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[掛號證] guàhàozhèng register card

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Word Compounds

        guà, [掛], to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/to hang up (the phone)/(of a line) to be de...
        qiānguà, [牽掛], to worry about/to be concerned about
        guàniàn, [掛念], concerned
        xuánguà, [懸掛], to suspend/to hang/(vehicle) suspension
        guàtǎn, [掛毯], tapestry
        guàgōu, [掛鉤], hook (on which to hang sth)/to couple/to link together/to establish contact with...
        guàhàoxìn, [掛號信], registered letter
        guàcǎi, [掛彩], to decorate for festive occasions/to be wounded in action
        guàxīn, [掛心], to worry/to be on one's mind
        guàchē, [掛車], trailer
        guàhào, [掛號], to register (at a hospital etc)/to send by registered mail
        guàpái, [掛牌], lit. to hang up a plate/to open up for business/listed (on stock market)
        guàsuǒ, [掛鎖], padlock
        guàlì, [掛曆], wall calendar
        dàoguà, [倒掛], lit. to hang upside down/fig. topsy-turvy and inequitable, e.g. manufacturing an...
        guàshī, [掛失], to report the loss of something
        guàzhōng, [掛鐘], wall clock
        pīguà, [披掛], to put on a suit of armor/to put on dress/to wear
        wàiguà, [外掛], attached externally (e.g. fuel tank)/plug-in/add-on/special software used to che...
        shùguà, [樹掛], ice (rime) formed on a tree
        guàmiàn, [掛麵], pasta/noodles
怀         guàhuái, [掛懷], concerned/troubled/having sth on one's mind
        guàlǜ, [掛慮], to worry about
        guàzhí, [掛職], temporary assignment to a Chinese government or CCP post
        guàhuā, [掛花], to be wounded/(of plants) to bloom
        guàzhóu, [掛軸], hanging scroll (calligraphy or painting)
        guàkào, [掛靠], to be affiliated with/to operate under the wing of/affiliation
        guàyángtóumàigǒuròu, [掛羊頭賣狗肉], lit. to hang a sheep's head while selling dog meat (idiom)/fig. to cheat/dishone...

        háo/hào, [號], roar/cry/CL:個|个[gè], ordinal number/day of a month/mark/sign/business establishm...
        hàomǎ, [號碼], number/CL:堆[duī],個|个[gè]
        xìnhào, [信號], signal
        tóuhào, [頭號], first rate/top rank/number one
        fúhào, [符號], symbol/mark/sign
        jìhao, [記號], mark/symbol/notation/seal
        dàihào, [代號], code name
        chuòhào, [綽號], nickname
        biānhào, [編號], to number/numbering/serial number
        xínghào, [型號], model (particular version of a manufactured article)/type (product specification...
        ànhào, [暗號], secret signal (sign)/countersign/password
        bōhào, [撥號], to dial a telephone number
        xùnhào, [訊號], signal
        wàihào, [外號], nickname
        dàhào, [大號], tuba/large size (clothes, print etc)/(polite) (your) name/(coll.) number two/to ...
        fāhàoshīlìng, [發號施令], to boss people around (idiom)
        chēnghào, [稱號], name/term of address/title
        kǒuhào, [口號], slogan/catchphrase/CL:個|个[gè]
        jùhào, [句號], full stop/period (punct.)
        zhànghào, [賬號], account/username
        TàitǎnníkèHào, [泰坦尼克號], RMS Titanic, British passenger liner that sank in 1912
        xìnhàodēng, [信號燈], signal light/car indicator
        hàojiǎo, [號角], bugle horn
        xiǎohào, [小號], trumpet/small size (clothes etc)/(coll.) number one/to urinate/(humble) our stor...
        hàochēng, [號稱], to be known as/to be nicknamed/to be purportedly/to claim (often exaggeratedly o...
        hàozhào, [號召], to call/to appeal
        páihào, [牌號], trademark
        gēnhào, [根號], radical sign √ (math.)
        hàowài, [號外], (newspaper) extra/special number (of a periodical)
        wènhào, [問號], question mark (punct.)/unknown factor/unsolved problem/interrogation
        bìnghào, [病號], sick personnel/person on the sick list/patient
        dòuhào, [逗號], comma (punct.)
        hàozi, [號子], work chant/prison cell/type/sort/mark/sign/signal/(Tw) brokerage firm
        mínghào, [名號], name/good reputation/title
        diànxìnhào, [電信號], electrical signal
        chánghào, [長號], trombone
        jiāhào, [加號], plus sign + (math.)
        guàhàoxìn, [掛號信], registered letter
        tèdàhào, [特大號], jumbo/king-sized
        qíhào, [旗號], military banner/flag signal/(fig.) banner (i.e. false pretenses)
        yǐnhào, [引號], quotation mark (punct.)
        xùhào, [序號], ordinal number/serial number/sequence number
        xīnghào, [星號], asterisk * (punct.)
        āiháo, [哀號], to cry piteously/anguished wailing/same as 哀嚎
        hàoshǒu, [號手], trumpeter/military bugler
        kuòhào, [括號], parentheses/brackets
        gǎntànhào, [感嘆號], exclamation mark ! (punct.)
        hàolìng, [號令], an order (esp. army)/bugle call expressing military order/verbal command
        shěnglüèhào, [省略號], ellipsis (punct.)
        jūnhào, [軍號], bugle
        guàhào, [掛號], to register (at a hospital etc)/to send by registered mail
        jǐnghào, [警號], alarm/alert/warning signal
        hàozhàolì, [號召力], to have the power to rally supporters
        zhōnghào, [中號], medium-sized
        pòzhéhào, [破折號], dash/Chinese dash ── (punct., double the length of the western dash)
        qǐchuángháo, [起床號], reveille
        biāodiǎnfúhào, [標點符號], punctuation/a punctuation mark
        màohào, [冒號], colon (punct.)
        chuīhào, [吹號], to blow a brass instrument
        hūháo, [呼號], to wail/to cry out in distress
        biāohào, [標號], grade
        lǎozìhào, [老字號], shop, firm, or brand of merchandise with a long-established reputation
        liūhào, [溜號], (coll.) to slink off
        jīngtànhào, [驚嘆號], exclamation mark ! (punct.)
        fēnghào, [封號], title granted to a person (archaic)/to ban an (online) account
        duìhào, [對號], tick/check mark (✓)/number for verification (serial number, seat number etc)/(fi...
        fúhàoxué, [符號學], semiotics/semiology
        fānhào, [番號], number of military unit
        fēnhào, [分號], semicolon (punct.)
        biéhào, [別號], alias
        liánzìhào, [連字號], hyphen (punct.)
        chuàngkānhào, [創刊號], first issue
        shānghào, [商號], store/a business
        chúhào, [除號], division sign (math.)
        pīhào, [批號], lot number/batch number
        děnghào, [等號], (math.) equals sign =
        luóhào, [螺號], conch/shell as horn for signaling
        yuánkuòhào, [圓括號], parentheses/round brackets ( )
        fāngkuòhào, [方括號], square brackets [ ]
        zhuózhònghào, [著重號], Chinese underdot (punct. used for emphasis, sim. to Western italics)
        kānhào, [刊號], issue (of journal)/number
        huīhào, [徽號], title of honor/term of respect
        háokū, [號哭], to bawl/to wail/to cry
        jiǎnhào, [減號], minus sign - (math.)
        zuòhào, [座號], seat number
        zìhào/zìhao, [字號], characters and numbers (as used in a code)/alphanumeric code/serial number, char...
        yǎhào, [雅號], refined appelation/(humor) sb's elegant monicker/(hon.) your esteemed name
        bōhàopán, [撥號盤], telephone dial
        fùhào, [負號], negative value sign - (math.)/minus sign
        guóhào, [國號], official name of a nation (includes dynastic names of China: 漢|汉[Hàn], 唐[Táng] e...
        niánhào, [年號], reign title/era name (name for either the entire reign of an emperor or one part...
        fǎhào, [法號], name in religion (of Buddhist or Daoist within monastery)
        chénghào, [乘號], multiplication sign (math.)

        bǎozhèng, [保證], guarantee/to guarantee/to ensure/to safeguard/to pledge/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhèngmíng, [證明], proof/certificate/identification/testimonial/CL:個|个[gè]/to prove/to testify/to c...
        zhèngjù, [證據], evidence/proof/testimony
        zhèngrén, [證人], witness
        zhèng, [証]/[證], to admonish/variant of 證|证[zhèng], certificate/proof/to prove/to demonstrate/to ...
        zuòzhèng, [作證], to bear witness/to testify
        zhèngshí, [證實], to confirm (sth to be true)/to verify
        zhèngcí, [證詞], testimony
        shēnfènzhèng, [身份證], identity card/ID
        jiànzhèng, [見證], to be witness to/witness/evidence
        tīngzhènghuì, [聽證會], (legislative) hearing
        zhèngjiàn, [證件], certificate/papers/credentials/document/ID
        zhèngwù, [證物], exhibit (law)
        tōngxíngzhèng, [通行證], a pass (authority to enter)/a laissez-passer or safe conduct
        wùzhèng, [物證], material evidence
        qiānzhèng, [簽證], visa/certificate/to certify/CL:個|个[gè]
        xǔkězhèng, [許可證], license/authorization/permit
        zhèngshū, [證書], credentials/certificate
        yànzhèng, [驗證], to inspect and verify/experimental verification/to validate (a theory)/to authen...
        zhèngquàn, [證券], negotiable security (financial)/certificate/stocks and bonds
        wěizhèng, [偽證], perjury
        rènzhèng, [認證], to authenticate/to approve
        qǔzhèng, [取證], to collect evidence
        zhèngrénxí, [證人席], witness stand or box
        zhèngyán, [證言], testimony
        cházhèng, [查證], investigate/check out (a story)
        tiězhèng, [鐵證], ironclad evidence/conclusive proof
        jiànzhèngrén, [見證人], eyewitness (to an incident)/witness (to a legal transaction)
        jiàshǐzhèng, [駕駛證], driver's license
        zhèngmíngshū, [證明書], certificate
        lùnzhèng, [論證], to prove a point/to expound on/to demonstrate or prove (through argument)/proof
        bǎozhèngjīn, [保證金], earnest money/cash deposit/bail/margin (in derivative trading)
        qiúzhèng, [求證], to seek proof/to seek confirmation
        gōngzhèng, [公證], notarization/notarized/acknowledgement
        xuéshengzhèng, [學生證], student identity card
        jiǎzhèng, [假證], false testimony
        yìnzhèng, [印證], to seal/to confirm/to corroborate/to verify
        pángzhèng, [旁證], circumstantial evidence
        jiéhūnzhèng, [結婚證], marriage certificate
        rénzhèng, [人證], witness testimony
        gōngzhèngrén, [公證人], notary/actuary
        chūshēngzhèng, [出生證], birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        bǎozhèngrén, [保證人], guarantor/bailor
        píngzhèng, [憑證], proof/certificate/receipt/voucher
        fǎnzhèng, [反證], disproof/rebuttal/reductio ad absurdum
        kǎozhèng, [考證], to do textual research/to make textual criticism/to verify by means of research ...
        lìzhèng, [例證], example/case in point
        zhènghūnrén, [證婚人], wedding witness
        jièshūzhèng, [借書證], library card
        tiězhèngrúshān, [鐵證如山], irrefutable evidence
        biànzhèngfǎ, [辯證法], dialectics/dialectic or Socratic method of debate
        quèzhèng, [確證], to prove/to confirm/to corroborate/convincing proof
        zhènghūn, [證婚], to be witness (at a wedding)
        biànzhèng, [辯證], to investigate/dialectical
        shízhèng, [實證], actual proof/concrete evidence/empirical
        duìzhèng, [對證], confrontation
        zànzhùzhèng, [暫住證], temporary residence permit
        zuǒzhèng, [佐證], evidence/proof/to confirm/corroboration
        xìnyòngzhèng, [信用證], letter of credit
        zhìzhèng, [質證], examination of the evidence of the opposing party in a court of law
        míngzhèng, [明證], clear proof
        yǐnzhèng, [引證], to cite/to quote/to cite as evidence
        zhèngzhāng, [證章], badge
        Zhèngjiānhuì, [證監會], China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)/abbr. for 中國證券監督管理委員會|中国证券监督管理委员会[...
        biànzhèng, [辨證], to investigate
        jūliúzhèng, [居留證], residence permit
        zhèngjiāosuǒ, [證交所], stock exchange
        shízhèngzhǔyì, [實證主義], positivism/empiricism
        yǒujiàzhèngquàn, [有價證券], securities/collateral (for loan)
        zhǔnkǎozhèng, [准考證], (exam) admission ticket
        piàozhèng, [票證], a ticket/a pass (e.g. to enter a building)
        zhèngzhào, [證照], professional certification/certificate/ID or passport photo

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