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lìngpái (archaic) wooden or metal token of authority
(fig.) decree
(computing) token

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        Líng/líng/lǐng/lìng, see 令狐[Líng hú], see 脊令[jí líng], classifier for a ream of paper, to order/to co...
        mìnglìng, order/command/CL:道[dào],個|个[gè]
        zhǐlìng, order/command/instruction
        xiàlìng, to give an order/to command
        xiàlìngyíng, [夏令營], summer camp
        sīlìng, commanding officer
        fǎlìng, decree/ordinance
        fāhàoshīlìng, [發號施令], to boss people around (idiom)
        jìnlìng, prohibition/ban
        kǒulìng, oral command/a word of command (used in drilling troops or gymnasts)/password (u...
        lìngrén, to cause one (to do sth)/to make one (angry, delighted etc)
        sīlìngguān, commander/officer in charge
        sīlìngbù, headquarters/military command center
        tōngjīlìng, [通緝令], order for arrest/wanted circular/wanted poster
        lìngzūn, Your esteemed father (honorific)
        xiānlìng, shilling (loanword)
        zǒngsīlìng, [總司令], commander-in-chief/top military commander for a country or theater of operations
        lìngrénfàzhǐ, [令人髮指], to make one's hair stand up in anger (idiom); to raise people's hackles
        lèlìng, to order/to force
        lìngrénmǎnyì, [令人滿意], satisfying/satisfactory
        lìngrénqīnpèi, [令人欽佩], admirable
        lìngrénzhènfèn, [令人振奮], inspiring/exciting/rousing
        fālìng, [發令], to issue an order
        chuánlìng, [傳令], to transmit an order
        jièyánlìng, [戒嚴令], martial law
        lìngréngǔwǔ, encouraging/heartening
        lìngláng, your esteemed son (honorific)
        hàolìng, [號令], an order (esp. army)/bugle call expressing military order/verbal command
        xiàlìngshí, [夏令時], daylight saving time
        ràokǒulìng, [繞口令], tongue-twister
        zélìng, [責令], to order/to enjoin/to charge/to instruct sb to finish sth
        zhúkèlìng, the First Emperor's order to expel foreigners/(fig.) notice to leave/words or be...
        BáilìngHǎixiá, [白令海峽], the Bering Strait (between Siberia and Alaska)
        lìngtáng, (honorific) your mother
        lìngài, [令愛], your precious daughter
        mínglìng, to decree
        sīlìngyuán, [司令員], commander
        mìlìng, secret instruction/secret order
        lìngpái, (archaic) wooden or metal token of authority/(fig.) decree/directive/(computing)...
        jiànglìng, [將令], (old) (military) a command/an order
        BáilìngHǎi, Bering Sea
        jiǔlìng, wine-drinking game
        cílìng, [辭令], polite speech/diplomatic terms/rhetoric
        shílìng, [時令], season
        tèshèlìng, decree to grant a special pardon
        qiūlìng, autumn/autumn weather
        jūnlìngzhuàng, [軍令狀], military order
        dòngyuánlìng, [動員令], order of mobilization
        fālìngqiāng, [發令槍], starting pistol
        zhènglìng, government decree
        lìngdì, honorable little brother
        lìngjiàn, arrow banner of command (archaic used as symbol of military authority)/fig. inst...
        xíngjiǔlìng, to play a drinking game
        xiàlìng, summer/summer weather
        xùnlìng, [訓令], order/instruction
        wéilìng, [違令], to disobey/to go against orders
        lìngxíngjìnzhǐ, lit. if he orders you go, he forbids you stop (idiom); fig. to demand exact comp...
        qiánglìng, [強令], to order by force/peremptory

        pái, mahjong tile/playing card/game pieces/signboard/plate/tablet/medal/CL:片[piàn],個|...
        pǐnpái, brand name/trademark
        páizi, sign/trademark/brand
        chēpái, [車牌], license plate
        jīnpái, gold medal/CL:枚[méi]
        dǎpái, to play mahjong or cards
        páizhào, (business) licence/vehicle licence/car registration/licence plate
        wánpái, to play cards/to play mahjong
        míngpái, famous brand/nameplate/name tag
        zhāopai, signboard/shop sign/reputation of a business
        wángpái, trump card
        dùnpái, shield/pretext/excuse
广         guǎnggàopái, [廣告牌], billboard
        zhǐpái, [紙牌], playing card
        màopáihuò, [冒牌貨], fake goods/imitation/forgery
        páijú, gambling get-together/game of cards, mahjong etc
        jiǎngpái, [獎牌], medal (awarded as a prize)
        tānpái, [攤牌], to lay one's cards on the table
        pūkèpái, [撲克牌], poker (card game)/playing card/CL:副[fù]
        màopái, fake/impostor/quack (doctor)/imitation brand
        qiáopái, [橋牌], contract bridge (card game)
        páihào, [牌號], trademark
        lǎopái, old, well-known brand/old style/old school/an old hand/experienced veteran
        biāopái, [標牌], label/tag/sign/(brass etc) inscribed plate
        dǎngjiànpái, [擋箭牌], shield/(fig.) excuse
        gǔpái, dominoes
        dǐpái, cards in one's hand/(fig.) undisclosed strength or information/hidden trump
        dēngjīpái, [登機牌], boarding pass
        hóngpái, [紅牌], red card (sports)
        ménpái, [門牌], door plate/house number
        yínpái, [銀牌], silver medal/CL:枚[méi]
        tóngpái, [銅牌], bronze medal/bronze plaque bearing a business name or logo etc/CL:枚[méi]
        guàpái, [掛牌], lit. to hang up a plate/to open up for business/listed (on stock market)
        Qiàopái, [殼牌], see 殼牌公司|壳牌公司[Qiào pái gōng sī]
        páifāng, memorial arch
        gàoshìpái, notice/placard/signboard
        huángpái, [黃牌], (sports) yellow card/(fig.) admonishment
        lìngpái, (archaic) wooden or metal token of authority/(fig.) decree/directive/(computing)...
        zhànpái, bus information board/street sign for a bus stop/bus stop
        páijiǔ, pai gow (gambling game played with dominoes)
        zápái, [雜牌], inferior brand/not the genuine article
        páiwèi, memorial tablet
        páijià, [牌價], list price
        páibiǎn, board (attached to a wall)
        biāoyǔpái, [標語牌], placard

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