茶 ⇒
茶 chá, tea/tea plant/CL:杯[bēi],壺|壶[hú]
喝茶 hēchá, (fig.) to have a meeting with state security agents (to be warned to behave "res...
茶叶 cháyè, [茶葉], tea/tea leaves/CL:盒[hé],罐[guàn],包[bāo],片[piàn]
茶会 cháhuì, [茶會], tea party
茶壶 cháhú, [茶壺], teapot/CL:把[bǎ]
绿茶 lǜchá, [綠茶], green tea
茶杯 chábēi, teacup/tea-glass/cup/mug/CL:隻|只[zhī]
茶川 红茶 hóngchá, [紅茶], black tea/CL:杯[bēi],壺|壶[hú]
热茶 rèchá, [熱茶], hot tea
茶几 chájī, small side table/coffee table/teapoy (ornamental tripod with caddies for tea)
茶点 chádiǎn, [茶點], tea and cake/refreshments/tea and dimsun 點心|点心, traditional Hong Kong lunch
茶话会 cháhuàhuì, [茶話會], tea party
茶室 泡茶 pàochá, to make tea
茶馆 cháguǎn, [茶館], teahouse/CL:家[jiā]
茶水 cháshuǐ, tea prepared in large quantity using inexpensive tea leaves
奶茶 nǎichá, milk tea
茶具 chájù, tea set/tea service
茶色 chásè, dark brown/tawny
甘菊茶 柠檬茶 níngméngchá, [檸檬茶], lemon tea
沏茶 品茶 pǐnchá, to taste tea/to sip tea
茶碗 cháwǎn, teacup
茶匙 cháchí, teaspoon
茶叶罐 茶油 饮茶 yǐnchá, [飲茶], to have tea and refreshments/to have dimsum lunch (Cantonese)
茶花女 乌龙茶 wūlóngchá, [烏龍茶], oolong tea
菊花茶 júhuāchá, chrysanthemum tea
早茶 zǎochá, morning tea
茉莉花茶 mòlihuāchá, jasmine tea
茶余饭后 cháyúfànhòu, [茶餘飯後], leisure time (over a cup of tea, after a meal etc)
茶店 茶盘 可可茶 茶川君 茶道 chádào, Japanese tea ceremony/sado
茶饭 茶楼 chálóu, [茶樓], tearoom/teahouse/dimsum restaurant (Hong Kong)
酥油茶 sūyóuchá, butter tea (Tibetan, Mongolian etc drink derived from milk)
浓茶 冲茶 茶花 cháhuā, camellia
茶碱 chájiǎn, [茶鹼], Theophylline
茶碟 茶汤 清茶 qīngchá, green tea/only tea (without food)
康普茶 山茶花 shāncháhuā, camellia
春茶 chūnchá, tea leaves gathered at springtime or the tea made from these leaves
象茶 冰茶 敬茶 jìngchá, to serve tea (to guests)
袋泡茶 茶泡饭 粗茶淡饭 cūchádànfàn, [粗茶淡飯], plain tea and simple food/(fig.) bread and water
茶钱 cháqián, [茶錢], tip/gratuity/money for tea
茶艺 cháyì, [茶藝], the art of tea
淡茶 茶精 御茶 茶缸 chágāng, mug
茶桌 茶坊 cháfáng, teahouse
钱 ⇒
钱 Qián/qián, [錢], surname Qian, coin/money/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]/unit of weight, one tenth of a tael 兩|两[liǎn...
钱包 qiánbāo, [錢包], purse/wallet
赚钱 zhuànqián, [賺錢], to earn money/moneymaking
金钱 jīnqián, [金錢], money/currency
价钱 jiàqian, [價錢], price
花钱 huāqián, [花錢], to spend money
值钱 zhíqián, [值錢], valuable/costly/expensive
挣钱 zhèngqián, [掙錢], to make money
零钱 língqián, [零錢], change (of money)/small change/pocket money
大钱 dàqián, [大錢], high denomination of banknotes or coins/lots of money/a big sum (e.g. a bribe)
洗钱 xǐqián, [洗錢], money laundering
钱财 qiáncái, [錢財], wealth/money
有钱 yǒuqián, [有錢], well-off/wealthy
工钱 gōngqián, [工錢], salary/wages
掏钱 零花钱 línghuāqián, [零花錢], pocket money/allowance
黑钱 hēiqián, [黑錢], dirty money
赌钱 dǔqián, [賭錢], to gamble
付钱 fùqián, [付錢], to pay money
零用钱 língyòngqián, [零用錢], pocket money/allowance/spending money
省钱 shěngqián, [省錢], to save money
本钱 běnqián, [本錢], capital/(fig.) asset/advantage/the means (to do sth)
赔钱 péiqián, [賠錢], to lose money/to pay for damages
摇钱树 yáoqiánshù, [搖錢樹], a legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken/a source of easy money (idiom)
小钱 钱币 qiánbì, [錢幣], money
钱德勒 找钱 zhǎoqián, [找錢], to give change
换钱 huànqián, [換錢], to change money/to sell
现钱 xiànqián, [現錢], cash
酒钱 jiǔqián, [酒錢], tip
一钱不值 yīqiánbùzhí, [一錢不值], not worth a penny/utterly worthless
血汗钱 xuèhànqián, [血汗錢], hard-earned money
钱夹 qiánjiā, [錢夾], wallet/Taiwan pr. [qián jiá]
钱袋 qiándài, [錢袋], purse/wallet
费钱 车钱 chēqián, [車錢], fare/transport costs
钱德 闲钱 捞钱 lāoqián, [撈錢], lit. to dredge for money/to make money by reprehensible means/to fish for a quic...
饭钱 房钱 fángqián, [房錢], charges for a room/house rental
钱真 私房钱 sīfángqián, [私房錢], secret purse/secret stash of money
赏钱 shǎngqian, [賞錢], tip/gratuity/monetary reward/bonus
钱德拉 钱德拉·沙瑞西 钱有权 钱庄 qiánzhuāng, [錢莊], money farm (dealing in illegal foreign currency of money laundering)
维德·钱伯斯 压岁钱 yāsuìqián, [壓歲錢], money given to children as new year present
钱箱 钱物 qiánwù, [錢物], money and things of value
向钱看 比利·钱伯斯 钱飞 定钱 dìngqian, [定錢], security deposit/earnest money (real estate)/good-faith deposit
钱伯斯 马钱子 银钱 yínqián, [銀錢], silver money (in former times)
钱放 温钱悦 钱存进 金钱豹 jīnqiánbào, [金錢豹], leopard
赔钱货 钱用光 穆钱达尼 维吉尼亚·钱伯斯 铜钱 余钱 yúqián, [餘錢], surplus money
钱和权 钱德尔 钱存好 钱为荣 钱洗白 钱一文 钱可存 钱拉 钱梅 钱库里 钱粮 qiánliáng, [錢糧], land tax/money and grain (given as tax or tribute)
钱原 钱尼 钱塞 钱连本 吴钱悦 钱修路 钱全花 多夫钱科 钱而生 付钱买春 钱存起 钱大福 钱照花 钱德勒泰森 茶钱 cháqián, [茶錢], tip/gratuity/money for tea
钱柏林 钱万年 钱以备 钱尼克