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[惡浪] èlàng violent wave
fierce billow
fig. depraved force

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Word Compounds

        ěxīn/èxīn, [噁心]/[惡心], variant of 惡心|恶心[ě xīn], nausea/to feel sick/disgust/nauseating/to embarrass (de...
        èmó, [惡魔], demon/fiend
        xiéè, [邪惡], sinister/vicious/wicked/evil
        ě/è/wù, [惡], see 惡心|恶心[ě xīn], evil/fierce/vicious/ugly/coarse/to harm, to hate/to loathe/ash...
        kěwù, [可惡], repulsive/vile/hateful/abominable
        zuìè, [罪惡], crime/evil/sin
        èmèng, [惡夢], nightmare
        èzuòjù, [惡作劇], practical joke/prank/to play a practical joke
        yànwù, [厭惡], to loathe/to hate/disgusted with sth
        èyì, [惡意], malice/evil intention
        èhuà, [惡化], to worsen
        ègùn, [惡棍], scoundrel/rogue/bully/villain
        èliè, [惡劣], vile/nasty/of very poor quality
        èdú, [惡毒], malicious
        èrén, [惡人], evil person/vile creature/ugly man
        zēngè/zēngwù, [憎惡], to hate evil/see also 憎惡|憎恶[zēng wù], to loathe/to hate/to abhor/see also 憎惡|憎恶[...
        chǒuè, [醜惡], ugly/repulsive
        èchòu, [惡臭], stink
        ègǎn, [惡感], malice/ill will
        èxìng, [惡性], malignant/wicked/vicious (circle)/producing evil/rapid (decline)/runaway (inflat...
        èguǐ, [惡鬼], evil spirit/devil
        xiōngè, [兇惡]/[凶惡], fierce/ferocious/fiendish/frightening, variant of 兇惡|凶恶, fierce/ferocious/fiendi...
        xiǎnè, [險惡], dangerous/sinister/vicious
        èxí, [惡習], bad habit/vice
        shànè, [善惡], good and evil/good versus evil
        zuòè, [作惡], to do evil
        èmíng, [惡名], bad name/evil reputation
        èbào, [惡報], retribution
        wànè, [萬惡], everything that is evil
        èbà, [惡霸], evil tyrant
        èxíng, [惡行], evil or wicked conduct
        èguǒ, [惡果], evil consequence/retribution (in Buddhism)
        hàowù, [好惡], lit. likes and dislikes/preferences/taste
        zuìdàèjí, [罪大惡極], guilty of terrible crimes (idiom)/reprehensible
        wúèbùzuò, [無惡不作], not to shrink from any crime (idiom); to commit any imaginable misdeed
        èxìngzhǒngliú, [惡性腫瘤], malignant tumor
        èxìngxúnhuán, [惡性循環], vicious circle
        èyán, [惡言], evil tongue/malicious talk
        èzhàn, [惡戰], hard fighting/fierce battle
        èyǔ, [惡語], evil words/malicious talk
        èhěnhěn, [惡狠狠], very fierce
        xiōngshénèshà, [兇神惡煞], fiends (idiom); devils and monsters
        shēnwùtòngjué, [深惡痛絕], to detest bitterly (idiom)/implacable hatred/to abhor/anathema
        èguànmǎnyíng, [惡貫滿盈], lit. strung through and filled with evil (idiom); filled with extreme evil/reple...
        èyùn, [惡運], variant of 厄運|厄运[è yùn]
        èdòu, [惡鬥], hard fighting/fierce battle
        èjí, [惡疾], unpleasant ailment/foul disease
        xiánwù, [嫌惡], to loathe/to abhor/hatred/revulsion
        zuìètāotiān, [罪惡滔天], evil crimes fill heaven (idiom)
        hàoyìwùláo, [好逸惡勞], to love ease and comfort and hate work (idiom)
        jíwùrúchóu, [疾惡如仇], to hate evil as one hates an enemy (idiom)
        qióngshānèshuǐ, [窮山惡水], lit. barren hills and wild rivers (idiom)/fig. inhospitable natural environment

        làngfèi, [浪費], to waste/to squander
        làngmàn, romantic
        chōnglàng, [衝浪], to surf/surfing
        làng, wave/breaker/unrestrained/dissipated/to stroll/to ramble
        liúlànghàn, [流浪漢], tramp/wanderer
        liúlàng, to drift about/to wander/to roam/nomadic/homeless/unsettled (e.g. population)/va...
        hǎilàng, sea wave
        liúlàngzhě, rover/vagabond/vagrant/wanderer
        làngzǐ, loafer/wastrel/prodigal son
        làngcháo, wave/tides
        bōlàng, wave
        rèlàng, [熱浪], heat wave
        làngdàng, [浪蕩], to loiter/to hang around/dissolute/licentious
        fēnglàng, [風浪], wind and waves/stormy sea
        làngtou, [浪頭], wave
        làngmànzhǔyì, [浪漫主義], romanticism
        fēngpínglàngjìng, [風平浪靜], lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment/all is quiet...
        lànghuā, spray/ocean spray/spindrift/fig. happenings from one's life/CL:朵[duǒ]
        làngrén, vagrant/unemployed person/rōnin (wandering masterless samurai)
        xīngfēngzuòlàng, [興風作浪], to incite trouble/to stir up havoc
        fànglàng, unrestrained/dissolute/dissipated/unconventional/immoral/to debauch/to dissipate
        chéngfēngpòlàng, [乘風破浪], to brave the wind and the billows (idiom); to have high ambitions
        fēngkǒulàngjiān, [風口浪尖], where the wind and the waves are the fiercest/at the heart of the struggle
        bōlànggǔ, [撥浪鼓], a drum-shaped rattle (used by peddlers or as a toy)/rattle-drum
        fànglàngxínghái, to abandon all restraint (idiom)
        Jīlàng, Mountain Dew
        làngtāo, [浪濤], ocean wave/billows
        làngjìtiānyá, [浪跡天涯], to roam far and wide (idiom)/to travel the world
        jīngtāohàilàng, [驚濤駭浪], perilous situation
        pūzhānglàngfèi, [鋪張浪費], extravagance and waste (idiom)
        shēnglàng, [聲浪], clamor
        Xīnlàng, Sina, Chinese web portal and online media company

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