敌 ⇒
敌人 dírén, [敵人], enemy/CL:個|个[gè]
敌 dí, [敵], enemy/to be a match for/to rival/to resist/to withstand
无敌 wúdí, [無敵], unequalled/without rival/a paragon
敌意 díyì, [敵意], enmity/hostility
敌军 díjūn, [敵軍], enemy troops/hostile forces/CL:股[gǔ]
敌对 díduì, [敵對], hostile/enemy (factions)/combative
敌方 dífāng, [敵方], enemy
敌机 díjī, [敵機], enemy plane
树敌 shùdí, [樹敵], to antagonize people/to make an enemy of sb
敌舰 公敌 gōngdí, [公敵], public enemy
仇敌 chóudí, [仇敵], enemy
死敌 sǐdí, [死敵], mortal enemy/arch-enemy
势均力敌 shìjūnlìdí, [勢均力敵], evenly matched (idiom)
杀敌 shādí, [殺敵], to attack the enemy
敌视 díshì, [敵視], hostile/malevolence/antagonism/to view as enemy/to stand against
所向无敌 suǒxiàngwúdí, [所向無敵], to be invincible/unrivalled
情敌 qíngdí, [情敵], rival in love
通敌 匹敌 pǐdí, [匹敵], to be equal to/to be well-matched/rival
天敌 tiāndí, [天敵], predator/natural enemy
敌手 díshǒu, [敵手], opponent/substantial adversary/worthy match/antagonist/in the enemy's hands
敌国 díguó, [敵國], enemy country
敌后 大敌 敌我 díwǒ, [敵我], the enemy and us
轻敌 qīngdí, [輕敵], to underestimate the enemy
劲敌 jìngdí, [勁敵], formidable opponent
敌情 díqíng, [敵情], the situation of the enemy positions/intelligence about the enemy
强敌 qiángdí, [強敵], powerful enemy
宿敌 sùdí, [宿敵], old enemy
外敌 对敌 duìdí, [對敵], to confront/to face the enemy
诱敌 寡不敌众 guǎbùdízhòng, [寡不敵眾], the few are no match for the many/heavily outnumbered/facing impossible odds (id...
政敌 zhèngdí, [政敵], political enemy/opponent
敌区 假想敌 敌占区 dízhànqū, [敵佔區], enemy occupied territory
受敌 夙敌 sùdí, [夙敵], old foe/long-standing enemy
敌营 díyíng, [敵營], enemy camp
腹背受敌 克敌制胜 敌群 敌阵 dízhèn, [敵陣], the enemy ranks
大敌当前 dàdídāngqián, [大敵當前], facing a powerful enemy (idiom); fig. confronting grave difficulties/Enemy at th...
如临大敌 敌敌畏 dídíwèi, [敵敵畏], dichlorvos CH7ClPÒ, organic phosphate used as insecticide (loanword)/also called...
歼敌 应敌 yìngdí, [應敵], to face the enemy/to meet an attack
敌酋 残敌 cándí, [殘敵], defeated enemy
敌友 投敌 tóudí, [投敵], to go over to the enemy/to defect
意 ⇒
意思 yìsi, idea/opinion/meaning/wish/desire/interest/fun/token of appreciation, affection e...
愿意 yuànyì, [願意], to wish/to want/ready/willing (to do sth)
注意 zhùyì, to take note of/to pay attention to
主意 zhǔyi, plan/idea/decision/CL:個|个[gè]/Beijing pr. [zhú yi]
同意 tóngyì, to agree/to consent/to approve
不好意思 bùhǎoyìsi, to feel embarrassed/to find it embarrassing/to be sorry (for inconveniencing sb)
介意 jièyì, to care about/to take offense/to mind
意义 yìyì, [意義], sense/meaning/significance/importance/CL:個|个[gè]
生意 shēngyì/shēngyi, life force/vitality, business/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
意识 yìshí, [意識], consciousness/awareness/to be aware/to realize
有意思 yǒuyìsi, interesting/meaningful/enjoyable/fun
意味着 yìwèizhe, [意味著], to signify/to mean/to imply
意见 yìjiàn, [意見], idea/opinion/suggestion/objection/complaint/CL:點|点[diǎn],條|条[tiáo]
意外 yìwài, unexpected/accident/mishap/CL:個|个[gè]
玩意 wányì, toy/plaything/thing/act/trick (in a performance, stage show, acrobatics etc)
意 Yì/yì, Italy/Italian/abbr. for 意大利[Yì dà lì], idea/meaning/thought/to think/wish/desire...
故意 gùyì, deliberately/on purpose
意大利 Yìdàlì, Italy/Italian
乐意 lèyì, [樂意], to be willing to do sth/to be ready to do sth/to be happy to do sth/content/sati...
满意 mǎnyì, [滿意], satisfied/pleased/to one's satisfaction
注意力 zhùyìlì, attention
意味 yìwèi, meaning/implication/flavor/overtone/to mean/to imply/(Tw) to get a sense of
在意 zàiyì, to care about/to mind
随意 suíyì, [隨意], as one wishes/according to one's wishes/at will/voluntary/conscious
创意 chuàngyì, [創意], creative/creativity
无意 wúyì, [無意], inadvertent/accidental/to have no intention of (doing sth)
有意 yǒuyì, to intend/intentionally/interested in
意志 yìzhì, will/willpower/determination/CL:個|个[gè]
留意 liúyì, to be mindful/to pay attention to/to take note of
意愿 yìyuàn, [意願], aspiration/wish (for)/desire
意图 yìtú, [意圖], intent/intention/to intend
恶意 èyì, [惡意], malice/evil intention
心意 xīnyì, regard/kindly feelings/intention
好意 hǎoyì, good intention/kindness
得意 déyì, proud of oneself/pleased with oneself/complacent
特意 tèyì, specially/intentionally
敬意 jìngyì, respect/tribute
歉意 qiànyì, apology/regret
旨意 zhǐyì, decree/order
没意思 méiyìsi, [沒意思], boring/of no interest
任意 rènyì, any/arbitrary/at will/at random
潜意识 qiányìshí, [潛意識], unconscious mind/subconscious mind/subconsciousness
蓄意 xùyì, deliberate/premeditated/malice
本意 běnyì, original idea/real intention/etymon
心烦意乱 xīnfányìluàn, [心煩意亂], lit. heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil (idiom); distraught with anxiety
意料 yìliào, to anticipate/to expect
意想不到 yìxiǎngbùdào, unexpected/previously unimagined
刻意 kèyì, meticulous/painstaking/deliberate
善意 shànyì, goodwill/benevolence/kindness
敌意 díyì, [敵意], enmity/hostility
出乎意料 chūhūyìliào, beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected
坏主意 爱意 àiyì, [愛意], love
全心全意 quánxīnquányì, heart and soul/wholeheartedly
诚意 chéngyì, [誠意], sincerity/good faith
出人意料 chūrényìliào, unexpected (idiom)/surprising
意念 yìniàn, idea/thought
小意思 xiǎoyìsi, small token/mere trifle (used of one's gifts)
引人注意 yǐnrénzhùyì, to attract attention/eye-catching/conspicuous
如意 rúyì, as one wants/according to one's wishes/ruyi scepter, a symbol of power and good ...
谢意 xièyì, [謝意], gratitude/thanks
致意 zhìyì, to send one's greetings/to send best regards/to devote attention to
大意 dàyì/dàyi, general idea/main idea, careless
生意人 惬意 qièyì, [愜意], satisfied/pleased/contented
原意 yuányì, original meaning/original intention
馊主意 sōuzhǔyi, [餿主意], rotten idea
用意 yòngyì, intention/purpose
肆意 sìyì, wantonly/recklessly/willfully
不经意 bùjīngyì, [不經意], not paying attention/carelessly/by accident
中意 ZhōngYì/zhòngyì, Sino-Italian, to take one's fancy/to be to one's liking
执意 zhíyì, [執意], to be determined to/to insist on
新意 xīnyì, new idea
天意 tiānyì, providence/the Will of Heaven
出其不意 chūqíbùyì, to do sth when least expected (idiom); to catch sb off guard
示意 shìyì, to hint/to indicate (an idea to sb)
好意思 hǎoyìsi, to have the nerve/what a cheek!/to feel no shame/to overcome the shame/(is it) p...
善解人意 shànjiěrényì, to be good at understanding others (idiom)
过意不去 guòyìbùqù, [過意不去], to feel very apologetic
尽如人意 诗意 shīyì, [詩意], poetry/poetic quality or flavor
失意 shīyì, disappointed/frustrated
心满意足 xīnmǎnyìzú, [心滿意足], perfectly contented (idiom)/perfectly satisfied
民意 mínyì, public opinion/popular will/public will
人意 rényì, people's expectations
意料之中 yìliàozhīzhōng, to come as no surprise/as expected
意向 yìxiàng, intention/purpose/intent/inclination/disposition
一意孤行 yīyìgūxíng, obstinately clinging to one's course (idiom)/willful/one's own way/dogmatic
自鸣得意 zìmíngdéyì, [自鳴得意], to think highly of oneself
无意识 wúyìshí, [無意識], unconscious/involuntary
下意识 xiàyìshí, [下意識], subconscious mind
一心一意 yīxīnyīyì, concentrating one's thoughts and efforts/single-minded/bent on/intently
令人满意 lìngrénmǎnyì, [令人滿意], satisfying/satisfactory
寓意 yùyì, moral (of a story)/lesson to be learned/implication/message/import/metaphorical ...
无意间 wúyìjiān, [無意間], inadvertently/unintentionally
意中人 yìzhōngrén, sweetheart/one's true love/the person of one's thoughts
差强人意 chāqiángrényì, [差強人意], (idiom) just passable/barely satisfactory
示意图 shìyìtú, [示意圖], sketch/schematic diagram/graph
真意 zhēnyì, real intention/true meaning/correct interpretation
真心实意 zhēnxīnshíyì, [真心實意], genuine and sincere (idiom)/wholehearted
粗心大意 cūxīndàyì, negligent/careless/inadvertent
深意 意境 yìjìng, artistic mood or conception/creative concept
决意 juéyì, [決意], to be determined
民意测验 mínyìcèyàn, [民意測驗], opinion poll
情意 qíngyì, friendly regard/affection
来意 láiyì, [來意], one's purpose in coming
真心诚意 虚情假意 xūqíngjiǎyì, [虛情假意], false friendship/hypocritical show of affection
意味深长 yìwèishēncháng, [意味深長], profound/significant/meaningful
鬼主意 得意洋洋 déyìyángyáng, joyfully satisfied/to be immensely proud of oneself/proudly/an air of complacenc...
意识形态 yìshíxíngtài, [意識形態], ideology
授意 shòuyì, to inspire/to incite
含意 hányì, meaning
诚心诚意 chéngxīnchéngyì, [誠心誠意], earnestly and sincerely (idiom); with all sincerity
万事如意 wànshìrúyì, [萬事如意], to have all one's wishes (idiom)/best wishes/all the best/may all your hopes be ...
情投意合 qíngtóuyìhé, to have an affinity with each other (idiom)/to find each other congenial
称心如意 chènxīnrúyì, [稱心如意], after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and satisfactory/everything one could wish
心灰意冷 xīnhuīyìlěng, discouraged/downhearted
有意识 yǒuyìshí, [有意識], conscious
如意算盘 rúyìsuànpán, [如意算盤], counting one's chickens before they are hatched
言外之意 yánwàizhīyì, unspoken implication (idiom)/the actual meaning of what was said
意气风发 yìqìfēngfā, [意氣風發], high-spirited/full of mettle
意气用事 yìqìyòngshì, [意氣用事], to let emotions affect one's decisions
满意度 恣意 zìyì, without restraint/unbridled/reckless
春风得意 chūnfēngdéyì, [春風得意], flushed with success/proud of one's success (in exams, promotion etc)/as pleased...
洋洋得意 yángyángdéyì, immensely pleased with oneself (idiom)/proud/complacent
不够意思 意旨 可意 达意 dáyì, [達意], to express or convey one's ideas
假意 jiǎyì, hypocrisy/insincerity
意大利人 Yìdàlìrén, Italian person
醉意 睡意 shuìyì, sleepiness
意会 yìhuì, [意會], to sense/to grasp intuitively
意象 yìxiàng, image/imagery
二意 疏忽大意 shūhudàyì, oversight/negligence/careless/negligent/not concentrating on the main point
合意 héyì, to suit one's taste/suitable/congenial/by mutual agreement
意犹未尽 yìyóuwèijìn, [意猶未盡], to wish to continue sth/to have not fully expressed oneself
言简意赅 yánjiǎnyìgāi, [言簡意賅], concise and comprehensive (idiom)
笑意 xiàoyì, smiling expression
打主意 心慌意乱 xīnhuāngyìluàn, [心慌意亂], confused/rattled/flustered
歪主意 生意经 shēngyijīng, [生意經], knack of doing business/business sense
任意球 rènyìqiú, free kick
意识流 yìshíliú, [意識流], stream of consciousness (in literature)
写意 xiěyì/xièyì, [寫意], to suggest (rather than depict in detail)/freehand style of Chinese painting, ch...
醋意 cùyì, jealousy (in love rivalry)
意欲 露意 小本生意 恣意妄为 zìyìwàngwéi, [恣意妄為], to behave unscrupulously
寒意 hányì, a nip in the air/chilliness
有意无意 yǒuyìwúyì, [有意無意], intentionally or otherwise
美意 意向书 yìxiàngshū, [意向書], letter of intent (LOI) (commerce)
意气 快意 kuàiyì, pleased/elated
意译 yìyì, [意譯], meaning (of foreign expression)/translation of the meaning (as opposed to litera...
真情实意 zhēnqíngshíyì, [真情實意], out of genuine friendship (idiom)/sincere feelings
春意盎然 情真意切 意第 暖意 nuǎnyì, warmth
适意 shìyì, [適意], agreeable
诗情画意 shīqínghuàyì, [詩情畫意], picturesque charm/idyllic appeal/poetic grace
得意门生 déyìménshēng, [得意門生], favorite pupil
其意 意想 春意 chūnyì, beginning of spring/thoughts of love
倦意 不意 bùyì, unexpectedly/unawareness/unpreparedness
语意 yǔyì, [語意], meaning/content of speech or writing/semantic
绿意 会意 huìyì, [會意], combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书[liù shū] of forming Chinese char...
闹意见 着意 zhuóyì, [著意], to act with diligent care
意兴 yìxìng, [意興], interest/enthusiasm
别在意 锐意 ruìyì, [銳意], acute determination/dauntless
经意 酒意 jiǔyì, tipsy feeling
意见箱 yìjiànxiāng, [意見箱], suggestion box
意在 题意 tíyì, [題意], meaning of a title/implication/theme
随意肌 心烦意躁 锐意进取 随意性 立意 大意失荆州 连意 盛意 社会意识 不过意 bùguòyì, [不過意], to be sorry/to feel apologetic
不如意事常八九 表意 biǎoyì, to express meaning/ideographic