留 ⇒
留 liú, [㽞]/[畱], old variant of 留[liú], to leave (a message etc)/to retain/to stay/to remain/to k...
留下 liúxià, to leave behind/to stay behind/to remain/to keep/not to let (sb) go
留言 liúyán, to leave a message/to leave one's comments/message
留下来 留给 liúgěi, [留給], to set aside for
保留 bǎoliú, to keep/to retain/to have reservations (about sth)/to hold back (from saying sth...
留意 liúyì, to be mindful/to pay attention to/to take note of
拘留 jūliú, to detain (a prisoner)/to keep sb in custody
停留 tíngliú, to stay somewhere temporarily/to stop over
残留 cánliú, [殘留], to remain/left over/surplus/remnant
留住 liúzhù, to ask sb to stay/to keep sb for the night/to await (classical)
留心 liúxīn, to be careful/to pay attention to
收留 shōuliú, to offer shelter/to have sb in one's care
拘留所 jūliúsuǒ, detention center/prison
逗留 dòuliú, to stay at/to stop over
留情 liúqíng, to relent (to spare sb's feelings)/to show mercy or forgiveness/to forbear/lenie...
扣留 kòuliú, to detain/to arrest/to hold/to confiscate
残留物 cánliúwù, [殘留物], remnant/residue/material left over
留神 liúshén, to take care/to be careful
遗留 yíliú, [遺留], to leave behind/to hand down
留恋 liúliàn, [留戀], reluctant to leave/to hate to have to go/to recall fondly
去留 qùliú, going or staying
毫不留情 háobùliúqíng, to show no quarter/ruthless/relentless
滞留 zhìliú, [滯留], to detain/retention
居留 jūliú, residence/to reside
留守 liúshǒu, to stay behind to take care of things
留宿 liúsù, to put up a guest/to stay overnight
久留 jiǔliú, to stay for a long time
预留 yùliú, [預留], to set aside/to reserve
留存 liúcún, to keep/to preserve/extant/to remain (from the past)
留级 liújí, [留級], to repeat a year in school
挽留 wǎnliú, to urge to stay/to detain
留名 留步 liúbù, (said by departing guest) no need to see me out
留学 liúxué, [留學], to study abroad
留念 liúniàn, to keep as a souvenir/to recall fondly
弥留 míliú, [彌留], seriously ill and about to die
留校 liúxiào, to join the faculty of one's alma mater upon graduation/to remain at school duri...
留声机 liúshēngjī, [留聲機], gramophone/phonograph
留任 liúrèn, to remain in office/to hold on to one's job
居留权 jūliúquán, [居留權], right of abode (law)
留用 liúyòng, to keep for use/to retain sth/to keep sb in his job
留职 liúzhí, [留職], to keep an official position/to hold on to one's job
名留青史 留影 liúyǐng, to take a photo as a souvenir/a souvenir photo
留话 liúhuà, [留話], to leave word/to leave a message
驻留 zhùliú, [駐留], to stay/to remain/to linger/(computing) to reside/resident (program etc)
留学生 liúxuéshēng, [留學生], student studying abroad/(foreign) exchange student/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
留堂 liútáng, to stay behind (after class)/to be given detention/detention
留吉 留言簿 liúyánbù, visitor's book/CL:本[běn]
羁留 jīliú, [羈留], to stay/to detain
留一手 liúyīshǒu, to hold back a trick/not to divulge all one's trade secrets
留待 liúdài, to leave sth for later/to postpone (work, a decision etc)
停薪留职 tíngxīnliúzhí, [停薪留職], leave of absence without pay
留言条 留底 liúdǐ, to keep a copy/copy kept for archiving/to put aside a portion (of a money sum)
留连 liúlián, [留連], variant of 流連|流连[liú lián]
留后路 liúhòulù, [留後路], to leave oneself a way out
截留 欧瓦留 留足 阿留申群岛 ĀliúshēnQúndǎo, [阿留申群島], Aleutian Islands (trailing 2250 km southwest of Alaska almost down to Kamtchatka...
黎塞留 居留证 jūliúzhèng, [居留證], residence permit
留连忘返 留有余地 liúyǒuyúdì, [留有餘地], to leave some leeway/to allow for the unpredictable
留驻 liúzhù, [留駐], to keep stationed (of troops)/to remain as a garrison
马留 比格留 留瑞娃·泰姆 留史 金子留 梅利留 自留地 zìliúdì, private plot allocated to an individual on a collective farm
阴毛留成 包里克留 留柱 艾尔留 丹尼尔留 若留 留吉戴 泰瑞沙留 特拉维斯留 利奥纳多留 蒂托留 索尼埃留 索雅留 留伊娃 特丽莎留 杰克留 鲍勃留 马里那切留 泰德留 凯文留 拘留证 约翰会留 布玛留 夏洛特留 让萨曼莎留 克留奇科夫 加菲留 朱莉安娜留 珍留 吉米留肖恩 留言栏 厄尔文留 詹妮佛留 康尼留斯 肯尼娅留 刘易斯留
宿 ⇒
宿 sù/Sù/xiǔ/xiù, [㝛], old variant of 宿[sù], surname Su, lodge for the night/old/former, night/classifi...
宿舍 sùshè, dormitory/dorm room/living quarters/hostel/CL:間|间[jiān]
寄宿 jìsù, to stay/to lodge/to board
归宿 guīsù, [歸宿], place to return to/home/final destination/ending
住宿 zhùsù, to stay at/lodging/accommodation
宿主 sùzhǔ, host
露宿 lùsù, to sleep outdoors/to spend the night in the open
留宿 liúsù, to put up a guest/to stay overnight
借宿 jièsù, to stay with sb/to ask for lodging
食宿 shísù, board and lodging/room and board
宿营地 sùyíngdì, [宿營地], camp/campsite
宿营 sùyíng, [宿營], to camp/to lodge
宿怨 sùyuàn, an old grudge/old scores to settle
宿敌 sùdí, [宿敵], old enemy
投宿 tóusù, to lodge/to stay (for the night)
风餐露宿 夜宿 宿吉 金宿吉 宿愿 sùyuàn, [宿願], long-cherished wish
解宿 住宿费 宿命论 sùmìnglùn, [宿命論], fatalism/fatalistic
名宿 宿舍楼 sùshèlóu, [宿舍樓], dormitory building/CL:幢[zhuàng],座[zuò]
宿舍区 韩宿万 宿体 新宿来 寄宿生 jìsùshēng, boarder
一宿才 住宿生 毕宿五 bìxiùwǔ, [畢宿五], Aldebaran or Alpha Tauri
心宿二 Xīnxiùèr, Antares, the brightest star in Scorpio 天蠍座|天蝎座[Tiān xiē zuò]