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Jiātàijī Carthage

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Word Compounds

        jiā, (phonetic sound for Buddhist terms)
        Jiātàijī, Carthage
        Jiānà, [迦納], Ghana (Tw)
        Jiānán, Canaan (in Biblical Palestine)
        Shìjiāmóuní, [釋迦牟尼], Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism/S...

        tài, highest/greatest/too (much)/very/extremely
        tàitai, married woman/Mrs./Madam/wife/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        tàiyang, [太陽], sun/CL:個|个[gè]/abbr. for 太陽穴|太阳穴[tài yáng xué]
        Yóutàirén, [猶太人], Jew
        tàikōng, outer space
        Yóutài, [猶太], Jew/Jewish/Judea (in Biblical Palestine)
        TàipíngYáng, Pacific Ocean
        lǎotàitai, elderly lady (respectful)/esteemed mother/CL:位[wèi]
        tàikōngchuán, spaceship
        lǎotàipó, old woman (at times contemptuous)
        Yóutàijiào, [猶太教], Judaism
        tàiyángxì, [太陽系], solar system
        tàiyángnéng, [太陽能], solar energy
        tàipíngjiān, [太平間], mortuary/morgue
        shàitàiyáng, [曬太陽], to be in the sun (getting warm or sunbathing etc)/to put sth in the sun (e.g. to...
        Tàipíng/tàipíng, place name, peace and security
        tàiyángjìng, [太陽鏡], sunglasses
        tàikōngrén, astronaut
        tàizǐ, crown prince
        tàiyángshén, [太陽神], Sun God/Apollo
        tàihòu, Empress Dowager
        Gàishìtàibǎo, [蓋世太保], Gestapo
        Tàijí, [太極], the Absolute or Supreme Ultimate, the source of all things according to some int...
        lǎotài, old lady
        tàiyángxué, [太陽穴], temple (on the sides of human head)
        tàikōngcāng, [太空艙], space capsule/ejection capsule (cabin)
        tàijiàn, [太監], court eunuch/palace eunuch
        tàikōngzhàn, space station
        tàiyángyǎnjìng, [太陽眼鏡], sunglasses
        Tàibǎo/tàibǎo, Taibao or Taipao city in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jiā yì xiàn], west Taiwan, a very...
        huángtàizǐ, crown prince
        Wòtàihuá, [渥太華], Ottawa, capital of Canada
        Jiātàijī, Carthage
        Tàibái, Taibai County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bǎo jī], Shaanxi/Venus
        tàikōngfú, spacesuit
        tiānxiàtàipíng, the whole world at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
        Tàisuì, [太歲], Tai Sui, God of the year/archaic name for the planet Jupiter 木星[Mù xīng]/nicknam...
        méngtàiqí, montage (film) (loanword)
        tàijíquán, [太極拳], shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or T'aichichuan/traditional form of physical exer...
        Tàihé, Taihe County in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fù yáng], Anhui/Taihe district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|...
        Mǎtài, [馬太], Matthew (name)
        qīréntàishèn, to bully intolerably (idiom)
        tàigōng, great-grandfather/(old) grandfather/father
        tàiyī, [太醫], imperial physician
        Tàizǐgǎng, Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti
        tàipó, great-grandmother
        Tàiyuán, Taiyuan prefecture level city and capital of Shanxi province 山西省 in central nort...
        tàishǒu, governor of a province
        Tàitián, Ohta or Ōta (Japanese surname)
        Tàixué, [太學], Imperial College of Supreme Learning, established in 124 BC, and the highest edu...
        TàibáiShān, Mt Taibai in Shaanxi
        tímótài, Timothy
        Tàishànghuáng, Taishang Huang/Retired Emperor/father of the reigning emperor/fig. puppet master
        huángtàihòu, [皇太後], empress dowager
        tàiyángrì, [太陽日], solar day
        tàiyángdēng, [太陽燈], sunlamp
        tàipíngmén, [太平門], emergency exit

        jīběn, basic/fundamental/main/elementary
        jī, base/foundation/basic/radical (chemistry)/(slang) gay
        jīdì, base (of operations)/industrial or military base/al-Qaeda
        jīyīn, gene (loanword)
        jījīn, fund
        Jīdū, Christ
        jīchǔ, [基礎], base/foundation/basis/underlying/CL:個|个[gè]
        jīyú, [基於], because of/on the basis of/in view of/on account of
        jīběnshang, basically/on the whole
        jījīnhuì, [基金會], foundation (institution supported by an endowment)
        Bājīsītǎn, Pakistan
        Jīdūtú, Christian
        Jīdūjiào, Christianity/Christian
        bǐjīní, bikini (loanword)
        Kěntǎjī, Kentucky, US state
        jūnshìjīdì, [軍事基地], military base
        Mìěrwòjī, [密爾沃基], Milwaukee (city)
        Jīdūjiàotú, a Christian
        Àisījīmó, [愛斯基摩], Eskimo/Inuit
        dìjī, foundations (of a building)/base
        Kěntǎjīzhōu, Kentucky, US state
        jīshí, cornerstone
        jiǎjī, methyl group (chemistry)
        Luòjī, Loki, god of fire and mischievous destroyer in Norse mythology
        Jīfǔ, [基輔], Kiev, capital of Ukraine
        Mǐkāilǎngjīluó, [米開朗基羅], Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), Renaissance painter and sculptor
        Kěndéjī, KFC/Kentucky Fried Chicken
        jīdiào, [基調], main key (of a musical composition)/keynote (speech)
        gēnjī, foundation
        Nuòjīyà, [諾基亞], Nokia (company name)
        Fúlājīmǐěr, [弗拉基米爾], Vladimir
        wǎěrjīlǐ, [瓦爾基里], valkyrie
        jīběngōng, basic skills/fundamentals
        ānjī, amino/amino group
线         jīxiàn, [基線], base (of a triangle)/base line (in geodetic survey)/horizontal
        Hèěrxīnjī, [赫爾辛基], Helsinki (Swedish Helsingfors), capital of Finland
        Jījiālì, Kigali, capital of Rwanda
        jīcéng, [基層], basic level/grassroots unit/basement layer
        dēngjī, to ascend the throne
        Jiātàijī, Carthage
        jīyīnzǔ, [基因組], genome
        jīzhǔn, [基準], norm/standard/standard of reference/base/base point/base line/benchmark/referenc...
        Yángjī, see 洋基隊|洋基队[Yáng jī duì]/New York Yankees (US baseball team)
        Kǎnèijī, [卡內基], Carnegie (name)/Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), Scots American steel millionaire an...
        Jīěr, [基爾], Kiel (German city)
        diànjī, groundbreaking/to lay foundation
        diànjīrén, founder/pioneer
        Cháikěfūsījī, Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), Russian composer
        ānjīsuān, amino acid
        Jīduō, Quito, capital of Ecuador
        jīzhàn, base station
        jīpǔ, kip (Laotian currency)
        Ājīmǐdé, Archimedes (c. 287-212 BC)
        lùjī, (civil engineering) roadbed
        jīzuò, underlay/foundation/pedestal
        Jīxīngé, Henry Kissinger (1923-), US academic and politician, Secretary of State 1973-197...
        qiǎngjī, [羥基], hydroxyl group -OH
        diànjīshí, a foundation stone/a cornerstone
        zhuǎnjīyīn, [轉基因], genetic modification
        Sīpàsījī, Spassky (name)
        jīyè, [基業], foundation/base/family estate
        jīshù, [基數], cardinal number/(math.) radix/base
        Shāndájī, [山達基], Scientology
        wéijī, [維基], wiki (Internet)
        GuójìHuòbìJījīnZǔzhī, [國際貨幣基金組織], International Monetary Fund (IMF)
        Lánbójīní, [蘭博基尼], Lamborghini (Italian car manufacturer)
        běnjī, phenyl group
        Tuōluòcíjī, [託洛茨基], Leon Davidovich Trotsky (1879-1940), early Bolshevik leader, exiled by Stalin in...
        Láiwēnsījī, [萊溫斯基], Monica Lewinsky (1973-), former White House intern
        jīdiǎn, [基點], main point/crux/central point
        jīběnfǎ, basic law (constitutional document)
        Cháikēfūsījī, Piotr Ilyich Tchaikowsky (1840-1893), Russian composer, composer of 6 symphonies...
        Jīlóng, Chilung or Keelung, city and major port in north Taiwan
        táijī, [臺基], stylobate (architecture)
        lùjī, [陸基], land-based
        jīyán, bedrock
        péiyǎngjī, [培養基], culture medium
        jītuán, [基團], radical (chemistry)
        jīyǒu, (slang) very close same-sex friend/gay partner
        jīběndiǎn, [基本點], basis point (finance), abbr. to 基點|基点[jī diǎn]
·         Nuòmǔ·Qiáomǔsījī, [諾姆·喬姆斯基], Noam Chomsky (American linguist and political activist)
·         Mòníkǎ·Láiwēnsījī, [莫尼卡·萊溫斯基], Monica Lewinsky (1973-), former White House intern
        BùjīnàFǎsuǒ, [布基納法索], Burkina Faso
        Gāoěrjī, [高爾基], Gorkii (name)/Maxim Gorkii (1868-1936), Russian proletarian writer and propagand...
        wánjī, alkyl
        jīchǔjiàoyù, [基礎教育], elementary education
        jīdǐ, plinth/base/substrate
        jīngjìjīchǔ, [經濟基礎], socio-economic base/economic foundation
        Jīlǐbāsī, Kiribati (formerly the Gilbert Islands)
        jībùzī, [基布茲], kibbutz

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