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[運籌帷幄] yùnchóuwéiwò lit. to devise battle plan in a tent (idiom)
fig. planning strategies

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        xìngyùn, [幸運], fortunate/lucky/fortune/luck
        hǎoyùn, [好運], good luck
        yùndòng, [運動], to move/to exercise/sports/exercise/motion/movement/campaign/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        mìngyùn, [命運], fate/destiny/CL:個|个[gè]
        yùnqi, [運氣], luck (good or bad)
        yùn, [運], to move/to transport/to use/to apply/fortune/luck/fate
        zǒuyùn, [走運], to have good luck/lucky/in luck
        yùndòngyuán, [運動員], athlete/CL:名[míng],個|个[gè]
        yùnzuò, [運作], to operate/operations/workings/activities (usu. of an organization)/thread (comp...
        yùnyòng, [運用], to use/to put to use
        yùnxíng, [運行], to move along one's course (of celestial bodies etc)/(fig.) to function/to be in...
        yùnshū, [運輸], to transport/to carry/transportation
        yùnzhuǎn, [運轉], to work/to operate/to revolve/to turn around
        yùnsòng, [運送], to transport/to carry
        Àoyùnhuì, [奧運會], abbr. for 奧林匹克運動會|奥林匹克运动会/Olympic Games/the Olympics
        yùndòngxié, [運動鞋], sports shoes/sneakers
        èyùn, [厄運], bad luck/misfortune/adversity
        yùndòngshān, [運動衫], sports shirt/sweatshirt/CL:件[jiàn]
        yùnhé, [運河], canal
        huòyùn, [貨運], freight transport/cargo/transported goods
        yùnyíng, [運營], to be in operation/to do business/(of train, bus etc) to be in service/operation...
        yùndòngchǎng, [運動場], sports field/playground/exercise yard
        xìngyùnér, [幸運兒], winner/lucky guy/person who always gets good breaks
        Àoyùn, [奧運], abbr. for 奧林匹克運動會|奥林匹克运动会/Olympic Games/the Olympics
        yùnchāochē, [運鈔車], armored car (for transporting valuables)
        bānyùn, [搬運], freight/transport/portage/to transport/to carry
        tōuyùn, [偷運], to smuggle
        zhuǎnyùn, [轉運], to forward goods/to ship/to distribute/transshipment/a lucky break/change of for...
        yùnsuàn, [運算], to perform calculations/(mathematical) operation
        kōngyùn, [空運], air transport
        yùndòngfú, [運動服], sportswear
        yùndònghuì, [運動會], sports competition/CL:個|个[gè]
        yùnqiú, [運球], to dribble (basketball, soccer etc)
        bānyùngōng, [搬運工], porter
        tǐyùyùndòng, [體育運動], sports/physical culture
        chuányùn, [船運], sea freight/shipping
        zhuāngyùn, [裝運], to ship/shipment
        shíláiyùnzhuǎn, [時來運轉], the time comes, fortune turns (idiom); to have a lucky break/things change for t...
        tuōyùn, [托運], to consign (goods)/to check through (baggage)
        hángyùn, [航運], shipping/transport
        yāyùn, [押運], to escort (goods or funds)/to convey under guard
        táohuāyùn, [桃花運], luck with the ladies/a romance/good luck
        shíyùn, [時運], circumstances/fate
        jìnyùn, [禁運], embargo/export ban (e.g. on weapons)
        bèiyùn, [背運], bad luck/unlucky
        hǎiyùn, [海運], shipping by sea
        yíngyùn, [營運], running/operation (of airport, bus service, business etc)
        èyùn, [噩運], variant of 厄運|厄运[è yùn]
        yùnfèi, [運費], freight fee
鸿         hóngyùn, [鴻運], variant of 紅運|红运[hóng yùn]
        èyùn, [惡運], variant of 厄運|厄运[è yùn]
        yìngyùnérshēng, [應運而生], to emerge to meet a historic destiny (idiom)/to arise at an opportune time/able ...
        yùnshūchuán, [運輸船], transport ship
        kèyùn, [客運], passenger transportation/(Tw) intercity bus
        Yàyùnhuì, [亞運會], Asian Games
        liányùn, [聯運], through transport/through traffic jointly organized by different enterprises
        yùnshūyè, [運輸業], transportation industry
        yùnzài, [運載], to carry/to convey/delivery/supply
        yùnchóuwéiwò, [運籌帷幄], lit. to devise battle plan in a tent (idiom)/fig. planning strategies
        shuǐyùn, [水運], waterborne transport
        yùndòngbìng, [運動病], car sickness/motion sickness
        guóyùn, [國運], fate of the nation
        tiánjìngyùndòng, [田徑運動], track and field sports
        zàiyùn, [載運], to convey (on vehicle)/to freight
        DàYùnhé, [大運河], the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC
        yùnjià, [運價], fare/transport cost
        yùnchéng, [運程], one's fortune (in astrology)
        yùnshūliàng, [運輸量], volume of freight
        fànyùn, [販運], to transport (for sale)/to traffic (in sth)
        chéngyùn, [承運], to provide transport/to accept the Mandate of Heaven/to acknowledge one's callin...
        chūnyùn, [春運], (increased) passenger transportation around Chinese New Year
        lùyùn, [陸運], land transport
        fāyùn, [發運], (of goods) to dispatch/shipment/shipping
        yùnchóu, [運籌], to plan/operations/logistics
        yùnshūjiàn, [運輸艦], transport ship
        dǎoyùn, [倒運], to have bad luck
        YùnhéQū, [運河區], Yunhe District of Cangzhou City 滄州市|沧州市[Cāng zhōu Shì], Hebei
        yùndòngxué, [運動學], kinematics
        qǐyùn, [起運], variant of 啟運|启运[qǐ yùn]

        chóu, [籌], chip (in gambling)/token (for counting)/ticket/to prepare/to plan/to raise (fund...
        chóumǎ, [籌碼], bargaining chip/gaming chip/casino token
        chóukuǎn, [籌款], fundraising
        chóují, [籌集], to collect money/to raise funds
        chóubèi, [籌備], preparations/to get ready for sth
        chóuhuà, [籌劃], to plan and prepare
        chóuzī, [籌資], to raise resources
        chóubàn, [籌辦], to arrange/to make preparations
        yīchóumòzhǎn, [一籌莫展], to be unable to find a solution/to be at wits' end
        chóujiàn, [籌建], to prepare to build sth
        chóucuò, [籌措], to raise (money)
        tǒngchóu, [統籌], an overall plan/to plan an entire project as a whole
        yùnchóuwéiwò, [運籌帷幄], lit. to devise battle plan in a tent (idiom)/fig. planning strategies
        gōngchóujiāocuò, [觥籌交錯], wine goblets and gambling chips lie intertwined/to drink and gamble together in ...
        chóumù, [籌募], to raise funds/to collect money
        lüèshèngyīchóu, [略勝一籌], slightly better/a cut above
        yùnchóu, [運籌], to plan/operations/logistics

        wéimù, heavy curtain
        wéi, curtain/screen
        yùnchóuwéiwò, [運籌帷幄], lit. to devise battle plan in a tent (idiom)/fig. planning strategies

        yùnchóuwéiwò, [運籌帷幄], lit. to devise battle plan in a tent (idiom)/fig. planning strategies

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