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[張藝謀] ZhāngYìmóu Zhang Yimou (1950-), PRC film director

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Word Compounds

        Zhāng/zhāng, [張], surname Zhang, to open up/to spread/sheet of paper/classifier for flat objects, ...
        jǐnzhāng, [緊張], nervous/keyed up/intense/tense/strained/in short supply/scarce/CL:陣|阵[zhèn]
        kuāzhāng, [誇張], to exaggerate/overstated/exaggerated/hyperbole/(coll.) excessive/ridiculous/outr...
        zhāngkāi, [張開], to open up/to spread/to extend
        kāizhāng, [開張], to open a business/first transaction of a business day
        zhǔzhāng, [主張], to advocate/to stand for/view/position/stand/proposition/viewpoint/assertion/CL:...
        shēnzhāng, [伸張], to uphold (e.g. justice or virtue)/to promote
        xūzhāngshēngshì, [虛張聲勢], (false) bravado/to bluff
        kuòzhāng, [擴張], expansion/dilation/to expand (e.g. one's power or influence)/to broaden
        huāngzhāng, [慌張], confused/flustered
        ZhāngYáng/zhāngyáng, [張揚], Zhang Yang (1967-), PRC film director and screenwriter, to display ostentatiousl...
        zhǐzhāng, [紙張], paper
        zìzuòzhǔzhāng, [自作主張], to think for oneself and act accordingly (idiom); to act on one's own initiative
        xiāozhāng, [囂張], rampant/unbridled/arrogant/aggressive
        shēngzhāng, [聲張], to make public/to disclose
        zhānglì, [張力], tension
        zhāngtiē, [張貼], to post (a notice)/to advertise
        zhāngzuǐ, [張嘴], to open one's mouth (to speak, esp. to make a request)/to gape
        zhāngwàng, [張望], to look around/to peep (through a crack)/to peer at/to throw a look at
        zhāngkǒu, [張口], to open one's mouth (to eat, speak etc)/to gape/to start talking (esp. to make a...
        míngmùzhāngdǎn, [明目張膽], openly and without fear/brazenly
        Zhāngbólún, [張伯倫], Chamberlain (name)/Wilt Chamberlain (1936-1999), US basketball player
        dàzhāngqígǔ, [大張旗鼓], with great fanfare
        zhāngluo, [張羅], to take care of/to raise money/to attend to (guests, customers etc)
        jiànbánǔzhāng, [劍拔弩張], lit. with swords drawn and bows bent (idiom); fig. a state of mutual hostility/a...
        zhāngyáwǔzhǎo, [張牙舞爪], to bare fangs and brandish claws (idiom); to make threatening gestures
西         dōngzhāngxīwàng, [東張西望], to look in all directions (idiom)/to glance around
        pūzhāng, [鋪張], ostentation/extravagance
        guāizhāng, [乖張], recalcitrant/unreasonable/peevish
        huānghuāngzhāngzhāng, [慌慌張張], helter-skelter
        shūzhāng, [舒張], to relax and expand/(physiology) diastole
        pūzhānglàngfèi, [鋪張浪費], extravagance and waste (idiom)
        zhāngkuáng, [張狂], brash/insolent/frantic
        ZhāngsānLǐsì, [張三李四], Zhang the Third and Li the Fourth (idiom)/Tom, Dick and Harry
        xiāozhāngqìyàn, [囂張氣焰], overweening attitude/threatening manner
        zhāngchí, [張弛], tension and relaxation
        biǎomiànzhānglì, [表面張力], surface tension
        ZhāngFēi, [張飛], Zhang Fei (168-221), general of Shu and blood-brother of Liu Bei in Romance of t...
        zhāngdēngjiécǎi, [張燈結彩], to be decorated with lanterns and colored banners (idiom)
        ZhāngChúnrú, [張純如], Iris Chang (1968-2004), Chinese American historian and author of the Rape of Nan...
        ZhāngBózhī, [張柏芝], Cecilia Cheung (1980-), Hong Kong actress and pop singer
        ZhāngYìmóu, [張藝謀], Zhang Yimou (1950-), PRC film director

        yìshù, [藝術], art
        yìshùjiā, [藝術家], artist/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        yì, [藝], skill/art
        yìshùpǐn, [藝術品], art piece/work of art/CL:件[jiàn]
        yìrén, [藝人], performing artist/actor
        shǒuyì, [手藝], craftmanship/workmanship/handicraft/trade
        wányì, [玩藝], variant of 玩意[wán yì]
        yuányì, [園藝], gardening/horticultural
        yǎnyì, [演藝], performing arts
        jìyì, [技藝], skill/art
        Wényìfùxīng, [文藝復興], the Renaissance
        duōcáiduōyì, [多才多藝], multi-talented
        yǎnyìquān, [演藝圈], show business
        gōngyì, [工藝], arts and crafts/industrial arts
        yìmíng, [藝名], stage name (of an actor or actress)
        gōngyìpǐn, [工藝品], handicraft article/handiwork/CL:個|个[gè]
        yìjì, [藝妓], geisha (Japanese female entertainer)/also written 藝伎|艺伎[yì jì]
        zōngyì, [綜藝], wide range of performing arts
        táoyì, [陶藝], ceramic art
        wényì, [文藝], literature and art
        yǎnyìjiè, [演藝界], performing arts circles/show business
        yóuyì, [遊藝], entertainment
        wǔyì, [武藝], martial art/military skill
        yìshùjié, [藝術節], arts festival
        shǒugōngyì, [手工藝], handicraft/arts and crafts
        xuéyì, [學藝], to learn a skill or art
        qíyì, [棋藝], chess skill
        yìxiào, [藝校], abbr. for 藝術學校|艺术学校/art school
        cáiyìxiù, [才藝秀], talent show
        yìshùpiàn, [藝術片], art film/art house film/CL:部[bù]
        mínjiānyìshù, [民間藝術], folk art
        gōngyìměishù, [工藝美術], applied art
        yìtán, [藝壇], art circles/art world
        yóuyìhuì, [遊藝會], folk festival/fair/carnival
        cháyì, [茶藝], the art of tea
        ZhāngYìmóu, [張藝謀], Zhang Yimou (1950-), PRC film director

        móushā, [謀殺], to murder/to assassinate/intentional homicide
        móushāàn, [謀殺案], murder case
        yīnmóu, [陰謀], plot/conspiracy
        móushāzuì, [謀殺罪], murder
        móu, [謀], to plan/to seek/scheme
        tóngmóu, [同謀], to conspire with sb/to plot/a conspirator/a partner in crime/an accomplice
        móushēng, [謀生], to seek one's livelihood/to work to support oneself/to earn a living
        yùmóu, [預謀], premeditated/to plan sth in advance (esp. a crime)
        mìmóu, [密謀], conspiracy/secret plan/to conspire
        cānmóuzhǎng, [參謀長], chief of staff
        móuhuà, [謀劃], to scheme/to plot/conspiracy
        gòngmóu, [共謀], to scheme together/to conspire/joint plan/conspiracy
        hémóu, [合謀], to conspire/to plot together
        túmóu, [圖謀], to conspire
        jìmóu, [計謀], stratagem/scheme
        móuhài, [謀害], to conspire to murder/to plot against sb's life
        cānmóu, [參謀], staff officer/to give advice
        yīnmóujiā, [陰謀家], schemer/conspirator
        zúzhìduōmóu, [足智多謀], resourceful/full of stratagems
        móufǎn, [謀反], to plot a rebellion/to conspire against the state
        xùmòu, [蓄謀], to premeditate/to plot
        chūmóuhuàcè, [出謀劃策], to put forward plans and ideas (also derogatory)/to give advice (idiom)
        móuqiú, [謀求], to seek/to strive for
        zǒngcānmóuzhǎng, [總參謀長], (military) Chief of Staff
        móuqǔ, [謀取], to seek/to strive for/to obtain/see also 牟取[móu qǔ]
        móulüè, [謀略], stratagem/strategy/resourcefulness
        lǎomóushēnsuàn, [老謀深算], rigorous schemes and deep foresight (idiom); astute and circumspect
        bùmóuérhé, [不謀而合], to agree without prior consultation/to happen to hold the same view
        móushì, [謀事], to plan matters/to look for a job
        móulì, [謀利], to make a profit/to gain/to get an advantage
        zhìmóu, [智謀], resourceful/intelligent
        Zǒngcānmóubù, [總參謀部], (military) General Staff Headquarters
        móushì, [謀士], skilled manipulator/tactician/strategist/advisor/counsellor
        móucáihàimìng, [謀財害命], to plot and kill sb for his property (idiom); to murder for money
        shēnmóuyuǎnlǜ, [深謀遠慮], lit. deep plans and distant thoughts/to plan far ahead (idiom)
        móuzhí, [謀職], to look for a job/to seek employment
        quánmóu, [權謀], trickery/tactics
        yǐquánmóusī, [以權謀私], to use one's position for personal gain (idiom)
        ZhāngYìmóu, [張藝謀], Zhang Yimou (1950-), PRC film director

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