贫 ⇒
贫穷 pínqióng, [貧窮], poor/impoverished
贫困 pínkùn, [貧困], impoverished/poverty
贫民窟 pínmínkū, [貧民窟], slum housing
贫民区 pínmínqū, [貧民區], slum area/ghetto
贫血 pínxuè, [貧血], anemia
贫 pín, [貧], poor/inadequate/deficient/garrulous
贫民 pínmín, [貧民], poor people
一贫如洗 yīpínrúxǐ, [一貧如洗], penniless
贫苦 pínkǔ, [貧苦], poverty-stricken/poor
贫乏 pínfá, [貧乏], impoverished/lacking/deficient/limited/meager/impoverishment/lack/deficiency
贫富 pínfù, [貧富], poor and rich
贫嘴 pínzuǐ, [貧嘴], talkative/garrulous/loquacious/flippant/jocular
贫瘠 pínjí, [貧瘠], barren/infertile/poor
贫寒 pínhán, [貧寒], poor/poverty-stricken/impoverished
劫富济贫 jiéfùjìpín, [劫富濟貧], to rob the rich to help the poor
贫困线 赤贫 chìpín, [赤貧], poverty-stricken
清贫 qīngpín, [清貧], poor but upright/destitute
耍贫嘴 shuǎpínzuǐ, [耍貧嘴], (coll.) to wag one's tongue/to indulge in idle gossip and silly jokes/to chatter...
贫贱 pínjiàn, [貧賤], poor and lowly
贫富悬殊 贫农 pínnóng, [貧農], poor peasant
贱 ⇒
贱人 jiànrén, [賤人], slut/cheap person
贱 jiàn, [賤], inexpensive/lowly
贱货 jiànhuò, [賤貨], bitch/slut
下贱 xiàjiàn, [下賤], humble/lowly/depraved/contemptible
低贱 卑贱 bēijiàn, [卑賤], lowly/mean and low
贱民 jiànmín, [賤民], social stratum below the level of ordinary people/untouchable/dalit (India caste...
贱卖 jiànmài, [賤賣], to sell cheaply/sacrifice/low price/discount sale
贱骨头 jiàngǔtou, [賤骨頭], miserable wretch/contemptible individual
贵贱 guìjiàn, [貴賤], noble and lowly/high versus low social hierarchy of ruler to people, father to s...
贫贱 pínjiàn, [貧賤], poor and lowly
微贱 wēijiàn, [微賤], humble/lowly