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[財團] cáituán financial group

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Word Compounds

        cáichǎn, [財產], property/assets/estate/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
        cáifù, [財富], wealth/riches
        cáiwù, [財務], financial affairs
        cáibǎo, [財寶], money and valuables
        cáizhèng, [財政], finances (public)/financial
        fācái, [發財], to get rich
        cái, [財], money/wealth/riches/property/valuables
        qiáncái, [錢財], wealth/money
        cáiwù, [財物], property/belongings
        cáituán, [財團], financial group
        Cáizhèngbù, [財政部], Ministry of Finance
        lǐcái, [理財], financial management/finance
        cáilì, [財力], financial resources/financial ability
        cáiyuán, [財源], financial resources/source of revenue
        cáijīng, [財經], finance and economics
        hèngcái, [橫財], easy money/windfall/ill-gotten gains/undeserved fortune/illegal profit
        shǒucáinú, [守財奴], miser/scrooge
        bùyìzhīcái, [不義之財], ill-gotten wealth or gains
        cáizhèngbùzhǎng, [財政部長], minister of finance
        cáilù, [財路], livelihood
        cáizhǔ, [財主], rich man/moneybags
        tāncái, [貪財], to be greedy in getting money
        fāhèngcái, [發橫財], to make easy money/to make a fortune/to line one's pockets
        cáishén, [財神], god of wealth
        shēngcái, [生財], to make money
        cáichǎnquán, [財產權], property rights
        liǎncái, [斂財], to accumulate wealth/to rake in money
        cáikuài, [財會], finance and accounting
        cáimíxīnqiào, [財迷心竅], mad about money (idiom)
        pòcái, [破財], bankrupt/to suffer financial loss
        cáimí, [財迷], money grubber/miser
        cáishényé, [財神爺], god of wealth/very wealthy man
        cáidàqìcū, [財大氣粗], rich and imposing/rich and overbearing
        móucáihàimìng, [謀財害命], to plot and kill sb for his property (idiom); to murder for money
        zīcái, [資財], assets/capital and materials
        gōngxǐfācái, [恭喜發財], May you have a prosperous New Year! (New Year's greeting)
        wànguànjiācái, [萬貫家財], vast wealth
        cáifá, [財閥], plutocracy/monopolistic corporation, esp. prewar Japanese zaibatsu/Korean chaebo...
        cáizhǎng, [財長], treasurer/head of finances/minister of finance
        cáinián, [財年], fiscal year/financial year
        cáishuì, [財稅], finance and taxation

        péishěntuán, [陪審團], jury
        tuánduì, [團隊], team
        tuán, [團]/[糰], round/lump/ball/to roll into a ball/to gather/regiment/group/society/classifier ...
        yītuánzāo, [一團糟], chaos/bungle/complete mess/shambles
        jítuán, [集團], group/bloc/corporation/conglomerate
        tuánjié, [團結], to unite/unity/solidarity/united
        tuántǐ, [團體], group/organization/team/CL:個|个[gè]
        mǎxìtuán, [馬戲團], circus
        jūntuán, [軍團], corps/legion
        tuánhuǒ, [團伙], (criminal) gang/gang member/accomplice/crony
        tuánjù, [團聚], to reunite/to have a reunion
        yuètuán, [樂團], band/orchestra
        shètuán, [社團], association/society/group/union/club/organization
        héchàngtuán, [合唱團], chorus/choir
        tuántuánzhuàn, [團團轉], to go round and round/running around in circles/fig. frantically busy
        mítuán, [謎團], riddle/enigma/unpredictable situation/elusive matters
        bīngtuán, [兵團], large military unit/formation/corps/army
        cáituán, [財團], financial group
        luànchéngyītuán, [亂成一團], in a great mess/chaotic
        jùtuán, [劇團], theatrical troupe
        tuánzhǎng, [團長], regimental command/head of a delegation
        tuányuán, [團圓], to have a reunion
        zhìnángtuán, [智囊團], think tank/brain trust
        miàntuán, [麵團], dough
        dàibiǎotuán, [代表團], delegation/CL:個|个[gè]
        tuányuán, [團員], member/group member
        jiāoxiǎngyuètuán, [交響樂團], symphony orchestra
        pútuán, [蒲團], praying mat (Buddhism, made of woven cattail)
        lǚyóutuán, [旅遊團], tour group
        tuánzi, [糰子], dango (Japanese dumpling)
        jítuánjūn, [集團軍], army grouping/collective army
使         shǐtuán, [使團], diplomatic mission
        lǚxíngtuán, [旅行團], tour group
        qìtuán, [氣團], air mass
        qīngniántuán, [青年團], youth corps/youth wing of a political party
        yítuán, [疑團], doubts and suspicions/a maze of doubts/puzzle/mystery
线         xiàntuán, [線團], ball of string
        xīngtuán, [星團], star cluster
        gēwǔtuán, [歌舞團], song and dance troupe
        zhǔxítuán, [主席團], presidium
        jītuán, [基團], radical (chemistry)
        Yìhétuán, [義和團], the Righteous and Harmonious Fists/the Boxers (history)
        diàochátuán, [調查團], investigating team
        xiǎojítuán, [小集團], faction/clique
        kǎochátuán, [考察團], inspection team
        tuánliàn, [團練], local militia formed to suppress peasant rebellion (old)

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