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[驚濤駭浪] jīngtāohàilàng perilous situation

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Word Compounds

        jīngxǐ, [驚喜], nice surprise/to be pleasantly surprised
        jīngyà, [驚訝], amazed/astonished/to surprise/amazing/astonishment/awe
        chījīng, [吃驚], to be startled/to be shocked/to be amazed
        zhènjīng, [震驚], to shock/to astonish
        jīng, [驚], to startle/to be frightened/to be scared/alarm
        jīngrén, [驚人], astonishing
        jīngqí, [驚奇], to be amazed/to be surprised/to wonder
        dàchīyījīng, [大吃一驚], to have a surprise (idiom); shocked or startled/gobsmacked
        jīnghuāng, [驚慌], to panic/to be alarmed
        jīngxià, [驚嚇], to frighten/to horrify/to terrify
        dàjīngxiǎoguài, [大驚小怪], to make a fuss about nothing (idiom)
        jīngtàn, [驚嘆], to exclaim in admiration/a gasp of surprise
        shòuchǒngruòjīng, [受寵若驚], overwhelmed by favor from superior (humble expr.)
        jīngkǒng, [驚恐], to be alarmed/to be frightened
        jīnghuāngshīcuò, [驚慌失措], to lose one's head out of fear (idiom)
        shòujīng, [受驚], startled
        jīngxiǎn, [驚險], thrilling/a thriller
        jīngxǐng, [驚醒], to rouse/to be woken by sth/to wake with a start/to sleep lightly
        jīngyì, [驚異], amazed
        jīngdòng, [驚動], to alarm/to startle/to disturb
        dānjīngshòupà, [擔驚受怕], to feel apprehensive/to be alarmed
        dǎcǎojīngshé, [打草驚蛇], lit. beat the grass to scare the snake (idiom)/fig. to inadvertently alert an en...
        jīngjiào, [驚叫], to cry out in fear
        dǎnzhànxīnjīng, [膽戰心驚], to tremble with fear (idiom)/scared witless
        jīngtiāndòngdì, [驚天動地], world-shaking (idiom)
        xūjīng, [虛驚], false alarm/panic rumor/CL:場|场[cháng]
        yīmíngjīngrén, [一鳴驚人], to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat (idiom); an overnight celebrity
        jīnghuáng, [驚惶], panic-stricken
        jīnghún, [驚魂], in a panicked state/frightened
        jīngxīndòngpò, [驚心動魄], shaking one to the core/extremely disturbing/hair-raising (idiom)
        jīngshìhàisú, [驚世駭俗], universally shocking/to offend the whole of society
        jīngrǎo, [驚擾], to alarm/to agitate
        xīnjīngdǎnzhàn, [心驚膽戰], lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear (idiom); prostrate with fear/scared witles...
        xīnjīngròutiào, [心驚肉跳], lit. heart alarmed, body leaping (idiom); fear and trepidation in the face of di...
        jīngchà, [驚詫], to be surprised/to be amazed/to be stunned
        chùmùjīngxīn, [觸目驚心], lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); shocking/horrible to see/a gh...
        jīnghū, [驚呼], to cry out in alarm or surprise
        jīnghài, [驚駭], to be shocked/to be appalled/to be terrified
        jīngrénzhījǔ, [驚人之舉], to astonish people (with a miraculous feat)
        yǒujīngwúxiǎn, [有驚無險], to be more scared than hurt (idiom)/to get through a daunting experience without...
        jīngè, [驚愕], to stun/to shock and amaze/stupefied/astonishment
        jīnggōngzhīniǎo, [驚弓之鳥], lit. a bird startled by the mere twang of a bow (idiom)/fig. sb who frightens ea...
        chǔbiànbùjīng, [處變不驚], to remain calm in the face of events (idiom)
        jīngtāohàilàng, [驚濤駭浪], perilous situation
        xīnjīng, [心驚], fearful/apprehensive
        jīngtànhào, [驚嘆號], exclamation mark ! (punct.)
        jīngléi, [驚雷], sudden clap of thunder/fig. surprising turn of events
        jīngjù, [驚懼], to be alarmed/to be terrified
        jīngjué, [驚厥], to faint from fear/(medicine) convulsions
        xīnjīngdǎnchàn, [心驚膽顫], see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战[xīn jīng dǎn zhàn]
        jīngxiàn, [驚羨], to marvel at
        jīngkǒngwànzhuàng, [驚恐萬狀], convulsed with fear (idiom)
        dàjīngshīsè, [大驚失色], to turn pale with fright (idiom)
        shípòtiānjīng, [石破天驚], earth-shattering/breakthrough/remarkable and original work
        jīngxī, [驚悉], to be shocked to learn
        jīngtāo, [驚濤], raging waves/stormy waves
        jīngjì, [驚悸], shaking in fear/one's heart palpitating with fear

        tāo, [濤], big wave/Taiwan pr. [táo]
        bōtāo, [波濤], great waves/billows
        làngtāo, [浪濤], ocean wave/billows
        jīngtāohàilàng, [驚濤駭浪], perilous situation
        jīngtāo, [驚濤], raging waves/stormy waves

        hài, [駭], to astonish/to startle/to hack (computing, loanword)
        hàiréntīngwén, [駭人聽聞], shocking/horrifying/atrocious/terrible
        jīngshìhàisú, [驚世駭俗], universally shocking/to offend the whole of society
        jīnghài, [驚駭], to be shocked/to be appalled/to be terrified
        jīngtāohàilàng, [驚濤駭浪], perilous situation

        làngfèi, [浪費], to waste/to squander
        làngmàn, romantic
        chōnglàng, [衝浪], to surf/surfing
        làng, wave/breaker/unrestrained/dissipated/to stroll/to ramble
        liúlànghàn, [流浪漢], tramp/wanderer
        liúlàng, to drift about/to wander/to roam/nomadic/homeless/unsettled (e.g. population)/va...
        hǎilàng, sea wave
        liúlàngzhě, rover/vagabond/vagrant/wanderer
        làngzǐ, loafer/wastrel/prodigal son
        làngcháo, wave/tides
        bōlàng, wave
        rèlàng, [熱浪], heat wave
        làngdàng, [浪蕩], to loiter/to hang around/dissolute/licentious
        fēnglàng, [風浪], wind and waves/stormy sea
        làngtou, [浪頭], wave
        làngmànzhǔyì, [浪漫主義], romanticism
        fēngpínglàngjìng, [風平浪靜], lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment/all is quiet...
        lànghuā, spray/ocean spray/spindrift/fig. happenings from one's life/CL:朵[duǒ]
        làngrén, vagrant/unemployed person/rōnin (wandering masterless samurai)
        xīngfēngzuòlàng, [興風作浪], to incite trouble/to stir up havoc
        fànglàng, unrestrained/dissolute/dissipated/unconventional/immoral/to debauch/to dissipate
        chéngfēngpòlàng, [乘風破浪], to brave the wind and the billows (idiom); to have high ambitions
        fēngkǒulàngjiān, [風口浪尖], where the wind and the waves are the fiercest/at the heart of the struggle
        bōlànggǔ, [撥浪鼓], a drum-shaped rattle (used by peddlers or as a toy)/rattle-drum
        fànglàngxínghái, to abandon all restraint (idiom)
        Jīlàng, Mountain Dew
        làngtāo, [浪濤], ocean wave/billows
        làngjìtiānyá, [浪跡天涯], to roam far and wide (idiom)/to travel the world
        jīngtāohàilàng, [驚濤駭浪], perilous situation
        pūzhānglàngfèi, [鋪張浪費], extravagance and waste (idiom)
        shēnglàng, [聲浪], clamor
        Xīnlàng, Sina, Chinese web portal and online media company

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