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[導彈] dǎodàn guided missile
cruise missile

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Word Compounds

        dǎozhì, [導致], to lead to/to create/to cause/to bring about
        lǐngdǎo, [領導], lead/leading/to lead/leadership/leader/CL:位[wèi],個|个[gè]
        zhǐdǎo, [指導], to guide/to give directions/to direct/to coach/guidance/tuition/CL:個|个[gè]
        dǎodàn, [導彈], guided missile/cruise missile/missile/CL:枚[méi]
        yǐndǎo, [引導], to guide/to lead (around)/to conduct/to boot/introduction/primer
        bàodǎo, [報導], to report (in the media)/(news) report
        jiàodǎo, [教導], to instruct/to teach/guidance/teaching
        dǎoshī, [導師], tutor/teacher/academic advisor
        fǔdǎo, [輔導], to give guidance/to mentor/to counsel/to coach/to tutor
        dǎoháng, [導航], navigation
        dǎo, [導], to transmit/to lead/to guide/to conduct/to direct
        lǐngdǎozhě, [領導者], leader
        wùdǎo, [誤導], to mislead/to misguide/misleading
        lǐngdǎorén, [領導人], leader
        xiàngdǎo, [嚮導], guide
        zhǔdǎo, [主導], leading/dominant/prevailing/to lead/to direct/to dominate
        dǎoyóu, [導遊], tour guide/guidebook/to conduct a tour
        dǎoguǎn, [導管], duct/conduit/vessel/catheter
        fǔdǎoyuán, [輔導員], coach (teacher or trainer)
        yòudǎo, [誘導], to induce/to encourage/to provide guidance/(medicine, chemistry) induction
        dǎohuǒsuǒ, [導火索], fuse (for explosive)
        kāidǎo, [開導], to talk sb round/to straighten sth out/to enlighten
        chuándǎo, [傳導], to conduct (heat, electricity etc)
        chàngdǎo, [倡導], to advocate/to initiate/to propose/to be a proponent of (an idea or school of th...
        dǎoxiàng, [導向], to be oriented towards/orientation
线         dǎoxiàn, [導線], electrical lead
线         dǎohuǒxiàn, [導火線], fuse (for explosives)/(fig.) proximate cause/the last straw
        zhìdǎo, [制導], to control (the course of sth)/to guide (a missile)
        zhídǎo, [執導], to direct (a film, play etc)
        zhǐdǎoyuán, [指導員], instructor/coach/political instructor (in the PLA)
        biāndǎo, [編導], to write and direct (a play, film etc)/playwright-director/choreographer-directo...
        dǎorù, [導入], to introduce into/to channel/to lead/to guide into/to import (data)
        lǐngdǎocéng, [領導層], ruling class/leaders (of society)/oligarchy
        xúnhángdǎodàn, [巡航導彈], cruise missile
        quàndǎo, [勸導], to advise/to attempt to convince
        dàndàodǎodàn, [彈道導彈], ballistic missile
        dǎotǐ, [導體], conductor (of electricity or heat)
        fǔdǎobān, [輔導班], tutorial class/remedial class/preparatory course
        chàngdǎozhě, [倡導者], proponent/advocate/pioneer
        dǎodiàn, [導電], to conduct electricity
        dǎochū, [導出], to derive/derived/derivation/to entail/to induce/to export (data)
        bàndǎotǐ, [半導體], semiconductor
        lǐngdǎoquán, [領導權], leadership authority
        dūdǎo, [督導], to direct/to oversee
        shūdǎo, [疏導], to dredge/to open up a path for/to remove obstructions/to clear the way/to enlig...
        dǎodiànxìng, [導電性], conductivity (elec.)
        tuīdǎo, [推導], derivation/to deduce
        hédǎodàn, [核導彈], nuclear missile
        zhōujìdǎodàn, [洲際導彈], intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM
        dǎodú, [導讀], guide (e.g. book or other printed material)
        chāodǎotǐ, [超導體], superconductor
        xiāndǎo, [先導], guide/forerunner/pioneer
        qiándǎo, [前導], to precede/to guide
        dǎoyán, [導言], introduction/preamble
        dǎolùn, [導論], introduction
        chāodǎo, [超導], superconductor/superconductivity (physics)
        guāngdǎoxiānwéi, [光導纖維], optical fiber
        yīnshìlìdǎo, [因勢利導], to take advantage of the new situation (idiom)/to make the best of new opportuni...
        dǎoguǐ, [導軌], (mechanics) guide rail/slideway
        bōdǎo, [波導], waveguide (electronics)
        dǎoshù, [導數], derivative (math.)
        dǎobào, [導報], guide (used in newspaper names)

        zǐdàn, [子彈], bullet/CL:粒[lì],顆|颗[kē],發|发[fā]
        zhàdàn, [炸彈], bomb/CL:枚[méi],顆|颗[kē]
        dàn/tán, [彈], crossball/bullet/shot/shell/ball, to pluck (a string)/to play (a string instrume...
        dǎodàn, [導彈], guided missile/cruise missile/missile/CL:枚[méi]
        hédàn, [核彈], nuclear warhead
        zhòngdàn, [中彈], hit by a bullet/shot
        dànyào, [彈藥], ammunition
        dànké, [彈殼], ammunition case
        yuánzǐdàn, [原子彈], atom bomb/atomic bomb/A-bomb
        shǒuliúdàn, [手榴彈], hand grenade
        dàndào, [彈道], trajectory (of a projectile)/ballistic curve
        pàodàn, [炮彈], artillery shell/CL:枚[méi]
        tánqín, [彈琴], to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument
        dàntóu, [彈頭], warhead
        tánzòu, [彈奏], to play (musical instrument, esp. string)
        fēidàn, [飛彈], missile
        tánhuáng, [彈簧], spring
        tánxìng, [彈性], flexibility/elasticity
        fángdànyī, [防彈衣], bulletproof vest
        dànkǒng, [彈孔], bullet hole
        fángdàn, [防彈], bulletproof
        dànpiàn, [彈片], shrapnel/splinter from shell
        dòngtan, [動彈], to budge
        dànjiā, [彈夾], ammunition clip/cartridge clip/magazine (for ammunition)
        dìngshízhàdàn, [定時炸彈], time bomb
        dàngōng, [彈弓], catapult/slingshot
        tánhé, [彈劾], to accuse of misconduct (in official task)/to impeach
        tánqiú, [彈球], to play marbles
        fǎntán, [反彈], to bounce/to bounce back/to boomerang/to ricochet/rebound (of stock market etc)/...
        tántiào, [彈跳], to bounce/to jump/to leap
        shídàn, [實彈], live ammunition
        tánshè, [彈射], to catapult/to launch/to eject (from a plane)/to shoot
        tánlì, [彈力], elasticity/elastic force/spring/rebound/bounce
        tóudàn, [投彈], to throw an explosive charge/to bomb
        ránshāodàn, [燃燒彈], fire bomb/incendiary device
        hédàntóu, [核彈頭], nuclear reentry vehicle/nuclear warhead
        liúdàn, [榴彈], high explosive shell/grenade
        qiāngdàn, [槍彈], bullet
        cuīlèidàn, [催淚彈], tear bomb/tear-gas grenade
        dànxiá, [彈匣], magazine (for ammunition)
        liúdàn, [流彈], stray bullet
        dànzi/tánzi, [彈子], slingshot pellet/playing marbles/billiards/CL:粒[lì],顆|颗[kē], towrope
        zhàomíngdàn, [照明彈], flare/star shell
        shāoyídàn, [燒夷彈], fire bomb/incendiary device
        tánhuí, [彈回], to rebound
        huǒjiàndàn, [火箭彈], rocket (artillery)
        dànhén, [彈痕], bullet hole/shell hole
        xúnhángdǎodàn, [巡航導彈], cruise missile
        hèqiāngshídàn, [荷槍實彈], (idiom) armed/carrying a loaded firearm
        dàndàodǎodàn, [彈道導彈], ballistic missile
        dànyàokù, [彈藥庫], ammunition dump
        dànkēng, [彈坑], bomb crater
        qīngdàn, [氫彈], H-bomb/hydrogen bomb
        lǎodiàochóngtán, [老調重彈], to play the same old tune (idiom); unoriginal
        dànjìnliángjué, [彈盡糧絕], out of ammunition and no food left (idiom); in desperate straits
        dànwán, [彈丸], pellet
        dúqìdàn, [毒氣彈], poison gas shell/poison gas grenade
        yānmùdàn, [煙幕彈], smoke bomb
        liúxiàndàn, [榴霰彈], shrapnel shell/shrapnel/also pr. [liú sǎn dàn]
        liúdànpào, [榴彈炮], howitzer
        dámǔdàn, [達姆彈], dumdum bullet (loanword)/expanding bullet
        hédǎodàn, [核導彈], nuclear missile
        tánhuángsuǒ, [彈簧鎖], spring lock
        zhōujìdǎodàn, [洲際導彈], intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM
        luàntánqín, [亂彈琴], to talk nonsense/to behave like a fool
        zhōngzǐdàn, [中子彈], neutron bomb
        tánhuángmén, [彈簧門], swing door
        tángyīpàodàn, [糖衣炮彈], sugar-coated bullets, term used by Mao (originally in 1949) to refer to corrupti...
        yèguāngdàn, [曳光彈], tracer ammunition/tracer
        zàidànliàng, [載彈量], payload
        tánguānxiāngqìng, [彈冠相慶], lit. to flick dust off sb's cap (idiom); to celebrate an official appointment/to...
        tánbōyuèqì, [彈撥樂器], plucked string instrument/CL:件[jiàn]

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