药 ⇒
药 yào, [葯]/[藥], leaf of the iris/variant of 藥|药[yào], medicine/drug/substance used for a specifi...
药物 yàowù, [藥物], medicaments/pharmaceuticals/medication/medicine/drug
炸药 zhàyào, [炸藥], explosive (material)
药品 yàopǐn, [藥品], medicaments/medicine/drug
毒药 dúyào, [毒藥], poison
弹药 dànyào, [彈藥], ammunition
药片 yàopiàn, [藥片], a (medicine) pill or tablet/CL:片[piàn]
止痛药 zhǐtòngyào, [止痛藥], painkiller/analgesic/anodyne
安眠药 ānmiányào, [安眠藥], sleeping pill/CL:粒[lì]
火药 huǒyào, [火藥], gunpowder
服药 fúyào, [服藥], to take medicine
药丸 yàowán, [藥丸], pill/CL:粒[lì]
药剂 yàojì, [藥劑], medicine/medicament/drug/chemical compound
医药 yīyào, [醫藥], medical care and medicines/medicine (drug)/medical/pharmaceutical
药店 yàodiàn, [藥店], pharmacy
迷幻药 míhuànyào, [迷幻藥], hallucinogen/psychedelic drug
药房 yàofáng, [藥房], pharmacy/drugstore
药剂师 yàojìshī, [藥劑師], drugstore/chemist/pharmacist
下药 xiàyào, [下藥], to prescribe medicine/to poison/to slip a drug (into sb's drink etc)
草药 cǎoyào, [草藥], herbal medicine
制药 zhìyào, [制藥], to manufacture medicine
避孕药 bìyùnyào, [避孕藥], oral contraceptive
药膏 yàogāo, [藥膏], ointment
麻醉药 mázuìyào, [麻醉藥], anesthetic/narcotic/chloroform
药水 Yàoshuǐ/yàoshuǐ, [藥水], Yaksu in North Korea, near the border with Liaoning and Jiling province, medicin...
新药 麻药 máyào, [麻藥], anesthetic
药效 感冒药 gǎnmàoyào, [感冒藥], medicine for colds
医药费 药方 yàofāng, [藥方], prescription
药检 yàojiǎn, [藥檢], drugs test (e.g. on athletes)
吃药 chīyào, [吃藥], to take medicine
火药味 huǒyàowèi, [火藥味], smell of gunpowder/(fig.) combative tone/belligerence
药都 药瓶 yàopíng, [藥瓶], medicine bottle
泻药 xièyào, [瀉藥], laxative
良药 liángyào, [良藥], good medicine/panacea/fig. a good solution/a good remedy (e.g. to a social probl...
春药 chūnyào, [春藥], aphrodisiac
禁药 jìnyào, [禁藥], drugs ban (e.g. for athletes)
化学药品 药草 yàocǎo, [藥草], medicinal herb
药箱 药用 yàoyòng, [藥用], medicinal use/pharmaceutical
药力 拿药 药性 农药 nóngyào, [農藥], agricultural chemical/farm chemical/pesticide
灵药 língyào, [靈藥], legendary magic potion of immortals/panacea/fig. wonder solution to a problem
方药 镇静药 zhènjìngyào, [鎮靜藥], sedative
眼药 yǎnyào, [眼藥], eye drops/eye ointment
膏药 gāoyao, [膏藥], herbal plaster applied to a wound
鼠药 shǔyào, [鼠藥], rat poison
山药 shānyao, [山藥], Dioscorea polystachya/yam
弹药库 dànyàokù, [彈藥庫], ammunition dump
用药 药理 yàolǐ, [藥理], pharmacology
药理学 yàolǐxué, [藥理學], pharmacology
后悔药 对症下药 duìzhèngxiàyào, [對症下藥], lit. to prescribe the right medicine for an illness (idiom); fig. to study a pro...
灵丹妙药 língdānmiàoyào, [靈丹妙藥], effective cure, miracle medicine (idiom); fig. wonder-cure for all problems/pana...
假药 jiǎyào, [假藥], fake drugs
配药 pèiyào, [配藥], to dispense (drugs)/to prescribe
医药箱 换药 药费 药粉 药学 yàoxué, [藥學], pharmacy
特效药 tèxiàoyào, [特效藥], effective medicine for a specific condition/highly effective medicine
药师 催眠药 cuīmiányào, [催眠藥], soporific drug
喷药 退烧药 tuìshāoyào, [退燒藥], antipyretic (drug to reduce fever, such as sulfanilamide)
火药桶 中药 Zhōngyào, [中藥], (traditional) Chinese medicine/CL:服[fù],種|种[zhǒng]
抗药性 kàngyàoxìng, [抗藥性], drug resistance (medicine)
无烟火药 药物学 yàowùxué, [藥物學], pharmacology
补药 bǔyào, [補藥], tonic
药材 yàocái, [藥材], medicinal ingredient
换汤不换药 huàntāngbùhuànyào, [換湯不換藥], different broth but the same old medicine (idiom); a change in name only/a chang...
滴眼药 炸药包 药厂 迷魂药 耗子药 蒙汗药 中草药 zhōngcǎoyào, [中草藥], Chinese herbal medicine
点眼药 敷药 黄色炸药 huángsèzhàyào, [黃色炸藥], trinitrotoluene (TNT), C6H(NÓ)3CH
红药水 hóngyàoshuǐ, [紅藥水], mercurochrome (antiseptic solution)
试药 消毒药 圣药 shèngyào, [聖藥], panacea
药到病除 yàodàobìngchú, [藥到病除], lit. the disease is cured the moment the medicine is taken (idiom)/fig. (of a me...
抓药 zhuāyào, [抓藥], to make up a prescription (of herbal medicine)
弹药箱 药膳 yàoshàn, [藥膳], medicinal cuisine
药酒 药筒 药单 药味 药价 杀虫药 shāchóngyào, [殺蟲藥], insecticide
药罐子 西药 xīyào, [西藥], Western medicine
成药 chéngyào, [成藥], patent medicine/medicine already made up
良药苦口利于病 药剂学 止泻药 药铺 苦口良药 中医药 酒药 jiǔyào, [酒藥], brewer's yeast/yeast for fermenting rice wine
药液 药浴 药业 止血药 缺医少药 催产药 生药 shēngyào, [生藥], unprocessed medicinal herb
制药学 耐药性 nàiyàoxìng, [耐藥性], drug resistance/drug tolerance (medicine)
方 ⇒
地方 dìfāng/dìfang, region/regional (away from the central administration)/local, area/place/space/r...
方式 fāngshì, way/manner/style/mode/pattern/CL:個|个[gè]
方法 fāngfǎ, method/way/means/CL:個|个[gè]
方面 fāngmiàn, respect/aspect/field/side/CL:個|个[gè]
方向 fāngxiàng, direction/orientation/path to follow/CL:個|个[gè]
警方 jǐngfāng, police
对方 duìfāng, [對方], counterpart/other person involved/opposite side/other side/receiving party
方 Fāng/fāng, surname Fang, square/power or involution (math.)/upright/honest/fair and square/...
方便 fāngbiàn, convenient/suitable/to facilitate/to make things easy/having money to spare/(eup...
南方 nánfāng, south/the southern part of the country/the South
方案 fāngàn, plan/program (for action etc)/proposal/proposed bill/CL:個|个[gè],套[tào]
双方 shuāngfāng, [雙方], bilateral/both sides/both parties involved
官方 guānfāng, government/official (approved or issued by an authority)
军方 jūnfāng, [軍方], military
北方 běifāng, north/the northern part a country/China north of the Yellow River
前方 qiánfāng, ahead/the front
处方 chǔfāng, [處方], medical prescription/recipe/formula
西方 Xīfāng, the West/the Occident/Western countries
比方 bǐfang, analogy/instance/for instance
配方 pèifāng, prescription/cooking recipe/formulation/completing the square (to solve quadrati...
方位 fāngwèi, direction/points of the compass/bearing/position/azimuth
另一方面 lìngyīfāngmiàn, on the other hand/another aspect
东方 Dōngfāng/dōngfāng, [東方], the East/the Orient/two-character surname Dongfang, east
秘方 mìfāng, [祕方], secret recipe
上方 方向盘 fāngxiàngpán, [方向盤], steering wheel
大方 dàfāng/dàfang, expert/scholar/mother earth/a type of green tea, generous/magnanimous/stylish/in...
何方 héfāng, where?
方舟 fāngzhōu, ark
想方设法 xiǎngfāngshèfǎ, [想方設法], to think up every possible method (idiom); to devise ways and means/to try this,...
平方 píngfāng, square (as in square foot, square mile, square root)
方圆 fāngyuán, [方圓], perimeter/range/(within) a radius of ...
下方 xiàfāng, underneath/below/the underside/world of mortals/to descend to the world of morta...
远方 yuǎnfāng, [遠方], far away/a distant location
方程式 fāngchéngshì, equation
后方 hòufāng, [後方], the rear/far behind the front line
敌方 dífāng, [敵方], enemy
一方面 yīfāngmiàn, on the one hand
我方 wǒfāng, our side/we
正前方 方块 fāngkuài, [方塊], cube/block/square/rectangle/diamond ♦ (in card games)
方言 Fāngyán/fāngyán, the first Chinese dialect dictionary, edited by Yang Xiong 揚雄|扬雄[Yáng Xióng] in ...
全方位 quánfāngwèi, all around/omnidirectional/complete/holistic/comprehensive
方针 fāngzhēn, [方針], policy/guidelines/CL:個|个[gè]
药方 yàofāng, [藥方], prescription
方程 fāngchéng, mathematical equation
女方 nǚfāng, the bride's side (of a wedding)/of the bride's party
四方 sìfāng, four-way/four-sided/in all directions/everywhere
非官方 fēiguānfāng, unofficial
方向感 fāngxiànggǎn, sense of direction
正方形 zhèngfāngxíng, square
校方 xiàofāng, the school (as a party in a contract, dispute etc)/the school authorities
四面八方 sìmiànbāfāng, in all directions/all around/far and near
方便面 fāngbiànmiàn, [方便麵], instant noodles
魔方 mófāng, Rubik's cube/magic cube
方形 fāngxíng, square/square-shaped
立方 lìfāng, cube (math.)/abbr. for 立方體|立方体[lì fāng tǐ]/abbr. for 立方米[lì fāng mǐ]
千方百计 qiānfāngbǎijì, [千方百計], lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means
各方 gèfāng, all parties (in a dispute etc)/all sides/all directions
方方面面 fāngfāngmiànmiàn, all sides/all aspects/multi-faceted
西方人 Xīfāngrén, Westerner/Occidental
平方根 píngfānggēn, square root
单方面 dānfāngmiàn, [單方面], unilateral
良方 liángfāng, good medicine/effective prescription/fig. good plan/effective strategy
右方 yòufāng, right-hand side
慷慨大方 阿方 打比方 反方 方格 fānggé, checked pattern/square box character (in Chinese text) indicating illegible char...
男方 nánfāng, the bridegroom's side/of the bridegroom's family
血气方刚 xuèqìfānggāng, [血氣方剛], full of sap (idiom); young and vigorous
方药 正方 左方 地方官 dìfāngguān, local official
立方体 lìfāngtǐ, [立方體], cube/cubic
方阵 fāngzhèn, [方陣], square-shaped formation (military)/phalanx/(math.) matrix
天方夜谭 TiānfāngYètán/tiānfāngyètán, [天方夜譚], The Arabian Nights (classic story), fantasy story
东方人 狄方廷 平方米 píngfāngmǐ, square meter
有方 yǒufāng, to do things right/to use the correct method
红方 塌方 tāfāng, to cave in/to collapse/landslide
方糖 fāngtáng, sugar cube
美方 多方 duōfāng, in many ways/from all sides
买方 mǎifāng, [買方], buyer (in contracts)
多方面 duōfāngmiàn, many-sided/in many aspects
平方英寸 方才 fāngcái, just now/then
方方 方可 方寸 fāngcùn, square cun (Chinese unit of area: 1 cun × 1 cun, or 3⅓ cm × 3⅓ cm)/heart/mind
偏方 piānfāng, folk remedy/home remedy
日方 Rìfāng, the Japanese side or party (in negotiations etc)
方杜 长方形 chángfāngxíng, [長方形], rectangle
方向舵 见方 jiànfāng, [見方], a (10 meter) square/a square of given side
院方 方向性 fāngxiàngxìng, directionality (molecular biology)
东西方 dōngxīfāng, [東西方], east and west/east to west
绪方 方子 fāngzi, prescription (of medicine)
方宁 卖方 màifāng, [賣方], seller (in contracts)
平方尺 这方 平方公里 píngfānggōnglǐ, square kilometer
吴方兵 复方 fùfāng, [複方], compound prescription (involving several medicines)
不成方圆 单方 dānfāng, [單方], unilateral/one-sided/home remedy/folk prescription(same as 丹方)/single-drug presc...
胜方 方正 Fāngzhèng/fāngzhèng, Fangzheng county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Hā ěr bīn], Heilongjiang, clear and square/ne...
方步 方汀 方巾 方队 八方 bāfāng, the eight points of the compass/all directions
己方 jǐfāng, our side/one's own (side etc)
耳听八方 蓝方 大大方方 dàdàfāngfāng, confident/calm/natural/poised
方便之门 白方 方丈 Fāngzhang/fāngzhang, one of three fabled islands in Eastern sea, abode of immortals, square zhang (i....
贻笑大方 yíxiàodàfāng, [貽笑大方], to make a fool of oneself/to make oneself a laughing stock
方托斯 他方 古方 gǔfāng, ancient prescription
妙方 方法论 fāngfǎlùn, [方法論], methodology/Discours de la méthode by René Descartes 笛卡兒|笛卡儿[Dí kǎ ér], 1637
一方 yīfāng, a party (in a contract or legal case)/one side/area/region
无方 落落大方 luòluòdàfāng, (of one's conduct, speech etc) natural and unrestrained
行方便 成方 甲方 jiǎfāng, first party (law)/see also 乙方[yǐ fāng]
方提斯 东方航空 DōngfāngHángkōng, [東方航空], China Eastern Airlines
方方正正 fāngfāngzhèngzhèng, square-shaped
俄方 方桌 方框 北方邦 Běifāngbāng, Uttar Pradesh (state in India)
德方 中方 Zhōngfāng, the Chinese side (in an international venture)
方庭 方面军 平方和 守方 地方时 贵方 guìfāng, [貴方], (in business etc) your side/you
方特路 乙方 yǐfāng, second party (law)/see also 甲方[jiǎ fāng]
孔方 仪态万方 大方向 立方米 lìfāngmǐ, cubic meter (unit of volume)
正方体 zhèngfāngtǐ, [正方體], a rectangular parallelepiped
土方 tǔfāng, cubic meter of earth (unit of measurement)/excavated soil/earthwork (abbr. for 土...
借方 jièfāng, borrower/debit side (of a balance sheet)
方特勒里 四方步 sìfāngbù, a slow march
巴方 侧方 方格子 方格呢 旭方 方特洛伊 方括号 fāngkuòhào, [方括號], square brackets [ ]
正反方 外方 冰方 管方 方盒 尚方宝剑 shàngfāngbǎojiàn, [尚方寶劍], variant of 尚方劍|尚方剑[shàng fāng jiàn]/imperial sword (giving bearer arbitrary powe...
方纳 方斯 方济 左后方 方位图 方园 伊贺方 方士 fāngshì, alchemist/necromancer
方威 求方应 方宝 方廷 方延 方位角 fāngwèijiǎo, azimuth
兰方胜 方庭里 方可起 甲贺方 方航 方达 蓝方宇 圣方 西方化 方世玉 组方 开方 kāifāng, [開方], to extract a square root
一方非 一方平安 坍方 tānfāng, to collapse/landslide
地方报 红方京 方斯瓦 方琢 贷方 dàifāng, [貸方], credit side (of a balance sheet)/creditor/lender
那方舟 方寸之地 英方 任一方 法方 红方金 投资方 方有权 败诉方 梦方醒 生产方式 方尔格 大后方 东方集团 本方 简方达 葵方 方丁之子 立方根 lìfānggēn, cubic root (math.)
方能舒 布隆方丹 Bùlóngfāngdān, Bloemfontein
合作方 hézuòfāng, (business) partner