生 ⇒
先生 Xiānsheng/xiānsheng, Mister (Mr.), teacher/husband/doctor (dialect)/CL:位[wèi]
发生 fāshēng, [發生], to happen/to occur/to take place/to break out
生活 shēnghuó, life/activity/to live/livelihood
医生 yīshēng, [醫生], doctor/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
生命 shēngmìng, life (as the characteristic of living beings)/living being/creature/CL:個|个[gè],條...
生 shēng, to be born/to give birth/life/to grow/raw/uncooked/student
生气 shēngqì, [生氣], to get angry/to take offense/angry/vitality/liveliness
生日 shēngrì, birthday/CL:個|个[gè]
生意 shēngyì/shēngyi, life force/vitality, business/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
学生 xuésheng, [學生], student/schoolchild
人生 rénshēng, life (one's time on earth)
一生 yīshēng, all one's life/throughout one's life
出生 chūshēng, to be born
女生 nǚshēng, schoolgirl/female student/girl
产生 chǎnshēng, [產生], to arise/to come into being/to come about/to give rise to/to bring into being/to...
生物 shēngwù, organism/living creature/life form/biological/CL:個|个[gè]
男生 nánshēng, schoolboy/male student/boy/guy (young adult male)
生存 shēngcún, to exist/to survive
生病 shēngbìng, to fall ill
陌生人 mòshēngrén, stranger
天生 tiānshēng, nature/disposition/innate/natural
生涯 shēngyá, career/life (way in which sb lives)/period of one's life
华生 生产 shēngchǎn, [生產], to produce/to manufacture/to give birth to a child
余生 陌生 mòshēng, strange/unfamiliar
卫生 wèishēng, [衛生], health/hygiene/sanitation
生死 shēngsǐ, life or death
亲生 qīnshēng, [親生], one's own (child) (i.e. one's child by birth)/biological (parents)/birth (parent...
实习生 shíxísheng, [實習生], intern (student)
服务生 fúwùshēng, [服務生], server (at a restaurant)
卫生间 wèishēngjiān, [衛生間], bathroom/toilet/WC/CL:間|间[jiān]
诞生 dànshēng, [誕生], to be born
畜生 chùsheng, domestic animal/brute/bastard
花生 huāshēng, peanut/groundnut/CL:粒[lì]
性生活 xìngshēnghuó, sex life
生长 shēngzhǎng, [生長], to grow
生理 shēnglǐ, physiology
生来 shēnglái, [生來], from birth/by one's nature
生化 shēnghuà, biochemistry
新生 xīnshēng, new/newborn/emerging/nascent/rebirth/regeneration/new life/new student
活生生 huóshēngshēng, real (people)/living (artist)/while still alive (e.g. skinned alive)
大学生 dàxuéshēng, [大學生], university student/college student
终生 zhōngshēng, [終生], throughout one's life/lifetime/lifelong
生还 shēnghuán, [生還], to return alive/to survive
永生 yǒngshēng, to live forever/eternal life/all one's life
再生 zàishēng, to be reborn/to regenerate/to be a second so-and-so (famous dead person)/recycli...
高中生 gāozhōngshēng, senior high school student
花生酱 huāshēngjiàng, [花生醬], peanut butter
生前 shēngqián, (of a deceased) during one's life/while living
为生 wéishēng, [為生], to make a living
生效 shēngxiào, to take effect/to go into effect
抗生素 kàngshēngsù, antibiotic
寄生虫 jìshēngchóng, [寄生蟲], parasite (biology)/(fig.) freeloader
私生活 sīshēnghuó, private life
丧生 sàngshēng, [喪生], to die/to lose one's life
野生 yěshēng, wild/undomesticated
逃生 táoshēng, to flee for one's life
谋生 móushēng, [謀生], to seek one's livelihood/to work to support oneself/to earn a living
生育 shēngyù, to bear/to give birth/to grow/to rear/to bring up (children)/fertility
救生员 jiùshēngyuán, [救生員], lifeguard
毕生 bìshēng, [畢生], all one's life/lifetime
毕业生 bìyèshēng, [畢業生], graduate
生动 shēngdòng, [生動], vivid/lively
研究生 yánjiūshēng, graduate student/postgraduate student/research student
生于 维生素 wéishēngsù, [維生素], vitamin
起死回生 qǐsǐhuíshēng, to rise from the dead (idiom); fig. an unexpected recovery
生父 shēngfù, biological father
生火 shēnghuǒ, to make a fire/to light a fire
接生 jiēshēng, to deliver (a newborn child)
生计 shēngjì, [生計], livelihood
求生 qiúshēng, to seek survival/to possess the will to live
生锈 shēngxiù, [生銹], to rust/to grow rusty/to corrode/oxidization
半生 bànshēng, half a lifetime
私生子 sīshēngzǐ, illegitimate child (male)/bastard/love child
发生器 生母 shēngmǔ, natural mother/birth mother
生殖器 shēngzhíqì, reproductive organ/genitals
复生 fùshēng, [復生], to be reborn/to recover/to come back to life/to regenerate
此生 生意人 生命体 生态 shēngtài, [生態], ecology
救生 jiùshēng, to save a life/life-saving
学生会 xuéshenghuì, [學生會], student union
重生 chóngshēng, to be reborn/rebirth
新生儿 xīnshēngér, [新生兒], newborn baby/neonate
有生以来 yǒushēngyǐlái, [有生以來], since birth/for one's whole life
降生 jiàngshēng, to be born/arrival of newborn/birth (of a savior or religious leader)
卫生纸 wèishēngzhǐ, [衛生紙], toilet paper/bathroom tissue
生机 shēngjī, [生機], opportunity to live/to reprieve from death/life force/vitality
今生 jīnshēng, this life
生物学 shēngwùxué, [生物學], biology
生平 shēngpíng, life (a person's whole life)/in one's entire life
痛不欲生 tòngbùyùshēng, to be so in pain as to not want to live/to be so grieved as to wish one were dea...
自生自灭 zìshēngzìmiè, [自生自滅], to emerge and perish on its own; to run its course (idiom)
长生不老 chángshēngbùlǎo, [長生不老], immortality
生成 shēngchéng, to generate/to produce/generated/produced
主治医生 生殖 shēngzhí, to reproduce/to flourish
孪生 luánshēng, [孿生], twin
生路 shēnglù, a way to make a living/a way to survive/a way out of a predicament
爱迪生 Àidíshēng, [愛迪生], Edison (name)/Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), American inventor and businessman
生命力 shēngmìnglì, vitality
有生之年 寄生 jìshēng, to live in or on another organism as a parasite/to live by taking advantage of o...
生灵 shēnglíng, [生靈], (literary) the people/living thing/creature
优等生 死里逃生 sǐlǐtáoshēng, [死裡逃生], mortal danger, escape alive (idiom); a narrow escape/to survive by the skin of o...
生菜 shēngcài, lettuce/raw fresh vegetables/greens
救生艇 jiùshēngtǐng, lifeboat
卫生部 Wèishēngbù, [衛生部], Ministry of Health
生死攸关 shēngsǐyōuguān, [生死攸關], matter of life and death
小学生 xiǎoxuéshēng, [小學生], primary school student/schoolchild/CL:個|个[gè],名[míng]/(fig.) beginner
侍应生 shìyìngshēng, [侍應生], waiter/waitress
中学生 zhōngxuéshēng, [中學生], middle-school student/high school student
生物学家 shēngwùxuéjiā, [生物學家], biologist
时有发生 生活费 shēnghuófèi, [生活費], cost of living/living expenses/alimony
微生物 wēishēngwù, microorganism
救生衣 jiùshēngyī, life jacket/life vest
土生土长 tǔshēngtǔzhǎng, [土生土長], locally born and bred/indigenous/home-grown
独生子 dúshēngzǐ, [獨生子], only son
卫生棉 wèishēngmián, [衛生棉], sterilized absorbent cotton wool (used for dressings or cleansing wounds)/sanita...
生产线 shēngchǎnxiàn, [生產線], assembly line/production line
生疏 shēngshū, unfamiliar/strange/out of practice/not accustomed
生产商 独生女 dúshēngnǚ, [獨生女], an only daughter
好好先生 hǎohǎoxiānsheng, Mr Goody-goody/yes-man (sb who agrees with anything)
晋生 生儿育女 shēngéryùnǚ, [生兒育女], to bear and raise children
无中生有 wúzhōngshēngyǒu, [無中生有], to create something from nothing (idiom)
出生入死 chūshēngrùsǐ, from the cradle to the grave (idiom); to go through fire and water/brave/willing...
卫生巾 wèishēngjīn, [衛生巾], sanitary towel
出生地 chūshēngdì, birthplace
爱默生 自力更生 zìlìgēngshēng, regeneration through one's own effort (idiom)/self-reliance
维生 wéishēng, [維生], abbr. for 維持生活|维持生活[wéi chí shēng huó]
生吞活剥 shēngtūnhuóbō, [生吞活剝], to swallow whole (idiom); fig. to apply uncritically
生龙活虎 shēnglónghuóhǔ, [生龍活虎], lit. lively dragon and animated tiger (idiom)/fig. vigorous and lively
安生 ānshēng, peaceful/restful/quiet/still
适者生存 shìzhěshēngcún, [適者生存], survival of the fittest
夜生活 yèshēnghuó, night life
利生 一生一世 yīshēngyīshì, a whole lifetime (idiom); all my life
生物武器 shēngwùwǔqì, biological weapon
庆生 qìngshēng, [慶生], to celebrate a birthday
槲寄生 hújìshēng, mistletoe
生鱼片 shēngyúpiàn, [生魚片], sashimi
生物体 shēngwùtǐ, [生物體], organism
文生 海洋生物 计划生育 jìhuàshēngyù, [計劃生育], family planning
杀生 shāshēng, [殺生], to take the life of a living creature
生性 shēngxìng, natural disposition
放生 生日卡 shēngrìkǎ, birthday card
滋生 zīshēng, to breed/to flourish/to cause/to provoke/to create
生理学 shēnglǐxué, [生理學], physiology
老生常谈 lǎoshēngchángtán, [老生常談], an old observation (idiom)/a truism/banal comments
学生证 xuéshengzhèng, [學生證], student identity card
生人 shēngrén, stranger/living person/to give birth/to be born (in a certain time or place)
生物课 高材生 gāocáishēng, student of great ability
生死存亡 shēngsǐcúnwáng, matter of life and death
生根 生硬 shēngyìng, stiff/harsh
诞生地 惹是生非 rěshìshēngfēi, to stir up trouble
栩栩如生 xǔxǔrúshēng, vivid and lifelike (idiom); true to life/realistic
招生 zhāoshēng, to enroll new students/to get students
生肉 shēngròu, raw meat
生姜 shēngjiāng, [生薑], fresh ginger
仿生 天生丽质 平生 píngshēng, all one's life
人生观 偷生 tōushēng, to live without purpose
熟能生巧 shúnéngshēngqiǎo, with familiarity you learn the trick (idiom); practice makes perfect
强生 Qiángshēng, [強生], Johnson (surname)/Johnson & Johnson (company)
来生 láishēng, [來生], next life
生生不息 shēngshēngbùxī, to grow and multiply without end
生机勃勃 shēngjībóbó, [生機勃勃], full of vitality
师生 shīshēng, [師生], teachers and students
一线生机 生老病死 shēnglǎobìngsǐ, lit. to be born, to grow old, to get sick and to die/fig. the fate of humankind ...
出生证 chūshēngzhèng, [出生證], birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhāng]
花生果 初中生 chūzhōngshēng, junior high student
托马斯·爱迪生 浮游生物 fúyóushēngwù, plankton
小生 卫生局 wèishēngjú, [衛生局], health office/bureau of hygiene
生发 shēngfā, [生發], to emerge and grow/to develop
生怕 shēngpà, to fear/afraid/extremely nervous/for fear that/to avoid/so as not to
老先生 娇生惯养 jiāoshēngguànyǎng, [嬌生慣養], pampered and spoiled since childhood
生闷气 shēngmènqì, [生悶氣], to seethe/to sulk/to be pissed off (vulgar)
生气勃勃 shēngqìbóbó, [生氣勃勃], full of vitality
衍生 yǎnshēng, to give rise to/to derive/derivative/derivation
惹事生非 rěshìshēngfēi, variant of 惹是生非[rě shì shēng fēi]
民生 mínshēng, people's livelihood/people's welfare
生手 shēngshǒu, novice/new hand/sb new to a job
后生 hòushēng, [後生], young generation/youth/young man
大半生 心生 卫生部长 生就 shēngjiù, to be born with/to be gifted with
做生日 zuòshēngrì, to celebrate a birthday/to give a birthday party
救生船 jiùshēngchuán, lifeboat
熠熠生辉 花生米 huāshēngmǐ, shelled peanuts
蓬荜生辉 péngbìshēnghuī, [蓬蓽生輝], Your presence brings light to my humble dwelling/see also 蓬蓽生光|蓬荜生光[péng bì shēn...
卫生员 生养 shēngyǎng, [生養], to bring up (children)/to raise/to bear
生事 生命线 shēngmìngxiàn, [生命線], lifeline
救生圈 jiùshēngquān, life buoy/life belt/(jocularly) flab/spare tire
强纳生 共生 gòngshēng, symbiosis
营生 yíngshēng/yíngsheng, [營生], to earn a living, (coll.) job/work
花生糖 丛生 cóngshēng, [叢生], growing as a thicket/overgrown/breaking out everywhere (of disease, social disor...
人生路 原生 yuánshēng, original/primary/native/indigenous/proto-/stock (firmware)
众生 zhòngshēng, [眾生], all living things
凯瑟琳·华生 花生油 救生筏 jiùshēngfá, a life raft
培生 了无生趣 liǎowúshēngqù, [了無生趣], to lose all interest in life (idiom)
芸芸众生 yúnyúnzhòngshēng, [蕓蕓眾生], every living being (Buddhism)/the mass of common people
生物碱 shēngwùjiǎn, [生物鹼], alkaloid
古生物学家 gǔshēngwùxuéjiā, [古生物學家], palaeontologist/paleobiologist
生子 shēngzǐ, to give birth to a child or children
油然而生 yóuránérshēng, arising involuntarily (idiom); spontaneous/to spring up unbidden (of emotion)
双生 shuāngshēng, [雙生], twin (attributive)/twins
谈笑风生 tánxiàofēngshēng, [談笑風生], to talk cheerfully and wittily/to joke together
超生 chāoshēng, to exceed the stipulated limit of a birth-control policy/to be reincarnated/to b...
寸草不生 cùncǎobùshēng, lit. not even a blade of grass grows (idiom)/fig. barren
无事生非 wúshìshēngfēi, [無事生非], to make trouble out of nothing
生活会 三生有幸 sānshēngyǒuxìng, the blessing of three lifetimes (idiom)/(courteous language) it's my good fortun...
生产总值 shēngchǎnzǒngzhí, [生產總值], gross domestic production (GDP)/total output value
生物钟 shēngwùzhōng, [生物鐘], biological clock
生产力 shēngchǎnlì, [生產力], production capability/productive force/productivity
前生 qiánshēng, previous life/previous incarnation
生长激素 shēngzhǎngjīsù, [生長激素], growth hormone
好生 hǎoshēng, (dialect) very/quite/properly/well/thoroughly
丁尼生 生息 shēngxī, to inhabit/to live (in a habitat)
生离死别 shēnglísǐbié, [生離死別], separated in life and death/to part for ever
留学生 liúxuéshēng, [留學生], student studying abroad/(foreign) exchange student/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
应运而生 yìngyùnérshēng, [應運而生], to emerge to meet a historic destiny (idiom)/to arise at an opportune time/able ...
生意经 shēngyijīng, [生意經], knack of doing business/business sense
生疑 素昧平生 sùmèipíngshēng, to have never met sb before (idiom); entirely unacquainted/a complete stranger/n...
新生代 Xīnshēngdài/xīnshēngdài, Cenozoic (geological era covering the last 65m years), new generation
贪生怕死 tānshēngpàsǐ, [貪生怕死], greedy for life, afraid of death (idiom); craven and cowardly/clinging abjectly ...
萌生 méngshēng, to burgeon/to produce/to conceive/to be in the initial stage
海生 触景生情 chùjǐngshēngqíng, [觸景生情], scene which recalls past memories (idiom)/evocative of the past/reminiscent/to a...
生财 shēngcái, [生財], to make money
增生 zēngshēng, growth (of organism)/proliferation/supernumerary candidate (in imperial examatio...
书生 shūshēng, [書生], scholar/intellectual/egghead
半生不熟 bànshēngbùshóu, underripe/half-cooked/(fig.) not mastered (of a technique)/clumsy/halting
门生 ménshēng, [門生], disciple/student (of a famous master)
生成器 轻生 qīngshēng, [輕生], a suicide/to commit suicide
九死一生 jiǔsǐyīshēng, nine deaths and still alive (idiom); a narrow escape/new lease of life
生物界 shēngwùjiè, biosphere/natural world
小本生意 生物圈 shēngwùquān, biosphere/ecosphere
残生 写生 xiěshēng, [寫生], to sketch from nature/to do a still life drawing
招生办 寄生物 jìshēngwù, parasite
妙趣横生 miàoqùhéngshēng, [妙趣橫生], endlessly interesting (idiom)/very witty
生殖腺 shēngzhíxiàn, reproductive gland/gonad/sex organ
生擒 shēngqín, to capture alive
生辰 shēngchén, birthday
生出 shēngchū, to give birth/to grow (whiskers etc)/to generate/to produce
派生 pàishēng, to produce (from sth else)/to derive (from raw material)/derivative
生疼 shēngténg, extremely painful
水生 shuǐshēng, aquatic (plant, animal)
生源 shēngyuán, supply of students/source of students
原生态 后进生 认生 rènshēng, [認生], shy with strangers
高才生 gāocáishēng, student of great ability/talented student
分子生物学 fēnzǐshēngwùxué, [分子生物學], molecular biology
节外生枝 jiéwàishēngzhī, [節外生枝], a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising
养生 yǎngshēng, [養生], to maintain good health/to raise a child or animal/curing (of concrete etc)
自谋生路 胎生 tāishēng, viviparity/zoogony
多年生 duōniánshēng, perennial (of plants)
长生 chángshēng, [長生], long life
催生 cuīshēng, to induce labor/to expedite childbirth
卫生球 wèishēngqiú, [衛生球], mothball
易卜生 Yìbǔshēng, Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), Norwegian dramatist, author of Doll's House 玩偶之家
绝处逢生 juéchǔféngshēng, [絕處逢生], to come back from death's door (idiom); unexpected rescue from danger/fig. to re...
生辉 shēnghuī, [生輝], to dazzle/to brighten up (a room etc)
休养生息 xiūyǎngshēngxī, [休養生息], to recover/to recuperate
生生 生水 shēngshuǐ, unboiled water
出生于 蒲生 罗生 生铁 shēngtiě, [生鐵], pig iron
书生气 生物战 shēngwùzhàn, [生物戰], germ warfare/biological warfare
发生率 fāshēnglǜ, [發生率], rate of occurrence
衍生物 yǎnshēngwù, a derivative (complex product derived from simpler source material)
生产厂 博士生 见习生 jiànxíshēng, [見習生], apprentice/probationer/cadet
微生物学 wēishēngwùxué, [微生物學], microbiology
卫生院 怕生 pàshēng, fear of strangers/to be afraid of strangers (of small children)
杰生 生存权 有生 生趣 急中生智 jízhōngshēngzhì, quick witted in an emergency/able to react resourcefully
何而生 考生 kǎoshēng, exam candidate/student whose name has been put forward for an exam
勃勃生机 得意门生 déyìménshēng, [得意門生], favorite pupil
古生物 gǔshēngwù, paleo-organism
养生之道 yǎngshēngzhīdào, [養生之道], the way of maintaining good health
民不聊生 mínbùliáoshēng, The people have no way to make a living (idiom, from Record of the Grand Histori...
在校生 独生子女 dúshēngzǐnǚ, [獨生子女], an only child
雷蒙德·爱普生 新生事物 水生物 生物系 杂草丛生 新生力量 生拉硬拽 shēnglāyìngzhuài, to drag sb along against his will/to draw a forced analogy
生世世 生力军 原生质 yuánshēngzhì, [原生質], protoplasm
险象环生 xiǎnxiànghuánshēng, [險象環生], dangers spring up all around (idiom); surrounded by perils
乐极生悲 lèjíshēngbēi, [樂極生悲], extreme joy turns to sorrow (idiom); Don't celebrate too soon, things could stil...
人生在世 研修生 脆生生 头生 古生物学 gǔshēngwùxué, [古生物學], palaeontology
生死与共 生搬硬套 赤脚医生 chìjiǎoyīshēng, [赤腳醫生], barefoot doctor/farmer with paramedical training (PRC)
置之死地而后生 zhìzhīsǐdìérhòushēng, [置之死地而後生], place sb on a field of death and he will fight to live (idiom based on Sunzi's "...
卫生学 生机蓬勃 卫生所 生产能力 shēngchǎnnénglì, [生產能力], manufacturing ability/production capacity
生死线 面生 特长生 生非 生肖 shēngxiào, one of the twelve animals symbolic of the earthly branches 地支[dì zhī]/animal fro...
生生的 本科生 běnkēshēng, undergraduate student
生啤酒 shēngpíjiǔ, draft beer/unpasteurized beer
老生 lǎoshēng, venerable middle-aged or elderly man, usually wearing an artificial beard (in Ch...
斯文生 花生豆 金晋生 施汀生 回生 过重生 狄更生 优生 yōushēng, [優生], eugenics/outstanding student
和华生 有生力量 发生地 次生 cìshēng, derivative/secondary/sub-
生产率 shēngchǎnlǜ, [生產率], productivity/efficiency of production
李晋生 托马斯爱迪生 春风吹又生 汝重生 七窍生烟 qīqiàoshēngyān, [七竅生煙], lit. spouting smoke through the seven orifices (idiom)/fig. to seethe with anger
天生我材必有用 生态学 shēngtàixué, [生態學], ecology
生产量 学生装 杰克生 后复生 望而生畏 wàngérshēngwèi, intimidate at the first glance (idiom); awe-inspiring/terrifying/overwhelming
艾迪生 Àidíshēng, Addison (name)/Addison, city in United States
庄生 卫生防疫 wèishēngfángyì, [衛生防疫], epidemic-prevention
优生学 yōushēngxué, [優生學], eugenics
孳生 zīshēng, to multiply/to breed
劣等生 艾默生 文弱书生 生产者 shēngchǎnzhě, [生產者], producer (of goods, commodities or farm produce etc)/manufacturer/(biology) auto...
卫生室 伴生 里复生 肄业生 yìyèshēng, [肄業生], dropout student
生石灰 shēngshíhuī, calcium oxide CaO/quicklime
生龙 卵生 生词 shēngcí, [生詞], new word (in textbook)/word that is unfamiliar or not yet studied/CL:組|组[zǔ],個|个...
生诺 生色 出生率 chūshēnglǜ, birthrate
生育率 shēngyùlǜ, birth rate
生地 朱生豪 同生 凤生 生涩 shēngsè, [生澀], unripe/tart/not fully proficient/somewhat shaky
虎虎生威 瑜何生亮 练习生 旁听生 预备生 生艾伦 花生饼 乔治华生 次生林 cìshēnglín, secondary growth of forest
生态学家 shēngtàixuéjiā, [生態學家], ecologist
心而生 同根生 肯纳生 帕德生 爱众生 生波阿斯 德生 和重生 骨质增生 罗波安生 艾佛生 如生 孪生子 落花生 luòhuāshēng, peanut
生恩英 海生照 花生仁 安东尼生 大卫·爱默生 生文森特 生机盎然 shēngjīàngrán, [生機盎然], full of life/exuberant
生诺高 众生相 刀而生 蒋生 生灵涂炭 shēnglíngtútàn, [生靈塗炭], people are in a terrible situation (idiom)
生产国 宇生 生·达尔 高三生 猜华生 生光 shēngguāng, to emit light
龙生龙 乌西亚生 生亚撒 生物制品 shēngwùzhìpǐn, [生物製品], biological product
常生 魏文生 晋生醒 高二生 插班生 亚伯拉罕生 安德生 从灵生 派生词 pàishēngcí, [派生詞], derivative word
生员 shēngyuán, [生員], scholar preparing for imperial examinations (in former times)
汝生 唐纳德·培生 生耶西 剑生 亚哈斯生 艾拉生 文生真 寄宿生 jìsùshēng, boarder
詹姆斯·华生 生态圈 shēngtàiquān, [生態圈], ecosphere
尼生 生雷吉娜·史塔克 过新生 丹尼生 生元熙 乔艾生 慧生 拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生 约沙法生 别开生面 biékāishēngmiàn, [別開生面], to start sth new or original (idiom); to break a new path/to break fresh ground
开庆生 琼安生 火生 约西亚生 伊南生 住宿生 罗伯特生 汉斯·克里斯蒂昂·安徒生 计划生育委员会 盖端生 亚玛利雅生 生长期 钱而生 伊恩·华生 生不逢时 shēngbùféngshí, [生不逢時], born at the wrong time (idiom); unlucky (esp. to complain about one's fate)/born...
康爱迪生 十二生肖 马年生 尼哈生 爱米丽·罗丝生 兰生 卫生站 工读生 gōngdúshēng, [工讀生], student who also works part-time/(old) reform-school student
恒生 HéngShēng, [恆生], Hang Seng (name)
再生产 zàishēngchǎn, [再生產], producing a copy/to reproduce
欺生 qīshēng, to cheat strangers/to bully strangers/(of domesticated animals) to be rebellious...
生活区 寄生蜂 仁智生 生产方式 接生员 生存率 生亚兰 生鲜 shēngxiān, [生鮮], fresh produce and freshly prepared foods
求重生 生造 shēngzào, to coin (words or expressions)
戎马一生 生亚当 生角 硕士生 shuòshìshēng, [碩士生], Master's degree student
生胶 明哲保生 生药 shēngyào, [生藥], unprocessed medicinal herb
生荣 浮生 本生 苟且独生 投生 tóushēng, reborn (of departed spirit)/to be reincarnated/to leave home for a new life
小先生 人安生 生客 生存链 生分 shēngfen, estranged
约坦生 布朗生 生佑 纳生 艾弗生 郑生禄 汤姆·爱迪生 弥生 云生雨 真能生 生莉贾娜 凤生凤 生活化 生镛 胡生 寄生蟹 生活版 生死观 亚兰生 陈安生 亚历克斯生 敬永生
分 ⇒
分钟 fēnzhōng, [分鐘], minute
分 fēn/fèn, to divide/to separate/to distribute/to allocate/to distinguish (good and bad)/pa...
部分 bùfen, part/share/section/piece/CL:個|个[gè]
分手 fēnshǒu, to part company/to split up/to break up
十分 shífēn, very/completely/utterly/extremely/absolutely/hundred percent/to divide into ten ...
分子 fènzǐ/fēnzǐ, [份子], members of a class or group/political elements (such as intellectuals or extremi...
分析 fēnxī, to analyze/analysis/CL:個|个[gè]
大部分 dàbùfen, in large part/the greater part/the majority
分享 fēnxiǎng, to share (let others have some of sth good)
分开 fēnkāi, [分開], to separate/to part
过分 guòfèn, [過分], excessive/undue/overly
一分 得分 défēn, to score
充分 chōngfèn, ample/sufficient/adequate/full/fully/to the full
分离 fēnlí, [分離], to separate
分散 fēnsàn, to scatter/to disperse/to distribute
分裂 fēnliè, to split up/to divide/to break up/fission/schism
分别 fēnbié, [分別], to part or leave each other/to distinguish/difference/in different ways/differen...
成分 chéngfèn, composition/make-up/ingredient/element/component/one's social status/CL:個|个[gè]
分配 fēnpèi, to distribute/to assign/to allocate/to partition (a hard drive)
分心 fēnxīn, to distract
四分 美分 Měifēn, one cent (United States coin)
分成 fēnchéng, to divide (into)/to split a bonus/to break into/tenths/percentage allotment
分数 fēnshù, [分數], (exam) grade/mark/score/fraction
万分 wànfēn, [萬分], very much/extremely/one ten thousandth part
分辨 fēnbiàn, to distinguish/to differentiate/to resolve
一部分 yībùfen, portion/part of/subset
天分 tiānfèn, natural gift/talent
比分 bǐfēn, score
百分 bǎifēn, percent/percentage
分歧 fēnqí, divergent/difference (of opinion, position)/disagreement/bifurcation (math.)
百分之百 bǎifēnzhībǎi, a hundred percent/out and out/absolutely
四分之一 sìfēnzhīyī, one-quarter
分娩 fēnmiǎn, labor/parturition/delivery
分头 fēntóu, [分頭], separately/severally/parted hair
分类 fēnlèi, [分類], classification
区分 qūfēn, [區分], to differentiate/to draw a distinction/to divide into categories
分局 fēnjú, sub-bureau
分居 fēnjū, to separate (married couple)/to live apart (of husband and wife, family members)
分解 fēnjiě, to resolve/to decompose/to break down
三分 sānfēn, somewhat/to some degree
分发 fēnfā, [分發], to distribute/distribution/to assign (sb) to a job
分队 fēnduì, [分隊], military platoon or squad
时分 shífēn, [時分], time/period during the day/one of the 12 two-hour periods enumerated by the eart...
身无分文 shēnwúfēnwén, [身無分文], penniless (idiom)
三分之一 sānfēnzhīyī, one third
分泌 fēnmì, to secrete/secretion
分部 fēnbù, branch/subsection/to subdivide
平分 píngfēn, to divide evenly/to bisect (geometry)/deuce (tennis)/tied score
小分队 分明 fēnmíng, clear/distinct/evidently/clearly
分布 fēnbù, [分佈], to scatter/to distribute/to be distributed (over an area etc)/(statistical, geog...
五分 分量 fēnliàng/fènliang, (vector) component, quantity/weight/measure
身分 shēnfèn, variant of 身份/identity/status/capacity/dignity/position/rank
评分 píngfēn, [評分], to grade/to mark (student's work)/grade/score (of student's work)
分担 fēndān, [分擔], to share (a burden, a cost, a responsibility)
分为 fēnwéi, [分為], to divide sth into (parts)/to subdivide
分支 fēnzhī, branch (of company, river etc)/to branch/to diverge/to ramify/to subdivide
满分 mǎnfēn, [滿分], full marks
分道扬镳 fēndàoyángbiāo, [分道揚鑣], lit. to take different roads and urge the horses on (idiom)/fig. to part ways
打分 dǎfēn, to grade/to give a mark
水分 shuǐfèn, moisture content/(fig.) overstatement/padding
分组 fēnzǔ, [分組], to divide into groups/(computer networking) packet
分析员 fēnxīyuán, [分析員], analyst (e.g. of news)
缘分 yuánfèn, [緣分], fate or chance that brings people together/predestined affinity or relationship/...
绝大部分 juédàbùfen, [絕大部分], overwhelming majority
划分 huàfēn, [劃分], to divide up/to partition/to differentiate
学分 xuéfēn, [學分], course credit
分校 fēnxiào, branch of a school
分清 fēnqīng, to distinguish (between different things)/to make distinctions clear
积分 jīfēn, [積分], integral (calculus)/accumulated points (in sports, at school etc)/total credits ...
微积分 wēijīfēn, [微積分], calculus/differentiation and integration/calculus of infinitesimals 微 and integr...
本分 běnfèn, (to play) one's part/one's role/one's duty/(to stay within) one's bounds/dutiful...
分派 fēnpài, to assign (a task to different people)/to allocate
百分点 bǎifēndiǎn, [百分點], percentage point
分红 fēnhóng, [分紅], dividend/to award a bonus
安分 ānfèn, content with one's lot/knowing one's place
分子式 fēnzǐshì, molecular formula
五五分 分机 fēnjī, [分機], (telephone) extension/CL:臺|台[tái]
记分 jìfēn, [記分], to keep score
分神 fēnshén, to give attention to sth/please give (some of your valuable) attention to my tas...
分工 fēngōng, to divide up the work/division of labor
分行 fēnháng, branch of bank or store/subsidiary bank
分店 fēndiàn, branch (of a chain store)/annex
百分之十 三分之二 处分 chǔfèn, [處分], to discipline sb/to punish/disciplinary action/to deal with (a matter)/CL:個|个[gè...
分期付款 fēnqīfùkuǎn, to pay in installments/payment in installments
公分 gōngfēn, centimeter/gram
分割 fēngē, to cut up/to break up
分区 fēnqū, [分區], allocated area (for housing, industry etc)/district
分隔 fēngé, to divide/to separate/partition
四分之三 分身 fēnshēn, to spare time for a separate task/doppelgänger/sockpuppet (Internet slang)
最高分 百分之 bǎifēnzhī, percent
犯罪分子 分得 分化 fēnhuà, to split apart/differentiation
十分之一 shífēnzhīyī, one tenth
见分晓 分级 fēnjí, [分級], to rank/to grade/to classify/rank/grade/classification
五分之一 wǔfēnzhīyī, one fifth
分界线 fēnjièxiàn, [分界線], dividing line
零分 分析家 fēnxījiā, (political) analyst
分毫 fēnháo, fraction/slightest difference/hairsbreadth
安分守己 ānfènshǒujǐ, to be content with one's lot (idiom)/to know one's place
分文 fēnwén, a single penny/a single cent
分销 fēnxiāo, [分銷], distribution/retail store
七分 六分 分公司 fēngōngsī, subsidiary company/branch office
百万分之一 百分之一 分寸 fēncun, propriety/appropriate behavior/proper speech or action/within the norms
百分比 bǎifēnbǐ, percentage
知识分子 zhīshifènzǐ, [知識分子], intellectual/intelligentsia/learned person
恰如其分 qiàrúqífèn, (idiom) appropriate/apt/just right
有分寸 分会 fēnhuì, [分會], branch
黑白分明 百分之五 分叉 fēnchà, fork/bifurcation/to divide
内分泌 nèifēnmì, [內分泌], endocrine (internal secretion, e.g. hormone)
计分 jìfēn, [計分], to calculate the score
分家 fēnjiā, to separate and live apart/division of a large family into smaller groups
八分之一 bāfēnzhīyī, one eighth
瓜分 guāfēn, to partition/to divide up
分内 fènnèi, [分內], one's job or duty/within one's remit
分流 fēnliú, bypass
糖分 百分之五十 组成部分 zǔchéngbùfèn, [組成部分], part/component/ingredient/constituent
分摊 fēntān, [分攤], to share (costs, responsibilities)/to apportion
分赃 fēnzāng, [分贓], to share the booty/to divide ill-gotten gains
争分夺秒 zhēngfēnduómiǎo, [爭分奪秒], lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time/making every sec...
分子结构 分辨率 fēnbiànlǜ, resolution (of images, monitors, scanners etc)
养分 yǎngfèn, [養分], nutrient
非分之想 千分之一 得分手 盐分 分泌物 fēnmìwù, secretion
万分之一 十二分 shíèrfēn, exceedingly/hundred percent/everything and more
八分 福分 fúfen, one's happy lot/good fortune
分秒必争 fēnmiǎobìzhēng, [分秒必爭], seize every minute and second (idiom); not a minute to lose/every moment counts
分层 fēncéng, [分層], lamination/layering/stratification/delamination
百分之八十 分界 分装 fēnzhuāng, [分裝], to divide into portions/to package in smaller quantities/to separate into loads
记分牌 六分之一 liùfēnzhīyī, one sixth
黄金分割 huángjīnfēngē, [黃金分割], golden ratio/golden section
百分之三十 密不可分 mìbùkěfēn, inextricably linked (idiom)/inseparable
百分之九十 九分 百分之四十 情分 qíngfèn, mutual affection/friendship
分秒 分段 fēnduàn, segment
分房 fēnfáng, to sleep in separate rooms/distribution of social housing
分贝 fēnbèi, [分貝], decibel
分析仪 百分之十五 分期 fēnqī, by stages/staggered/step by step/in installments
分批 fēnpī, to do sth in batches or groups
百分之二 九又四分之三 分拣 分外 fènwài, exceptionally/not one's responsibility or job
均分 jūnfēn, to split/to divide equally
百分之一百 bǎifēnzhīyībǎi, one hundred percent/totally (effective)
分析器 fēnxīqì, analyzer
分布图 fēnbùtú, [分佈圖]/[分布圖], scatter diagram/distribution chart/histogram, scatter diagram/distribution chart...
五十分 不法分子 bùfǎfènzǐ, lawbreakers/offenders
分水岭 fēnshuǐlǐng, [分水嶺], dividing range/drainage divide/(fig.) dividing line/watershed
分身术 分门别类 fēnménbiélèi, [分門別類], to organize by categories/to classify
百分之二十 分裂主义 fēnlièzhǔyì, [分裂主義], separatism
分布式 fēnbùshì, [分佈式], distributed
分内事 分包 fēnbāo, to subcontract
分之 fēnzhī, (indicating a fraction)
分立 fēnlì, to establish as separate entities/to divide (a company etc) into independent ent...
分管 fēnguǎn, to be put in charge of/to be responsible for/branched passage
分送 fēnsòng, to send/to distribute
切分 分离器 百分之六十 十亿分之一 记分员 二十分 百分之七 分光计 分局长 分子生物学 fēnzǐshēngwùxué, [分子生物學], molecular biology
二分 èrfēn, second part/the equinox
百分之九十九 分晓 fēnxiǎo, [分曉], the result (becomes apparent)/now one understands
分针 fēnzhēn, [分針], minute hand (of a clock)
百分之二十五 分分秒秒 难舍难分 nánshěnánfēn, [難捨難分], loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate
百分之四 四十分 叁分之一 春分 Chūnfēn, Chunfen or Spring Equinox, 4th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 21st March-4th ...
七分之一 qīfēnzhīyī, one seventh
公分母 十五分 微分 wēifēn, (math.) differential (of a function)/differential (equation etc)/to differentiat...
分忧 fēnyōu, [分憂], to share tribulations/to help sb with worries and difficulties
积极分子 jījífènzǐ, [積極分子], enthusiast/(political) activist
分站 fēnzhàn, substation
高分子 gāofēnzǐ, macromolecule/polymer
分辩 fēnbiàn, [分辯], to explain the facts/to defend against an accusation
十分之九 分光仪 伍分 八二分 二分之 百分之一千 百分之二百 平分秋色 píngfēnqiūsè, to both share the limelight/to both have an equal share of
分类法 泾渭分明 JīngWèifēnmíng, [涇渭分明], as rivers Jing and Wei separate clearly (idiom)/to be entirely different
少部分 十一分 三十分 陆分 内分泌腺 nèifēnmìxiàn, [內分泌腺], endocrine gland/gland producing internal secretion, e.g. hormone
十分之 百万分之二 二十分之一 亿分之亿 组分 zǔfèn, [組分], components/individual parts making up a compound
十八分 分属 fēnshǔ, [分屬], classification
分号 fēnhào, [分號], semicolon (punct.)
光谱分析 guāngpǔfēnxī, [光譜分析], spectral analysis
分电器 分母 fēnmǔ, denominator of a fraction
分枝 fēnzhī, branch
五分之四 二十五分 分院 分词 fēncí, [分詞], participle/word segmentation
名分 míngfèn, a person's status
十分之四 百分之六十五 百万分之 二分之一 èrfēnzhīyī, one half
八又二分之一 细分 xìfēn, [細分], subdivision/segmentation
等分 děngfēn, division into equal parts/equipartition
百分之七十 四十五分 亿万分之一 百分之八 分块 总分 zǒngfēn, [總分], overall score/total points
分列式 fēnlièshì, (military) march-past
三分之 九分之一 jiǔfēnzhīyī, one ninth
入木三分 rùmùsānfēn, written in a forceful hand/penetrating/profound
分式 亿分之一 分厂 分付 fēnfù, variant of 吩咐[fēn fù]
六又八分之一 分社 fēnshè, subdivision or branch of an organization/news bureau
百分之四十五 分庭抗礼 fēntíngkànglǐ, [分庭抗禮], peer competition/to function as rivals/to make claims as an equal
六十七分 百分之一百一 八分之五 分数线 fēnshùxiàn, [分數線], horizontal line (in a fraction)/minimum passing score
百分之九 不可分割 bùkěfēngē, inalienable/unalienable/inseparable/indivisible
正态分布 zhèngtàifēnbù, [正態分布], (math.) normal distribution/Gaussian distribution
十万分之一 一万亿分之一 二分之三 二百分之一 百分之两百 百分之三 秋分 Qiūfēn, Qiufen or Autumn Equinox, 16th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 23rd September-...
五千万分之一 因式分解 yīnshìfēnjiě, factorization
二又二分之一 百分之一万 五十三分 八十分 六四分 五分之二 五分之三 十六分之一 积分器 百分之八十五 百分之六 分步 分光镜 八又四分之三 分句 fēnjù, clause (grammar)
分子量 fēnzǐliàng, molecular mass
外分泌 wàifēnmì, exocrine/external secretion (e.g. saliva)
一亿七千五百万分之一 五十分之一 百分之十三 百分之十九 分文不取 fēnwénbùqǔ, to give for free
十分之八 百分之九十九点九 八分之一又十四分之三 七又四分之三 辈分 bèifèn, [輩分], seniority in the family or clan/position in the family hierarchy
四六分 五万分之一 百分之一百四十五 百分之三十五 四百分之一 四十三分 按劳分配 ànláofēnpèi, [按勞分配], distribution according to work
三亿四千八百万分之一 百分之三点七 百分之九十八 七十五分 百分之一亿万 百分之九十七 分离舱 千分尺 三七分 分列 fēnliè, to divide into rows/to identify subcategories/to break down into constituent par...
九一分 分体 十六分 零三分 百分之八百 七又八分之一 千分之千 分配器 fēnpèiqì, dispenser (for consumables such as liquid soap)/splitter (for cable TV signal et...
千分之五 分档 百分之五百 四十八分 百分之五十五 八分之二 八分之三 职分 zhífèn, [職分], duty
四分之 百分之四十一 三又二分之一 非分 fēifèn, improper/presumptuous/assuming/overstepping one's bounds/also written 非份[fēi fèn...
爱憎分明 àizēngfēnmíng, [愛憎分明], to make a clear difference between what one likes and what one hates/to have wel...
十分之七 百分之一百万 百分之一百五 九十九万零七千分之一 十分之六 四又四分之三 一十分 六十分 才分 cáifèn, ability/talent/gift
百分之六百 零一分 五又二分之一 零七分 一一分 五十六又三分之一 百分之八五十 一百分之一 工分 gōngfēn, work point (measure of work completed in a rural commune in the PRC during the p...
百分之三百 百亿亿分之一 五又四分之一 四百万分之一 一分之 分散剂 二分法 十七分 难解难分 nánjiěnánfēn, [難解難分], hard to untie, hard to separate (idiom); inextricably involved/locked in battle
十亿分之 九分之三 千万分之一 百分之两百一 百分之一亿 一又八分之一 百万分之四 四分之二 百万分之六 百万分之五 十六分之五 伍十分 积分学 jīfēnxué, [積分學], integral calculus
百分数 bǎifēnshù, [百分數], percentage
六一分 百分之七十五 分子筛 fēnzǐshāi, [分子篩], molecular sieve
生分 shēngfen, estranged
三十六分 分化瓦解 三十分之一 六分之五 六分之二 百分之千 二八分 分类学 fēnlèixué, [分類學], taxonomy/taxology/systematics
一又四分之一 四万分之一 十分之一千 大分子 dàfēnzǐ, macromolecule (chemistry)
一又三分之一 五分之 百分率 bǎifēnlǜ, percentage/percent