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[處女] chǔnǚ virgin

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        chǔlǐ, [處理], to handle/to treat/to deal with/to process/to deal with a criminal case/to mete ...
        chǔ/chù, [處], to reside/to live/to dwell/to be in/to be situated at/to stay/to get along with/...
        dàochù, [到處], everywhere
        hǎochu, [好處], benefit/advantage/gain/profit/also pr. [hǎo chù]/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiāngchǔ, [相處], to be in contact (with sb)/to associate/to interact/to get along (well, poorly)
        chǔyú, [處於], to be in (some state, position, or condition)
        sìchù, [四處], all over the place/everywhere and all directions
        chǔjìng, [處境], situation (of a person)
        shēnchù, [深處], abyss/depths/deepest or most distant part
        zhùchù, [住處], residence/dwelling/dwelling place
        chǔnǚ, [處女], virgin/maiden/inaugural
        chǔzài, [處在], to be situated at/to find oneself at
        biéchù, [別處], elsewhere
        dúchǔ, [獨處], to live alone/to spend time alone (or with a significant other)
        chǔzhì, [處置], to handle/to take care of/to punish
        héchù, [何處], whence/where
        chǔfāng, [處方], medical prescription/recipe/formula
        chǔjué, [處決], to execute (a condemned criminal)
        yīwúshìchù, [一無是處], not one good point/everything about it is wrong
        chǔsǐ, [處死], an execution/to put sb to death
        yòngchu, [用處], usefulness/CL:個|个[gè]
        wúchùbùzài, [無處不在], to be everywhere
        wúchù, [無處], nowhere
        chǔfá, [處罰], to penalize/to punish
        huàichu, [壞處], harm/troubles/CL:個|个[gè]
        cǐchù, [此處], this place/here (literary)
        yuǎnchù, [遠處], distant place
        shēnchǔ, [身處], in (some place)/to be in (adversity, a difficult situation, danger, turmoil etc)...
        chùchù, [處處], everywhere/in all respects
        gòngchǔ, [共處], to coexist/to get along (with others)
        chǔshì, [處事], to handle affairs/to deal with
        pànchǔ, [判處], to sentence/to condemn
        gāochù, [高處], high place/elevation
        qiàdàohǎochù, [恰到好處], it's just perfect/it's just right
        bànshìchù, [辦事處], office/agency
        qùchù, [去處], place/destination
        chǔlǐqì, [處理器], processor
        chángchù, [長處], good aspects/strong points
        yìchu, [益處], benefit
        ànchù, [暗處], secret place
        nánchu, [難處], trouble/difficulty/problem
        tòngchù, [痛處], sore spot/place that hurts
        lǎochǔnǚ, [老處女], unmarried old woman/spinster
        chǔfèn, [處分], to discipline sb/to punish/disciplinary action/to deal with (a matter)/CL:個|个[gè...
        hàichu, [害處], damage/harm/CL:個|个[gè]
        hépínggòngchǔ, [和平共處], peaceful coexistence of nations, societies etc
        chūchù, [出處], source (esp. of quotation or literary allusion)/origin/where sth comes from
        hémùxiāngchǔ, [和睦相處], to live in harmony/to get along with each other
        shèshēnchǔdì, [設身處地], to put oneself in sb else's shoes
        suíchù, [隨處], everywhere/anywhere
        shòupiàochù, [售票處], ticket office
        gèchù, [各處], every place
        chǔnǚmó, [處女膜], hymen
        suǒdàozhīchù, [所到之處], wherever one goes
        chùzhǎng, [處長], department head/section chief
        pòchǔ, [破處], to break the hymen/to lose virginity
        yuánchù, [原處], original spot/previous place/where it was before
        dìchǔ, [地處], to be located at/to be situated in
        chǔshì, [處世], to conduct oneself in society
        wēichǔlǐqì, [微處理器], microprocessor
        chǔxīnjīlǜ, [處心積慮], to plot actively (idiom)/scheming/calculating
        chǔxíng, [處刑], to sentence/to condemn
        miàochù, [妙處], ideal place/suitable location/merit/advantage
        chùsuǒ, [處所], place
        duǎnchù, [短處], shortcoming/defect/fault/one's weak points
        cháchǔ, [查處], to investigate and handle (a criminal case)
        chǔnǚzuò, [處女作], first publication/maiden work
        tàiránchǔzhī, [泰然處之], to handle the situation calmly (idiom)/unruffled/to treat the situation lightly
        yǎngzūnchǔyōu, [養尊處優], to live like a prince (idiom)
        chéngchǔ, [懲處], to punish/to administer justice
        mǎnchù, [滿處], everywhere/all over the place
        jìnchù, [近處], nearby
        chǔbiànbùjīng, [處變不驚], to remain calm in the face of events (idiom)
        juéchǔféngshēng, [絕處逢生], to come back from death's door (idiom); unexpected rescue from danger/fig. to re...
        chǔzhītàirán, [處之泰然], see 泰然處之|泰然处之[tài rán chǔ zhī]
        míngchù, [明處], clear place/out in the open
        rénshìchù, [人事處], human resources department
        chǔzhì, [處治], to punish/to handle/to deal with (literary)
        rèchǔlǐ, [熱處理], hot treatment (e.g. of metal)
        huànchù, [患處], afflicted part
        huìhéchù, [會合處], joint
        jìcúnchù, [寄存處], warehouse/temporary store/left-luggage office/cloak-room

        nǚrén/nǚren, woman, wife
        nǚhái, girl/lass
        nǚshì, lady/madam/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]/Miss/Ms
        nǚér, [女兒], daughter
        nǚ/rǔ, female/woman/daughter, archaic variant of 汝[rǔ]
        nǚpéngyou, girlfriend
        nǚxìng, woman/the female sex
        nǚshēng, schoolgirl/female student/girl
        měinǚ, beautiful woman
        nǚháizi, girl
        jìnǚ, prostitute/hooker
        nǚwáng, queen
        nǚyǒu, girlfriend
        nǚláng, young woman/maiden/girl/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        nǚzǐ, woman/female
        fùnǚ, [婦女], woman
        xiūnǚ, nun or sister (of the Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox churches)
        nǚshén, goddess/nymph
        shàonǚ, girl/young lady
        nǚwū, witch
        chǔnǚ, [處女], virgin/maiden/inaugural
        nánnǚ, male-female/male and female
        zhínǚ, [姪女], niece/brother's daughter
        nǚpú, [女僕], female servant/drudge
        xiānnǚ, fairy
        nǚyōng, [女傭], (female) maid
        sūnnǚ, [孫女], son's daughter/granddaughter
        shūnǚ, wise and virtuous woman/lady
        nǚhuáng, empress
        nǚbàn, female companion
        nǚzhǔrén, hostess/mistress
        mǔnǚ, mother-daughter
        zǐnǚ, children/sons and daughters
        nǚzhuāng, [女裝], women's clothes
婿         nǚxu, daughter's husband/son-in-law
        nǚquán, [女權], women's rights
        fùnǚ, father and daughter
        érnǚ, [兒女], children/sons and daughters
        nǚgōng, working woman/variant of 女紅|女红[nǚ gōng]
        gōngnǚ, [宮女], palace maid/CL:個|个[gè],名[míng],位[wèi]
        nǚqiángrén, [女強人], successful career woman/able woman
        wàisūnnǚ, [外孫女], daughter's daughter/granddaughter
        nǚxīng, female star/famous actress
        xiǎonǚ, my daughter (humble)
        nǚjǐng, policewoman
        lǎochǔnǚ, [老處女], unmarried old woman/spinster
        nǚfāng, the bride's side (of a wedding)/of the bride's party
        shìnǚ, maid
        dúshēngnǚ, [獨生女], an only daughter
        shēngéryùnǚ, [生兒育女], to bear and raise children
        nǚtóng, small girl
        nǚzhēn, [女貞], privet (genus Ligustrum)
        nǚxìnghuà, to feminize/feminization
        nǚgāoyīn, soprano
        chǔnǚmó, [處女膜], hymen
        wàishengnǚ, sister's daughter/wife's sibling's daughter
        guīnǚ, [閨女], maiden/unmarried woman/daughter
        nánnǚlǎoshào, men, women, young and old/all kinds of people/people of all ages
        yǎngnǚ, [養女], adopted daughter
        nǚcè, [女廁], ladies washroom/ladies toilet
        nǚyīng, [女嬰], female baby
        zhǎngnǚ, [長女], eldest daughter
        nǚsè, female charms/femininity
        nánnǚpíngděng, equality of the sexes
        nǚfàn, female offender in imperial China (old)
        Nǚwá/nǚwá, mythological daughter of Fiery Emperor 炎帝[Yán dì] who turned into bird Jingwei 精...
        cáinǚ, talented girl
        chǔnǚzuò, [處女作], first publication/maiden work
        yòunǚ, young girl
        gēnǚ, female singer (archaic)
        nǚrénjia, women (in general)
        bìnǚ, slave girl/servant girl
        nǚliú, (derog.) woman
        nánnǚlǎoyòu, men, women, young and old/everybody
        shēngnǚ, niece (sister's daughter)
        jīntóngyùnǚ, lit. golden boys and jade maidens (idiom)/attendants of the Daoist immortals/fig...
        yùnǚ, beautiful woman/fairy maiden attending the Daoist immortals/(polite) sb else's d...
        Shìnǚ, unmarried lady/virgin/Virgo (star sign)
        shàonánshàonǚ, boys and girls/teenagers
        nǚjiàng, [女將], female general/(fig.) woman who is a leading figure in her area of expertise
        shìnǚ, court lady/palace maid/traditional painting of beautiful women
        dúshēngzǐnǚ, [獨生子女], an only child
        yìnǚ, [義女], adopted daughter
        Shénnǚ/shénnǚ, The Goddess, 1934 silent film about a Shanghai prostitute, directed by 吳永剛|吴永刚[W...
        nǚjié, [女傑], woman of distinction/a woman to be admired or respected
绿         hóngnánlǜnǚ, [紅男綠女], young people decked out in gorgeous clothes (idiom)
        Zhīnǚxīng, [織女星], Vega, brightest star in constellation Lyra 天琴星座
        cìnǚ, second daughter
        shànnánxìnnǚ, lay practitioners of Buddhism
        gānnǚér, [乾女兒], adopted daughter (traditional adoption, i.e. without legal ramifications)
        nǚpái, women's volleyball/abbr. for 女子排球
        Nǚzhēn, Jurchen, a Tungus ethnic group, predecessor of the Manchu ethnic group who found...
        liènǚ, a woman who dies fighting for her honor or follows her husband in death
        mínnǚ, woman from an ordinary family
婿         zhínǚxu, [姪女婿], brother's daughter's husband/niece's husband
        zhísūnnǚ, [姪孫女], grand niece
        nǚjuàn, the females in a family/womenfolk
        nǚtóng, a lesbian (coll.)
        nǚjiā, bride's family (in marriage)
婿         sūnnǚxu, [孫女婿], son's daughter's husband/granddaughter's husband
        tóngnǚ, virgin female
        shínǚ, female suffering absence or atresia of vagina (as birth defect)
        nǚtǐchéng, [女體盛], nyotaimori or "body sushi", Japanese practice of serving sushi on the body of a ...
        Zhīnǚ, [織女], Vega (star)/Weaving girl of folk tales

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