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tuīsānzǔsì to use all sorts of excuses

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Word Compounds

        tuī, to push/to cut/to refuse/to reject/to decline/to shirk (responsibility)/to put o...
        tuījiàn, [推薦], to recommend/recommendation
        tuīcè, [推測], speculation/to conjecture/to surmise/to speculate
        tuīxiāo, [推銷], to market/to sell
        tuīchí, [推遲], to postpone/to put off/to defer
        tuījìn, [推進], to impel/to carry forward/to push on/to advance/to drive forward
        tuīfān, to overthrow
        tuīchū, to push out/to release/to launch/to publish/to recommend
        tuīduàn, [推斷], to infer/to deduce/to predict/to extrapolate
        tuīlǐ, reasoning/inference/to infer/to deduce
        tuīxiāoyuán, [推銷員], sales representative/salesperson
        tuīdòng, [推動], to push (for acceptance of a plan)/to push forward/to promote/to actuate/CL:個|个[...
        tuīkāi, [推開], to push open (a gate etc)/to push away/to reject/to decline
广         tuīguǎng, [推廣], to extend/to spread/to popularize/generalization/promotion (of a product etc)
        tuījìnqì, [推進器], propeller/propulsion unit/thruster
        tuījiànxìn, [推薦信], recommendation letter
        shǒutuīchē, [手推車], trolley/cart/barrow/handcart/wheelbarrow/baby buggy
        tuīdǎo, to push over/to overthrow
        tuīlùn, [推論], to infer/inference/corollary/reasoned conclusion
        tuītǔjī, [推土機], bulldozer
        tuīxiè, to avoid (esp. responsibility)/to shift (the blame)/to pass the buck
        tuīxíng, to put into effect/to carry out
        tuīyí, (of time) to elapse or pass/(of a situation) to develop or evolve
        tuīchóng, to esteem/to think highly of/to accord importance to/to revere
        tuījǔ, [推舉], to elect/to choose/press (weightlifting technique)
        tuīxuǎn, [推選], to elect/to choose/to nominate
        tuīsuàn, to calculate/to reckon/to extrapolate (in calculation)
        tuīgān, [推桿], push rod or tappet (mechanics)/putter (golf)/to putt (golf)
        tuīcí, [推辭], to decline (an appointment, invitation etc)
        tuīqiāo, to think over
        tuībōzhùlán, [推波助瀾], to push the wave and add to the billows (idiom); to add momentum/to encourage st...
        shùnshuǐtuīzhōu, [順水推舟], lit. to push the boat with the current/fig. to take advantage of the situation f...
诿         tuīwěi, [推諉], to decline/to avoid/shirking responsibilities/to blame others/to pass the buck/t...
        tuīdònglì, [推動力], driving force
        tuītuō, [推脫], to evade/to shirk
        tuīná, tui na (form of Chinese manual therapy)
        tuīxīnzhìfù, to give one's bare heart into sb else's keeping (idiom); sb has one's absolute c...
        tuīlì, driving force/impetus/thrust (of a boat or aeroplane engine)/repelling force
        tuījiè, promotion/to promote/to introduce and recommend
        lèituī, [類推], to reason by analogy
        tuīdǎo, [推導], derivation/to deduce
        tuīzi, hair clippers
        tuītuō, to make excuses/to give an excuse (for not doing something)
        tuīyǎn, to deduce/to infer/to derive/an implication
        tuīyán, to procrastinate
        tuīchénchūxīn, [推陳出新], to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); to innovate
        yǐcǐlèituī, [以此類推], and so on/in a similar fashion
        tuīxiǎng, to reckon/to infer/to imagine
        tuījìnjì, [推進劑], propellant/rocket fuel
        tuīshǒu, promoter/advocate/driving force/pushing hands (two-person training routine esp. ...
        bàntuībànjiù, half willing and half unwilling (idiom); to yield after making a show of resista...

        Sān/sān, surname San, three/3
        sānmíngzhì, sandwich (loanword)/CL:個|个[gè]
        sānshí, thirty/30
        Xīngqīsān, Wednesday
        Zhōusān, [週三], Wednesday
        sānjiǎo, triangle
        sānfēn, somewhat/to some degree
        shísān, thirteen/13
        sānfēnzhīyī, one third
        Sānyuè, March/third month (of the lunar year)
        sānbā, International Women's Day 婦女節|妇女节[Fù nǚ jié], 8th March/foolish/stupid
        dìsānshìjiè, Third World
        dìsānzhě, sb who is romantically involved with sb already in a committed relationship/the ...
        zàisān, over and over again/again and again
        sānjiǎozhōu, delta (geography)
        sānjiǎoxíng, triangle
        shuōsāndàosì, [說三道四], to make thoughtless remarks (idiom)/to criticize/gossip
        sānliú, third-rate/inferior
        sānwéi, [三維], three-dimensional/3D
        sānchángliǎngduǎn, [三長兩短], unexpected misfortune/unexpected accident/sudden death
        sānjí, [三級], grade 3/third class/category C
        sānsīérhòuxíng, [三思而後行], think again and again before acting (idiom); consider carefully in advance
        biēsān, [癟三], (Wu dialect) bum/wretched-looking tramp who lives by begging or stealing
        sānhéhuì, [三合會], triad, Chinese crime gang/triad society, anti-Manchu secret society in Qing-dyna...
        sānyècǎo, [三葉草], clover/trefoil
        Lǐbàisān, [禮拜三], Wednesday
        sānbùqǔ, trilogy
        sānjiǎojià, [三腳架], tripod/derrick crane
        jiēèrliánsān, [接二連三], one after another (idiom)/in quick succession
        bànyèsāngēng, in the depth of night/late at night
        Sānxīng/sānxīng, Sanxing or Sanhsing township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yí lán xiàn], Taiwan/Samsun...
        tiāosānjiǎnsì, [挑三揀四], to be picky/to be choosy
        sānlúnchē, [三輪車], pedicab/tricycle
        sānyuèfèn, March
        sānjūn, [三軍], (in former times) upper, middle and lower army/army of right, center and left/(i...
        sānshì, the Third (of numbered kings)
        huǒmàosānzhàng, to get really angry
        SānwèiYītǐ, [三位一體], Holy Trinity/trinity
        sānjiǎokù, [三角褲], briefs/panties
        sānjiānqíkǒu, [三緘其口], (idiom) reluctant to speak about it/tight-lipped
        shìbùguòsān, [事不過三], a thing should not be attempted more than three times (idiom)/don't repeat the s...
退         tuìbìsānshè, [退避三捨], lit. to retreat three day's march (idiom); fig. to give way in the face of super...
        sānqīèrshíyī, three sevens are twenty-one (idiom)/the facts of the matter/the actual situation
        yuēfǎsānzhāng, [約法三章], to agree on three laws (idiom)/three-point covenant/(fig.) preliminary agreement...
        sānbāo, "three-guarantee service": repair, exchange, refund
        sānyánliǎngyǔ, [三言兩語], in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly
        bùsānbùsì, dubious/shady/neither one thing nor the other/neither fish nor fowl/nondescript
        sānshēngyǒuxìng, the blessing of three lifetimes (idiom)/(courteous language) it's my good fortun...
        sānliǎng, [三兩], two or three
        sānbǎo, [三寶], the Three Precious Treasures of Buddhism, namely: the Buddha 佛, the Dharma 法 (hi...
        zhāosānmùsì, lit. say three in the morning but four in the evening (idiom); to change sth tha...
        chūsān, third year in junior middle school
        shísānrì, thirteenth day of a month
        sānjiàojiǔliú, the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) and Nine Schools (Confucian...
        dīsānxiàsì, servile
        yībōsānzhé, calligraphic flourish with many twists/fig. many twists and turns
        sānyèchóng, [三葉蟲], trilobite
        gésānchàwǔ, every few days (idiom)
        xīnguānshàngrènsānbǎhuǒ, (of a newly appointed official) to make bold changes on assuming office (idiom)
        Sānyáng, Sanyō, Japanese electronics company
        Sānmíng, Sanming prefecture level city in Fujian
        Sānlíng, Mitsubishi
        sānliánshèng, [三連勝], hat-trick (sports)
        ZhāngsānLǐsì, [張三李四], Zhang the Third and Li the Fourth (idiom)/Tom, Dick and Harry
        sānwǔ, several/three or five
        sānwǔchéngqún, in groups of three or four (idiom)
        sānduànlùn, [三段論], syllogism (deduction in logic)
        sānjiǎotiě, [三角鐵], triangle (musical instrument)/angle iron
        qísān, thirdly/the third
        sānfānwǔcì, over and over again (idiom)
        rùmùsānfēn, written in a forceful hand/penetrating/profound
        sānjiǎoxué, [三角學], trigonometry
        sānjiǎofǎ, trigonometry (math.)
        sānwénzhì, sandwich (loanword)
        chángsān, [長三], (old) high-class prostitute
鹿         Sānlù, Sanlu (brand)
        sānbāndǎo, three-shift system (work rostering)
        sānbùguǎn, of undetermined status/unregulated
        sānxián, sanxian, large family of 3-stringed plucked musical instruments, with snakeskin ...
        Sānguó, [三國], Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history/several Three Kingdoms period...
        Sānyuán, Sanyuan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xián yáng], Shaanxi
        sānhéyī, three in one/triple
        bùguǎnsānqīèrshíyī, regardless of the consequences/recklessly relying on a hopelessly optimistic for...
        sānléngjìng, [三稜鏡], (triangular) prism
        MùwèiSān, [木衛三], Ganymede (moon of Jupiter), aka Jupiter III
        sāntiānliǎngtóu, [三天兩頭], lit. twice every three days (idiom); practically every day/frequently
        JīnYǒngsān, Kim Young-sam (1927-), South Korean politician, president 1993-1998
        DàjiāngJiànsānláng, Oe Kenzaburo (1935-) Japanese novelist and 1994 Nobel laureate
        sānjiǎohánshù, [三角函數], trigonometric function
        dìsānshí, thirtieth
        sānqī, pseudoginseng (Panax pseudoginseng), hemostatic herb
        SānguóYǎnyì, [三國演義], Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中|罗贯中[Luó Guàn zhōng], one of t...
        sānjítiào, [三級跳], triple jump (athletics)/hop, skip and jump
        sānfútiān, three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August...
        Sānmínzhǔyì, [三民主義], Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three Principles of the People (late 1890s)
        Sānyà, [三亞], Sanya prefecture level city, Hainan
        sānmèi, Samadhi (Buddhist term)
        shísāndiǎn, [十三點], half-witted/nitwit
        sāntiáo, [三條], three of a kind (poker)
        jǔyīfǎnsān, [舉一反三], to raise one and infer three/to deduce many things from one case (idiom)
        sāngùmáolú, [三顧茅廬], lit. three humble visits to a thatched cottage/cf famous episode in the fictiona...
        sāntōng, T-joint/T-piece/T-pipe/three links
        Sānzàng, Tripitaka (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to I...

        zǔzhǐ, to prevent/to block
        zǔài, [阻礙], to obstruct/to hinder/to block/obstruction/hindrance
        zǔdǎng, [阻擋], to stop/to resist/to obstruct
        zǔ, to hinder/to block/to obstruct
        zǔnáo, [阻撓], to thwart/to obstruct (sth)
        zǔsè, to block/to clog
        zǔlán, [阻攔], to stop/to obstruct
        zǔduàn, [阻斷], to block/to obstruct/to intercept/to interdict
        zǔlì, resistance/drag
        zǔjī, [阻擊], to check/to stop
        shòuzǔ, blocked/obstructed/detained
        zǔgé, to separate/to cut off
        zǔzhì, [阻滯], to clog up/silted up
        zǔjié, to stop/to obstruct/to bar the way
        quànzǔ, [勸阻], to advise against/to dissuade
        xiǎnzǔ, [險阻], dangerous and difficult (path)
        fēngyǔwúzǔ, [風雨無阻], regardless of weather conditions/rain, hail or shine
        gěngzǔ, to hamper/to obstruct
        diànzǔ, [電阻], (electrical) resistance
        jiānnánxiǎnzǔ, [艱難險阻], untold dangers and difficulties (idiom)
        zǔní, damping
        lánzǔ, [攔阻], to block/to obstruct
        zǔrán, fire resistant
        zǔkàng, (electrical) impedance

        sì, four/4
        sìchù, [四處], all over the place/everywhere and all directions
        sìzhōu, all around
        Zhōusì, [週四], Thursday
        Xīngqīsì, Thursday
        sìshí, forty/40
        sìfēnzhīyī, one-quarter
        shísì, fourteen/14
        Sìyuè, April/fourth month (of the lunar year)
        sìzhī, the four limbs of the body
        sìjì, four seasons, namely: spring 春, summer 夏, autumn 秋 and winter 冬
        shuōsāndàosì, [說三道四], to make thoughtless remarks (idiom)/to criticize/gossip
        sìqǐ, to spring up everywhere/from all around
        sìfāng, four-way/four-sided/in all directions/everywhere
        sìmiànbāfāng, in all directions/all around/far and near
        sìmiàn, all sides
        tiāosānjiǎnsì, [挑三揀四], to be picky/to be choosy
        wēijīsìfú, [危機四伏], danger lurks on every side (idiom)
        sìchóngzòu, quartet (musical ensemble)
        sìsàn, to disperse/to scatter in all directions
        Lǐbàisì, [禮拜四], Thursday
        shísìhángshī, [十四行詩], sonnet
        sìxià, everywhere
        Sìchuān, Sichuan province (Szechuan) in southwest China, abbr. 川 or 蜀, capital Chengdu 成都
        sìyuèfèn, April
        bùsānbùsì, dubious/shady/neither one thing nor the other/neither fish nor fowl/nondescript
        sìdà, the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind (Buddhism)/the four freedoms: sp...
        yīniánsìjì, all year round
        sìhuánsù, [四環素], tetracycline
        sìrénbāng, [四人幫], Gang of Four: Jiang Qing 江青, Zhang Chunqiao 張春橋, Yao Wenyuan 姚文元, Wang Hongwen 王...
        LiùSì, refers to Tiananmen incident of 4th June 1989
        sìliǎngbōqiānjīn, [四兩撥千斤], lit. four ounces can move a thousand catties (idiom)/fig. to achieve much with l...
        zhāosānmùsì, lit. say three in the morning but four in the evening (idiom); to change sth tha...
        sìlín, [四鄰], one's nearest neighbors
        dīsānxiàsì, servile
        sìjìdòu, green bean/French bean/runner bean
        sìmiànChǔgē, lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu (idiom)/fig. surrounded by enemies, isolated...
        sìshí, [四時], the four seasons, namely: spring 春, summer 夏, autumn 秋 and winter 冬
        sìjí, [四級], grade 4/fourth class/category D
        jiātúsìbì, lit. with only four bare walls for a home (idiom)/fig. very poor/wretched
        sìshēng, [四聲], the four tones of Middle Chinese: level tone 平聲|平声, rising tone 上聲|上声, departing...
        ZhāngsānLǐsì, [張三李四], Zhang the Third and Li the Fourth (idiom)/Tom, Dick and Harry
        sìbiānxíng, [四邊形], quadrilateral
        sìpíngbāwěn, [四平八穩], everything steady and stable (idiom); overcautious and unimaginary
        sìtōngbādá, [四通八達], roads open in all directions (idiom); accessible from all sides
        LǐSì, Li Si, name for an unspecified person, second of a series of three: 張三|张三[Zhāng ...
        wǔhúsìhǎi, all parts of the country
        sìfāngbù, a slow march
        MùwèiSì, [木衛四], Callisto (moon of Jupiter), aka Jupiter IV
        sìhéyuàn, courtyard house with a fully enclosed courtyard (type of Chinese residence)
        fàngzhīsìhǎiérjiēzhǔn, [放之四海而皆準], appropriate to any place and any time (idiom); universally applicable/a panacea,...
        sìmiàntǐ, [四面體], tetrahedron
        míngyángsìhǎi, [名揚四海], to become known far and wide (idiom)/famous
        sìjiǎoshé, [四腳蛇], lizard/common spoken equivalent of 蜥蜴[xī yì]
        SìchuānShěng, Sichuan province (Szechuan) in southwest China, abbr. 川[Chuān] or 蜀[Shǔ], capita...
        Sìpíng, Siping prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
        sìyīèr, 12th April/refers to Chiang Kai-shek's coup of 12th April 1927 against the commu...

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