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[茶錢] cháqián tip
money for tea

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Word Compounds

        chá, tea/tea plant/CL:杯[bēi],壺|壶[hú]
        hēchá, (fig.) to have a meeting with state security agents (to be warned to behave "res...
        cháyè, [茶葉], tea/tea leaves/CL:盒[hé],罐[guàn],包[bāo],片[piàn]
        cháhuì, [茶會], tea party
        cháhú, [茶壺], teapot/CL:把[bǎ]
绿         lǜchá, [綠茶], green tea
        chábēi, teacup/tea-glass/cup/mug/CL:隻|只[zhī]
        hóngchá, [紅茶], black tea/CL:杯[bēi],壺|壶[hú]
        rèchá, [熱茶], hot tea
        chájī, small side table/coffee table/teapoy (ornamental tripod with caddies for tea)
        chádiǎn, [茶點], tea and cake/refreshments/tea and dimsun 點心|点心, traditional Hong Kong lunch
        cháhuàhuì, [茶話會], tea party
        pàochá, to make tea
        cháguǎn, [茶館], teahouse/CL:家[jiā]
        cháshuǐ, tea prepared in large quantity using inexpensive tea leaves
        nǎichá, milk tea
        chájù, tea set/tea service
        chásè, dark brown/tawny
        níngméngchá, [檸檬茶], lemon tea
        pǐnchá, to taste tea/to sip tea
        cháwǎn, teacup
        cháchí, teaspoon
        yǐnchá, [飲茶], to have tea and refreshments/to have dimsum lunch (Cantonese)
        wūlóngchá, [烏龍茶], oolong tea
        júhuāchá, chrysanthemum tea
        zǎochá, morning tea
        mòlihuāchá, jasmine tea
        cháyúfànhòu, [茶餘飯後], leisure time (over a cup of tea, after a meal etc)
        chádào, Japanese tea ceremony/sado
        chálóu, [茶樓], tearoom/teahouse/dimsum restaurant (Hong Kong)
        sūyóuchá, butter tea (Tibetan, Mongolian etc drink derived from milk)
        cháhuā, camellia
        chájiǎn, [茶鹼], Theophylline
        qīngchá, green tea/only tea (without food)
        shāncháhuā, camellia
        chūnchá, tea leaves gathered at springtime or the tea made from these leaves
        jìngchá, to serve tea (to guests)
        cūchádànfàn, [粗茶淡飯], plain tea and simple food/(fig.) bread and water
        cháqián, [茶錢], tip/gratuity/money for tea
        cháyì, [茶藝], the art of tea
        chágāng, mug
        cháfáng, teahouse

        Qián/qián, [錢], surname Qian, coin/money/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]/unit of weight, one tenth of a tael 兩|两[liǎn...
        qiánbāo, [錢包], purse/wallet
        zhuànqián, [賺錢], to earn money/moneymaking
        jīnqián, [金錢], money/currency
        jiàqian, [價錢], price
        huāqián, [花錢], to spend money
        zhíqián, [值錢], valuable/costly/expensive
        zhèngqián, [掙錢], to make money
        língqián, [零錢], change (of money)/small change/pocket money
        dàqián, [大錢], high denomination of banknotes or coins/lots of money/a big sum (e.g. a bribe)
        xǐqián, [洗錢], money laundering
        qiáncái, [錢財], wealth/money
        yǒuqián, [有錢], well-off/wealthy
        gōngqián, [工錢], salary/wages
        línghuāqián, [零花錢], pocket money/allowance
        hēiqián, [黑錢], dirty money
        dǔqián, [賭錢], to gamble
        fùqián, [付錢], to pay money
        língyòngqián, [零用錢], pocket money/allowance/spending money
        shěngqián, [省錢], to save money
        běnqián, [本錢], capital/(fig.) asset/advantage/the means (to do sth)
        péiqián, [賠錢], to lose money/to pay for damages
        yáoqiánshù, [搖錢樹], a legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken/a source of easy money (idiom)
        qiánbì, [錢幣], money
        zhǎoqián, [找錢], to give change
        huànqián, [換錢], to change money/to sell
        xiànqián, [現錢], cash
        jiǔqián, [酒錢], tip
        yīqiánbùzhí, [一錢不值], not worth a penny/utterly worthless
        xuèhànqián, [血汗錢], hard-earned money
        qiánjiā, [錢夾], wallet/Taiwan pr. [qián jiá]
        qiándài, [錢袋], purse/wallet
        chēqián, [車錢], fare/transport costs
        lāoqián, [撈錢], lit. to dredge for money/to make money by reprehensible means/to fish for a quic...
        fángqián, [房錢], charges for a room/house rental
        sīfángqián, [私房錢], secret purse/secret stash of money
        shǎngqian, [賞錢], tip/gratuity/monetary reward/bonus
        qiánzhuāng, [錢莊], money farm (dealing in illegal foreign currency of money laundering)
        yāsuìqián, [壓歲錢], money given to children as new year present
        qiánwù, [錢物], money and things of value
        dìngqian, [定錢], security deposit/earnest money (real estate)/good-faith deposit
        yínqián, [銀錢], silver money (in former times)
        jīnqiánbào, [金錢豹], leopard
        yúqián, [餘錢], surplus money
        qiánliáng, [錢糧], land tax/money and grain (given as tax or tribute)
        cháqián, [茶錢], tip/gratuity/money for tea

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