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[教育學] jiàoyùxué pedagogy

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Word Compounds

        Jiào/jiāo/jiào, surname Jiao, to teach, religion/teaching/to make/to cause/to tell
        jiàotáng, church/chapel/CL:間|间[jiān]
        jiàoliàn, [教練], instructor/sports coach/trainer/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        jiàoshòu, professor/to instruct/to lecture on/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        jiàoyù, to educate/to teach/education
        jiàoxun, [教訓], lesson/moral/to chide sb/to lecture sb
        zōngjiào, religion
        jiāohuì/jiàohuì, [教會], to show/to teach, Christian church
        jiàoshī, [教師], teacher/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiàoshì, classroom/CL:間|间[jiān]
        zhǔjiào, bishop
        jiàodǎo, [教導], to instruct/to teach/guidance/teaching
        Tiānzhǔjiào, Catholicism
        Jīdūjiào, Christianity/Christian
        Jiàohuáng, Roman Catholic pope/Supreme Pontiff
        jiàotú, disciple/follower of a religion
        jiāoshū, [教書], to teach (in a school)
        jiàofù, godfather
        jiàoxué, [教學], to teach/teaching and learning/education/CL:門|门[mén],個|个[gè]
        jiàoyǎng, [教養], to train/to educate/to bring up/to nurture/education/culture/upbringing/early co...
        yìjiàotú, [異教徒], member of another religion/heathen/pagan/heretic/apostate
        Tiānzhǔjiàotú, Catholic/follower of Catholicism
        jiàoqū, [教區], parish
        shuōjiào, [說教], to preach
        jiàoshì, churchman/clergy
        Yóutàijiào, [猶太教], Judaism
        jiājiào, family education/upbringing/to bring sb up/private tutor
        chuánjiàoshì, [傳教士], missionary
        jiàoguān, military instructor
        xiéjiào, evil cult
        jiàoyì, [教義], creed/doctrine/teachings
        guǎnjiào, to discipline/to teach/to guarantee
        jiàopài, sect
        qǐngjiào, [請教], to ask for guidance/to consult
        xìnjiào, religious belief/to practice a faith/to be religious
        jiàosuō, to instigate/to incite/to abet
        dàzhǔjiào, archbishop/primate (of a church)/metropolitan
        Jīdūjiàotú, a Christian
        tiáojiào, [調教], to instruct/to teach/to train/to raise (livestock)
        zhùjiào, teaching assistant
        jiàoyǒu, church member
        jiàokēshū, [教科書], textbook/CL:本[běn]
        chuánjiào, [傳教], to preach/missionary/to evangelize
        jiàohuì, [教誨], to instruct
        lǐngjiào, [領教], much obliged/thank you/to ask advice/(ironically or humorously) to experience/to...
        Yīsīlánjiào, [伊斯蘭教], Islam
        zhǐjiào, to give advice or comments
        Fójiào, Buddhism
        hóngyīzhǔjiào, [紅衣主教], Catholic Cardinal
        zhíjiào, [執教], to teach/to be a teacher/to train/to coach
        jiāokè, [教課], to teach class/to lecture
        yìjiào, [異教], heresy/heathenism
        jiàoyuán, [教員], teacher/instructor/CL:個|个[gè]
        Jiàotíng, the Papacy/the Vatican/the Church government/Holy See
        Fójiàotú, Buddhist
        qīngjiàotú, Puritan
        xīnjiàotú, Protestant/adherent of Protestantism
        gāoděngjiàoyù, higher education
        Yìndùjiào, Hinduism/Indian religion
        jiàotiáo, [教條], doctrine/dogma/creed/dogmatic
        jiàozhǔ, founder or leader of a religion or sect/(fig.) revered figure
        rènjiào, to hold a teaching position
        jiàoguī, [教規], canon/religious rules
        Jiàoyùbù, Ministry of Education
        jiàocái, teaching material/CL:本[běn]
        jiàochéng, course of study/teaching module at university/tutorial
        jiàowù, [教務], educational administration
        láojiàosuǒ, [勞教所], correctional institution/labor camp
        Huíjiào, Islam
        jiàoxuélóu, [教學樓], teaching block/school building
        jiàozōng, pope
        tǎojiào, [討教], to consult/to ask for advice
        jiàoyùxué, [教育學], pedagogy
        Xīnjiào, Protestant church/Protestantism
        qiújiào, to ask for advice/seeking instruction
        jiàozhíyuán, [教職員], teaching and administrative staff
        jiàowùzhǎng, [教務長], provost
        láojiào, [勞教], reeducation through labor
        jiàoyùjiā, educationalist
        jiàoyánshì, teaching and research section
        guójiào, [國教], state religion
        kèzuòjiàoshòu, visiting professor/guest professor
        Dàojiào, Taoism/Daoism (Chinese system of beliefs)
        jiàozhíyuángōng, [教職員工], teaching and administrative staff
        Jiàoshījié, [教師節], Teachers' Day (September 10th in PRC and Confucius's birthday, September 28th in...
        jiàobiān, teacher's pointer
        jiàojù, teaching aids/educational materials
        tèshūjiàoyù, special education/special-needs education
        xuéqiánjiàoyù, [學前教育], preschool education/early childhood education
        jiàoliànyuán, [教練員], sports coach/training personnel
        zàijiào, to be a believer (in a religion, esp. Islam)
        Dōngzhèngjiào, [東正教], Eastern Orthodox Church
        jiàoàn, lesson plan/teaching plan/a "missionary case" (a dispute over Christian missiona...
        sānjiàojiǔliú, the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) and Nine Schools (Confucian...
        jiàoxuéfǎ, [教學法], teaching method/pedagogics
        jiàotiáozhǔyì, [教條主義], dogmatism
        yánchuánshēnjiào, [言傳身教], to teach by words and example (idiom)
        jiàoyùjiè, academic world/academic circles/academia
        jiàotóu, [教頭], sporting coach/military drill master (in Song times)
        lǚjiàobùgǎi, [屢教不改], lit. not to change, despite repeated admonition/incorrigible/unrepentant
        chūděngjiàoyù, primary education/junior school education
        jiàozhígōng, [教職工], teaching and administrative staff
        zhèngjiào, lit. true religion/orthodox religion/orthodox Christianity/Islam (in the writing...
        lǐjiào, [禮教], Confucian code of ethics
        jiàoyùgōngzuòzhě, educator
        Yēsūjiào, [耶穌教], Protestantism
        fùjiàoshòu, associate professor (university post)
        jiàofǎ, teaching method/teachings/doctrine
        Báiliánjiào, [白蓮教], White Lotus society
        jiāoshūjiàng, [教書匠], hack teacher/pedagogue
        jiàoyùwěiyuánhuì, [教育委員會], school board
        kējiàopiàn, science education film/popular science movie
        yīshénjiào, monotheistic religion/monotheism
        wénjiào, culture and education
        yòujiào, preschool education/abbr. for 幼兒教育|幼儿教育[yòu ér jiào yù]
        Sàmǎnjiào, [薩滿教], Shamanism
        yíjiào, [遺教], work or plans left as a legacy/the views of the departed/posthumous orders or te...
        Rújiào, Confucianism
        jiàoliànjī, [教練機], trainer (aircraft)
        jīchǔjiàoyù, [基礎教育], elementary education
        Dàojiàotú, a Daoist/a follower of Daoism
        jiàoběn, textbook
        shūjīzhǔjiào, [樞機主教], cardinal (of the Catholic Church)
        jiànjiào, [見教], I have been enlightened by your teaching (humble)

        jiàoyù, to educate/to teach/education
        tǐyù, [體育], sports/physical education
        tǐyùguǎn, [體育館], gym/gymnasium/stadium/CL:個|个[gè]
        shēngyù, to bear/to give birth/to grow/to rear/to bring up (children)/fertility
        fāyù, [發育], to develop/to mature/growth/development/(sexually) mature
        yǎngyù, [養育], to rear/to bring up/to nurture
        yù, to have children/to raise or bring up/to educate
        tǐyùchǎng, [體育場], stadium/CL:個|个[gè],座[zuò]
        yùnyù, to be pregnant/to produce offspring/to nurture (a development, school of thought...
        péiyù, to train/to breed
        shēngéryùnǚ, [生兒育女], to bear and raise children
        tǐyùyùndòng, [體育運動], sports/physical culture
        gāoděngjiàoyù, higher education
        jìhuàshēngyù, [計劃生育], family planning
        fǔyù, [撫育], to nurture/to raise/to foster/to tend
        Jiàoyùbù, Ministry of Education
        jiéyù, [節育], to practice birth control
        tǐyùjiè, [體育界], sports circles/the sporting world
        bǎoyù, childcare/conservation (of the environment etc)
        bǔyù, to feed/to nurture/to foster
        jiàoyùxué, [教育學], pedagogy
        jiàoyùjiā, educationalist
        juéyù, [絕育], to sterilize/to spay
        tèshūjiàoyù, special education/special-needs education
        xuéqiánjiàoyù, [學前教育], preschool education/early childhood education
        bùyùzhèng, sterility/barrenness
        tǐyùchǎngguǎn, [體育場館], gymnasium
        yùérdài, [育兒袋], marsupial pouch
        jiàoyùjiè, academic world/academic circles/academia
        chūděngjiàoyù, primary education/junior school education
        fāyùqī, [發育期], puberty/period of development
        yùér, [育兒], to raise a child
        jiàoyùgōngzuòzhě, educator
        fányù, to breed
        shēngyùlǜ, birth rate
        jiàoyùwěiyuánhuì, [教育委員會], school board
        yùlíng, [育齡], childbearing age
        jīchǔjiàoyù, [基礎教育], elementary education

        xuéxiào, [學校], school/CL:所[suǒ]
        xué, [學], to learn/to study/to imitate/science/-ology
        Dàxué/dàxué, [大學], the Great Learning, one of the Four Books 四書|四书[Sì shū] in Confucianism, univers...
        xuésheng, [學生], student/schoolchild
        xuéxí, [學習], to learn/to study
        kēxué, [科學], science/scientific knowledge/scientific/rational/CL:門|门[mén],個|个[gè],種|种[zhǒng]
        shàngxué, [上學], to go to school/to attend school
        xuéhuì, [學會], to learn/to master/institute/learned society/(scholarly) association
        tóngxué, [同學], to study at the same school/fellow student/classmate/CL:位[wèi],個|个[gè]
        xuéyuàn, [學院], college/educational institute/school/faculty/CL:所[suǒ]
        kēxuéjiā, [科學家], scientist/CL:個|个[gè]
        shùxué, [數學], mathematics/mathematical
        yīxué, [醫學], medicine/medical science/study of medicine
        huàxué, [化學], chemistry/chemical
        fàngxué, [放學], to dismiss students at the end of the school day
        jiǎngxuéjīn, [獎學金], scholarship/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
        zhōngxué, [中學], middle school/CL:個|个[gè]
        xīnlǐxué, [心理學], psychology
        xuéqī, [學期], term/semester/CL:個|个[gè]
        xuéwèi, [學位], academic degree/place in school
        xiǎoxué, [小學], elementary school/primary school/CL:個|个[gè]
        yīxuéyuàn, [醫學院], medical school
        wénxué, [文學], literature/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
        xuéfèi, [學費], tuition fee/tuition/CL:個|个[gè]
        dàxuéshēng, [大學生], university student/college student
        zhéxué, [哲學], philosophy/CL:個|个[gè]
        fǎxuéyuàn, [法學院], law school
        xuézhě, [學者], scholar
        xuétú, [學徒], apprentice
        jiàoxué, [教學], to teach/teaching and learning/education/CL:門|门[mén],個|个[gè]
退         tuìxué, [退學], to quit school
        xuéyuán, [學員], student/member of an institution of learning/officer cadet
        rùxué, [入學], to enter a school or college/to go to school for the first time as a child
        xuéyè, [學業], studies/schoolwork
        xuéshù, [學術], learning/science/academic/CL:個|个[gè]
        wùlǐxuéjiā, [物理學家], physicist
        kāixué, [開學], foundation of a University or College/school opening/the start of a new term
        zhéxuéjiā, [哲學家], philosopher
        huàxuéfǎnyìng, [化學反應], chemical reaction
        rénlèixué, [人類學], anthropology
        xuéshenghuì, [學生會], student union
        shùxuéjiā, [數學家], mathematician
        xuélì, [學歷], educational background/academic qualifications
        chuòxué, [輟學], to drop out of school/to leave off studying/to interrupt one's studies
        wùlǐxué, [物理學], physics
        kǎogǔxuéjiā, [考古學家], archaeologist
        shēngwùxué, [生物學], biology
        zhuǎnxué, [轉學], to change schools/to transfer to another college
        táoxué, [逃學], to play truant/to cut classes
        xiūxué, [休學], to suspend schooling/to defer study
        huàxuépǐn, [化學品], chemicals
        xuéfēn, [學分], course credit
        jīngjìxué, [經濟學], economics (as a field of study)
        tǒngjìxué, [統計學], statistics
        xiǎoxuéshēng, [小學生], primary school student/schoolchild/CL:個|个[gè],名[míng]/(fig.) beginner
        zhōngxuéshēng, [中學生], middle-school student/high school student
        shēngwùxuéjiā, [生物學家], biologist
        gōngchéngxué, [工程學], engineering
        huàxuéjiā, [化學家], chemist
        yíchuánxué, [遺傳學], genetics
        xuézhǎng, [學長], senior or older male schoolmate
        shèhuìxué, [社會學], sociology
        xuéwèn, [學問], learning/knowledge/CL:個|个[gè]
        chūxuézhě, [初學者], beginning student
        huàxuéwǔqì, [化學武器], chemical weapon
        guāngxué, [光學], optics/optical (instrument)
        jiěpōuxué, [解剖學], anatomy
        shénxué, [神學], theological/theology
        xuékē, [學科], subject/branch of learning/course/academic discipline
        xuéshì, [學士], bachelor's degree/person holding a university degree
        zìxué, [自學], self-study/to study on one's own
        tiānwénxuéjiā, [天文學家], astronomer
        bìnglǐxué, [病理學], pathology
        shénxuéyuàn, [神學院], seminary
        shāngxuéyuàn, [商學院], business school/university of business studies
        lìshǐxuéjiā, [歷史學家], historian
        tiānwénxué, [天文學], astronomy
        dìzhìxuéjiā, [地質學家], geologist
        xuénián, [學年], academic year
        xuéshí, [學識], erudition/scholarly knowledge
        dònglìxué, [動力學], dynamics (math.)/kinetics
        yǔyánxué, [語言學], linguistics
        bóxué, [博學], learned/erudite
        fǎxué, [法學], law/legal studies
        zìránkēxué, [自然科學], natural sciences
        xuéqiánbān, [學前班], preschool
        shēnglǐxué, [生理學], physiology
        fànzuìxué, [犯罪學], criminology
        kǎogǔxué, [考古學], archaeology
        xuéshengzhèng, [學生證], student identity card
        jǐhéxué, [幾何學], geometry
        kēxuéyuàn, [科學院], academy of sciences/CL:個|个[gè]
        xuéshuō, [學說], theory/doctrine
        liúxué, [留學], to study abroad
        jiànzhùxué, [建築學], architectural/architecture
        zhèngzhìxué, [政治學], politics/political science
        qìxiàngxué, [氣象學], meteorology
        liàngzǐlìxué, [量子力學], quantum mechanics
        kēxuéjiè, [科學界], world of science/scientific circles
        Lǐxué/lǐxué, [理學], School of Principle/Neo-Confucian Rationalistic School (from Song to mid-Qing ti...
        zhíwùxué, [植物學], botany
        fǎyīxué, [法醫學], forensics
        měixué, [美學], aesthetics
        lúnlǐxué, [倫理學], ethics
        jiàoxuélóu, [教學樓], teaching block/school building
        xuépài, [學派], school of thought
        xuéjiè, [學界], academic world/academic circles/academia
        dìzhìxué, [地質學], geology
        dàoxué, [道學], Confucian study of ethics/study of Daoism/school for Daoism in Tang and Song tim...
        xuétóng, [學童], schoolchild
        dìlǐxué, [地理學], geography
        kūnchóngxué, [昆蟲學], entomology
        xuéjiū, [學究], pedant
        jīngjìxuéjiā, [經濟學家], economist
        dòngwùxué, [動物學], zoological/zoology
        kēxuéjìshù, [科學技術], science and technology
        dúlǐxué, [毒理學], toxicology
        yàolǐxué, [藥理學], pharmacology
        jiàoyùxué, [教育學], pedagogy
        shēngxué, [升學], to enter the next grade school
        wénxuéjiā, [文學家], writer/man of letters/CL:個|个[gè]
        shǐxuéjiā, [史學家], historian
        gǔshēngwùxuéjiā, [古生物學家], palaeontologist/paleobiologist
        zìxuéchéngcái, [自學成才], a self-made genius
        zhùxuéjīn, [助學金], student grant/education grant/scholarship
        xīnwénxué, [新聞學], journalism
        zhuānkēxuéxiào, [專科學校], specialized school/college for professional training/polytechnic
        lìxué, [力學], mechanics/to study hard
        xuéshùjiè, [學術界], academic circles/academia
        huàxuéyuánsù, [化學元素], chemical element
        luójixué, [邏輯學], logic
        shuāngxuéwèi, [雙學位], dual degree (academic)
        xuélíng, [學齡], school age
        huàxuéxì, [化學系], department of chemistry
        rèlìxué, [熱力學], thermodynamics
        yǒujīhuàxué, [有機化學], organic chemistry
        yàoxué, [藥學], pharmacy
        xuéyǐzhìyòng, [學以致用], to study sth to apply it/study for practical applications
        yíngyǎngxué, [營養學], nutriology
        liúxuéshēng, [留學生], student studying abroad/(foreign) exchange student/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        xuéfǔ, [學府], educational establishment
        xuéhǎo, [學好], to follow good examples
        xuémíng, [學名], scientific name/Latin name (of plant or animal)/(according to an old system of n...
        xuéyì, [學藝], to learn a skill or art
        shēngxué, [聲學], acoustics
        wěikēxué, [偽科學], pseudoscience
        kēxuéshǐ, [科學史], history of science
        jūnshìxué, [軍事學], military science
        xuéjí, [學籍], registration as a current student
        qiúxué, [求學], to seek knowledge/to study/to attend college
        huàxuéjiàn, [化學鍵], chemical bond
        kuàijìxué, [會計學], accounting/accountancy
        shǐxué, [史學], historiography
        xuétáng, [學堂], college/school (old)
        shèhuìkēxué, [社會科學], social sciences
        xíngérshàngxué, [形而上學], metaphysics
        yàowùxué, [藥物學], pharmacology
        fēnzǐshēngwùxué, [分子生物學], molecular biology
        xuéqiánjiàoyù, [學前教育], preschool education/early childhood education
        cáixué, [才學], talent and learning/scholarship
        yǔyìxué, [語義學], semantics
        xuánxué, [玄學], Wei and Jin philosophical school amalgamating Daoist and Confucian ideals/transl...
        huǒshānxué, [火山學], volcanology
        bìngdúxué, [病毒學], virology (study of viruses)
        fùxué, [復學], to return to school (after an interruption)/to resume one's studies
        xuézhì, [學制], educational system/length of schooling
        jiǎngxué, [講學], to lecture (on branch of learning)
        Fóxué, [佛學], Buddhist doctrine/Buddhist studies
        gǔdiǎnwénxué, [古典文學], classical literature
        jiàoxuéfǎ, [教學法], teaching method/pedagogics
        qíngōngjiǎnxué, [勤工儉學], to work part time while studying/work-study program
        dìzhènxué, [地震學], seismology/science of earthquakes
        diànzǐxué, [電子學], electronics
        bǐjiàowénxué, [比較文學], comparative literature
        wēishēngwùxué, [微生物學], microbiology
        dàishùxué, [代數學], algebra (as branch of math.)
        lìshǐxué, [歷史學], history
        Hándānxuébù, [邯鄲學步], to copy the way they walk in Handan (idiom)/slavishly copying others, one risks ...
        pǐnxuéjiānyōu, [品學兼優], excelling both in morals and studies (idiom); top marks for studies and for beha...
        jiùxué, [就學], to attend school
        zhōngxiǎoxué, [中小學], middle and elementary school
        xíngtàixué, [形態學], morphology (in biology or linguistics)
        diànhuàxué, [電化學], electrochemistry
        guǎnlǐxué, [管理學], management studies
        niǎolèixué, [鳥類學], ornithology/study of birds
        fúhàoxué, [符號學], semiotics/semiology
        zǔzhīxué, [組織學], histology
        shuǐlìxué, [水力學], hydraulics
        gǔshēngwùxué, [古生物學], palaeontology
        hǎiyángxué, [海洋學], oceanography
        shénxuéjiā, [神學家], theologian
        pēitāixué, [胚胎學], embryology
        huàxuézhàn, [化學戰], chemical warfare
        jiāzhèngxué, [家政學], family and consumer science
        gōngxuéyuàn, [工學院], school of engineering/college of engineering
        qínxuékǔliàn, [勤學苦練], to study diligently/to train assiduously
        sānjiǎoxué, [三角學], trigonometry
        huàxuénéng, [化學能], chemical energy
        dūxué, [督學], school inspector
        gāojízhōngxué, [高級中學], senior high school/abbr. to 高中[gāo zhōng]
        wénxuéshǐ, [文學史], history of literature
        yǔyīnxué, [語音學], phonetics
        fǎxuéjiā, [法學家], jurist/member of the pre-Han legalist school
        xuéwúzhǐjìng, [學無止境], no end to learning (idiom); There's always something new to study./You live and ...
        shēngtàixué, [生態學], ecology
        diànxué, [電學], electrical engineering
        yōushēngxué, [優生學], eugenics
        yìngyòngkēxué, [應用科學], applied science
        hángkōngxué, [航空學], aviation science
        cídiǎnxué, [詞典學], lexicography
        xuérén, [學人], scholar/learned person
        xuédì, [學弟], junior or younger male schoolmate
        xuézǐ, [學子], (literary) student/scholar
        xuéyuán, [學園], academy/campus
        jìshùxuéxiào, [技術學校], vocational high school/abbr. to 技校[jì xiào]
        xuélì, [學力], scholastic attainments
        Hànxué, [漢學], sinology/Chinese studies (in foreign schools)/Han Learning, a Qing dynasty movem...
        zhēncáishíxué, [真才實學], solid learning/real ability and learning/genuine talent
        shòuyīxué, [獸醫學], veterinary medicine/veterinary science
        shēngtàixuéjiā, [生態學家], ecologist
        huàxuéshì, [化學式], chemical formula (e.g. water HO)
        Tàixué, [太學], Imperial College of Supreme Learning, established in 124 BC, and the highest edu...
        jìnglìxué, [靜力學], statics
        jūnshìkēxué, [軍事科學], military science
        yějīnxué, [冶金學], metallurgy
        hàoxué, [好學], eager to study/studious/erudite
        tuòpūxué, [拓撲學], topology (math.)
        cíhuìxué, [詞彙學], lexicology (linguistics)
        shāngxué, [商學], business studies/commerce as an academic subject
        gāoděngxuéxiào, [高等學校], colleges and universities
        niándàixué, [年代學], chronology (the science of determining the dates of past events)
        liútǐlìxué, [流體力學], fluid mechanics/hydrodynamics
        nóngxué, [農學], agricultural science
        huàxuégōngyè, [化學工業], chemical industry, abbr. to 化工[huà gōng]
        xuéshí, [學時], class hour/period
        jīqìrénxué, [機器人學], robotics
        rùxuélǜ, [入學率], percentage of children who enter school
        xìnxīxué, [信息學], information science
        mínsúxué, [民俗學], folklore
        guóxué, [國學], Chinese national culture/studies of ancient Chinese civilization/the Imperial Co...
        wùlǐhuàxué, [物理化學], physical chemistry
        jiéjīngxué, [結晶學], crystallography
        bànxué, [辦學], to run a school
        xuébào, [學報], a scholarly journal/Journal, Bulletin etc
        xuéjiě, [學姐], senior or older female schoolmate
        jīfēnxué, [積分學], integral calculus
        Yìxué/yìxué, [易學], study of the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yì jīng], easy to learn
        chūjízhōngxué, [初級中學], junior high school/junior middle school
        yùndòngxué, [運動學], kinematics
        fēnlèixué, [分類學], taxonomy/taxology/systematics

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