鞋 ⇒
鞋 xié, [鞵], shoe/CL:雙|双[shuāng],隻|只[zhī], variant of 鞋[xié]
鞋子 xiézi, shoe
高跟鞋 gāogēnxié, high-heeled shoes
鞋带 xiédài, [鞋帶], shoelace/CL:根[gēn],雙|双[shuāng]
拖鞋 tuōxié, slippers/sandals/flip-flops/CL:雙|双[shuāng],隻|只[zhī]
运动鞋 yùndòngxié, [運動鞋], sports shoes/sneakers
球鞋 qiúxié, athletic shoes
鞋底 xiédǐ, sole (of a shoe)
皮鞋 píxié, leather shoes
鞋跟 xiégēn, heel (of a shoe)
鞋匠 xiéjiang, shoemaker/cobbler
凉鞋 liángxié, [涼鞋], sandal
溜冰鞋 liūbīngxié, skating shoes/ice skates/roller skates/roller blades
冰鞋 bīngxié, skating boots/skates
鞋垫 xiédiàn, [鞋墊], insole/shoe insert
破鞋 pòxié, broken shoes/worn-out footwear/loose woman/slut
跑鞋 pǎoxié, running shoes
平底鞋 鞋油 xiéyóu, shoe polish
小鞋 胶鞋 鞋业 旱冰鞋 滑冰鞋 便鞋 biànxié, cloth shoes/slippers
草鞋 cǎoxié, straw sandals
旅游鞋 套鞋 tàoxié, overshoes/galoshes
鞋帽 布鞋 bùxié, cloth shoes/CL:雙|双[shuāng],隻|只[zhī]
绣花鞋 xiùhuāxié, [繡花鞋], embroidered shoes
穿小鞋 chuānxiǎoxié, lit. to make sb wear tight shoes (idiom)/to make life difficult for sb
雨鞋 鞋楦 xiéxuàn, shoe tree
鞋粉 鞋袜 xiéwà, [鞋襪], shoes and socks
鞋舌 钉鞋 鞋拔子 xiébázi, shoehorn
修鞋店 鞋帮 xiébāng, [鞋幫], uppers of a shoe
鞋样 登山鞋
底 ⇒
到底 dàodǐ, finally/in the end/when all is said and done/after all/to the end/to the last
底 de/dǐ, (equivalent to 的 as possessive particle), background/bottom/base/end (of the mon...
彻底 chèdǐ, [徹底], thorough/thoroughly/complete
底下 dǐxia, the location below sth/afterwards
卧底 wòdǐ, [臥底], to hide (as an undercover agent)/an insider (in a gang of thieves)/a mole
底线 dǐxiàn, [底線], to underline/bottom line/base line (in sports)/baseline/minimum/spy/plant
海底 hǎidǐ, seabed/seafloor/bottom of the ocean
底特律 Dǐtèlǜ, Detroit, Michigan
垫底 心底 xīndǐ, bottom of one's heart
底部 dǐbù, bottom
歇斯底里 xiēsīdǐlǐ, hysteria (loanword)/hysterical
说到底 shuōdàodǐ, [說到底], in the final analysis/in the end
底层 dǐcéng, [底層], ground or first floor/bottom (of a pile)/lowest rung (of society)
底片 dǐpiàn, negative/photographic plate
鞋底 xiédǐ, sole (of a shoe)
底细 dǐxì, [底細], inside information/the ins and outs of the matter/how things stand/what's up
月底 yuèdǐ, end of the month
脚底 jiǎodǐ, [腳底], soles of the feet
谷底 gǔdǐ, valley floor/(fig.) lowest ebb/all-time low
谜底 mídǐ, [謎底], answer to a riddle
苏格拉底 Sūgélādǐ, [蘇格拉底], Socrates (469-399 BC), Greek philosopher/José Sócrates (1957-), prime minister o...
底盘 dǐpán, [底盤], chassis
诺曼底 Nuòmàndǐ, [諾曼底], Normandy, France
水底 shuǐdǐ, underwater
底牌 dǐpái, cards in one's hand/(fig.) undisclosed strength or information/hidden trump
年底 niándǐ, the end of the year/year-end
最底层 天底下 tiāndǐxia, in this world/under the sun
归根结底 guīgēnjiédǐ, [歸根結底], in the final analysis/ultimately
浮莱底 刨根问底 páogēnwèndǐ, [刨根問底], to dig up roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth
底座 dǐzuò, base/pedestal/foundation
老底 归根到底 guīgēndàodǐ, [歸根到底], after all/in the final analysis/ultimately
湖底 底价 平底锅 píngdǐguō, [平底鍋], frying pan
手底下 底子 dǐzi, base/foundation/bottom
平底鞋 船底 井底 无底洞 wúdǐdòng, [無底洞], bottomless pit
底气 dǐqì, [底氣], lung capacity/lung power/stamina/confidence
班底 bāndǐ, ordinary members of theatrical troupe
功底 gōngdǐ, training in the basic skills/knowledge of the fundamentals
封底 fēngdǐ, the back cover of a book
箱底 井底之蛙 jǐngdǐzhīwā, the frog at the bottom of the well (idiom)/fig. a person of limited outlook and ...
底限 dǐxiàn, lowest limit/bottom line
车底 知根知底 露底 lòudǐ, to let out a secret
平底 píngdǐ, flat bottomed/low heeled
巴士底狱 保底 bǎodǐ, to break even/to guarantee a minimum (salary etc)
家底 jiādǐ, family property/patrimony
底色 底薪 dǐxīn, basic salary/base pay/salary floor
幼发拉底河 YòufālādǐHé, [幼發拉底河], Euphrates River
沉底 底火 底边 dǐbiān, [底邊], base (of a triangle)/base line/hem line (of skirt)
希波克拉底 Xībōkèlādǐ, Hippocrates (c. 460 BC - c. 370 BC), Greek physician, father of Western medicine
眼底 yǎndǐ, fundus of the eye (containing the choroid, retina, optic nerve etc)/inside the e...
留底 liúdǐ, to keep a copy/copy kept for archiving/to put aside a portion (of a money sum)
脚底板 伊底 底稿 底板 尽收眼底 jìnshōuyǎndǐ, [盡收眼底], to take in the whole scene at once/to have a panoramic view
底蕴 dǐyùn, [底蘊], inside information/concrete details
底谷 尼哥底 寻根究底 根底 gēndǐ, foundation/grounding/background/what lies at the bottom of sth/root/cause
底数 dǐshù, [底數], radix/base (math.)
葛底 泄底 xièdǐ, [洩底], to divulge the inside story
本月底 底角 锅底 今年底 摸底 mōdǐ, to have a clear view (of a situation)/to fish for information/fact-finding
迪克底 知底 眼底下 yǎndǐxia, in front of one's eyes/in full view as a panorama/right now
揭底 jiēdǐ, to reveal the inside story/to expose sb's secrets
底泥 基底 jīdǐ, plinth/base/substrate
底账 赫布里底群岛 去年底 qùniándǐ, late last year/the end of last year
追根问底 zhuīgēnwèndǐ, [追根問底], lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of s...