后 ⇒
然后 ránhòu, [然後], after/then (afterwards)/after that/afterwards
后 Hòu/hòu, [後], surname Hou, empress/queen/(archaic) monarch/ruler, back/behind/rear/afterwards/...
最后 zuìhòu, [最後], final/last/finally/ultimate
之后 zhīhòu, [之後], afterwards/following/later/after
以后 yǐhòu, [以後], after/later/afterwards/following/later on/in the future
后面 hòumiàn, [後面], rear/back/behind/later/afterwards/also pr. [hòu mian]
后来 hòulái, [後來], afterwards/later
后悔 hòuhuǐ, [後悔], to regret/to repent
背后 bèihòu, [背後], behind/at the back/in the rear/behind sb's back
退后 后果 hòuguǒ, [後果], consequences/aftermath
皇后 huánghòu, empress/imperial consort
稍后 shāohòu, [稍後], in a little while/in a moment/later on
后退 hòutuì, [後退], to recoil/to draw back/to fall back/to retreat
身后 shēnhòu, [身後], posthumous/one's social background/behind the body
后备 hòubèi, [後備], reserve/backup
幕后 mùhòu, [幕後], behind the scenes
后门 hòumén, [後門], the back door/fig. under the counter (indirect way for influence or pressure)/an...
后台 hòutái, [後台], backstage area/behind-the-scenes supporter/(computing) back-end/background
后院 hòuyuàn, [後院], rear court/back garden/backyard (also fig.)
落后 luòhòu, [落後], to fall behind/to lag (in technology etc)/backward/to retrogress
今后 jīnhòu, [今後], hereafter/henceforth/in the future/from now on
随后 suíhòu, [隨後], soon after
往后 wǎnghòu, [往後], from now on/in the future/time to come
酒后 jiǔhòu, [酒後], after drinking/under the influence of alcohol
后背 hòubèi, [後背], the back (human anatomy)/the back part of sth
后座 hòuzuò, [後座], empress's throne/(fig.) first place in a feminine competition, back seat/pillion
后援 hòuyuán, [後援], reinforcement/back-up/supporting force
后代 hòudài, [後代], descendant/progeny/posterity/later ages/later generations
王后 wánghòu, queen/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
过后 guòhòu, [過後], after the event
事后 shìhòu, [事後], after the event/in hindsight/in retrospect
后卫 hòuwèi, [後衛], rear guard/backfield/fullback
后腿 前后 qiánhòu, [前後], around/from beginning to end/all around/front and rear
后者 hòuzhě, [後者], the latter
此后 cǐhòu, [此後], after this/afterwards/hereafter
后边 hòubian, [後邊], back/rear/behind
后头 hòutou, [後頭], behind/the back/the rear/later/afterwards/(in) the future
战后 zhànhòu, [戰後], after the war/postwar
后排 hòupái, [後排], the back row
后裔 hòuyì, [後裔], descendant
后天 hòutiān, [後天], the day after tomorrow/acquired (not innate)/a posteriori
后方 hòufāng, [後方], the rear/far behind the front line
从此以后 后脑勺 hòunǎosháo, [後腦勺], back of the head
后续 hòuxù, [後續], follow-up/(dialect) to remarry
后期 hòuqī, [後期], late stage/later period
婚后 午后 wǔhòu, [午後], afternoon
从那之后 饭后 后勤 hòuqín, [後勤], logistics
后遗症 hòuyízhèng, [後遺症], (medicine) sequelae/residual effects/(fig.) repercussions/aftermath
先后 xiānhòu, [先後], early or late/priority/in succession/one after another
善后 shànhòu, [善後], to deal with the aftermath (arising from an accident)/funeral arrangements/repar...
后会有期 hòuhuìyǒuqī, [後會有期], I'm sure we'll meet again some day. (idiom)/Hope to see you again.
不久以后 最后通牒 zuìhòutōngdié, [最後通牒], ultimatum
后盾 hòudùn, [後盾], support/backing
日后 rìhòu, [日後], sometime/someday (in the future)
后视镜 hòushìjìng, [後視鏡], rearview mirror
后人 hòurén, [後人], later generation
会后 后脑 hòunǎo, [後腦], hindbrain/back of the head
拖后腿 tuōhòutuǐ, [拖後腿], to impede/to obstruct/to hold back
后事 hòushì, [後事], future events/and what happened next... (in fiction)/funeral arrangements
三思而后行 sānsīérhòuxíng, [三思而後行], think again and again before acting (idiom); consider carefully in advance
后撤 hòuchè, [後撤], to pull back (an army)/to retreat
而后 érhòu, [而後], after that/then
太后 tàihòu, Empress Dowager
后空翻 hòukōngfān, [後空翻], backward somersault/backflip
后路 hòulù, [後路], escape route/retreat route/communication lines to the rear/alternative course of...
课后 后尘 hòuchén, [後塵], lit. trailing dust/fig. sb's footsteps/course in life
走后门 zǒuhòumén, [走後門], lit. to enter by the back door/fig. to gain influence by pull or unofficial chan...
赛后 产后 chǎnhòu, [產後], postnatal
其后 qíhòu, [其後], next/later/after that
后起之秀 hòuqǐzhīxiù, [後起之秀], an up-and-coming youngster/new talent/a brilliant younger generation
后跟 脚后跟 jiǎohòugēn, [腳後跟], heel
马后炮 mǎhòupào, [馬後炮]/[馬後砲], lit. firing after the horse/fig. belated action/giving advice in hindsight, lit....
蚁后 后世 hòushì, [後世], later generations
后妈 hòumā, [後媽], (coll.) stepmother
空前绝后 kōngqiánjuéhòu, [空前絕後], unprecedented and never to be duplicated/the first and the last/unmatched/unique
后宫 hòugōng, [後宮], harem/chambers of imperial concubines
殿后 diànhòu, [殿後], to bring up the rear
节后 后生 hòushēng, [後生], young generation/youth/young man
敌后 后患 后坐 hòuzuò, [後坐], recoil (of a gun)/backlash
后悔莫及 hòuhuǐmòjí, [後悔莫及], too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event.
后藤 Hòuténg, [後藤], Gotō (Japanese surname)
后辈 hòubèi, [後輩], younger generation
争先恐后 zhēngxiānkǒnghòu, [爭先恐後], striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom); outdoing one another
开后门 kāihòumén, [開後門], to open the back door/fig. under the counter/to do a secret or dishonest deal/to...
读后感 dúhòugǎn, [讀後感], impression of a book/opinion expressed in a book review
断后 后勤部 屋后 后轮 hòulún, [後輪], rear wheel
置之脑后 zhìzhīnǎohòu, [置之腦後], to banish from one's thoughts/to ignore/to take no notice
后顾之忧 hòugùzhīyōu, [後顧之憂], fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worries (obstructing freedom of act...
后来者 后来居上 hòuláijūshàng, [後來居上], lit. late-comer lives above (idiom); the up-and-coming youngster outstrips the o...
后悔药 后坐力 hòuzuòlì, [後坐力], recoil (of a gun)/backlash/reactive force
后劲 前前后后 歌后 后怕 hòupà, [後怕], lingering fear/fear after the event/post-traumatic stress
后缀 hòuzhuì, [後綴], suffix (linguistics)
前因后果 qiányīnhòuguǒ, [前因後果], cause and effects (idiom); entire process of development
滞后 zhìhòu, [滯後], to lag behind
后手 子孙后代 后脚 hòujiǎo, [後腳], (one moment ...,) the next .../trailing foot (in walking)
大后天 dàhòutiān, [大後天], three days from now/day after day after tomorrow
后移 预后 yùhòu, [預後], prognosis
仙后座 Xiānhòuzuò, Cassiopeia (constellation)
后勤局 后嗣 hòusì, [後嗣], heir/descendant/posterity
后防 前仆后继 qiánpūhòujì, [前仆後繼], one falls, the next follows (idiom); stepping into the breach to replace fallen ...
后盖 hòugài, [後蓋], back cover/shell (of crab etc)
后进生 后山 后半段 后腰 hòuyāo, [後腰], lower back/(sports) defensive midfielder
后进 hòujìn, [後進], less advanced/underdeveloped/lagging behind/the younger generation/the less expe...
后备军 hòubèijūn, [後備軍], rearguard
思前想后 sīqiánxiǎnghòu, [思前想後], to consider past cause and future effect (idiom); to think over the past and fut...
鞍前马后 ānqiánmǎhòu, [鞍前馬後], to follow everywhere/to always be there for sb at their beck and call
先斩后奏 xiānzhǎnhòuzòu, [先斬後奏], first decapitate then present your trophy (idiom); act first, report later
前赴后继 qiánfùhòujì, [前赴後繼], to advance dauntlessly in wave upon wave (idiom)
后发制人 后爹 茶余饭后 cháyúfànhòu, [茶餘飯後], leisure time (over a cup of tea, after a meal etc)
后舱 后藏 后院起火 hòuyuànqǐhuǒ, [後院起火], a fire in one's backyard/conflict close to home
后话 hòuhuà, [後話], something to be taken up later in speech or writing
绝后 观后感 guānhòugǎn, [觀後感], impression or feeling after visiting or watching (movies, museums etc)
尔后 ěrhòu, [爾後], henceforth/thereafter/subsequently
后浪推前浪 后半夜 中后期 先礼后兵 xiānlǐhòubīng, [先禮後兵], peaceful measures before using force (idiom); diplomacy before violence/jaw-jaw ...
跑前跑后 瞻前顾后 zhānqiángùhòu, [瞻前顧後], to look forward and back/to consider prudently/overcautious
置之死地而后生 zhìzhīsǐdìérhòushēng, [置之死地而後生], place sb on a field of death and he will fight to live (idiom based on Sunzi's "...
留后路 liúhòulù, [留後路], to leave oneself a way out
秋后算账 qiūhòusuànzhàng, [秋後算賬], lit. to settle accounts after autumn/settle scores at an opportune moment (idiom...
前言不搭后语 后继有人 hòujìyǒurén, [後繼有人], to have qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking
售后服务 shòuhòufúwù, [售後服務], after-sales service
先人后己 后母 hòumǔ, [後母], stepmother
后父 hòufù, [後父], stepfather
全后庭 后福 后任 hòurèn, [後任], successor/(attributive) future
后年 hòunián, [後年], the year after next
解放后 jiěfànghòu, [解放後], after liberation (i.e. after the Communist's victory)/after the establishment of...
后账 hòuzhàng, [後賬], undisclosed account/to settle matters later/to blame sb after the event
三天后 后襟 后起 歇后语 xiēhòuyǔ, [歇後語], saying in which the second part, uttered after a pause or totally left out, is t...
博士后 bóshìhòu, [博士後], postdoc/a postdoctoral position
后复生 前呼后拥 后患无穷 hòuhuànwúqióng, [後患無窮], it will cause no end of trouble (idiom)
后妻 秋后 后园 书后 后处理 左后方 前后文 qiánhòuwén, [前後文], context/the surrounding words/same as 上下文
死而后已 sǐérhòuyǐ, [死而後已], until death puts an end (idiom); one's whole life/unto one's dying day
后半期 后缘 hòuyuán, [後緣], trailing edge (of airplane wing)
王天后 后记 hòujì, [後記], epilogue/afterword
后身 后藤君 后金 HòuJīn, [後金], Later Jin dynasty (from 1616-)/Manchu Khanate or kingdom that took over as Qing ...
王后会 后轴 拉后腿 后来人 后庭 hòutíng, [後庭], backyard/imperial harem/(slang) anus
秀后 扯后腿 chěhòutuǐ, [扯後腿], to be a drag or hindrance on sb
无后 wúhòu, [無後], to lack male offspring
承前启后 chéngqiánqǐhòu, [承前啟後], to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transitio...
大后方 后防线 大后年 dàhòunián, [大後年], three years from now/year after year after next year
皇太后 huángtàihòu, [皇太後], empress dowager
雨后春笋 yǔhòuchūnsǔn, [雨後春筍], lit. after rain, the spring bamboo (idiom); fig. rapid new growth/many new thing...
总后 侧后 后事之师
方 ⇒
地方 dìfāng/dìfang, region/regional (away from the central administration)/local, area/place/space/r...
方式 fāngshì, way/manner/style/mode/pattern/CL:個|个[gè]
方法 fāngfǎ, method/way/means/CL:個|个[gè]
方面 fāngmiàn, respect/aspect/field/side/CL:個|个[gè]
方向 fāngxiàng, direction/orientation/path to follow/CL:個|个[gè]
警方 jǐngfāng, police
对方 duìfāng, [對方], counterpart/other person involved/opposite side/other side/receiving party
方 Fāng/fāng, surname Fang, square/power or involution (math.)/upright/honest/fair and square/...
方便 fāngbiàn, convenient/suitable/to facilitate/to make things easy/having money to spare/(eup...
南方 nánfāng, south/the southern part of the country/the South
方案 fāngàn, plan/program (for action etc)/proposal/proposed bill/CL:個|个[gè],套[tào]
双方 shuāngfāng, [雙方], bilateral/both sides/both parties involved
官方 guānfāng, government/official (approved or issued by an authority)
军方 jūnfāng, [軍方], military
北方 běifāng, north/the northern part a country/China north of the Yellow River
前方 qiánfāng, ahead/the front
处方 chǔfāng, [處方], medical prescription/recipe/formula
西方 Xīfāng, the West/the Occident/Western countries
比方 bǐfang, analogy/instance/for instance
配方 pèifāng, prescription/cooking recipe/formulation/completing the square (to solve quadrati...
方位 fāngwèi, direction/points of the compass/bearing/position/azimuth
另一方面 lìngyīfāngmiàn, on the other hand/another aspect
东方 Dōngfāng/dōngfāng, [東方], the East/the Orient/two-character surname Dongfang, east
秘方 mìfāng, [祕方], secret recipe
上方 方向盘 fāngxiàngpán, [方向盤], steering wheel
大方 dàfāng/dàfang, expert/scholar/mother earth/a type of green tea, generous/magnanimous/stylish/in...
何方 héfāng, where?
方舟 fāngzhōu, ark
想方设法 xiǎngfāngshèfǎ, [想方設法], to think up every possible method (idiom); to devise ways and means/to try this,...
平方 píngfāng, square (as in square foot, square mile, square root)
方圆 fāngyuán, [方圓], perimeter/range/(within) a radius of ...
下方 xiàfāng, underneath/below/the underside/world of mortals/to descend to the world of morta...
远方 yuǎnfāng, [遠方], far away/a distant location
方程式 fāngchéngshì, equation
后方 hòufāng, [後方], the rear/far behind the front line
敌方 dífāng, [敵方], enemy
一方面 yīfāngmiàn, on the one hand
我方 wǒfāng, our side/we
正前方 方块 fāngkuài, [方塊], cube/block/square/rectangle/diamond ♦ (in card games)
方言 Fāngyán/fāngyán, the first Chinese dialect dictionary, edited by Yang Xiong 揚雄|扬雄[Yáng Xióng] in ...
全方位 quánfāngwèi, all around/omnidirectional/complete/holistic/comprehensive
方针 fāngzhēn, [方針], policy/guidelines/CL:個|个[gè]
药方 yàofāng, [藥方], prescription
方程 fāngchéng, mathematical equation
女方 nǚfāng, the bride's side (of a wedding)/of the bride's party
四方 sìfāng, four-way/four-sided/in all directions/everywhere
非官方 fēiguānfāng, unofficial
方向感 fāngxiànggǎn, sense of direction
正方形 zhèngfāngxíng, square
校方 xiàofāng, the school (as a party in a contract, dispute etc)/the school authorities
四面八方 sìmiànbāfāng, in all directions/all around/far and near
方便面 fāngbiànmiàn, [方便麵], instant noodles
魔方 mófāng, Rubik's cube/magic cube
方形 fāngxíng, square/square-shaped
立方 lìfāng, cube (math.)/abbr. for 立方體|立方体[lì fāng tǐ]/abbr. for 立方米[lì fāng mǐ]
千方百计 qiānfāngbǎijì, [千方百計], lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means
各方 gèfāng, all parties (in a dispute etc)/all sides/all directions
方方面面 fāngfāngmiànmiàn, all sides/all aspects/multi-faceted
西方人 Xīfāngrén, Westerner/Occidental
平方根 píngfānggēn, square root
单方面 dānfāngmiàn, [單方面], unilateral
良方 liángfāng, good medicine/effective prescription/fig. good plan/effective strategy
右方 yòufāng, right-hand side
慷慨大方 阿方 打比方 反方 方格 fānggé, checked pattern/square box character (in Chinese text) indicating illegible char...
男方 nánfāng, the bridegroom's side/of the bridegroom's family
血气方刚 xuèqìfānggāng, [血氣方剛], full of sap (idiom); young and vigorous
方药 正方 左方 地方官 dìfāngguān, local official
立方体 lìfāngtǐ, [立方體], cube/cubic
方阵 fāngzhèn, [方陣], square-shaped formation (military)/phalanx/(math.) matrix
天方夜谭 TiānfāngYètán/tiānfāngyètán, [天方夜譚], The Arabian Nights (classic story), fantasy story
东方人 狄方廷 平方米 píngfāngmǐ, square meter
有方 yǒufāng, to do things right/to use the correct method
红方 塌方 tāfāng, to cave in/to collapse/landslide
方糖 fāngtáng, sugar cube
美方 多方 duōfāng, in many ways/from all sides
买方 mǎifāng, [買方], buyer (in contracts)
多方面 duōfāngmiàn, many-sided/in many aspects
平方英寸 方才 fāngcái, just now/then
方方 方可 方寸 fāngcùn, square cun (Chinese unit of area: 1 cun × 1 cun, or 3⅓ cm × 3⅓ cm)/heart/mind
偏方 piānfāng, folk remedy/home remedy
日方 Rìfāng, the Japanese side or party (in negotiations etc)
方杜 长方形 chángfāngxíng, [長方形], rectangle
方向舵 见方 jiànfāng, [見方], a (10 meter) square/a square of given side
院方 方向性 fāngxiàngxìng, directionality (molecular biology)
东西方 dōngxīfāng, [東西方], east and west/east to west
绪方 方子 fāngzi, prescription (of medicine)
方宁 卖方 màifāng, [賣方], seller (in contracts)
平方尺 这方 平方公里 píngfānggōnglǐ, square kilometer
吴方兵 复方 fùfāng, [複方], compound prescription (involving several medicines)
不成方圆 单方 dānfāng, [單方], unilateral/one-sided/home remedy/folk prescription(same as 丹方)/single-drug presc...
胜方 方正 Fāngzhèng/fāngzhèng, Fangzheng county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Hā ěr bīn], Heilongjiang, clear and square/ne...
方步 方汀 方巾 方队 八方 bāfāng, the eight points of the compass/all directions
己方 jǐfāng, our side/one's own (side etc)
耳听八方 蓝方 大大方方 dàdàfāngfāng, confident/calm/natural/poised
方便之门 白方 方丈 Fāngzhang/fāngzhang, one of three fabled islands in Eastern sea, abode of immortals, square zhang (i....
贻笑大方 yíxiàodàfāng, [貽笑大方], to make a fool of oneself/to make oneself a laughing stock
方托斯 他方 古方 gǔfāng, ancient prescription
妙方 方法论 fāngfǎlùn, [方法論], methodology/Discours de la méthode by René Descartes 笛卡兒|笛卡儿[Dí kǎ ér], 1637
一方 yīfāng, a party (in a contract or legal case)/one side/area/region
无方 落落大方 luòluòdàfāng, (of one's conduct, speech etc) natural and unrestrained
行方便 成方 甲方 jiǎfāng, first party (law)/see also 乙方[yǐ fāng]
方提斯 东方航空 DōngfāngHángkōng, [東方航空], China Eastern Airlines
方方正正 fāngfāngzhèngzhèng, square-shaped
俄方 方桌 方框 北方邦 Běifāngbāng, Uttar Pradesh (state in India)
德方 中方 Zhōngfāng, the Chinese side (in an international venture)
方庭 方面军 平方和 守方 地方时 贵方 guìfāng, [貴方], (in business etc) your side/you
方特路 乙方 yǐfāng, second party (law)/see also 甲方[jiǎ fāng]
孔方 仪态万方 大方向 立方米 lìfāngmǐ, cubic meter (unit of volume)
正方体 zhèngfāngtǐ, [正方體], a rectangular parallelepiped
土方 tǔfāng, cubic meter of earth (unit of measurement)/excavated soil/earthwork (abbr. for 土...
借方 jièfāng, borrower/debit side (of a balance sheet)
方特勒里 四方步 sìfāngbù, a slow march
巴方 侧方 方格子 方格呢 旭方 方特洛伊 方括号 fāngkuòhào, [方括號], square brackets [ ]
正反方 外方 冰方 管方 方盒 尚方宝剑 shàngfāngbǎojiàn, [尚方寶劍], variant of 尚方劍|尚方剑[shàng fāng jiàn]/imperial sword (giving bearer arbitrary powe...
方纳 方斯 方济 左后方 方位图 方园 伊贺方 方士 fāngshì, alchemist/necromancer
方威 求方应 方宝 方廷 方延 方位角 fāngwèijiǎo, azimuth
兰方胜 方庭里 方可起 甲贺方 方航 方达 蓝方宇 圣方 西方化 方世玉 组方 开方 kāifāng, [開方], to extract a square root
一方非 一方平安 坍方 tānfāng, to collapse/landslide
地方报 红方京 方斯瓦 方琢 贷方 dàifāng, [貸方], credit side (of a balance sheet)/creditor/lender
那方舟 方寸之地 英方 任一方 法方 红方金 投资方 方有权 败诉方 梦方醒 生产方式 方尔格 大后方 东方集团 本方 简方达 葵方 方丁之子 立方根 lìfānggēn, cubic root (math.)
方能舒 布隆方丹 Bùlóngfāngdān, Bloemfontein
合作方 hézuòfāng, (business) partner