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[龍套] lóngtào costume of minor characters in opera, featuring dragon designs

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Word Compounds

        Lóng/lóng, [龍], surname Long, dragon/CL:條|条[tiáo]/imperial
        lóngxiā, [龍蝦], lobster
        kǒnglóng, [恐龍], dinosaur/CL:頭|头[tóu]/(slang) ugly person
        fēilóng, [飛龍], wyvern (type of dragon)
        lóngjuǎnfēng, [龍捲風], tornado/hurricane/twister/cyclone
        shālóng, [沙龍], salon (loanword)
        shuǐlóngtóu, [水龍頭], faucet/tap
        lóngtóu, [龍頭], faucet/water tap/bicycle handle bar/chief (esp. of gang)/boss/decision maker/(ma...
        láilóngqùmài, [來龍去脈], the rise and fall of the terrain (idiom)/(fig.) the whole sequence of events/cau...
        Mǎlóng, [馬龍], Malong county in Qujing 曲靖[Qǔ jìng], Yunnan
        LǐXiǎolóng, [李小龍], Bruce Lee (1940-1973), Hong Kong actor and martial arts expert
        dúyǎnlóng, [獨眼龍], one-eyed person
        shēnglónghuóhǔ, [生龍活虎], lit. lively dragon and animated tiger (idiom)/fig. vigorous and lively
        nílóng, [尼龍], nylon (loanword)
        pǎolóngtào, [跑龍套], to play a small role
        biànsèlóng, [變色龍], (lit. and fig.) chameleon
        huǒlóng, [火龍], fiery dragon
        Hélóng, [和龍], Helong county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自...
        ChéngLóng/chénglóng, [成龍], Jackie Chan (1954-), kungfu film and Cantopop star, to succeed in life/to become...
        Lónghuá, [龍華], Longhua, name of numerous entities, notably Longhua Temple 龍華寺|龙华寺 in Shanghai a...
        Huánglóng, [黃龍], Huanglong county in Yan'an 延安[Yán ān], Shaanxi
        Lóngfèng/lóngfèng, [龍鳳], Longfeng district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Dà qìng], Heilongjiang, dragon and phoeni...
        yītiáolóng, [一條龍], lit. one dragon/integrated chain/coordinated process
        shuǐlóng, [水龍], hose/pipe/fire hose/(botany) water primrose (Jussiaea repens)
        lóngtào, [龍套], costume of minor characters in opera, featuring dragon designs/walk-on
        shuǐlóngdài, [水龍帶], layflat industrial hose/fire hose
        lónggǔ, [龍骨], keel/dragon bones (ancient bones used in TCM)
        Yìlóng/yìlóng, [翼龍], Dodge Nitro (abbr. for 道奇翼龍|道奇翼龙), pterosaur
        chánglóng, [長龍], long queue/long line (of cars, people etc)
        qúnlóngwúshǒu, [群龍無首], lit. a thunder of dragons without a head/fig. a group lacking a leader
        Qīnglóng, [青龍], Azure Dragon, one of the four symbols of the Chinese constellations, also known ...
        lóngzhēnghǔdòu, [龍爭虎鬥], lit. the dragon wars, the tiger battles (idiom); fierce battle between giants
        lóngzhōu, [龍舟], dragon boat/imperial boat
        Jiǔlóng, [九龍], Kowloon district of Hong Kong
        wūlóngchá, [烏龍茶], oolong tea
        jiāolóng, [蛟龍], legendary dragon with the ability to control rain and floods
        lóngsōng, [龍嵩], tarragon
        LóngWáng, [龍王], Dragon King (mythology)
        wàngzǐchénglóng, [望子成龍], lit. to hope one's son becomes a dragon (idiom); fig. to long for one' s child t...
        yìshǒulóng, [翼手龍], pterodactyl
        Lóngshān, [龍山], Dragon mountain/Longshan district of Liaoyuan city 遼源市|辽源市, Jilin/Longshan count...
        huàlóngdiǎnjīng, [畫龍點睛], to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes (idiom); fig. to add the vital finishing t...
        yúlónghùnzá, [魚龍混雜], lit. fish and dragons mixed in together (idiom); fig. crooks mixed in with the h...
        Lóngtán/lóngtán, [龍潭], Longtan district of Jilin city 吉林市, Jilin province/see also 龍潭|龙潭[lóng tán]/Long...
        Xuětiělóng, [雪鐵龍], Citroën (French car manufacturer)
        léilóng, [雷龍], apatosaurus/former name: brontosaurus
        bàolóng, [暴龍], Tyrannosaurus spp./esp. T. rex
        chēshuǐmǎlóng, [車水馬龍], endless stream of horse and carriages (idiom)/heavy traffic
        Hēilóngjiāng, [黑龍江], Heilongjiang province (Heilungkiang) in northeast China, abbr. 黑, capital Harbin...
        Màidélóng, [麥德龍], Metro supermarket chain (originally German)
        lónghāo, [龍蒿], tarragon
        Lóngmén, [龍門], Longmen county in Huizhou 惠州[Huì zhōu], Guangdong/mythical Dragon gate where a c...
        Xuěfólóng, [雪佛龍], Chevron (oil company)
        liánglóng, [梁龍], diplodocus
        Lóngchéng, [龍城], Longcheng district of Chaoyang city 朝陽市|朝阳市, Liaoning
        Qīlóngzhū, [七龍珠], Dragon Ball, Japanese manga and anime series
        lónghǔ, [龍虎], outstanding people/water and fire (in Daoist writing)
        lóngkuí, [龍葵], black nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
        lóngfēifèngwǔ, [龍飛鳳舞], flamboyant or bold cursive calligraphy (idiom)
        Lónglǐ, [龍里], Longli county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qián nán zhōu]...
        wūlóng, [烏龍], black dragon/unexpected mistake or mishap/oolong (tea)/udon (loanword from Japan...
        lóngdǎnzǐ, [龍膽紫], gentian violet C5H0ClN/crystal violet
        wūlóngqiú, [烏龍球], own goal (ball sports)
        Lóngwān, [龍灣], Longwan district of Wenzhou city 溫州市|温州市[Wēn zhōu shì], Zhejiang
        lóngyǎn, [龍眼], longan fruit/dragon eye fruit/Dimocarpus longan (botany)/CL:粒[lì]
        shuǐlóngjuǎn, [水龍卷], waterspout (meteorology)
        lóngxūcài, [龍鬚菜], asparagus/(Tw) young shoots of the chayote vine 佛手瓜[fó shǒu guā]
        lóngfèngchéngxiáng, [龍鳳呈祥], the dragon and phoenix are symbols of good fortune (idiom)/auspicious/decorated ...

        tào, to cover/to encase/cover/sheath/to overlap/to interleave/to model after/to copy/...
        wàitào, coat/jacket/CL:件[jiàn]
        shǒutào, glove/mitten/CL:雙|双[shuāng],隻|只[zhī]
        quāntào, trap/snare/trick
        tàofáng, suite/apartment/flat
        bìyùntào, condom/CL:隻|只[zhī]
        tàozhuāng, [套裝], outfit or suit (of clothes)/set of coordinated items/kit
        tàocān, set meal/product or service package (e.g. for a cell phone subscription)
        luàntào, [亂套], in a mess/upside down
        tàojiān, [套間], vestibule/small inner room (opening to others)/suite/apartment
        zhěngtào, entire set
        tàolù, sequence of movements in martial arts/routine/pattern/standard method
        tàotao, methods/the old tricks/(slang) condom
        tàozi, sheath/case/cover/conventional method/cliché/trick/(coll.) condom
        pèitào, to form a complete set/compatible/matching/complementary
        sútào, conventional patterns/cliché
        tàosuǒ, a lasso/noose
        quántào, an entire set/full complement
        lǎoyītào, the same old stuff
        pǎolóngtào, [跑龍套], to play a small role
        kètàohuà, [客套話], conventional greeting/polite formula
        tàohuà, [套話], polite phrase/conventional greetings/cliché/to try to worm facts out of sb
        kètào, polite greeting/civilities/to exchange pleasantries
        tóutào, [頭套], actor's headgear/wig/head covering
        tàoguǎn, pipe casing
        chéngtào, forming a complete set/complementing one another
        tàoshān, a pullover
        bèitào, quilt cover/to have money stuck (in stocks, real estate etc)
        lóngtào, [龍套], costume of minor characters in opera, featuring dragon designs/walk-on
        zhěntào, pillowcase
        tàokù, [套褲], leggings
        tàoqún, woman's suit/dress worn over a petticoat
        fēngtào, envelope/wrapper/(book) jacket/(record) sleeve
        tàofú, a suit (of clothes)
        tàoyòng, to copy a set pattern mechanically/to crib
        tàotǒng, sleeve/a tube for wrapping
        tàoxié, overshoes/galoshes
        tàoqǔ, to acquire fraudulently/an illegal exchange
        chángtàodié, [腸套疊], intussusception (medicine)
        bǐtào, [筆套], the cap of a pen, pencil or writing brush/the sheath of a pen (made of cloth, si...
        wàtào, [襪套], leg warmers
        tàoshǎi, color printing using several overlaid images
        qiàntào, nested/nesting
        tàoyìn, color printing using several overlaid images
        tàohóng, [套紅], printing portions of a page (e.g. a banner headline) in red (or other color)
        tàohuì, [套匯], illegal currency exchange/arbitrage

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