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kānshǒusuǒ detention center

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Word Compounds

        kān/kàn, to look after/to take care of/to watch/to guard, to see/to look at/to read/to wa...
        kànkan, to take a look at/to examine/to survey/(coll.) pretty soon
        kànjiàn, [看見], to see/to catch sight of
        kànlai, [看來], apparently/it seems that
        kànshangqu, it would appear/it seems (that)
        kànfǎ, way of looking at a thing/view/opinion/CL:個|个[gè]
        hǎokàn, good-looking/nice-looking/good (of a movie, book, TV show etc)/embarrassed/humil...
        kànqǐlai, [看起來], seemingly/apparently/looks as if/appear to be/gives the impression that/seems on...
        zhàokàn, to look after/to attend to/to have in care
        guānkàn, [觀看], to watch/to view
        chákàn, to look over/to examine/to check up/to ferret out
        shōukàn, to watch (a TV program)
        kànchū, to make out/to see
        kàndài, to look upon/to regard
        kānshǒu, to guard/to watch over
        kānhǎo/kànhǎo, to keep an eye on, to regard as having good prospects
        tōukàn, to peep/to peek/to steal a glance
        kànyàngzi, [看樣子], it seems/it looks as if
        kànchéng, to regard as
        kānhù, [看護], to nurse/to look after/to watch over/(old) hospital nurse
        láikàn, [來看], to come and see/to see a topic from a certain point of view
        kànzuò, to look upon as/to regard as
        kànwàng, to visit/to pay a call to
        kànbìng, to visit a doctor/to see a patient
        shìshìkàn, [試試看], to give it a try
穿         kànchuān, see through (a person, scheme, trick etc)
        kànzhòng, to regard as important/to care about
        kàntòu, to understand thoroughly/to see beyond the facade/to see through (sb)
        kàndéjiàn, [看得見], can see/visible
        yǎnkàn, soon/in a moment/to look on as sth happens
        kànsì, to look as if/to seem
        kānguǎn, to look after
        xiǎokàn, to look down on/to underestimate
        kàntái, terrace/spectator's grandstand/viewing platform
        nánkàn, [難看], ugly/unsightly
        guāmùxiāngkàn, to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth/to sit up and take notice (of...
        kànzhòng, to have a preference for/to fancy/to choose after consideration/to settle on
        yīwǒkàn, in my opinion
        chákàn, to watch/to look carefully at
        kànshàng, to look upon/to take a fancy to/to fall for
        kànbuguàn, [看不慣], cannot bear to see/to hate/to dislike/to disapprove
        kànzuò, to regard as/to look upon as
        kànbuqǐ, to look down upon/to despise
        kānshǒusuǒ, detention center
        kàntou, [看頭], qualities that make sth worth seeing (or reading)
        kànbùshùnyǎn, [看不順眼], unpleasant to the eye/objectionable
        kānjiā, to look after the house/(of skill, ability) special/outstanding
        kànqí, [看齊], to follow sb's example/to emulate/(of troops etc) to dress (come into alignment ...
        kànrènao, [看熱鬧], to enjoy watching a bustling scene/to go where the crowds are
        kànqīng, [看輕], to belittle/to scorn/to take sth lightly
        kànzǒuyǎn, to make an error of judgment/to be taken in
        xìkàn, [細看], to peer/to scan/to examine carefully
        kānyā, to detain/to take into custody/to imprison temporarily
        kànpò, to see through/disillusioned with/to reject (the world of mortals)
        kànxiàng, to tell fortune by reading the subject's facial features
        cānkàn, [參看], see also/please refer to/compare (cf.)/to consult for reference
        fānkàn, to browse/to look over (books)
        kànzhǎng, [看漲], bull market (prices appear to be rising)
        zhōngkàn, pleasant to the eye/Taiwan pr. [zhòng kàn]
        kàndeqǐ, to show respect for/to think highly of
        wùlǐkànhuā, [霧里看花], lit. to look at flowers in the fog (idiom); fig. blurred vision

        shǒu, to guard/to defend/to keep watch/to abide by the law/to observe (rules or ritual...
        zūnshǒu, to comply with/to abide by/to respect (an agreement)
        bǎoshǒu, conservative/to guard/to keep
        fángshǒu, to defend/to protect (against)
        shǒuwèi, [守衛], to guard/to defend
        shǒuhù, [守護], to guard/to protect
        kānshǒu, to guard/to watch over
        jiānshǒu, [堅守], to hold fast to/to stick to
        shǒuzé, [守則], rules/regulations
        shǒuhùshén, [守護神], protector God/patron saint
        xìnshǒu, to abide by/to keep (promises etc)
        shǒukǒurúpíng, lit. to guard one's mouth like a closed bottle (idiom); tight-lipped/reticent/no...
        shǒuyè, to be on all-night duty/to be on night watch/to keep a vigil
        wánhūzhíshǒu, [玩忽職守], to neglect one's duty/dereliction of duty/malpractice
        shǒufǎ, to abide by the law
        zhíshǒu, [職守], duty/responsibility/post
        shǒuményuán, [守門員], goalkeeper
        bǎoshǒupài, conservative faction
        shǒuhòu, to wait for/to expect/to keep watch/to watch over/to nurse
        shǒuwàng, to keep watch/on guard
        shǒulíng, [守靈], to keep watch beside a coffin
        bǎshǒu, to guard
        shǒujiù, [守舊], conservative/reactionary
        kānshǒusuǒ, detention center
        liúshǒu, to stay behind to take care of things
        shǒuxìn, to keep promises
        shǒumén, [守門], to keep goal/on duty as gatekeeper
        kèshǒu, to scrupulously abide by
        cāoshǒu, personal integrity
        shǒuzhūdàitù, lit. to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits (idiom)/to wait idly for opportu...
        yánshǒu, [嚴守], to strictly maintain
        shǒuxìnyòng, to keep one's word/trustworthy
        ānfènshǒujǐ, to be content with one's lot (idiom)/to know one's place
        zhùshǒu, [駐守], (man a post and) defend
        shīshǒu, (military) (of a city etc) to fall into enemy hands/(fig.) to take a turn for th...
        bǎoshǒudǎng, [保守黨], conservative political parties
        sǐshǒu, to defend one's property to the death/to cling obstinately to old habits/die-har...
        mòshǒuchéngguī, [墨守成規], hidebound by convention (idiom)
        jiānshǒuzìdào, [監守自盜], to embezzle
        shǒucáinú, [守財奴], miser/scrooge
        shǒubèi, [守備], to garrison/to stand guard/on garrison duty
        shǒujiùpài, [守舊派], the conservative faction/reactionaries
        jiānshǒu, [監守], to have custody of
        shǒuyuē, [守約], to keep an appointment/to keep one's word
        shǒuguǎ, to live as widow/to observe widowhood
        gùshǒu, to strongly defend one's position/to be entrenched/to cling to
        fènggōngshǒufǎ, to carry out official duties and observe the law
        yīnxúnshǒujiù, [因循守舊], (idiom) to continue in the same old rut/diehard conservative attitudes
        shǒujūn, [守軍], defenders
        shǒuchē, [守車], guard's van (on train)/caboose
        shǒuwàngxiāngzhù, to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to de...
        shǒuhéng, [守恆], conservation (e.g. of energy, momentum or heat in physics)/to remain constant (o...
        shǒushì, [守勢], defensive position/guard
        shǒushēn, to keep oneself pure/to preserve one's integrity/to remain chaste
        bǎoshǒuzhǔyì, [保守主義], conservatism
        zhènshǒu, [鎮守], (of troops stationed in a strategic area) to defend/(fig.) to stand guard/to pro...
        shǒuxiào, to observe mourning for one's parents
退         tuìshǒu, to retreat and defend/to withdraw and maintain one's guard
        tàishǒu, governor of a province
        bìguānzìshǒu, [閉關自守], close the country to international intercourse
        jùshǒu, [據守], to guard/to hold a fortified position/entrenched
        shǒuhéngdìnglǜ, [守恆定律], conservation law (physics)

        suǒyǐ, therefore/as a result/so/the reason why
        suǒyǒu, all/to have/to possess/to own
        suǒ, actually/place/classifier for houses, small buildings, institutions etc/that whi...
        cèsuǒ, [廁所], toilet/lavatory/CL:間|间[jiān],處|处[chù]
        yǒusuǒ, somewhat/to some extent
        suǒwèi, [所謂], so-called/what is called
        wúsuǒwèi, [無所謂], to be indifferent/not to matter/cannot be said to be
        shìwùsuǒ, [事務所], office/firm
        suǒzài, place/location/(after a noun) place where it is located
        zhěnsuǒ, [診所], clinic
        yīwúsuǒzhī, [一無所知], not knowing anything at all (idiom); completely ignorant/without an inkling
        suǒzuòsuǒwéi, [所作所為], one's conduct and deeds
        zhīsuǒyǐ, the reason why
        yīwúsuǒyǒu, [一無所有], not having anything at all (idiom); utterly lacking/without two sticks to rub to...
        chǎngsuǒ, [場所], location/place
        zhùsuǒ, habitation/dwelling place/residence/CL:處|处[chù]
        yīwúsuǒhuò, [一無所獲], to gain nothing/to end up empty-handed
        suíxīnsuǒyù, [隨心所欲], to follow one's heart's desires/to do as one pleases (idiom)
        bìnànsuǒ, [避難所], refuge/asylum
        lǐsuǒdāngrán, [理所當然], as it should be by rights (idiom); proper and to be expected as a matter of cour...
        bùzhīsuǒcuò, not knowing what to do (idiom); at one's wits' end/embarrassed and at a complete...
        wúsuǒshìshì, [無所事事], to have nothing to do/to idle one's time away (idiom)
        wéisuǒyùwéi, [為所欲為], to do whatever one pleases
        qiánsuǒwèiyǒu, unprecedented
        jūliúsuǒ, detention center/prison
        shōuróngsuǒ, temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/detention center
        wúsuǒbùnéng, [無所不能], omnipotent
        zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī, [眾所周知]/[眾所週知], as everyone knows (idiom), see 眾所周知|众所周知[zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī]
        jièdúsuǒ, drug rehabilitation center
        tuōérsuǒ, [托兒所], nursery
        yánjiūsuǒ, research institute/graduate studies/graduate school/CL:個|个[gè]
        suǒzàidì, location/site
        yǒusuǒbùtóng, to differ to some extent (idiom)
        suǒyǒuquán, [所有權], ownership/possession/property rights/title (to property)
        Suǒluómén, [所羅門], Solomon (name)
        suǒdé, what one acquires/one's gains
        suǒshǔ, [所屬], one's affiliation (i.e. the organization one is affiliated with)/subordinate (i....
        lìsuǒnéngjí, as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom); to the best of one's ability/within...
        yùsuǒ, dwelling
        fěiyísuǒsī, unimaginable/outrageous/freakish
        suǒyǒuzhě, proprietor/owner
        bùzhīsuǒyún, to not know what sb is driving at/to be unintelligible
        jiāoyìsuǒ, exchange/stock exchange
        kānshǒusuǒ, detention center
        chàngsuǒyùyán, [暢所欲言], lit. fluently saying all one wants (idiom); to preach freely on one's favorite t...
        suǒxiàngpīmǐ, to sweep everything before one/to be invincible (idiom)
        suǒshèngwújǐ, [所剩無幾], there is not much left
        qiánsuǒwèijiàn, [前所未見], unprecedented/never seen before
        suǒcháng/suǒzhǎng, [所長], what one is good at, head of an institute etc
        zàisuǒnánmiǎn, [在所難免], to be unavoidable (idiom)
        wúsuǒbùzài, [無所不在], omnipresent
        wúsuǒshìcóng, [無所適從], not knowing which course to follow (idiom); at a loss what to do
        wénsuǒwèiwén, [聞所未聞], unheard of/an extremely rare and unprecedented event
        suǒxiàngwúdí, [所向無敵], to be invincible/unrivalled
        suǒdàozhīchù, [所到之處], wherever one goes
        bùchūsuǒliào, as expected
        suǒjiànsuǒwén, [所見所聞], what one hears and sees (idiom)
        dàshīsuǒwàng, greatly disappointed
        wúsuǒzuòwéi, [無所作為], attempting nothing and accomplishing nothing (idiom); without any initiative or ...
        láojiàosuǒ, [勞教所], correctional institution/labor camp
        qiǎngrénsuǒnán, [強人所難], to force someone to do something
        bùwéisuǒdòng, [不為所動], to remain unmoved
        pàichūsuǒ, local police station
        liúlíshīsuǒ, [流離失所], destitute and homeless (idiom); forced from one's home and wandering about/displ...
        chùsuǒ, [處所], place
        wànghūsuǒyǐ, to get carried away/to forget oneself
        suǒdéshuì, [所得稅], income tax
        gèdéqísuǒ, each in the correct place/each is provided for
        zàisuǒbùcí, [在所不辭], not to refuse to (idiom)/not to hesitate to
        wúsuǒbùwéi, [無所不為], not stopping at anything/all manner of evil
        zōngshàngsuǒshù, [綜上所述], to summarize/a round-up/in summary ...
        gèqǔsuǒxū, each takes what he needs (idiom)
        dáfēisuǒwèn, [答非所問], (idiom) to sidestep the question/to answer evasively
        suǒyǐrán, the reason why
        dàshìsuǒqū, [大勢所趨], general trend/irresistible trend
        zhāodàisuǒ, guest house/small hotel
        qiánsuǒwèiwén, [前所未聞], unheard-of/unprecedented
        ruòyǒusuǒsī, looking pensive/thoughtfully
        yīwùsuǒ, [醫務所], clinic/CL:家[jiā]
        shàosuǒ, watchhouse/sentry post
        suǒyǒugé, possessive case (grammar)
        Yǐfúsuǒ, Ephesus, city of ancient Greece
        zhèngjiāosuǒ, [證交所], stock exchange
        yīwúsuǒcháng, [一無所長], not having any special skill/without any qualifications
        wúsuǒbùbāo, [無所不包], not excluding anything/all-inclusive
        Suǒduōmǎ, [所多瑪], Sodom
        rénsuǒgòngzhī, something that everybody knows
        SuǒluóménQúndǎo, [所羅門群島], Solomon Islands in southwest Pacific
        lìsuǒbùjí, beyond one's power (to do sth)
        gèyǒusuǒhào, everyone has their likes and dislikes (idiom)
        tóuqísuǒhào, to adapt to sb's taste/to fit sb's fancy
        gèjìnsuǒnéng, [各盡所能], each does his utmost (idiom)/from each according to his means
        rénxīnsuǒxiàng, that which is yearned for by the public

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