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[蝴蝶結] húdiéjié bow

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        húdié, butterfly/CL:隻|只[zhī]
        húdiéjié, [蝴蝶結], bow/bowknot

        húdié, butterfly/CL:隻|只[zhī]
        húdiéjié, [蝴蝶結], bow/bowknot
        dié, [蜨], variant of 蝶[dié], butterfly/CL:隻|只[zhī]
        diéyǒng, butterfly stroke (swimming)
        diégǔ, sphenoid bone (front of the temple)
        zhāofēngyǐndié, (of a flower) to attract bees and butterflies/(fig.) to attract the opposite sex...
        húdié, variant of 蝴蝶[hú dié]

        jiéshù, [結束], termination/to finish/to end/to conclude/to close
        jiēguǒ/jiéguǒ, [結果], to bear fruit/CL:個|个[gè], outcome/result/conclusion/in the end/as a result/to ki...
        jiéhūn, [結婚], to marry/to get married/CL:次[cì]
        jiē/jié, [結], (of a plant) to produce (fruit or seeds)/Taiwan pr. [jié], knot/sturdy/bond/to t...
        jiéjú, [結局], conclusion/ending
        jiélùn, [結論], conclusion/verdict/CL:個|个[gè]/to conclude/to reach a verdict
        tuánjié, [團結], to unite/unity/solidarity/united
        jiéhé, [結合], to combine/to link/to integrate/binding/CL:次[cì]
        liǎojié, [了結], to settle/to finish/to conclude/to wind up
        zhōngjié, [終結], end/conclusion/to come to an end/to terminate (sth)
        jiéwěi, [結尾], ending/coda/to wind up
        jiégòu, [結構], structure/composition/makeup/architecture/CL:座[zuò],個|个[gè]
        jiéàn, [結案], to conclude a case/to wind up
        zǒngjié, [總結], to sum up/to conclude/summary/résumé/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiēshí/jiēshi, [結實], to bear fruit, rugged/sturdy/strong/durable/buff (physique)
        dòngjié, [凍結], to freeze (water etc)/(fig.) to freeze (assets, prices etc)
        jiūjié, [糾結], to intertwine/to band together (with)/to link up (with)/twisted/tangled/confused...
        wánjié, [完結], to finish/to conclude/completed
        jiéméng, [結盟], to form an alliance/to ally oneself with/allied with/aligned/to bond with
        jiéshí, [結識], to get to know sb/to meet sb for the first time
        qíngjié, [情結], complex (psychology)
        jíjié, [集結], to assemble/to concentrate/to mass/to build up/to marshal
        jiéjīng, [結晶], to crystallize/crystallization/crystal/crystalline/(fig.) the fruit (of labor et...
        jiéchéng, [結成], to form/to forge (alliances etc)
        jiécháng, [結腸], colon (large intestine)
        jiéjiāo, [結交], to make friends with
        lǐngjié, [領結], bow tie/loop of a necktie/lavaliere
        jiébīng, [結冰], to freeze
        jiēba, [結巴], to stutter
        jiézhàng, [結賬], to pay the bill/to settle accounts/also written 結帳|结帐
        jiézā, [結扎], ligation (medicine)
        guījié, [歸結], to sum up/to conclude/in a nutshell/the end (of a story)
        húdiéjié, [蝴蝶結], bow/bowknot
        fèijiéhé, [肺結核], tuberculosis/TB
        gōujié, [勾結], to collude with/to collaborate with/to gang up with
        jiésuàn, [結算], to settle a bill/to close an account
        dǎjié, [打結], to tie a knot/to tie
        níngjié, [凝結], to condense/to solidify/to coagulate/clot (of blood)
        zhēngjié, [癥結], hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese medicine)/crux of an issue/main point in an...
        liánjié, [聯結], to bind/to tie/to link
        bājie, [巴結], to fawn on/to curry favor with/to make up to
        guīgēnjiédǐ, [歸根結底], in the final analysis/ultimately
        hóujié, [喉結], Adam's apple/laryngeal prominence
        liánjié, [連結], variant of 聯結|联结[lián jié]
        jiéhūnzhèng, [結婚證], marriage certificate
        jiébàn, [結伴], to go with sb/to form companionships
        jiéshùyǔ, [結束語], concluding remarks
        shènjiéshí, [腎結石], kidney stone
        chéngqúnjiéduì, [成群結隊], making up a group, forming a troupe (idiom); in large numbers/as a large crowd
        línbājié, [淋巴結], lymphatic node/lymph gland
        jiējiēbāba, [結結巴巴], stammeringly
        jiéjié, [結節], nodule/tubercle
        jiéyè, [結業], to finish school, esp. a short course/to complete a course
        dìjié, [締結], to conclude (an agreement)
        jiéhé, [結核], tuberculosis/consumption/nodule
        chēngmùjiéshé, [瞠目結舌], stupefied/flabbergasted
        jiéjiā, [結痂], scab/to form a scab
        jiéyuán, [結緣], to form ties/to become attached (to sb, sth)
        huójié, [活結], a slip-knot/a noose
        jiébā, [結疤], to form a scar/to form a scab
        jiéyǔ, [結語], concluding remarks
        jiégòuxìng, [結構性], structural/structured
        jiéchángyán, [結腸炎], colitis (medicine)
        jiémóyán, [結膜炎], conjunctivitis
        dǎnjiéshí, [膽結石], gallstone
        jiéyuàn, [結怨], to arouse dislike/to incur hatred
        jiébài, [結拜], to become sworn brothers or sisters/sworn (brothers)
        jiéshè, [結社], to form an association
        jiéjīngtǐ, [結晶體], a crystal
        jiéchóu, [結仇], to start a feud/to become enemies
        sǐjié, [死結], tight knot/intractable problem
        jiéhuǒ, [結伙], to form a gang
        yǐzhuàngjiécháng, [乙狀結腸], sigmoid colon (anatomy)/bent colon, linking the descending colon to the rectum
        jiéshí, [結石], calculus/stone
        jiéhébìng, [結核病], tuberculosis
        chóuchángbǎijié, [愁腸百結], hundred knots of worry in one's intestines (idiom); weighed down with anxiety
        láoyìjiéhé, [勞逸結合], to strike a balance between work and rest (idiom)
        jiémó, [結膜], conjunctiva (membrane surrounding the eyeball)
        jiéduì, [結隊], to troop (of soldiers etc)/convoy
        bǎnjié, [板結], soil crusting
        jiéyú, [結餘], balance/cash surplus
        jiēzǐ/jiézi, [結子], to bear seeds (of plant), knot (on a rope or string)
        jiédǎngyíngsī, [結黨營私], to gang up for personal interest (idiom)/to form a clique
        jùjié, [具結], to bind over (as surety)/to sign an undertaking
        shēngjiécháng, [升結腸], ascending colon (anatomy)/first section of large intestine
        xiǎojié, [小結], summary/short/brief/wrap-up
        jiēchū, [結出], to bear (fruit)
        zhāngdēngjiécǎi, [張燈結彩], to be decorated with lanterns and colored banners (idiom)
        jiéjīngxué, [結晶學], crystallography
        yùjié, [鬱結], to suffer from pent-up frustrations/mental knot/emotional issue
        jiécún, [結存], balance/cash in hand
        jiédìzǔzhī, [結締組織], connective tissue

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