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bǎifēn percent

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Word Compounds

        Bǎi/bǎi, surname Bai, hundred/numerous/all kinds of
        bǎiwàn, [百萬], million/millions
        Bǎilǎohuì, [百老匯], Broadway (New York City)
        bǎifēn, percent/percentage
        bǎifēnzhībǎi, a hundred percent/out and out/absolutely
        shùbǎiwàn, [數百萬], several million
        bǎiwànfùwēng, [百萬富翁], millionaire
        bǎihé, lily
        bǎixìng, common people
        shùbǎi, [數百], several hundred
        lǎobǎixìng, ordinary people/the "person in the street"/CL:個|个[gè]
        chéngbǎishàngqiān, hundreds/a large number/lit. by the hundreds and thousands
        bǎihuò, [百貨], general merchandise
        bǎilíng, [百靈], lark/Eremophila alpestris
        bǎiyèchuāng, [百葉窗], shutter/blind
        bǎinián, hundred years/century/lifetime
        bǎifēndiǎn, [百分點], percentage point
        bǎihuògōngsī, [百貨公司], department store
        bǎikēquánshū, [百科全書], encyclopedia/CL:本[běn],集[jí]
        bǎihuòshāngdiàn, [百貨商店], department store
        bǎifēnzhī, percent
        shùyǐbǎijì, [數以百計], hundreds of
        bǎikē, universal/encyclopedic/abbr. for 百科全書|百科全书[bǎi kē quán shū]
        qiānfāngbǎijì, [千方百計], lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means
        yīliǎobǎiliǎo, once the main problem is solved, all troubles are solved/death ends all one's tr...
        BǎishìKělè, [百事可樂], Pepsi
        èrbǎiwǔ, idiot/stupid person/a dope
        bǎibān, in hundred and one ways/in every possible way/by every means
        Bǎiwēi, Budweiser (beer)
        bǎibèi, a hundredfold/a hundred times
        Bǎimùdà, Bermuda
        bǎihéhuā, lily/fig. pure and spotless person/virgin
        bǎifēnbǐ, percentage
        bǎihuòdiàn, [百貨店], bazaar/department store/general store
        lòudòngbǎichū, lit. one hundred loopholes (idiom); full of mistakes (of speech or article)
        qiānchuāngbǎikǒng, [千瘡百孔], see 百孔千瘡|百孔千疮[bǎi kǒng qiān chuāng]
        bǎifābǎizhòng, [百發百中], lit. one hundred shots, one hundred hits/to carry out a task with great precisio...
        liúfāngbǎishì, (of one's name, reputation etc) to be immortalized (idiom)/to leave a mark for g...
        shāyījǐngbǎi, [殺一儆百], lit. kill one to warn a hundred (idiom); to punish an individual as an example t...
        bǎigǎnjiāojí, all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart
        bǎiwúliáolài, [百無聊賴], bored to death (idiom)/bored stiff/overcome with boredom
        bǎiyībǎishùn, [百依百順], docile and obedient/all obedience
        bǎirìké, whooping cough/pertussis
        qiānqíbǎiguài, fantastic oddities of every description (idiom)
        shēnjīngbǎizhàn, [身經百戰], lit. veteran of a hundred battles (idiom)/fig. experienced/seasoned
        bǎishòu, [百獸], all creatures/every kind of animal
        bǎizhànbǎishèng, [百戰百勝], to emerge victorious in every battle/to be ever-victorious
        bǎifēnzhīyībǎi, one hundred percent/totally (effective)
        bǎilíngniǎo, [百靈鳥], skylark
        bǎitīngbùyàn, [百聽不厭], worth hearing a hundred times
        bǎisībùdéqíjiě, see 百思不解[bǎi sī bù jiě]
        yángbǎihàn, [楊百翰], Brigham Young
        bǎihuòdàlóu, [百貨大樓], department store
        bǎilǐtiāoyī, [百裡挑一], one in a hundred/cream of the crop
        yīhūbǎiyìng, [一呼百應], a hundred answers to a single call (idiom)/to respond en masse
        bǎizhànbùdài, [百戰不殆], to come unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War...
        bǎizhébùnáo, [百折不撓], to keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks (idiom)/to be undaunted by repeated...
        bǎibǎoxiāng, [百寶箱], treasure chest
        bǎishìtōng, knowledgeable person/know all
        bǎizhěqún, pleated skirt
        bǎiwénbùrúyījiàn, [百聞不如一見], seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times (idiom); seeing for oneself i...
竿         bǎichǐgāntóu, [百尺竿頭], to be at the highest level of enlightenment (Buddhist expression)
        xìnxīnbǎibèi, brimming with confidence (idiom)
        zhèngjīngbābǎi, [正經八百], very serious/solemn
        bǎifèidàixīng, [百廢待興], many things waiting to be done (idiom)/a thousand things to do
        Bǎidù, Baidu, Internet portal and search engine, www.baidu.com, listed as BIDU on NASDA...
        chóuchángbǎijié, [愁腸百結], hundred knots of worry in one's intestines (idiom); weighed down with anxiety
        bǎiwújìnjì, [百無禁忌], all taboos are off (idiom); anything goes/nothing is taboo
        bǎishí, a hundred or so
        bǎiniánbùyù, only met with once every hundred years (drought, flood etc)
穿         bǎibùchuānyáng, [百步穿楊], to shoot with great precision (idiom)
        yībǎiyī, faultless/impeccable
        Bǎimùdá, [百慕達], Bermuda (Tw)
        Bǎijiāxìng, The Book of Family Names, anonymous Song dynasty reading primer listing 438 surn...
        bànbǎi, fifty (usually referring to sb's age)
        bǎixiāngguǒ, passion fruit
姿         qiānzībǎitài, [千姿百態], in different poses and with different expressions/in thousands of postures (idio...
        bǎihuāqífàng, [百花齊放], a hundred flowers bloom (idiom); let the arts have free expression
        bǎifēnshù, [百分數], percentage
        bǎifēnlǜ, percentage/percent

        fēnzhōng, [分鐘], minute
        fēn/fèn, to divide/to separate/to distribute/to allocate/to distinguish (good and bad)/pa...
        bùfen, part/share/section/piece/CL:個|个[gè]
        fēnshǒu, to part company/to split up/to break up
        shífēn, very/completely/utterly/extremely/absolutely/hundred percent/to divide into ten ...
        fènzǐ/fēnzǐ, [份子], members of a class or group/political elements (such as intellectuals or extremi...
        fēnxī, to analyze/analysis/CL:個|个[gè]
        dàbùfen, in large part/the greater part/the majority
        fēnxiǎng, to share (let others have some of sth good)
        fēnkāi, [分開], to separate/to part
        guòfèn, [過分], excessive/undue/overly
        défēn, to score
        chōngfèn, ample/sufficient/adequate/full/fully/to the full
        fēnlí, [分離], to separate
        fēnsàn, to scatter/to disperse/to distribute
        fēnliè, to split up/to divide/to break up/fission/schism
        fēnbié, [分別], to part or leave each other/to distinguish/difference/in different ways/differen...
        chéngfèn, composition/make-up/ingredient/element/component/one's social status/CL:個|个[gè]
        fēnpèi, to distribute/to assign/to allocate/to partition (a hard drive)
        fēnxīn, to distract
        Měifēn, one cent (United States coin)
        fēnchéng, to divide (into)/to split a bonus/to break into/tenths/percentage allotment
        fēnshù, [分數], (exam) grade/mark/score/fraction
        wànfēn, [萬分], very much/extremely/one ten thousandth part
        fēnbiàn, to distinguish/to differentiate/to resolve
        yībùfen, portion/part of/subset
        tiānfèn, natural gift/talent
        bǐfēn, score
        bǎifēn, percent/percentage
        fēnqí, divergent/difference (of opinion, position)/disagreement/bifurcation (math.)
        bǎifēnzhībǎi, a hundred percent/out and out/absolutely
        sìfēnzhīyī, one-quarter
        fēnmiǎn, labor/parturition/delivery
        fēntóu, [分頭], separately/severally/parted hair
        fēnlèi, [分類], classification
        qūfēn, [區分], to differentiate/to draw a distinction/to divide into categories
        fēnjú, sub-bureau
        fēnjū, to separate (married couple)/to live apart (of husband and wife, family members)
        fēnjiě, to resolve/to decompose/to break down
        sānfēn, somewhat/to some degree
        fēnfā, [分發], to distribute/distribution/to assign (sb) to a job
        fēnduì, [分隊], military platoon or squad
        shífēn, [時分], time/period during the day/one of the 12 two-hour periods enumerated by the eart...
        shēnwúfēnwén, [身無分文], penniless (idiom)
        sānfēnzhīyī, one third
        fēnmì, to secrete/secretion
        fēnbù, branch/subsection/to subdivide
        píngfēn, to divide evenly/to bisect (geometry)/deuce (tennis)/tied score
        fēnmíng, clear/distinct/evidently/clearly
        fēnbù, [分佈], to scatter/to distribute/to be distributed (over an area etc)/(statistical, geog...
        fēnliàng/fènliang, (vector) component, quantity/weight/measure
        shēnfèn, variant of 身份/identity/status/capacity/dignity/position/rank
        píngfēn, [評分], to grade/to mark (student's work)/grade/score (of student's work)
        fēndān, [分擔], to share (a burden, a cost, a responsibility)
        fēnwéi, [分為], to divide sth into (parts)/to subdivide
        fēnzhī, branch (of company, river etc)/to branch/to diverge/to ramify/to subdivide
        mǎnfēn, [滿分], full marks
        fēndàoyángbiāo, [分道揚鑣], lit. to take different roads and urge the horses on (idiom)/fig. to part ways
        dǎfēn, to grade/to give a mark
        shuǐfèn, moisture content/(fig.) overstatement/padding
        fēnzǔ, [分組], to divide into groups/(computer networking) packet
        fēnxīyuán, [分析員], analyst (e.g. of news)
        yuánfèn, [緣分], fate or chance that brings people together/predestined affinity or relationship/...
        juédàbùfen, [絕大部分], overwhelming majority
        huàfēn, [劃分], to divide up/to partition/to differentiate
        xuéfēn, [學分], course credit
        fēnxiào, branch of a school
        fēnqīng, to distinguish (between different things)/to make distinctions clear
        jīfēn, [積分], integral (calculus)/accumulated points (in sports, at school etc)/total credits ...
        wēijīfēn, [微積分], calculus/differentiation and integration/calculus of infinitesimals 微 and integr...
        běnfèn, (to play) one's part/one's role/one's duty/(to stay within) one's bounds/dutiful...
        fēnpài, to assign (a task to different people)/to allocate
        bǎifēndiǎn, [百分點], percentage point
        fēnhóng, [分紅], dividend/to award a bonus
        ānfèn, content with one's lot/knowing one's place
        fēnzǐshì, molecular formula
        fēnjī, [分機], (telephone) extension/CL:臺|台[tái]
        jìfēn, [記分], to keep score
        fēnshén, to give attention to sth/please give (some of your valuable) attention to my tas...
        fēngōng, to divide up the work/division of labor
        fēnháng, branch of bank or store/subsidiary bank
        fēndiàn, branch (of a chain store)/annex
        chǔfèn, [處分], to discipline sb/to punish/disciplinary action/to deal with (a matter)/CL:個|个[gè...
        fēnqīfùkuǎn, to pay in installments/payment in installments
        gōngfēn, centimeter/gram
        fēngē, to cut up/to break up
        fēnqū, [分區], allocated area (for housing, industry etc)/district
        fēngé, to divide/to separate/partition
        fēnshēn, to spare time for a separate task/doppelgänger/sockpuppet (Internet slang)
        bǎifēnzhī, percent
        fēnhuà, to split apart/differentiation
        shífēnzhīyī, one tenth
        fēnjí, [分級], to rank/to grade/to classify/rank/grade/classification
        wǔfēnzhīyī, one fifth
线         fēnjièxiàn, [分界線], dividing line
        fēnxījiā, (political) analyst
        fēnháo, fraction/slightest difference/hairsbreadth
        ānfènshǒujǐ, to be content with one's lot (idiom)/to know one's place
        fēnwén, a single penny/a single cent
        fēnxiāo, [分銷], distribution/retail store
        fēngōngsī, subsidiary company/branch office
        fēncun, propriety/appropriate behavior/proper speech or action/within the norms
        bǎifēnbǐ, percentage
        zhīshifènzǐ, [知識分子], intellectual/intelligentsia/learned person
        qiàrúqífèn, (idiom) appropriate/apt/just right
        fēnhuì, [分會], branch
        fēnchà, fork/bifurcation/to divide
        nèifēnmì, [內分泌], endocrine (internal secretion, e.g. hormone)
        jìfēn, [計分], to calculate the score
        fēnjiā, to separate and live apart/division of a large family into smaller groups
        bāfēnzhīyī, one eighth
        guāfēn, to partition/to divide up
        fènnèi, [分內], one's job or duty/within one's remit
        fēnliú, bypass
        zǔchéngbùfèn, [組成部分], part/component/ingredient/constituent
        fēntān, [分攤], to share (costs, responsibilities)/to apportion
        fēnzāng, [分贓], to share the booty/to divide ill-gotten gains
        zhēngfēnduómiǎo, [爭分奪秒], lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time/making every sec...
        fēnbiànlǜ, resolution (of images, monitors, scanners etc)
        yǎngfèn, [養分], nutrient
        fēnmìwù, secretion
        shíèrfēn, exceedingly/hundred percent/everything and more
        fúfen, one's happy lot/good fortune
        fēnmiǎobìzhēng, [分秒必爭], seize every minute and second (idiom); not a minute to lose/every moment counts
        fēncéng, [分層], lamination/layering/stratification/delamination
        fēnzhuāng, [分裝], to divide into portions/to package in smaller quantities/to separate into loads
        liùfēnzhīyī, one sixth
        huángjīnfēngē, [黃金分割], golden ratio/golden section
        mìbùkěfēn, inextricably linked (idiom)/inseparable
        qíngfèn, mutual affection/friendship
        fēnduàn, segment
        fēnfáng, to sleep in separate rooms/distribution of social housing
        fēnbèi, [分貝], decibel
        fēnqī, by stages/staggered/step by step/in installments
        fēnpī, to do sth in batches or groups
        fènwài, exceptionally/not one's responsibility or job
        jūnfēn, to split/to divide equally
        bǎifēnzhīyībǎi, one hundred percent/totally (effective)
        fēnxīqì, analyzer
        fēnbùtú, [分佈圖]/[分布圖], scatter diagram/distribution chart/histogram, scatter diagram/distribution chart...
        bùfǎfènzǐ, lawbreakers/offenders
        fēnshuǐlǐng, [分水嶺], dividing range/drainage divide/(fig.) dividing line/watershed
        fēnménbiélèi, [分門別類], to organize by categories/to classify
        fēnlièzhǔyì, [分裂主義], separatism
        fēnbùshì, [分佈式], distributed
        fēnbāo, to subcontract
        fēnzhī, (indicating a fraction)
        fēnlì, to establish as separate entities/to divide (a company etc) into independent ent...
        fēnguǎn, to be put in charge of/to be responsible for/branched passage
        fēnsòng, to send/to distribute
        fēnzǐshēngwùxué, [分子生物學], molecular biology
        èrfēn, second part/the equinox
        fēnxiǎo, [分曉], the result (becomes apparent)/now one understands
        fēnzhēn, [分針], minute hand (of a clock)
        nánshěnánfēn, [難捨難分], loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate
        Chūnfēn, Chunfen or Spring Equinox, 4th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 21st March-4th ...
        qīfēnzhīyī, one seventh
        wēifēn, (math.) differential (of a function)/differential (equation etc)/to differentiat...
        fēnyōu, [分憂], to share tribulations/to help sb with worries and difficulties
        jījífènzǐ, [積極分子], enthusiast/(political) activist
        fēnzhàn, substation
        gāofēnzǐ, macromolecule/polymer
        fēnbiàn, [分辯], to explain the facts/to defend against an accusation
        píngfēnqiūsè, to both share the limelight/to both have an equal share of
        JīngWèifēnmíng, [涇渭分明], as rivers Jing and Wei separate clearly (idiom)/to be entirely different
        nèifēnmìxiàn, [內分泌腺], endocrine gland/gland producing internal secretion, e.g. hormone
        zǔfèn, [組分], components/individual parts making up a compound
        fēnshǔ, [分屬], classification
        fēnhào, [分號], semicolon (punct.)
        guāngpǔfēnxī, [光譜分析], spectral analysis
        fēnmǔ, denominator of a fraction
        fēnzhī, branch
        fēncí, [分詞], participle/word segmentation
        míngfèn, a person's status
        èrfēnzhīyī, one half
        xìfēn, [細分], subdivision/segmentation
        děngfēn, division into equal parts/equipartition
        zǒngfēn, [總分], overall score/total points
        fēnlièshì, (military) march-past
        jiǔfēnzhīyī, one ninth
        rùmùsānfēn, written in a forceful hand/penetrating/profound
        fēnfù, variant of 吩咐[fēn fù]
        fēnshè, subdivision or branch of an organization/news bureau
        fēntíngkànglǐ, [分庭抗禮], peer competition/to function as rivals/to make claims as an equal
线         fēnshùxiàn, [分數線], horizontal line (in a fraction)/minimum passing score
        bùkěfēngē, inalienable/unalienable/inseparable/indivisible
        zhèngtàifēnbù, [正態分布], (math.) normal distribution/Gaussian distribution
        Qiūfēn, Qiufen or Autumn Equinox, 16th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 23rd September-...
        yīnshìfēnjiě, factorization
        fēnjù, clause (grammar)
        fēnzǐliàng, molecular mass
        wàifēnmì, exocrine/external secretion (e.g. saliva)
        fēnwénbùqǔ, to give for free
        bèifèn, [輩分], seniority in the family or clan/position in the family hierarchy
        ànláofēnpèi, [按勞分配], distribution according to work
        fēnliè, to divide into rows/to identify subcategories/to break down into constituent par...
        fēnpèiqì, dispenser (for consumables such as liquid soap)/splitter (for cable TV signal et...
        zhífèn, [職分], duty
        fēifèn, improper/presumptuous/assuming/overstepping one's bounds/also written 非份[fēi fèn...
        àizēngfēnmíng, [愛憎分明], to make a clear difference between what one likes and what one hates/to have wel...
        cáifèn, ability/talent/gift
        gōngfēn, work point (measure of work completed in a rural commune in the PRC during the p...
        nánjiěnánfēn, [難解難分], hard to untie, hard to separate (idiom); inextricably involved/locked in battle
        jīfēnxué, [積分學], integral calculus
        bǎifēnshù, [百分數], percentage
        fēnzǐshāi, [分子篩], molecular sieve
        shēngfen, estranged
        fēnlèixué, [分類學], taxonomy/taxology/systematics
        dàfēnzǐ, macromolecule (chemistry)
        bǎifēnlǜ, percentage/percent

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