/to distribute/to publish along with
        huáfà, [華髮], (literary) gray hair
        xuēfà, [削髮], to shave one's head/fig. to become a monk or nun/to take the tonsure
        rùnfàlù, [潤髮露], hair conditioner
        fāchù, [發憷], variant of 發怵|发怵[fā chù]
        bǔfā, [補發], to supply again (sth lost)/to reissue/to pay retroactively
        bōfā, [播發], to broadcast

        diǎn, [點], point/dot/drop/speck/o'clock/point (in space or time)/to draw a dot/to check on ...
        yīdiǎn, [一點], a bit/a little/one dot/one point
        yǒudiǎn, [有點], a little
        diǎnr, [點兒], erhua variant of 點|点[diǎn]
        chàdiǎn, [差點], almost/nearly
        dìdiǎn, [地點], place/site/location/venue/CL:個|个[gè]
        chóngdiǎn/zhòngdiǎn, [重點], to recount (e.g. results of election)/to re-evaluate, important point/main point...
        guāndiǎn, [觀點], point of view/viewpoint/standpoint/CL:個|个[gè]
        yīdiǎnr, [一點兒], erhua variant of 一點|一点[yī diǎn]
        wǎndiǎn, [晚點], (of trains etc) late/delayed/behind schedule/light dinner
        diǎnzi, [點子], spot/point/dot/speck/drop (of liquid)/droplet/point (of argument)/idea/crux/indi...
        zǎodiǎn, [早點], breakfast
        ruòdiǎn, [弱點], weak point/failing
        zhōngdiǎn, [終點], the end/end point/finishing line (in a race)/destination/terminus/CL:個|个[gè]
        diǎnxin, [點心], light refreshments/pastry/dimsum (in Cantonese cooking)/dessert
        gòngtóngdiǎn, [共同點], common ground
        diǎnrán, [點燃], to ignite/to set on fire/aflame
        jiāodiǎn, [焦點], focus/focal point
        quēdiǎn, [缺點], weak point/fault/shortcoming/disadvantage/CL:個|个[gè]
        yōudiǎn, [優點], merit/benefit/strong point/advantage/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
        diǎnhuǒ, [點火], to ignite/to light a fire/to agitate/to start an engine/ignition/fig. to stir up...
        tèdiǎn, [特點], characteristic (feature)/trait/feature/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhīdiǎn, [支點], fulcrum (for a lever)
        qǐdiǎn, [起點], starting point
        chàdiǎnr, [差點兒], erhua variant of 差點|差点[chà diǎn]
        diǎntóu, [點頭], to nod
        wūdiǎn, [污點], stain/taint
        zhèngdiǎn, [正點], on time/punctual (of train etc)/awesome (slang)
        yàodiǎn, [要點], main point/essential
        Diǎndiǎn/diǎndiǎn, [點點], Diandian (Chinese microblogging and social networking website), point/speck
        bāndiǎn, [斑點], spot/stain/speckle
        zhǐdiǎn, [指點], to point out/to indicate/to give directions/to show how (to do sth)/to censure/t...
        liàngdiǎn, [亮點], highlight/bright spot
        yídiǎn, [疑點], a doubtful point
        diǎncài, [點菜], to order dishes (in a restaurant)
        diǎnpíng, [點評], to comment/a point by point commentary
        bàndiǎn, [半點], the least bit
        diǎnmíng, [點名], roll call/to mention sb by name/(to call or praise or criticize sb) by name
        gāodiǎn, [糕點], cakes/pastries
        jídiǎn, [極點], extreme point/pole/the origin (in polar coordinates)
        zhàndiǎn, [站點], website
        zhǐzhǐdiǎndiǎn, [指指點點], to gesticulate/to point out/to point the finger of blame
        lùndiǎn, [論點], argument/line of reasoning/thesis/point (of discussion)
        zhuǎnzhédiǎn, [轉折點], turning point/breaking point
        qīngdiǎn, [清點], to check/to make inventory
        diǎndī, [點滴], a drip/a little bit/intravenous drip (used to administer drugs)
        jùdiǎn, [據點], stronghold/defended military base/base for operations/strategic point/foothold/(...
        zhōngdiǎnzhàn, [終點站], terminus/final stop on rail or bus line
        shǎnguāngdiǎn, [閃光點], lit. flash point/crucial point/essential point
        bǎifēndiǎn, [百分點], percentage point
        dìngdiǎn, [定點], to determine a location/designated/appointed/specific/fixed (time)/fixed point (...
        mángdiǎn, [盲點], blind spot
        yuándiǎn, [原點], origin (math.)/origin of coordinates
        rèdiǎn, [熱點], hot spot/point of special interest
        diǎnzhuì, [點綴], to decorate/to adorn/sprinkled/studded/only for show
西         Xīdiǎn/xīdiǎn, [西點], West Point, US military academy in New York, Western-style pastry
        zhuāngdiǎn, [裝點], to decorate/to dress up/to deck
        diǎnshù, [點數], to count and check/to tally/points (collected in some bonus scheme etc)
        yīdiǎndiǎn, [一點點], a little bit
        língdiǎn, [零點], midnight/to order à la carte/(math.) zero of a function
        jiédiǎn, [節點], node
        chūfādiǎn, [出發點], starting point/(fig.) basis/motive
        jǐngdiǎn, [景點], scenic spot/place of interest (tourism)
        diǎndiǎndīdī, [點點滴滴], bit by bit/dribs and drabs/the little details/every aspect
        dǐngdiǎn, [頂點], summit/peak/(math.) vertex
        jiǎndiǎn, [檢點], to examine/to check/to keep a lookout/cautious/restrained (in speech or manneris...
        diǎnbō, [點播], webcast/to request item for broadcast on radio program/dibble seeding/spot seedi...
        dǎdian, [打點], to bribe/to get (luggage) ready/to put in order/to organize things/(baseball) RB...
        chàyīdiǎnr, [差一點兒], erhua variant of 差一點|差一点[chà yī diǎn]
        lùdiǎn, [露點], dew point/(coll.) (of a woman) to expose one of the three areas (nipples and gen...
        duāndiǎn, [端點], starting point or ending point (in stories etc)/end point (math)
        dūndiǎn, [蹲點], (of a cadre etc) to work for a period of time with a grassroots unit to gain fir...
        chàyīdiǎn, [差一點], see 差點|差点[chà diǎn]
        yuándiǎn, [圓點], dot
        chádiǎn, [茶點], tea and cake/refreshments/tea and dimsun 點心|点心, traditional Hong Kong lunch
        diǎnqiú, [點球], penalty kick
        dàodiǎn, [到點], it's time (to do sth)/the time has come
        zhōngdiǎn, [鐘點], hour/specified time
        yǔdiǎn, [雨點], raindrop
        jiāochādiǎn, [交叉點], junction/crossroads/intersection point
        gǔdiǎn, [鼓點], drum beat/rhythm
        diǎnshíchéngjīn, [點石成金], to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing int...
        shìdiǎn, [試點], test point/to carry out trial/pilot scheme
        lìzúdiǎn, [立足點], foothold
        zuìdīdiǎn, [最低點], lowest point/minimum (point)
        tūpòdiǎn, [突破點], point of penetration (military)/breakthrough
        dìngjūdiǎn, [定居點], settlement
        zhōngdiǎngōng, [鐘點工], hourly worker/hourly job
        chádiǎn, [查點], to check/to tally/to inventory
        diǎnpò, [點破], to lay bare in a few words/to expose with a word/to point out bluntly
        línjièdiǎn, [臨界點], critical point/boundary point
        diǎnhuò, [點貨], to do an inventory count
        yīdiǎnyīdī, [一點一滴], bit by bit/every little bit
        nándiǎn, [難點], difficulty
        èrshíyīdiǎn, [二十一點], blackjack (card game)
        jiāodiǎn, [交點], meeting point/point of intersection
        pándiǎn, [盤點], to make an inventory/to take stock
        wùdiǎn, [誤點], not on time/late (public transport, airlines)/overdue/behind schedule/delayed
        biāodiǎn, [標點], punctuation/a punctuation mark/to punctuate/CL:個|个[gè]
        diǎnshè, [點射], to fire in bursts/shooting intermittently
        bīngdiǎn, [冰點], freezing point
        xiǎoshùdiǎn, [小數點], decimal point
        yīxīngbàndiǎn, [一星半點], just the tiniest bit/a hint of
        biāodiǎnfúhào, [標點符號], punctuation/a punctuation mark
        rándiǎn, [燃點], ignition point (temperature)/combustion point
        xiāoshòudiǎn, [銷售點], point of sale (POS)/checkout/retail outlet
        miàndiǎn, [麵點], pastry
        qīngtíngdiǎnshuǐ, [蜻蜓點水], lit. the dragonfly touches the water lightly/superficial contact (idiom)
        diǎnbō, [點撥], to give instructions/to give advice
        fèidiǎn, [沸點], boiling point
        diǎntóuhāyāo, [點頭哈腰], to nod one's head and bow (idiom); bowing and scraping/unctuous fawning
        huàlóngdiǎnjīng, [畫龍點睛], to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes (idiom); fig. to add the vital finishing t...
        jiēdiǎn, [接點], (electrical) contact
        shǔdiǎn, [數點], to count/to itemize
        wǎngdiǎn, [網點], node in a network/branch/website
        diǎnjīnshù, [點金術], Midas touch/golden touch
        qiēdiǎn, [切點], contact (math.)
        jīdiǎn, [基點], main point/crux/central point
        zhuóyǎndiǎn, [著眼點], place of interest/a place one has one's eye on
        cèzhòngdiǎn, [側重點], main point/emphasis
        diǎnzhèn, [點陣], lattice/dot matrix/bitmap
        diǎnmíng, [點明], to point out
        zhìdiǎn, [質點], point mass/particle
        zhuǎnlièdiǎn, [轉捩點], turning point
        róngdiǎn, [熔點], melting point
        zhōngdiǎn, [中點], midpoint/half-way point
        tāndiǎn, [攤點], place for a vendor's stall
        diǎnjiàng, [點將], to appoint a general (in theater)/fig. to appoint sb for a task
        jīběndiǎn, [基本點], basis point (finance), abbr. to 基點|基点[jī diǎn]
        diǎnmíngcè, [點名冊], register of names/attendance roll book
        língdiǎnwǔ, [零點五], zero point five, 0.5/one half
        jūmíndiǎn, [居民點], residential area
        diǎntí, [點題], to bring out the main theme/to make the point/to bring out the substance concise...
        diǎnxué, [點穴], to hit a pressure point (martial arts)/dim mak/see also 點脈|点脉[diǎn mài]
        jiādiǎn, [加點], to work extra hours/to do overtime
        diǎnjīshù, [點擊數], number of clicks/number of hits (on a website)
        yīdiǎnyīdiǎn, [一點一點], little by little/bit by bit/gradually
        yīdīngdiǎn, [一丁點], a tiny bit/a wee bit
        zhēnglùndiǎn, [爭論點], contention
        píngdiǎn, [評點], to comment/a point by point commentary
        shísāndiǎn, [十三點], half-witted/nitwit
        chūdiǎnzi, [出點子], to express an opinion/to offer advice
        diǎnrǎn, [點染], to touch up (a piece of writing)/to add details (to a painting)

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