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cūbèn awkward

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        cū, [觕]/[麤], coarse/rough/thick (for cylindrical objects)/unfinished/vulgar/rude/crude, varia...
        cūlǔ, [粗魯], coarse/crude (in one's manner)/boorish
        cūbào, rough/cruel
        cūcāo, crude/gruff/rough/coarse
        cūsú, vulgar
        cūhuà, [粗話], vulgar language (esp. scatological insults)/uncultured speech
        cūyě, insolent/boorish/rough (in actions)
        cūxīn, careless/thoughtless
        cūlüè, rough (not precise or accurate)/cursory
        cūzhuàng, [粗壯], thick and solid
        cūxīndàyì, negligent/careless/inadvertent
        cūguǎng, [粗獷], rough/rude/boorish/straightforward/uninhibited
        cūbǐ, vulgar/coarse/uncouth
        cūliáng, [粗糧], coarse grains (maize, sorghum etc)
        dàlǎocū, uncouth fellow/rustic
        cūzhìlànzào, [粗製濫造], to churn out large quantities without regard for quality (idiom); rough and slip...
        cūdà, thick/bulky/loud
        cūhuó, unskilled labor/heavy manual work
        cūlòu, crude/coarse/unsophisticated/shallow
        cáidàqìcū, [財大氣粗], rich and imposing/rich and overbearing
        cūxì, [粗細], thick and thin/coarse and fine/thickness (caliber)/coarseness/quality of work
        cūqiǎn, [粗淺], shallow/superficial
        cūzhīdàyè, [粗枝大葉], thick stems and broad leaves (idiom)/boorish/rough and ready/sloppy
        duǎncū, stocky (short and robust)
        cūliè, coarse
        lǎocū, uneducated person/yokel/boor/roughneck
        cūháo, straightforward/forthright
        cūbèn, awkward/clumsy/unwieldy/heavy-handed
        cūshuài, rough/coarse/crude/without due care/ill-considered
        cūchádànfàn, [粗茶淡飯], plain tea and simple food/(fig.) bread and water

        bèndàn, fool/idiot
        bèn, stupid/foolish/silly/slow-witted/clumsy
        bènzhuō, clumsy/awkward/stupid
        yúbèn, stupid/clumsy
        bènzhòng, heavy/cumbersome/unwieldy
        chǔnbèn, stupid
        dāibèn, dimwitted
        cūbèn, awkward/clumsy/unwieldy/heavy-handed
        zhuōbèn, clumsy/awkward/lacking skill

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