太 ⇒
太 tài, highest/greatest/too (much)/very/extremely
太太 tàitai, married woman/Mrs./Madam/wife/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
太阳 tàiyang, [太陽], sun/CL:個|个[gè]/abbr. for 太陽穴|太阳穴[tài yáng xué]
犹太人 Yóutàirén, [猶太人], Jew
太空 tàikōng, outer space
犹太 Yóutài, [猶太], Jew/Jewish/Judea (in Biblical Palestine)
太平洋 TàipíngYáng, Pacific Ocean
老太太 lǎotàitai, elderly lady (respectful)/esteemed mother/CL:位[wèi]
太空船 tàikōngchuán, spaceship
老太婆 lǎotàipó, old woman (at times contemptuous)
犹太教 Yóutàijiào, [猶太教], Judaism
太阳系 tàiyángxì, [太陽系], solar system
太阳能 tàiyángnéng, [太陽能], solar energy
太平间 tàipíngjiān, [太平間], mortuary/morgue
晒太阳 shàitàiyáng, [曬太陽], to be in the sun (getting warm or sunbathing etc)/to put sth in the sun (e.g. to...
太平 Tàipíng/tàipíng, place name, peace and security
太阳镜 tàiyángjìng, [太陽鏡], sunglasses
太空人 tàikōngrén, astronaut
荣太郎 太子 tàizǐ, crown prince
太阳神 tàiyángshén, [太陽神], Sun God/Apollo
太后 tàihòu, Empress Dowager
盖世太保 Gàishìtàibǎo, [蓋世太保], Gestapo
太极 Tàijí, [太極], the Absolute or Supreme Ultimate, the source of all things according to some int...
老太 lǎotài, old lady
太阳穴 tàiyángxué, [太陽穴], temple (on the sides of human head)
太空舱 tàikōngcāng, [太空艙], space capsule/ejection capsule (cabin)
太监 tàijiàn, [太監], court eunuch/palace eunuch
犹太教徒 江太锡 太雄 太空站 tàikōngzhàn, space station
太阳眼镜 tàiyángyǎnjìng, [太陽眼鏡], sunglasses
太保 Tàibǎo/tàibǎo, Taibao or Taipao city in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jiā yì xiàn], west Taiwan, a very...
皇太子 huángtàizǐ, crown prince
渥太华 Wòtàihuá, [渥太華], Ottawa, capital of Canada
迦太基 Jiātàijī, Carthage
崔太雄 蒙太克 华伦太 太阳时 太白 Tàibái, Taibai County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bǎo jī], Shaanxi/Venus
太植 太空服 tàikōngfú, spacesuit
天下太平 tiānxiàtàipíng, the whole world at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
太岁 Tàisuì, [太歲], Tai Sui, God of the year/archaic name for the planet Jupiter 木星[Mù xīng]/nicknam...
太郎 女秀太 太君 蒙太奇 méngtàiqí, montage (film) (loanword)
太极拳 tàijíquán, [太極拳], shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or T'aichichuan/traditional form of physical exer...
泛太平洋 太和 Tàihé, Taihe County in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fù yáng], Anhui/Taihe district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|...
太行 别太久 孙太郎 马太 Mǎtài, [馬太], Matthew (name)
索太罗 欺人太甚 qīréntàishèn, to bully intolerably (idiom)
我太 斯太克 犹太族 太阳城 太阳宫 吴太植 太久 太松 太锡 太贵 太迟 佐佐木健太郎 赵太范 太公 tàigōng, great-grandfather/(old) grandfather/father
太多 太医 tàiyī, [太醫], imperial physician
太烈 太子港 Tàizǐgǎng, Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti
太清 太婆 tàipó, great-grandmother
清太郎 太洁楚 树太远 太金 尤太 太近 不太 太范 那太 光太强 金太郎 罗太松 车太远 太浩湖 查太莱 金太韩 太田川 蔡太林 蒙太古 太原 Tàiyuán, Taiyuan prefecture level city and capital of Shanxi province 山西省 in central nort...
太宽 太守 tàishǒu, governor of a province
太安 太庙 太忠 梅太德林 太伶 太田 Tàitián, Ohta or Ōta (Japanese surname)
太秃 太好 太民 太学 Tàixué, [太學], Imperial College of Supreme Learning, established in 124 BC, and the highest edu...
蒙太席 漂太远 斋藤太司 太白山 TàibáiShān, Mt Taibai in Shaanxi
门太久 母星太 尤太人 太荣欣 力道太 太良 太远 太申 太介怀 乐子太 麻山太 花太久 真太烈 心太野 健太 川太郎 武田太郎 不太爱 别太 张正太 雪太深 群太远 南太洋 戴里太戈 荣太 浩太 鲍伯太 太克 别太亮 潘太 狗狗太郎 坎太博 谷川俊太郎 提摩太 tímótài, Timothy
太性 太上皇 Tàishànghuáng, Taishang Huang/Retired Emperor/father of the reigning emperor/fig. puppet master
皇太后 huángtàihòu, [皇太後], empress dowager
太阳鸟 太平梯 太阳日 tàiyángrì, [太陽日], solar day
哲太 太阳灯 tàiyángdēng, [太陽燈], sunlamp
太平门 tàipíngmén, [太平門], emergency exit
太象真 金太植 千太郎 马太烈
守 ⇒
守 shǒu, to guard/to defend/to keep watch/to abide by the law/to observe (rules or ritual...
遵守 zūnshǒu, to comply with/to abide by/to respect (an agreement)
保守 bǎoshǒu, conservative/to guard/to keep
防守 fángshǒu, to defend/to protect (against)
守卫 shǒuwèi, [守衛], to guard/to defend
守护 shǒuhù, [守護], to guard/to protect
看守 kānshǒu, to guard/to watch over
坚守 jiānshǒu, [堅守], to hold fast to/to stick to
守则 shǒuzé, [守則], rules/regulations
守护神 shǒuhùshén, [守護神], protector God/patron saint
信守 xìnshǒu, to abide by/to keep (promises etc)
守口如瓶 shǒukǒurúpíng, lit. to guard one's mouth like a closed bottle (idiom); tight-lipped/reticent/no...
守夜 shǒuyè, to be on all-night duty/to be on night watch/to keep a vigil
玩忽职守 wánhūzhíshǒu, [玩忽職守], to neglect one's duty/dereliction of duty/malpractice
守法 shǒufǎ, to abide by the law
职守 zhíshǒu, [職守], duty/responsibility/post
守门员 shǒuményuán, [守門員], goalkeeper
保守派 bǎoshǒupài, conservative faction
守候 shǒuhòu, to wait for/to expect/to keep watch/to watch over/to nurse
守望 shǒuwàng, to keep watch/on guard
守灵 shǒulíng, [守靈], to keep watch beside a coffin
把守 bǎshǒu, to guard
守旧 shǒujiù, [守舊], conservative/reactionary
看守所 kānshǒusuǒ, detention center
留守 liúshǒu, to stay behind to take care of things
守信 shǒuxìn, to keep promises
守门 shǒumén, [守門], to keep goal/on duty as gatekeeper
恪守 kèshǒu, to scrupulously abide by
操守 cāoshǒu, personal integrity
遵纪守法 守株待兔 shǒuzhūdàitù, lit. to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits (idiom)/to wait idly for opportu...
严守 yánshǒu, [嚴守], to strictly maintain
守信用 shǒuxìnyòng, to keep one's word/trustworthy
安分守己 ānfènshǒujǐ, to be content with one's lot (idiom)/to know one's place
驻守 zhùshǒu, [駐守], (man a post and) defend
失守 shīshǒu, (military) (of a city etc) to fall into enemy hands/(fig.) to take a turn for th...
保守党 bǎoshǒudǎng, [保守黨], conservative political parties
死守 sǐshǒu, to defend one's property to the death/to cling obstinately to old habits/die-har...
墨守成规 mòshǒuchéngguī, [墨守成規], hidebound by convention (idiom)
监守自盗 jiānshǒuzìdào, [監守自盜], to embezzle
守财奴 shǒucáinú, [守財奴], miser/scrooge
守备 shǒubèi, [守備], to garrison/to stand guard/on garrison duty
守恩 守旧派 shǒujiùpài, [守舊派], the conservative faction/reactionaries
监守 jiānshǒu, [監守], to have custody of
守约 shǒuyuē, [守約], to keep an appointment/to keep one's word
恪尽职守 守寡 shǒuguǎ, to live as widow/to observe widowhood
固守 gùshǒu, to strongly defend one's position/to be entrenched/to cling to
守真 奉公守法 fènggōngshǒufǎ, to carry out official duties and observe the law
因循守旧 yīnxúnshǒujiù, [因循守舊], (idiom) to continue in the same old rut/diehard conservative attitudes
守军 shǒujūn, [守軍], defenders
守车 shǒuchē, [守車], guard's van (on train)/caboose
守望相助 shǒuwàngxiāngzhù, to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to de...
守恒 shǒuhéng, [守恆], conservation (e.g. of energy, momentum or heat in physics)/to remain constant (o...
昌守 守势 shǒushì, [守勢], defensive position/guard
守城 守身 shǒushēn, to keep oneself pure/to preserve one's integrity/to remain chaste
守规 保守主义 bǎoshǒuzhǔyì, [保守主義], conservatism
镇守 zhènshǒu, [鎮守], (of troops stationed in a strategic area) to defend/(fig.) to stand guard/to pro...
河守定 守孝 shǒuxiào, to observe mourning for one's parents
攻守同盟 守方 退守 tuìshǒu, to retreat and defend/to withdraw and maintain one's guard
拉里·曼德拉守恩 连守卫 攻守 太守 tàishǒu, governor of a province
守林 闭关自守 bìguānzìshǒu, [閉關自守], close the country to international intercourse
守礼 守球 守柳 守久 守陵 守贞 据守 jùshǒu, [據守], to guard/to hold a fortified position/entrenched
守密 姜守芝 守恒定律 shǒuhéngdìnglǜ, [守恆定律], conservation law (physics)
张守 向守卫 金守鲁 那守侯